#street fighter jaime siu x reader
Sorry for not updating more often everyone.
My house just got a new dog, and I have to watch her until someone comes home to take over. I do see you all in my inbox, so please don’t think I forgot about you.
Also as a life update, I got into my dream school! yippee!🥳 I’m studying to be a Radiology tech, and I start June 1st. I’m going to be doing this for 2 years straight with little to no breaks, so I probably won’t have any time to write for the Street Fighter 6 fandom like I used to.
So for anyone who wants to request anything for SF6, go crazy in my inbox. I’ll answer all of them the best I can until May 31st.
But after that, I will be on Hiatus for 2 years until my program is over. Boo. I’ll still reblog sf6 content on here but I won’t be as active.
Hopefully you all understand.
NOW request what you want ppl. My restriction is don’t request characters outside of SF6 that haven’t been properly introduced yet. Because it takes more time for me to research characters than it does to write them.
Characters I wouldn’t write for:
E. Honda
M. Bison
These characters are hard for me to write fanfics for, so please refrain from requesting them.
ps this is the little rascal keeping me up at night. Her name is Sasha.
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I have another question...
Out of everyone in SF6 who do you think would like a Scene! S/o?
(Other than Bosch, I'm trying to see if I can write for other SF6 characters)
I don't think I ever mentioned it to you guys, but I'm alt. And I genuinely do not know who in Street Fighter would appreciate a Scene S/o. Any thoughts on who would?
Edit: after much consideration, Kimberly is the best option! Saving this in my drafts for later. Thank u everyone!
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