#stray kids imaines
diorseung · 4 years
Hi 👋 ...do you do one-shots of stray kids and s/o being a little...? It's ok if you don't and sorry for making you uncomfortable...🥺❤
hello anon, i’m sorry if this isn’t what you meant (being little) but i can edit it for you hahshshd
i’m finally done with school stuff yaaay i can finally answer yalls asks !! ANW hello anon :D sorry if that was sooo late i was busy 😭 but i hope you enjoy this <33
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꒰ how would skz react if you’re smaller than them ꒱
tbh i think chan prefers someone who’s smaller than him
thoughts would run into his mind like,, “is it possible for someone to be THIS small?”
develops a size kink HHH
when it comes to sex, he LOVES how you break and whine under him
he feels so powerful (?)
also loves the way you’re so tight,,, would lead him nutting so fast hahsgsg
in conclusion, chan loves how small you are!
lee know
teases you
then it leads to a dirty joke
“why are you so small? didn’t you get watered enough?” he chuckles
“at least i water you with my cum.”
o.O was that weird HAHAHSH
when you two have sex, you’re always whiny cuz he loves to t e a s e
smirks when you want him to fuck you so hard
he finds it cute
when he places his hand on your waist, he’s amused how big his hands is for you
and how his fingers is so deep when it enters you
bro would bust an uwu
whenever you wear his clothes/hoodies, he would go supER SOFT WITH YOU
would peck you anywhere
but he’s so shocked how...
..wild you are BAHDHDH
i mean, changbin often sees you with a child-like image (maybe bcs of your height)
that’s why he would be shocked when you confess your dirty secrets to him
and of course he doesn’t want to disappoint you!
but he’s too scared that he might make you uncomfy and he doesn’t want that :(
but he’s willing to fulfill your desires ;D
would pinch your cheeks too much to the point it hurts when you touch them
“am i that tall or are you just naturally short?”
whenever you two go for a walk, he would stare at you at random moments and you would give him a face
“i’m sorry, you just look so cute, you look like a mini companion or something.” HAHSHSH
okokok when it comes to the bedroom,,,
he could go for a few rounds in one night
i mean for the first few minutes, he would go all vanilla for you, making sure you’re comfy cuz if you’re not
he would just cuddle with you
bUT if you’re rlly rlly liking it, aight vanilla would be eliminated in sex
would go super rough and loves the way you moan out his name
it’s like you’re his toy when it comes to sex :)
this boy has a soft spot for you!
he loves the way you’re all curled up in the couch and how small you looked when you’re tucked in his hoodie
loves to spoon you
ok uhh,,, in the bedroom,,, he likes to keep it easy with you
the only time when he goes rough with you is when you want him to
when you’d beg for it
of course jisung can’t say no to you
but most of the times, it’s mainly vanilla
ok look, i know it looks boring bUT
he loves the way your mouth is so small and it can barely fit
also loves the sounds you make when you gag around him shdhdh
felix with a tiny s/o?? holy fuck yES
i think you two would be the cuTEST COUPLE
both of you does the sweetest things
would speak in tiny when it comes to you
so during sex, it’s pretty much the same with jisung but with a mix of hyunjin
like firstly, he would go slowly and when you beg him to go faster, he obeys
when you clench around him, lix would be nutting in you immediately
after looking so fucked out, he would check on you,, “baby, did i hurt you?”
