#strannix x krill
academicgangster ยท 3 years
I'm dying to know; how should Under Siege have ended, according to you? Please go into as much detail as you'd like!
Under Siege!!! One of the most ridiculously fun films out there, and definitely one of my top ten TLJ roles. :D
Sadly my laptop is not functional at the moment, so I don't have as many screencaps lying around right now as I do of Batman Forever, but @lunoki 's wonderful gifs are readily available!
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Strannix and Krill absolutely make the film. Their dynamic as a villain duo is off the charts. They're joyfully intimate with each other, clearly know each other extremely well, and Strannix even seems acquainted with Krill's drag persona:
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Their dynamic also evolves throughout the film, with a lot more depth than Seagal's whole thing. Krill helped Strannix orchestrate the takeover of his ship, and Strannix's very first action on succeeding is to pronounce Krill captain (ie. he gives Krill something he knows Krill has always wanted) - and yet the moment orders need to be given, Strannix is the one who's giving them, and Krill is right back to calling him 'sir', almost as though this is a dance they're used to, like this is natural and familiar for them, like it's something they've grown into over the years. Did they serve together in the navy before Strannix joined the CIA? All signs point to yes. These two have known each other forever. They don't always get along - they have an argument or two in-film - but they are deeply affectionate and they are, always, on the same side:
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And so it's extremely telling that while Strannix is gloriously batshit throughout and makes a show of being 'unhinged', his decisions are all actually very rational and sane...until Krill's vessel gets blown up.
That is when Strannix goes off the deep end, that's when he loses his mind and starts to go wild talking about cartoons: when Krill dies.
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So, finally, how do I think the movie should end?
1. With Krill surviving - let Strannix have his breakdown thinking Krill has died, but let Krill miraculously escape and be working on a device to bring Casey Ryback (Seagal's character) down.
2. With Strannix beating Ryback in the final fight - let the fight be brutal, but let Strannix finally kick the guy's ass, like he deserves. Maybe it's too late to set off the nukes or the controls are fried, but Ryback is dead and the ship is still his, so it's kind of a victory for him, still.
3. With Strannix and Krill reuniting - Krill didn't need to use whatever he was working on, because Strannix beat Ryback, but it is an emotional Moment for Strannix to realize Krill not only made it alive, but was trying his best to help him win against Ryback.
4. With CIA handler Tom Breaker getting his comeuppance - Breaker is the guy who tried to kill Strannix, causing all this trouble in the first place, and it's at his door that the consequences must rest, so I'd like him to get a threatening letter or parcel in the mail suggesting that Strannix and Krill are watching him if he ever messes with another agent under his handlership.
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academicgangster ยท 3 years
I just wanna say, I love your new profile picture. Strannix should've won; TLJ could easily beat Seagal's phony "akido" any day.
Strannix should have won and got to live happily ever after with Krill. Everything about those two screams 'lovers, possibly lovers who are a little annoyed with each other right now but definitely lovers'.
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