trueolefflove · 5 years
The Apartment Below Me
(Pairing: reddie)
Word count: 478
Rating: t (swearing)
(Aah! These are my loves, as they are for you too :))
Eddie had never been a fan of the person who lived below him. His roommates, Mike and Bill, didn’t seem to care too much, but Eddie had a real issue.
They were loud. Whoever it was was definitely the life of the party considering that there was one almost every weekend. It was ludicrous. You can’t just go around acting like you own the building, it doesn’t work like that.
“That’s it,” Eddie huffed, standing up from the couch where he was resided with his roommates. “I’m so over this, this bullshit.”
“Eds, c’mon,” Mike groaned, “we just got to the good part.” They were watching some movie (which Eddie couldn’t hear due to the commotion below).
Bill nodded in response. “Look, we can deal with it later. Let them have their fun and we can talk to them tomorrow or something.”
“No, no, no,” Eddie fumed, “we’re fixing this issue, and we’re fixing it now.”
“But Eddie-“
“Don’t ‘but Eddie’ me! I’m so sick of this shit!”
Before his friends could talk him out of it like they had before, Eddie busted out of the apartment, marching down the stairs right up to the culprit’s door.
“Excuse me sir, but you’re being very fucking rude and if you could please, for the love of all that is holy, stop throwing ragers here all the time! I mean, you don’t own the building, so just be considerate to the people around you!”
Eddie ranted, pacing back and forth as he listed off of his point, not even taking into account who the person was. As soon as Eddie made eye contact with the tall gorgeous curly headed guy, he was awestruck. Who was this man and why hadn’t he ever noticed him before?
He wore a goofy smile and sported some black glasses with freckles of constellations under his eyes.
“That all?” He asked, and Eddie melted- right then, right there.
“Y-yes. That would be all. Just shut it down. Goodnight...” Eddie trialed off, hoping that he would finish the sentence with his name, but no avail.
He gave a quick wave and turned back to the stairs.
Eddie turned around, and smirked. “Alright. Goodnight, Richie.”
He heard the man laugh and shut the door again, as well as the music fade down almost completely as he reached his floor.
Holy hell, how did he become smitten with the boy below him so fast?
He walked into his apartment once more, seeing that Bill and Mike had continued the movie without him.
“I got it all cleared up. Told you it would work,” Eddie said with a giggle.
“Eds, we heard everything. Hell, we could even hear your face getting red,” Bill responded, folding over with laughter.
“Oh, shut up,” Eddie murmured, crossing his arms and shoving his face into a nearby pillow. “He was hot, though.”
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trueolefflove · 6 years
Background: Bev, Bill, Ben, Stan, Eddie, Richie and Mike all are taking a road trip to a beach house for Thanksgiving, and things don’t exactly go as planned... 
 Warning(s): None, unless you count curing as one, haha.
Word Count: 1449
A/N: I honestly don’t know how well this one turned out, haha. I liked the premise of it, but near the end, I felt like it wasn’t my best work. Leave feedback!!
“I always knew you were lying whenever you said you were a good fucking driver,” Richie complained. This hadn’t been the first time in the past three hours that they were driving that Rich had insulted Mike’s driving. Hell, they weren’t even a third of the way there, and Mike wasn’t so sure if he could take sixteen more hours with these hooligans. It was bad enough that they were all crammed into a minivan- including blankets, pillows, computers, game consoles (courtesy of Richie) and then all of their luggage. “You know what, Richie,” Mike said, turning to his friend n the passenger seat, “maybe you should start your shift early.” “I think the fuck not,” Richie shot back, tossing his lanky legs over the passenger seat. It was amazing that they hadn’t gotten pulled over yet. The boy yawned, rubbing his eyes, knocking his brown chunky glasses off in the process. “How about we play a game?” Beverly suggested from the second row, leaning forward, resting her arms on the center console. “How about one that I can drive and play?” Mike suggested, his eyes glued to the road. Despite all of Richie’s comments, Mike was actually a very safe driver and was probably the best out of the whole Loser’s club. “How about twenty questions?” The redhead suggested. “Kinky,” Richie said, giving the two a sly smile. Bev rolled her eyes, smacking Richie’s shins. Which, accidentally woke up Bill, who has been passed out for almost the whole three hours. “W-w-who’s alarm clock i-is going off?” He asked groggily, peeking out of the window behind their makeshift blanket curtain. “F-f-f-fuck, it’s still light outside.” “Hey Bill, you wanna join in our game of Kinky twenty questions?” Richie asked, wiggling his eyebrows at Bill. “Nevermind, I don’t think I want to play anymore.” HOUR SEVEN. It was now approaching ten-o’clock, and everyone was still very much awake. And playing Richie’s kinky twenty questions. “The next one goes to Bev,” Richie said, burping. If he could have gotten high off of mountain dews, this was the optimality of it here. He has just finished his sixth Mountain Dew in two hours.  “Have you ever worn a lingerie?” “No comment,” The girl said, taking another swig of her grape Fanta. “Bill, how much longer do we have?” Eddie asked from the very back. Ben jumped slightly, forgetting that the three dark figures in the back were Mike, Eddie, and Stan. who, up until this moment, was fast asleep. “A while, Eds. A while,” Bill said, sighing, and turning his attention to the open highway. Sure, there were a few cars here and there but no one was actually riding his tail like they had been whenever Mike was driving. Richie hadn’t given up his front seat yet and refused to use the bathroom just to ensure that he got it at the last gas station visit. “Hey, Bill, could you pull off so I can take a piss?” He asked, tossing down another empty bottle. “R-R-R-Rich, we were at a rest stop like, forty-f-five minutes ago. You can h-hold it until Stan d-d-drives, can’t you?” He asked his friend, turning to see Richie’s face- well, the part that was illuminated by the highway lights. It was twisted in what looked like to be a painful contortion. And then, the light flickered back to his face, and suddenly, that face was gone. “R-R-R-Richie, where t-t-t-the hell did y-you piss?” Bill asked, breathing in and out through his nose heavily. Richie was on everyone’s last nerves, and if he did what Bill thought he did, he was driving next. HOUR TWELVE This was probably the worst hour shift for Richie to have ever been stuck with- ever. Everyone was passed out and has been after they all piled back into the car after a quick snack and bathroom break at this diner. 2 a.m. was a difficult time to make the highway interesting. The entire road had looked the same for the past six hours, so how was he supposed to keep himself occupied. He had no one to talk to, which always was something that passed the time for him, and the music was extremely quiet. Almost as if he could just…. SKIIIID Instantaneously, the idea of him falling asleep was out of the picture. His heart rate was definitely up now- but ironically, none of his friends had even moved. Richie scratched the back of his neck and sighed. “100 bottles of beer on the wall, one hundred bottles of beer…” HOUR FIFTEEN Bev was absolutely beat, and it didn't help that Richie woke her up this morning with a slew of curse words and tossed her in the driver’s seat. She tiredly rubbed her eyes, adjusting the seat from Richie, who absolutely towered over her. Luckily, Ben had traded for her passenger spot, and he was awake, which meant that she wouldn’t be alone. Everyone else on the other hand, though, was still fast asleep. “Only five more hours, Ben, until we’re at the beach paradise of our dreams,” Bev's aid, fantasizing shortly about what their vacation resort may look like. This had been a dream of theirs since freshman year, and it had actually come true. They saved up the money and put it all together to pay for a three-night stay at a four-star beach resort. “I hope that it’s what we paid for,” Ben said, laughing a little. Bev nodded her head to that, feeling herself being ripped away from her dream beach vacation once again. “I think it will be, we paid good money for it,” Bev countered, tucking a piece of her now long, red hair behind her ear. Just then, the radio started to play the first upbeat song of the morning. “Aww yeah! I love this song!” Ben said, turning up the radio slightly. Bev caught a glimpse of the song and laughed slightly. “Please Don’t Go Girl by New Kids on The Block?” Bev asked, smiling to the boy. “Yeah, it’s a good song,” Ben responded, bobbing his head up and down to the song, mouthing the lyrics. Bev smiled, shaking her head. Ben was a character, and it felt as if every day there was some sort of small detail that she learned about him. Maybe Richie’s kinky version of twenty questions boosted some of that forward, but it was still nice to know new things about people that made them somehow even more fascinating and interesting. HOUR TWENTY “I’m just saying, it’s definitely on the left. You have to take a left, Ben,” Stan said, holding out the map again. Around hour seventeen, Richie split one of his Mountain Dews onto the GPS while horseplaying with Eddie, which killed its battery, and they didn’t have any place to get a new one, so they were stuck between their phone GPS and Stan’s wonderful map reading skills (which weren’t all that great). “Stan, if it was left, there would be a place to turn left,” Ben responded, tapping his foot anxiously on the ground. Everyone was trying to tell him where to go, and it was getting really loud really quickly, which was something that Ben was not good at driving in. They now had made it into the small little beach town that they were supposed to be at, which was a plus considering that Ben had some sort of gut-feeling that it wouldn’t even exist. Stan unfolded his map again, after creasing the binding again- something that played into his OCD. “Well, there’s a left right there.” The curly-haired boy pointed to a left turn in a town that was two hours over. “Stan, we’ve already passed that town, dumbass,” Eddie said, snatching the map from him and maneuvering it to where he could see the roads that they needed. “That’s where we’re supposed to be.” Eddie pointed something out to Ben, who couldn’t turn his head far enough to see it. Looks like he was going to have to make it there on his own. HOUR TWENTY (AND TWENTY-TWO MINUTES) Somehow, by some grace of God, they had finally made it into the resort parking lot. “This is exactly what I wanted, and more,” Bev gooed, looking all around at the resort and beach surrounding them. She wasn’t lying, it was a gorgeous area. All of them were awestruck, coming from the small town of Derry it was hard to wrap your mind around something as honey as this was. “Race ya to the beach and back!” Richie yelled, hopping out of the minivan, slamming the door, and running to the beach ahead of them.
