rickrichards · 3 years
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𝘚𝘜𝘓 𝘚𝘜𝘓 ! — ( winston duke, cis man, he/him ) welcome to strangetown, [ FREDRICK RICHARDS ]. you’re working at [ STRANGETOWN GROCERY ], right? as [ NIGHT MANAGER ]. your birthday’s coming up, right? you’re [ THIRTY-FOUR ] right now, so you’ll be… yeah. okay. we have decorations for that. has anyone told you that you’re really [ RESOURCEFUL ]? what? oh… you’re actually really [ STUBBORN ]? too bad. good meeting you, though! ( kaya , 26 , est , she/her )
fredrick richards
Name: fredrick richards
Nickname: freddie, rick ( chill with whatever )
Age: 34 
Gender and Pronouns: cis man, he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Zodiac: virgo
Hometown: belladonna cove
Has been in Strangetown for: eight years
Occupation(s): night manager at strangetown grocery, freelance mechanic
Positive Traits: resourceful, neat, generous
Negative Traits: stubborn, uptight, naive
townie turned playable
you don't remember much from before moving to strangetown, just bits and pieces. it's not like you have total memory loss, but it has become difficult for you to actually visualize events. as though your memory is just made up of written facts you took note of rather than experiences that affect your entire being.
for example, you know you have two brothers, both younger, but you can't quite picture their faces. you know one's in a band and the other's at a high level in the gamer career, but what were their astrological signs again? where were they even living at nowadays? back home in belladonna cove? no, you're pretty sure geoff moved away. he's the one with the band... right? or was that frank? everything gets all jumbled up the more you try to remember.
the only thing you could properly remember was her. with her autumn red hair and chocolate eyes, she wasn't your normal type as you preferred hard-workers with mechanical interest, but something about her made the world seem brighter. you remember meeting her at a community lot, which one is lost on you, but you recall her warmly greeting you before offering you a coffee. a kind gesture from a complete stranger. you gladly accepted and listened as she talked for hours, hanging onto every word she threw your way. then, she invited you back to her place, and the rest was history. you both lived together in loving bliss. everything was perfect until it wasn't.
you still don't know what happened. out of the blue, he decided to end things and kick you out of her house. she went about how you two have no bolts of chemistry and that you were just and experiments to her. you listen to her, but it's hard for you to understand. if you weren't meant to be, then how could you feel so strongly for her? she doesn't listen and insists you leave, so after fiver years, you pack your stuff and go with one final look at the love of his life and her greening skin.
but now you're here, in good ole strangetown, and you hope to work on yourself and your dreams. you're hoping to own a bunch of businesses starting with an auto repair shop. for now though to make an income, most people can find you managing the overnight shift in strangetown grocery. you're just trying to take it day by day.
extra fun facts
his past is sort of a blur to him. as though nothing happened before strangetown. it stressed him out, but sometimes he doesn't mind seeing as this move was to be a fresh start. ( meta: he's a sim who was bundled to a lot and moved neighborhood which results in memory loss. )
part of a reddit group that discusses the bella goth mystery. he personally believes the alien abduction theory.
has a golden labrador retriever named johnny who is pretty much his best friend. he's a fantastic listener.
enjoys listening to classic rock when he takes long drives through the desert.
a real stickler for the rules. runs strangetown grocery by the book, which can be annoying to some, but at least, he always has your back against a karen.
outside of his necessities, the only things he ought from belladonna cove were paintings of his ex. it's the reason he recalls her the clearest.
his ex was a witch, plain and simple. she was a playable sim a player used to see all the spells a witch sim could cast. their favorite was getting townies to fall in love with her. fredrick had no idea.
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dvstbunnies · 3 years
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𝘚𝘜𝘓 𝘚𝘜𝘓 ! — ( esin varan, trans woman, she/her/hers ) welcome to strangetown, [ ALINA BALASKA ]. you’re working at [ TOPAZ VALLEY RESORT ], right? as [ MAINTENANCE ]. your birthday’s coming up, right? you’re [ TWENTY-EIGHT ] right now, so you’ll be… yeah. okay. we have decorations for that. has anyone told you that you’re really [ COMPASSTIONATE ]? what? oh… you’re actually really [ INDECISIVE ]? too bad. good meeting you, though! ( elias , twenty , mst , he/him/his )
basic info
NAME: alina balaska ALIASES: n/a NICKNAME: doesn’t really like them except from family AGE: twenty-eight ZODIAC SIGN: sagitarrius GENDER: trans woman PRONOUNS: she/her/hers ORIENTATION: pan RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single HOME NEIGHBORHOOD: belladonna cove OCCUPATION: maintenance for topaz valley resort FACECLAIM: esin varan
grew up in a single parent household (her mom)
helped raise her younger siblings
went to university, but eventually dropped out to go to trade school
she’s not really sure how she ended up in strangetown, but she feels like her player is the reason
has been working for topaz valley resort for 4-5 years now. feels like she has seen it all working there
all of her whims are about a social life and finding love when her player keeps telling her absolutely not
focusing on work, but she’s not really sure what she wants to do in life
currently taking care of her giant fluffy cat and plants.
