#streaming numbers are super important and netflix is still weighing a season 2
mixingpumpkins · 2 years
Have you read the sandman comics? I haven’t read them (graphic novels are not my favorite genre) or watched the show but have been considering doing both, and was wondering if you would recommend reading the books first? I’m the past, if I’ve read the book before the movie, I tend to be a bit more critical of it (don’t get me started on the Ella Enchanted movie) than if I watch the movie first, but by doing it that way I sometimes miss some nuance/importance/Easter eggs. What do you recommend?
Oh god, the Ella Enchanted movie. 🙃
I have read the comics! I just finished rereading them before watching the series, which was why I didn't binge it immediately on release day. That said:
Watch the series. (Run, don't walk. Seriously.)
Like, I'd encourage you to read the Sandman comics as well, but don't wait to do that to watch the series, especially if you don't really like graphic novels. Tbh, I wish I hadn't bothered finishing my reread before watching - because it was that good - and it's probably one of the only adaptations I've seen where I wouldn't be explaining nuances if I were watching it with someone who didn't know anything about the source material.
You won't miss anything, except maybe the occasional "oh hey, that shot is the same as the comic panel" or the more frequent "oh hey, that line is a direct quote from the comics." And those are just as easily enjoyed as "oh hey, those panels look almost the same as that scene," imo.
Maybe controversial opinion, but I enjoyed the show even more than the comics, and it's been one of my fave graphic novels for decades now. The series fleshes out things I wish had been explored a little more in the comics, and cuts the things (like some other DC character cameos) that I didn't particularly enjoy when I read them.
Every single "major" change so far, like John Constantine -> Johanna Constantine or Lucien -> Lucienne, or Dream's eyes looking human rather than solid black with stars, is an upgrade that works so well. The things in the comics that felt a bit "ick" to me in terms of story, subject matter handling, tone, being dated, etc. have been upgraded too.
I honestly can't remember seeing another adaptation where I didn't want to nitpick against the source material and I actually feel like every single change works better than it was originally written. And you certainly don't need to be familiar with the original version to appreciate how good these elements are.
The other thing I'll say is ... mind the warnings. It can get really dark, and going into it thinking it's another fun series like Good Omens just because it's by Neil Gaiman is a shortcut to a rude awakening. I cried. A lot.
And don't let the gory horror show that is Episode 5 turn you off the rest of it, especially since Episode 6 is up there for one of the most beautifully done episodes of TV I've ever seen.
Enjoy! God, I'm so jealous, I wish I could see it for the first time again.
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