“no,” you replied as you bat your eyes and looked at him, “..i want to do it again.”
same with minho, teases you
i mean have u seen him tease his members,, yes
“how’s it down there?”
and then you would go ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
“you wanna fite?¿!¡”
loves it when you’re annoyed
he likes it when you’re annoyed in tiny
at most times, seungmin wants to be spooned but when you’re exhausted/not in the mood he would spoon you and caress your hair <3
in sex, it’s either he doms you or a sub for you
but mostly dom
he only subs when he’s lazy HAHSHSH
also loves it when you whine and break under him, he realizes the effect he got on you
same with jisung, he prefers blowjob tbh
cuz the way your mouth moved and gagged around his cock made him go crazy
also loves it when you blowjob him in the middle of a photoshoot or something
would !! be !! super !! soft !! with !! you !!
likes to pat your head
kiss your forehead
likes to piggyback you <33
in the bedroom, jeongin wants to take care of you and do all the work
but at some times, you dom him as well
i think mostly vanilla
but you want to be a bit freaky
when you finally convince him to try something new in bed, he would be flustered how you’re into some filthy stuff
this baby would go hard and have this moment imprinted on his mind
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Tiger Stripes  ~ Lee Felix [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy, established relationship, 
PAIRING: Felix x Fem!Reader
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s so short!!! You should never be made to feel insecure about something that is completely and 100% natural! I have stretchmarks all over my legs and I call them my tiger stripes because that is what they look like aha, but YES BODY POSITIVITY!!!
The sun felt like it was burning holes right into your skin as you laid by the pool, hidden by a parasol that wasn't doing much to make you feel cool.  It was one of the hottest days of the year and here you were baking like a potato out in the sun, you'd already applied three layers of sunscreen to you and Felix while you laid there. You thought about getting into the cold water to swim for a little while but the mere thought of moving from your chair made you sweat so you stayed put. Book in your lap while you soaked up the shade.
Felix had taken you away for the weekend, a break between the two of you to just enjoy some time together before he had to go on tour. All he ever wanted was to spend some relaxing time with you alone, sure he loved that you and the boys got along together so well but you were his girlfriend. He wanted you to himself sometimes.
"Babe?" You questioned as you turned your head to look at Felix who seemed to be on edge about something. It couldn't have been that you were there together since your relationship was already out in the public but he didn't seem to be relaxing.
"Baby?" You cooed getting off your sun lounger to sit beside him on his, he jumped as he felt you so close to him. His hand touched yours as he gave it a small squeeze, 
"What's bothering you?" You asked as you looked to where he had been staring, there were a group of teenagers all running around the pool, terrorising guests. You had noticed them earlier but you weren't bothered, you figured that they would get bored eventually and leave everyone alone. 
"You're scared of some teens?" He shook his head turning back to you and kissing your lips softly, you smiled against his lips a little shocked at the sudden display of affection but you weren't going to complain about it. The kiss was to try and make himself relaxed, it wasn't that he was scared of the group but he was worried about what they would say. He'd already heard them shouting verbal abuse at one of the elderly couples on the over on the other side of the pool. The last thing he wanted was for your perfect weekend to be ruined by a couple of misbehaved kids who were going to potentially point out things about you both. 
"Do you want my shirt baby? It's getting pretty chilly." He began shrugging off the thin blue-button-up shirt he was wearing to give it to you but you frowned, 
"Chilly? Baby, it's almost as hot as it is in Australia,"  He knew you were right but that didn't make him feel any better as the teenagers began to get closer to you. He buttoned the shirt back up as he watched you and then back to the group.
Watching him for a couple of seconds you began to realise what his problem was, he was glancing at the teenagers and then to your legs where your stretchmarks were on full display. They were nothing to be ashamed of since it was natural and happened to everyone no one was exempt from getting something on their body like this. It was all a part of growing up and physically changing in your body.
"Lix...No one is going to be bothered about them," You told them as you ran your fingers over the stretch marks, when you were younger they used to bother you but as time went on you began to realise how natural it was to have them. They were nothing that you had to feel bad about having any more.
"They're my tiger stripes," You teased as you noticed him beginning to relax a little as he focused on nothing but you, 
"People can look, stare and say what they want but I don't care." A large smile was on your face as you told him the truth. 
"Stretch marks are lightening bolds, to prove you are a powerful force of nature." You winked playfully at him and a light blush began to appear on his cheeks, the group of teenagers passed you without a word or a glance in your direction. 