her player doesn’t really care about the secrets the town holds, but she is personally interested in the gossip. being a part of it? not so much. hearing the drama? absolutely
maybe her player will let her have a social life, some friends, and who knows what else?
she is not the kind of person to have flings. she loves full-heartedly or not at all
she appears like she doesn’t care at all, but really does. please send her into chaos while she pretends she isn’t invested in everyone’s wellbeing
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beatricesharp · 3 years
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𝘚𝘜𝘓 𝘚𝘜𝘓 ! — ( margot robbie, cis female, she/her ) welcome to strangetown, [ BEATRICE SHARP ]. you’re working at [ ZUZU'S DINER ], right? as [ WAITRESS ]. your birthday’s coming up, right? you’re [ THIRTY-ONE ] right now, so you’ll be… yeah. okay. we have decorations for that. has anyone told you that you’re really [ ALLURING ]? what? oh… you’re actually really [ PRETENTIOUS ]? too bad. good meeting you, though! ( mina, 28, cst, she/her )
Full Name/title: Beatrice Sharp
Nicknames: Bea 
Gender: Cis-female.
Age: 31
Date of Birth: Oct 20
Zodiac Sign: Libra.
Orientation: Bisexual.
Relationship Status: It’s complicated. 
Born and raised in Strangetown. 
Bea was raised by a single father after the woman who birthed her left them for a different life and family. Which turned out to be quite the conundrum when she found out where her mother had been hiding the whole time. Was she not good enough? She’d find that to be the case soon enough when Mr. Sharp took disappointment after disappointment from his daughter. 
At 16, when finding out about her mother, Bea broke into rebellion that had her falling back at school, staying a couple grades behind, partying long nights and who knows what else the girl got to? All the while being one of the popular kids in school. 
Where her father expected a college degree in anything that made money, Beatrice barely finished high school and immediately needed to work to maintain a lifestyle that she could barely afford. Why? All to impress anyone and everyone surrounding her, for Bea wasn’t one to let herself be outshined by someone else. 
She manages to do her job well enough, and with the help of a friend she’s able to get anything and everything she wants. 
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INTRODUCTION TO: Harrison Hinsley-Scott.
𝘚𝘜𝘓 𝘚𝘜𝘓 ! — ( henry cavill, cis man, he/him ) welcome to strangetown, [ HARRISON HINSLEY-SCOTT ]. you’re working at [ THE MILITARY BASE ], right? as [ A SCIENTIST ]. your birthday’s coming up, right? you’re [ THIRTY-EIGHT ] right now, so you’ll be… yeah. okay. we have decorations for that. has anyone told you that you’re really [ GREGARIOUS ]? what? oh… you’re actually really [ TACTLESS ]? too bad. good meeting you, though! ( kat , 29 , gmt , she/her )
Full Name/title: Dr. Harrison Hinsley-Scott.
Nicknames: Harry, but only to those who know him well.
Gender: Cis-male.
Age: 38.
Date of Birth: June 4th.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini.
Orientation: Heteroromantic, heterosexual.
Relationship Status: Divorced.
Positive Personality Traits: Gregarious, compassionate, kind-hearted.
Negative Personality Traits: Tactless, blunt, workaholic.
Was born to a wealthy family in Veronaville, but left to study physics at Académie Le Tour. He never returned home once he was finished. 
Has three younger sisters. They, like the rest of his family, both parents included, all live back in Veronaville. Harry visits when he can.
Worked at a research lab in Sim City, before he was eventually summoned to Strangetown to study strange radiation found at the crash site. Has only been here since shortly after the crash.
Was married for six years, but his obsession with his research, and the inability to be honest with his wife about what they were working on at the military base, eventually resulted in mistrust and divorce. She left Strangetown shortly after.
Harry has a Dalmatian named Amalthea. His actual child.
Most of his work and studies revolve around nuclear physics, but he’s also branches out into astrophysics, and has avid interest in space exploration. Aliens are cool. Like, let him befriend all the aliens. 
Will talk to everyone and anyone, and is happy about it. Usually can’t tell if the people he’s engaging in conversation feel the same way. 
Lies about the seniority of his position at the base so that he doesn’t have to be dishonest with people about what’s going on there, but he’s the worst liar to have ever lied. No one believes you clean the windows, Harry. Stop trying.
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