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trueolefflove · 6 years
Background: Richie and his sister, Marsha, haven’t ever really gotten along. But this time Marsha decides to make things right. 
Warning(s): none
Word count: 924
A/N: Okay, so this is my first one shot written on here, so I don’t exactly have a strong sense of what I’m doing, but I thought I’d try my hand at it. If you have any suggestions, let me know so I don’t look like a chicken with its head cut off. ALSO, this is not a romatic one shot, but one about an OC sister and her relationship with her brother, Richie. I may write something romantic in the future, but right now, this is what I have for ya ;)
When his parents announced that his twenty-two-year-old sister was coming home from college for Christmas break, Richie was not excited. For a while, he thought that once his sister left for college that she would magically disappear, and never have to be apart of his life ever again, but that wasn’t the case. It was like she came home more whenever she wasn’t living here than when she was. It also annoyed him how she was always given the free pass for everything, and more than half of the time, Richie was forgotten on family picture day. “Rich, change into something more formal. Marsha will be here any minute,” His mom told him, frantically setting their dining room table which was never set, not unless Marsha was coming home. Richie sighed, standing up from his spot on the couch and walking up the stairs to his room. He slammed his door- something that wasn’t uncommon for the boy to do- and pulled open his closet doors. He passed through multiple shirts and sweaters, none of them being “appropriate enough for a lovely family dinner” like his mom would say. He finally gave up, pulling the first sweater he saw off of the hanger and put it on. He pondered going downstairs but decided against it. There wasn’t a reason for him to socialize with his family if they hadn't asked for his presence yet. So, he hopped onto his bed, which made a squeak when he landed on it. There was a spot in the middle that had sunken in from where he spent most of his winter days. The summers were a different story, though, spending all of his time with his friends. It was odd that the kid labeled Trashmouth Tozier barley even said a full sentence in his house. Maybe it was because he had so much to say and the only people who would listen were his friends. “Rich! Your sister is here! Help bring in her luggage!” Richie heard his father’s voice erupt from the bottom of the stairs. The boy reluctantly got up, opening the door and jogging down the stairs. “Aah! Little man!” His sister screeched in the doorway. She was covered in snow from head to toe, and her arms were wide, awaiting a hug. Richie brushed past his sister out to her small car. Luckily it wasn’t snowing too bad, only enough that it kind of messed up his glasses.   He pulled open the door to her car and grabbed out two small suitcases, dragging them back up to the front door and then up the stairs to her room. He dropped them on the floor with a frustrated sigh. He wondered what his friends were doing right about now. None of them had any idea what his family was like, no matter how many times he’s wanted to tell them, he just hasn’t found the right time to yet. He walked to the head of the stairs and stopped. He could hear his family whispering. “Was it something I did?” He could hear Marsha say. “No, honey. He’s just upset that he can’t be with his friends or cause some sort of nonsense,” His mother said. He could picture her down there rubbing Marsha’s back, and his dad standing on the other side of his mom. Perfect family right there- one without him in it. “Let’s go out tonight. Rich won’t mind if we leave him here. He never does,” His dad said. “No, I think I have to fix something,” Marsha responded. Richie heard the scrape of dining room chairs against the hardwoods, and then footsteps approaching the stairs. He hurriedly got up, going into his room and shutting the door. Around two minutes later, Richie heard a faint knock on his door. He sighed and waited a minute before he responded. “Don’t come in if you give a fuck.” “You’re lucky I haven’t in a while,” Marsha said, opening up his door. Richie sat up, swinging his legs over the side of his bed. Marsha’s nose was still red, and the snow hadn’t fully melted on her hat and scarf. Richie looked his sister up and down. He didn’t realize how different she looked from the last time that he had seen her- which hadn't been all that long ago. Marsha took a seat next to Richie on his bed, it squealing as she let her weight fall onto it. “Look, I know that this whole relationship has never been good. We fought all the time, over the stupidest things. And then we had that really bad fight. After that, I moved out. Now, I don’t think I’ve heard your voice in three years, Rich.” Richie glanced over at his sister. He didn’t even notice that tears were streaming down her face- her voice was so steady; so sure. And maybe for once in his fifteen years of living, he felt horrible for what had happened between them. “I’m so sorry, Richie. I never meant to damage our relationship like that,” She said, her voice barely above a whisper. What Richie Tozier did next wasn’t something that he had ever done purposely to his sister. He hugged her, leaning into her scarf. He didn’t expect for her to hug back as much as she did. He also didn’t realize how much they both needed this hug. And for the first time, both Richie and Marsha Tozier felt at peace with each other. “I’m sorry, too, Marsh. I really, truly, am.”
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