"See," Felix pulled you closer to him not caring that it was hot as hell outside and that you were both sweating, he wanted to just hold you. 
"Can we not? I'm sweating so much I think I might turn into a puddle," You whined as you looked up at him, his cheeks turning red thanks to the sun. 
"Let's go back to our room, where there is Air con." He mumbled as he fanned his cheeks finally feeling the effect of the heat, something you thought he would have been used to as an austrailian.
"Sure thing baby, we should go for a walk later, I promised the boys gifts." You reminded him as you began packing everything up that you had bought down from your hotel room.
Tagline: @minholuvs @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @justbangtanthingz​
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binnieboyswhore · 3 years
SKZ as...
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Stray Kids as my favorite kinks Pairing: Skz x Reader  Genre: smut  Word count: 1,130 Warnings: Choking, bondage, Knives, blood, biting, bruises, wax, and blindfolds. I can’t think of anything else but ya if you feel i should add it please let me know! Authors note: This is my favorite thing I’ve ever written cause I am the center of it all and yes i am an attention whore. I am willing to die on all these hills so please don’t fight me on it 
Please if you are under the age of 18 do not interact. Thank you :)
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Bang Chan: Erotic Asphyxiation: Choking Do I even have to explain? Between the rings and watches and that mans beautiful ass hands? Fairy Tales are written about those hands. Anyway, back to them being wrapped around your throat. He loves having them on there whether he’s railing you, making out with you or even chilling with the boys. He loves having you seated between his legs, your back on his chest while his hand rests on your collar bone. It’s strangely calming to both of you to know you’re just a grip away
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Minho:  Merinthophilia: tying someone up This boy loves his ropes and I am prepared to die on this hill. He loves tying you up whether it’s just your hands to the headboard using his belt or taking the time to learn new knots and designs. He has every color of rope so it can match any occasion, even pastel colors for a pretty easter fuck. He is in love with the pained look in your eyes when you really want to touch him and you can’t. He also loves how pretty you look all tangled in his ropes. He even learns a heart knot for you on valentines day, constantly grabbing ahold of it while fucking you. He thinks you’re so pretty tied up he often takes pictures of you before he absolutely wrecks you.
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Changbin: Dressing up: Bunny One word. Bunny. Bunnies make this man's head go brrr. When he comes into your shared bedroom after a long day at work and sees those ears on you, one bent as if it were winking at him makes him go crazy. The white lace tight around your body leaves nothing to the imagination, he can’t help but drop his jaw. Once he gathers himself he asks you, “So, bunny do you have the rest of it?” You turn to show off your cotton tailed butt plug and this man loses it. He is ready to tear you apart like a wolf who found dinner after three days of hunting. It’s a guarantee you won’t be walking tomorrow.
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Hyunjin: RACK: knife play This man would be one of the few I trust enough to do this. He would love dragging the blade all over your body watching goosebumps rise up. Occasionally digging the blade in your flesh but not with enough force to break skin just enough to hear your little whimpers. On occasion you allow him to cut you, not deep enough to scar but enough to draw blood and he goes bonkers when you allow this. He’ll cut you along the top of your thigh and watch the blood trickle down a bit before flattening his tongue on you, licking it up and suckling on the wound. You let a moan out at the mixture of the cold blade, the burning wound and his wet tongue. He’ll insert the handle of the blade in you, watching you as you rut your hips along it. He’d roll his eyes from watching how much pleasure you’re receiving from this and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
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Jisung: Odaxelagnia: Biting Whether it’s to extract a dirty ass moan from you or muffle his own this man loves to bite. He loves leaving his mark on you anywhere you allow. He loves little nips at your back or big bites on your ass and thigh. There were a few times he’d accidently bite you so hard he’d draw blood. He couldn’t tell you how sorry he was that he did that, leaving little kisses around it but the devil in his brain reminded him this one would take longer to heal and knowing that his teeth were indented into your skin covered in a brown and purple bruise excited him so much. During the healing process you could expect quickies any and everywhere, in closets of music video sets to bathroom stalls at restaurants. Anytime he got a glimpse of it, it just wound him right back up.
