crabcanwrite · 2 months
Just fyi I’m not ignoring reqs I’m just doing artfight
So see yall in August probably
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
Adam x Cowboy! Angel Reader
Words: 141
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Ships: Adam/reader
Warnings: none
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He would buy you a horse
He would also name the aforementioned horse after himself
Adam probably wouldn’t know very much about cowboys 
He would probably think it meant you were like, half cow
Would play you cowboy songs on his guitar
“Why are we out here?” Adam grumbled as he followed you out of the portal and into the desert.
“We’re going camping.” You grinned up at him. He rolled his eyes at your excitement.
“You agreed to this.” You laughed. Adam crossed his arms “I did no such thing.”
He flopped onto the ground, reluctantly helping you build a fire. “I’m getting my robes all dirty..”
You rolled your eyes and settled in his lap once the fire was going. Adam wrapped his wings around you and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Okay, maybe this isn’t that bad.”
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
The Boy masterlist
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
It's Freezing Outside
Part: 1 | 2
Written: 12/23/22
Words: 299
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
Warnings: none
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Jamie woke up slumped against Kevin’s chest with several blankets wrapped around both of them.
Jamie felt himself blush, sure his face was red. He smiled to himself, wanting nothing more than to cuddle into Kevin’s chest.
But he stayed still trying not to wake Kevin.
Despite Jamie’s best efforts, Kevin stirred, lifting his arm from where it was trapped between them.
His face turned red as he realized the intimate position they were in.
He looked down at Jamie, who looked back up at him, both of them blushing furiously.
“Morning” Kevin mumbled, looking away.
“Morning” Jamie mumbled back, unsure of whether or not he should move.
“So” Kevin started, trailing off.
“I should probably get going,” Jamie said, wishing he could stay.
“Yeah,” Kevin replied, trying to hide his disappointment.
Jamie stood up, stretching before looking around for his clothes. He grabbed them from where they were next to his bag.
“Do you want your clothes back?” Jamie asked.
“It’s fine” Kevin replied “I’ve got too many anyway.”
“Oh, thanks” Jamie replied, knowing his face was still a shade of light red.
“Well goodbye, I guess,” Jamie said, although he didn’t move.
“Yeah, bye” Kevin replied, trying desperately to keep his disappointment out of his voice.
Jamie picked up his bag and opened the door, pausing for a split second.
“Wait,” Kevin said, standing up and scribbling his phone number down on a piece of paper.
He rushed over to Jamie and handed him the paper “call me, okay?”
Jamie smiled softly and took the piece of paper, putting it in his pocket.
“Promise,” he said before pecking Kevin on the cheek and rushing off, smiling like an idiot and blushing bright red.
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
It's Freezing Outside
Part: 1 | 2
Written: 12/22/22
Words: 370
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
Warnings: none
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Kevin opened the front door to find Jamie pale and shivering, standing on the doorstep in the pouring snow.
“Jamie? What are you doing here?” Kevin questioned, staring at him.
“It’s freezing out here, and you’re the only person that’s nearby”
Jamie explained, sounding as annoyed as he looked, “Can I come in?”
“Uhm yeah alright” Kevin replied, more than slightly shocked. He opened the door wider and let Jamie step inside.
“Thanks,” Jamie mumbled,
“What’s going on?” Kevin asked, standing awkwardly next to him.
“I was delivering mail, but then it started snowing and I came here,” Jamie said, taking off his coat, which had snow melting on it.
“Do you wanna borrow some of my clothes?” Kevin offered, looking down and blushing slightly.
Jamie looked up at him in surprise “Sure, thanks.”
Kevin led him upstairs and handed him a shirt and a pair of sweatpants “the bathroom’s on the left”
“thanks” Jamie replied, taking the clothes and walking to the bathroom.
Jamie came back a few minutes later, Kevin’s clothes a size too big for him.
Kevin looked up and felt himself blush, Jamie looked adorable.
“What?” Jamie asked,
“Nothing, nothing” Kevin mumbled, looking away and blushing harder.
“Okay” Jamie replied, “Can I stay here? It’s still snowing pretty hard out there”
“Yeah, sure.”
