🌸Todays amounts:🌸
Kcal goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 526
Left over: 699
Steps: 3k?
I would be super excited about this, however I'm going to this girls house tomorrow and I am TERRIFIED.
And my parents are making it worse with their misguided advice
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🌺Todays amounts:🌺
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 983
Left over: 242
Daily steps: 2000
(Rant ahead)
Okay but like I am FURIOUS with myself with today! Like ik I've had days over this but I was on a STREAK and now because I'm a FAT FUCK I'm PISSED OFF AT MYSELF!
I also wanna cry but whenever I start to cry I get so so so so so angry and my brain is like WHY ARE YOU SUCH A WHINY BITCH JESUS JUST GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY!
Anyways, I'm barely eating tomorrow to make up for it. I'd rather die than go over.
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✨Today's amounts:✨
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 816
Below by: 409
Steps: 400?
It's so fuckin warm where I live, I actually cannot survive hahshejdndjbd shshsbsudbdjdb send help
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Ya don't need to do anything ma dood, just send me a picture and I'll get it back to ya asap!
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🌟Today's amounts:🌟
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 755
Left over: 470
Steps: 438
I'm glad that I'm managing to stay below 800 a day mostly.
However I am going on holiday next week (to a cottage, it's safe) and I've already been told that the healthy eating is going out of the window which I am d r e a d i n g.
Anyways, I love you!!
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🧚‍♀️Today's amounts:🧚‍♀️
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 720
Left over: 505
Today's steps: 1.6K
I changed my logging system a bit because the not being able to tell kcal burned was making me m a d.
Anyways, I finished Atla today. I cried. A lot.
Anyways remember I love you!!
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Just a quick reminder:
Do not say the N- word if you're not a poc
Do not say the D-slur if you're not a lesbian
Do not say the F-slur if you're not gay
Do not say the T-slur if you're not trans
These words do not hold power if you say them when you shouldnt. They do not make you look "cool". If you're not one of the above and you're saying these words, you seriously need to rethink your choices, because you're making yourself look like an asshole.
Thank you and goodnight
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🌌Today's amounts:🌌
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 741
Kcal burned: ??
Total today: 741
Left over: 484
I'm good with this tbh! I mean it's the lowest day so far calorie wise so yeah!
I'm just really annoyed bc the thing I'm using to monitor this won't tell me the kcal burned, and neither will google so -_-
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🎇Todays amounts:🎇
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 1027
Kcal burned: 138!
Total today: 889
Left over: 336
I'm really tired today (spent four hours in a breakdown talking about BLM because I care too much about people)
I guess I'm excited?? Idk im just tired aaa, but today was okay. Being a Saturday an all, it's okay!
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I feel a little bit more confident today!!
Which means PRIDE SHIRT
If mum doesn't tell me I look fat in it
(Its slightly cropped, so comes like lower torso if that makes sense.)
Let's see what happens!!
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🌠Today's amounts:🌠
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 753
Kcal burned: (??)
Left over: 753 (approx)
Below by: 472
🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
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Tumblr media
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Okay yes
Your four most recent emojis describe your childhood
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The only meal I can get away with skipping is breakfast because I can pretend to sleep in and then "oh look, it's too close to lunch to have breakfast, oh dear!"
Idk if it works tho ahaha.
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🎆Today's amounts:🎆
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 909
Kcal burned: 0 (bad day)
Total today: 909
Left over: 316
I changed my calorie counter app today and I'm still getting used to it!
I feel okay about today. Not as good as yesterday but that was because mum made pasta and I love pasta.
I love you!!
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My friends!
For all my caffeine lovers out there:
I found this brand of coffee that does flavoured coffee, but the amazing thing about this is ITS COMPLETELY SUGAR FREE!
Which means you can drink it and not have to worry about how it may affect your diet!!
The brand is called BEANIES, just search up beanies coffee on google and their website should come up!
Happy coffee drinking!!
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🌌🌌 Today's figures: 🌌🌌
Daily goal: <1225
Kcal intake: 891 (!!)
Kcal burned: 103
Total kcals today: 788
Left over: 103
If I can keep this up then I'll be proud of myself!
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