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Felix: Temperature Play: wax Felix is an absolute S L U T for wax play. He loves to cuff/tie your hands to the bed frame and watch your chest heave up and down in anticipation for the hot wax. He’ll light multiple different colored candles too so your chest is an “absolute work of art” Felix always liked to say. He’ll start by dropping wax right between your breast watching it slowly fall through the valley and come to a droplet. He repeats this process in different colors watching your chest rise and fall in pain but enjoyable pain. He takes a candle dripping wax over your sensitive nipples letting a moan out he’ll look at you, “Are you still okay?” he lifts the candle so no more wax is falling on you. “Fuck felix please don’t stop.” You moan out causing his member to get extra hard. He’ll get a crazy look in his eye and smirk at you. You knew you were in for a good fuck when he took his phone off the bed side table to capture his work before destroying your body in every way he could.
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Seungmin: Dominance: Sir There is nothing Seungmin loves more than when you refer to him as “Sir”. It could be in a sarcastic way or a sexual way but no matter it always resulted with you bent over the nearest object taking him pounding into you. He loved nothing more than hearing you scream “Yes sir.” when he asked if you felt good. The thought alone could make him combust. He would even often record you screaming it just so he has plenty of octave options to jack off to on tour or if work has gotten real stressful. He’s still trying to talk chan into using one as a background sound on the album. He has yet to sway him considering he refuses to let chan listen to him cause “those moans are mine”.
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IN: Amaurophilia: blindfolds He hasn’t decided what he likes more, using the blindfold on him or on you. (It’s definitely you) He loves the way the silk band feels as he ties it behind your head making sure not to get your hair caught in it. He loves that now you’re having to rely on your other senses and on him to know what he’s doing so he likes to fuck with you a bit like breath on your neck then pinch the inside of your thigh, eating up every little yelp and moan you let out. He constantly teases you before entering, he’ll drag his dick up and down your folds relentlessly till you reach out your hand making an attempt to grab a hold of his arm.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
[01:45] ~ Bang Chan [Drabble]
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GENRE: Prompt, established relationship, drabble
PAIRING: Bang Chan x GN!Reader
PROMPT USED:A: “ I have something to ask…”B *Looks at the time* “Uhm, Sure, we have to hurry up, but go ahead.”A: “ I’d like to know if you really...Like me?”B ...A … B “Babe...We’ve been together for seven years and we’re getting married in ten minutes…”
You nervously held onto Chan's hand from around the corner as you squeezed it softly, time was passing by so quickly and you'd finally convinced Felix to let you speak to him. It had been a while since you’d seen Chan and you missed him,
"I have something to ask," You whined as he tried to pull away from you, checking the time on his phone anxiously to see if you could talk yet. 
"Uhm, sure, we have to hurry up, but go ahead." He whispered still not looking at you as he kept his eyes forward on the door in front of him where the boys were waiting. They couldn't hear what you were saying over the music in the room behind them but they were just there to make sure Chan didn't look at you. If he looked at you it would be bad luck, 
"I'd like to know if you really like me..." As soon as it left your mouth Chan's hand dropped from yours and he covered his eyes, turning to look at you. Even though his eyes were covered you could tell that he had a disappointed look on his face. 
"Babe...We've been together for seven years and we're getting married in ten minutes." He laughed as he thought about it, Felix came into the room and pulled him away from you even though he hadn't looked at you. 
"I just had to check," You whined as they took him out of the room and into the main part of the church where you would meet him when the ten minutes were up.
Tagline: @taestannie​ @minholuvs​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @anxiousbobatea​ @justbangtanthingz​
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