“It’s getting late, do you want to sleep on the couch?” Kevin asked.
“Yeah, thanks,” Jamie said. Kevin handed him a blanket, their fingers brushing as Jamie took it from him.
“Geez, you’re freezing,” Kevin said, blushing hard, “c'mon I’ll order some food.”
Jamie nodded and followed him downstairs, sitting down on the couch and wrapping himself in the blanket.
“Do you want another blanket?” Kevin offered.
Jamie agreed and wrapped himself in the second blanket once Kevin handed it to him.
He yawned, feeling abnormally tired, probably due to finally feeling warm.
“I’m gonna order a pizza, okay?” Said Kevin.
“Sure” Jamie mumbled, yawning again and slumping against him.
Kevin blushed when Jamie did this, looking at Jamie, who was practically asleep.
Kevin brushed the hair from Jamie’s face, smiling affectionately at him.
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
You Worried Me
Words: 295
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
Warnings: hospitals, no medical accuracy lmao
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Jamie woke up with a start, sitting up in the hospital bed. He looked around in confusion before seeing Barb sitting in a chair next to him.
“Barb?” Jamie asked, “what’s going on?”
“Oh, you’re awake!” Barb replied.
Jamie groaned and ran a hand through his hair “what happened? And why am I in a hospital?”
“Well you had a panic attack and fainted, so I brought you here,” Barb explained in a far too cheery manner.
“Oh,” Jamie mumbled, looking away.
“Also your boyfriend’s been calling me nonstop about you” Barb added.
“Kevin called about me?” Jamie asked, feeling himself blush.
“Yep,” Barb replied, popping the p “he’s been calling every five minutes asking if you’re awake.”
“Oh,” Jamie whispered, smiling shyly and blushing, “I’ll text him.”
Barb took out Jamie’s phone from her purse and handed it to him.
Jamie quickly texted Kevin that he was fine, receiving a flurry of texts in return, ending with Kevin saying he was coming over.
Jamie smiled, his heart fluttering.
A few minutes later Kevin walked into Jamie’s room. He rushed next to Jamie, kissing him quickly “are you okay baby?”
Jamie kissed him back, assuring him that he was fine.
“I’ll give you two some space,” Barb said, getting up and leaving the room.
“Thanks,” Jamie said before she left. Kevin ran a hand through Jamie’s hair.
He pressed kisses to every part of his face that he could until Jamie laughed.
“What happened?” Kevin asked, lacing their fingers together and trying to get as close to his boyfriend as possible.
“I had a panic attack, fainted, and Barb brought me here,” Jamie explained. Kevin kissed him again, “you really worried me there Jay.”
Kevin buried his face in Jamie’s shoulder “I’m glad you’re okay”
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
Another Nightmare
Part: 1 | 2
Written: 12/20/22
Words: 345
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
Warnings: none
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“Morning babe,” Kevin asked, as soon as Jamie woke up.
“Morning,” Jamie replied, sitting up next to him.
“Are you feeling any better?” Kevin asked, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“I guess” Jamie mumbled, “I didn’t have any more nightmares, so that’s good.”
Kevin wrapped an arm around him, “do you want something to eat?”
''Yeah,” Jamie agreed, getting up and padding into the kitchen.
“What do you want?” Kevin asked, looking through the half-empty cabinets.
“Cereal’s fine” Jamie replied, sitting down at the kitchen island. He yawned as he poured himself cereal, blinking blearily as he ate.
“You ok?” Kevin asked, concern evident in his voice, sitting next to him.
“Mhm,” Jamie mumbled, “just tired.”
“We can go get some coffee if you want,” Kevin offered. “It'll be good for you to get some fresh air.”
Jamie nodded in agreement and put his plate in the sink. After they were both dressed with Jamie insisting on wearing one of Kevin’s sweaters.
They walked the short distance from Jamie’s house to the big donut in relative silence.
Jamie walked close to his boyfriend, their fingers laced tightly together.
As they entered The Big Donut Jamie moved to hold onto Kevin’s arm, anxiety setting in.
Kevin turned to him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. Jamie fidgeted as he filled his cup, grateful that Kevin was there with him.
“Everything okay babe?” Kevin asked, giving him a concerned look.
“Yeah” Jamie replied, though he didn’t feel okay. Kevin squeezed his hand and paid for their drinks.
Jamie relaxed as soon as they got back to their house, settling down on the couch. Kevin sat down next to him and pulled him close.
Jamie sighed and buried his face in Kevin’s neck, feeling like he could fall asleep at that very moment.
He let his eyes droop shut, relaxing into the warmth that was his boyfriend. He felt Kevin press a kiss to his cheek before he fell back asleep.
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
Another Nightmare
Part: 1 | 2
Written: 12/18/22
Words: 411
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
Warnings: none
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Jamie woke up in a cold sweat, sitting up in bed. He’d had another nightmare, it was the third one that week. His gaze turned to Kevin, who was asleep beside him.
The relationship was still new, and Jamie wasn’t sure whether to wake his boyfriend or not.
He sat there shaking slightly and trying to decide.
He finally decided to wake him up when the sense of dread that was keeping him constantly on edge became unbearable.
“Kev” Jamie whispered, shaking Kevin awake.
“Huh?” Kevin mumbled, running a hand through his hair.
“I had a nightmare,'' Jamie mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh,” Kevin replied sitting up next to him. Kevin wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“This is the third one this week” Jamie muttered, feeling tears well up in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kevin asked, a concerned look crossing his face.
“I dunno” Jamie whispered, a few tears falling down his cheeks.
He hated feeling so helpless, no matter what he did the nightmares wouldn’t leave him alone.
“It’s okay, babe,” Kevin replied, cupping Jamie’s face in his hands.
“Thanks” Jamie whispered, crying harder.
“you’re safe baby,” Kevin said as he peppered Jamie’s face with kisses, “I promise.”
Jamie hid his face in Kevin’s hands, shaking as his body was wracked with sobs. Kevin pulled him into his chest, running a hand through Jamie’s hair.
“You’re okay baby,” Kevin whispered, “you’re okay.”
Jamie relaxed slightly after a few moments. “Thanks, Kev,”
“Anytime babe” Kevin replied. Jamie kissed him softly, before curling back into his chest
“I don’t want to go back to sleep,” he mumbled. Kevin looked down at him in concern, Jamie already had bags under his eyes.
“I know baby” Kevin whispered, picking up his phone to check the time “but it’s the middle of the night.”
“I know, I know” Jamie sighed “but I really don’t wanna have another nightmare.”
“You won’t babe” Kevin promised “I’m here Jay, I promise.”
Jamie reluctantly laid down in Kevin’s lap, closing his eyes.
He tried his best not to fall asleep, but the lack of sleep in the past week was finally getting to him.
He finally fell asleep as Kevin began running his hand through Jamie’s hair.
“Night Jay” Kevin whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Night” Jamie mumbled back.
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
Early Morning Calls
Written: 12/19/22
Words: 220
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
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Kevin was woken by his phone ringing. He groaned and turned over to pick it up, it was one of his clients.
He sighed as he picked up, it was way too early to deal with this.
A few minutes into the phone call and he was already frustrated with the client.
Kevin tried not to raise his voice, so he didn’t wake Jamie, who was asleep next to him.
Despite his efforts, he did end up yelling at the client. He knew he’d get a bad review but honestly, he was too tired to care.
“Kev?” Jamie asked, looking up blearily “what’s going on?”
“Nothing, baby,” Kevin replied, “sorry for waking you up.”
Jamie sat up and leaned against his boyfriend “why are you yelling?”
“I’m on the phone with a client,” Kevin replied, "go back to sleep, babe.”
“Why the hell are you on the phone this early in the morning?” Jamie questioned, sounding as annoyed as he looked
“hang up and go back to sleep, babe.”
“Alright, alright” Kevin replied, hanging up his phone and putting it back onto their nightstand. “Happy now?”
Jamie grinned mischievously, and pressed a kiss to Kevin’s lips “very.”
Kevin rolled his eyes but smiled and blushed. Jamie kissed him again before laying his head on Kevin’s chest and closing his eyes.
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
I Work Best at Night
Written: 12/17/22
Words: 269
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
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“What in the world are you doing up?” Kevin asked. Walking up to Jamie, who was sitting on the couch with his computer open.
“I’m working” Jamie replied, not looking up
“In the middle of the night?” Kevin asked, sitting down next to him.
“I work best at night” Jamie replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Kevin turned to look over Jamie’s shoulder at his computer.
“What’re you even doing?” He questioned, giving Jamie an unimpressed look.
“None of your business” Jamie replied, closing the computer.
“Aw,” Kevin said, “now come back to bed.”
“No, I have to work on this” Jamie replied,
“Why?” Kevin asked
“Because I had a great idea.”
“Why is your mystery project more important than sleep?” Kevin grumbled.
“Go back to bed,” Jamie replied, turning back to his computer.
“Jay, babe” Kevin whined.
“Just like five more minutes Kev” Jamie replied, opening his computer.
“Fine,” Kevin sighed and walked back to their bedroom.
It was almost an hour later when Kevin emerged from their bedroom for the second time to see Jamie still working on the couch.
“Seriously Jay” Kevin complained.
Jamie chuckled and closed his computer “alright, alright.”
Kevin took his computer and plugged it in, practically pulling Jamie away from the couch.
As soon as they got into bed Kevin curled around his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“Don’t you dare get up again” Kevin grumbled.
Jamie rolled his eyes, “yeah, sure.”
“Babe” Kevin complained, “I’m serious.”
“I know, darling” Jamie replied, pressing a kiss to Kevin’s cheek “I’m not getting up anytime soon.”
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
Written: 12/16/22
Words: 162
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
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“I hate this” Jamie grumbled,
“What’s going on?” Kevin asked, looking up from his phone.
“I’m trying to finish this script but I’m stuck” Jamie groaned “but I have to finish it by tonight”
“Jay, you’ve been working for like two hours straight,” Kevin said, “take a break.”
“I can’t, I’ve been putting this off for weeks” Jamie ran a hand through his hair before opening his computer again.
Kevin rolled his eyes and turned back to his phone. It was barely a few minutes later when Jamie sighed and closed his laptop again.
“Take a break babe,” Kevin said, “you’ll be okay.”
Jamie sighed but nodded, standing up and moving to the couch. Kevin sat down next to him, kissing his forehead as he grabbed the remote.
“I really need to get back to work,” Jamie said, not five minutes later.
“You’re a great writer babe, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Thanks, Kev,” Jamie replied, resting his head on Kevin’s shoulder.
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crabcanwrite · 3 months
First Date
Written: 12/15/22
Words: 479
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ship: Kevin/Jamie
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“Quit smiling at me, I keep messing up my sentences when you look at me like that!” Kevin said.
Feeling his face flush as he and Jamie walked along the streets of Empire City.
Jamie laughed and laced their fingers together
“oh really?”
“Shut up,” Kevin grumbled, looking away.
“Y’know, you’re cute when you’re like this” Jamie teased, grinning at him.
“Why am I on a date with you again?” Kevin said as he rolled his eyes.
“Because you asked me on a date?” Jamie grinned “oh, hey a bakery!”
Kevin smiled at Jamie as they crossed the street and walked into the bakery.
“What do you wanna get babe?” Kevin asked, watching as Jamie studied the menu.
“I think I’ll get a scone” Jamie replied “I’m starving.”
They walked up to the register and put in their order. As Jamie started opening his wallet Kevin spoke
“I’ll pay,” he offered.
“Oh, okay” Jamie replied, putting his wallet back in his bag.
They walked out of the bakery a few moments later, Jamie eating his scone as they walked.
“So, where do you want to go next?” Kevin asked.
“Hmm,” Jamie thought for a moment “why don’t we go see a movie?”
“Alright,” Kevin agreed. The pair walked to the nearest movie theater.
“How about this one?” Jamie suggested, pointing to a rom-com.
“Whatever you want babe” Kevin replied. Rolling his eyes, despite smiling.
Jamie felt his face turn red as they got tickets and walked into the theater.
Jamie watched the movie with rapt attention, although Kevin spent most of it looking at him.
“Y’know I know you were looking at me in there” Jamie teased as they were leaving the movie theater.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Kevin replied, blushing.
Jamie chuckled and laced their fingers together “sure.”
The cold air bit at their cheeks as they stepped outside.
“Can you give me a ride home?” Jamie asked
“Sure thing, babe” Kevin replied, grinning as Jamie blushed. The two of them walked until they reached the parking lot.
“Jeez, that’s an expensive car,” Jamie remarked as he got in Kevin’s car.
“Only the best,” Kevin replied, getting in the driver's seat. Jamie chuckled to himself and got into the passenger seat.
The drive home was quiet, Jamie stared out the window, marveling at the city lights in the dusk.
Kevin occasionally snuck glances at him, hoping Jamie wouldn’t see how much he was blushing.
Kevin hated to admit that he was more than a bit disappointed when the drive ended. He walked Jamie to the door,
“Night Kev,” Jamie said, pressing a kiss to Kevin’s lips “call me later.”
After Jamie had gone inside Kevin stood on his doorstep. Flustered and in shock for a moment, feeling his face turn a shade of dark red.
He quickly got back in his car, internally celebrating.
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crabcanwrite · 4 months
A Date
Written: 12/14/22
Words: 343
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
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“Alright, and sign here,” Jamie said, handing Kevin the clipboard. Kevin scribbled down his name before handing the clipboard back.
“Do you wanna come in?” He asked. Jamie paused to consider the question, it was his last stop of the day.
“Yeah, why not,” he replied, stepping inside the house.
“So, uh,” Kevin started, desperately trying to make small talk. He wanted Jamie to like him but he wasn’t sure how to talk to him.
“What’s going on?” Jamie asked, raising one eyebrow
“Nothing! Nothing!” Kevin replied, feeling his face turn red.
“Uh ok,” Jamie replied suspiciously “so why’d you invite me in?”
“I- uhm” Kevin started “I wanted to talk to you”
“Oh,” Jamie replied, slightly surprised “what'd you want to talk about?”
“Uhm, I..uh” Kevin stuttered, wishing the ground would swallow him up “Are you dating anyone?”
“No, why?” Jamie replied, tilting his head to the side
“Well, I kinda sorta wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to…” Kevin trailed off,
“Wanted to what?” Jamie questioned.
“If you wanted to go on a date with me?” Kevin mumbled, staring at the ground as he felt his face heat up.
“What? I didn’t hear you?”
“I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me,” Kevin said before crossing his arms over his chest and turning away.
“Oh” Jamie replied “OH”
“Yeah…sorry, never mind, can we just pretend this never happened?”
Jamie gave him a shy smile and stepped closer “you actually want to go on a date with me?”
“I mean, yeah” Kevin replied, staring at the ground.
“You’re so nice and passionate, and you’re really adorable when you get excited over stuff”
“You really mean that?” Jamie felt his face turn red.
“Well, yeah,” Kevin said before laughing nervously.
“Well I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you” Jamie replied.
“Okay,” Kevin said, grinning despite how much he was blushing.
“So..” Jamie started, also grinning.
“How about this Saturday?” Kevin asked, “I’ll pick you up?”.
“Yeah, ok” Jamie replied, “I’ll see you then”
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crabcanwrite · 4 months
Hey! I would like to request Gale Hawthorne x gn!reader headcanons when they reunite in 13 after reader was taken by The Capitol (along with Annie, Peeta, Enobaria and Johanna like one of the victors) and ofc you ain't gotta but I would be thankful if you do :)
Words: 210
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Ships: Gale/reader
Warnings: none
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Gale would absolutely try to keep you as close as possible, at least for the first few weeks of you being back
He would try to keep you away from any triggers, although it's a fool's errand
Gale would be extremely affectionate, always holding your hand or wrapping an arm around you
He would be hesitant to let you stay with him when he makes weapons, worried that it would upset you
He wouldn’t be sure exactly how to comfort you, but he does his best, holding you close and pressing soft kisses to your face
You woke with a start, fear rushing through your veins. An ‘oomph’ noise came from your left, making you flinch. 
You hesitantly looked to the side, only to see Gale lying on the floor next to the bed. 
“Gale?” you whispered, furrowing your brows. He sat up and frowned, looking at you with worried eyes.
You nodded, pulling your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. Gale climbed back onto the bed and pulled you into his arms.
“..Sorry” you mumbled into his chest. 
“Don’t be” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You’re safe here, alright?” 
You nodded, hiding yourself against him. Gale held you tighter. “I’ll protect you.”
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crabcanwrite · 4 months
Written: 12/13/22
Words: 76
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ship: Kevin/Jamie
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"That's a nice necklace" Jamie commented, pointing to a display inside a jewelry shop.
"I can get it for you if you want" Kevin offered
Jamie rolled his eyes before smiling "that's ok, I'm good with window shopping."
"Really?" Kevin asked, raising one eyebrow "it's not even that expensive"
"Yeah" Jamie replied, leaning against his boyfriend and lacing their fingers together.
Kevin laughed, turning to give Jamie a kiss on the cheek "whatever you want babe"
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crabcanwrite · 4 months
Love You Too
Written: 12/12/22
Words: 174
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevin/Jamie
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“God your beautiful” Kevin breathed, pressing a soft kiss against Jamie's lips.
Jamie smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck.
"And you're mine" Jamie whispered back before turning to look at the view of Empire City from their apartment.
He pressed another kiss against Kevin's cheek as he looked at the city lights glittering below them.
"I missed this" Jamie mumbled, feeling Kevin wrap an arm around his waist.
"Me too," Kevin replied, kissing the top of Jamie's head before pulling him against his chest.
Jamie hummed contentedly, feeling Kevin's arm tighten around his waist.
Jamie sighed happily, resting his head on Kevin's shoulder as he let himself get lost in the moment.
"I love you so much," Jamie whispered into Kevin's shoulder.
"What?" Kevin asked, pulling away slightly but keeping his arms securely around Jamie.
"Nothing, babe,” Jamie replied.
He leaned in for one more quick kiss before turning back towards the window and resting his head on Kevin's chest again.
"Love you too," Kevin whispered with a grin.
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crabcanwrite · 4 months
I Missed You
Written: 12/11/22
Words: 313
Fandom: Steven Universe
Ships: Kevamie
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The room was dark when Kevin woke up. It took a moment for his eyes to focus.
But when they did, he found Jamie lying beside him, sound asleep with his head on Kevin's chest.
A soft smile spread across Kevin's face as he pressed a kiss to Jamie's head.
Jamie had just got back from Charm City, jet-lagged and exhausted. It was the first night they'd spent together since Jamie left.
He hated to admit it, but he'd missed Jamie more than anything. He tightened his grip on his boyfriend, burying his face in Jamie's hair.
He felt Jamie shift as he nuzzled deeper into Kevin's chest.
He pressed kisses onto Jamie's face, trying to keep his mind off how much he missed him.
"What's wrong baby?" Jamie murmured, looking up at his boyfriend.
"Nothing, darling, go back to sleep," Kevin lied.
Jamie looked unconvinced and propped himself up, gently running his fingers through Kevin's hair.
"I missed you so much," Kevin admitted, leaning down to steal another kiss. Jamie immediately wrapped his arms around Kevin's shoulders.
Kevin buried his nose in Jamie's neck and inhaled deeply, letting out a content sigh.
"Me too babe," Jamie whispered. The two lay there for several minutes until Kevin noticed that Jamie was starting to drift back to sleep.
"Jay? Hey Jay?" Kevin shook Jamie gently. Jamie opened his eyes blearily.
"What?" Jamie grumbled "I just flew six hours, let me sleep"
Kevin snickered and kissed him softly "Yeah, yeah, I know babe."
Jamie rolled his eyes and scooted closer to Kevin. Kevin held onto him tightly, relishing the feeling of having him in his arms.
Jamie reached down and grabbed one of Kevin's hands, intertwining their fingers together.
It wasn't long before Jamie started drifting off again. Kevin watched as Jamie fell back asleep.
Smiling fondly, Kevin closed his eyes and fell back asleep.
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