#stressed little bong man just wanted to live in his van and now his life is so messed up :(
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
you know I actually have an Andy fic in my special children au that I’m trying to write and the biggest reason I haven’t finished it is that every time I get really into it, it suddenly switches into second person
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rmsmoni · 6 years
April Lady Pt 1 Roger Taylor Series
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She won our hearts the art she loved
Y/N was born in London, in an april rainy afternoon. She was known for being the daughter of a well known man in the neighborhood, an artist, a good one. Not only she was good as well, she would hang them around the streets, hoping and desiring for people to get inspired and to seek beauty.
Is painting pictures free
When she was done she hung them up
For all the children to see
The thing was she not only drew landscape, but the human body as well. Every single old lady of the town was disgusted to see the man and woman body on full display, less in a young girl drawing. Teens around town were known for stealing them, only conscious people knew what for. She would sign them right at the tip of the sheet, April Lady, a name very well known aroun town. Such a drama was made, she had been asked to take them out. To the young people´s dismay, she did.
Goodbye April Lady
It´s been good to have you around
Goodbye April Lady
You´ve done a lot for the folks in this town
As her main hobby had been taken away from her, she decided it was time to learn something else and that thing turn to be the piano. She studied for a solid four years till she entered college with nineteen, not knowing what was waiting for her. That’s were she met Roger Taylor. They were pretty good friends, going to pubs together, having mutual friends. Until one day everything changed.
Y/N had decided that apart from studying, she would give classes as a private teacher to earn money, things were going pretty well in her college room whlie she teached an older student than her basic biology, till Roger decided to interrumpt.
_Y/N! For fuck´s sake! Hear me out, you won´t believe this!- He shouted entering the room.
_Roger, not now!- She whispered shouted at him.
_They are making auditions for a band! Singers, pianists, drummers! That´s us!
_ What?! Really?
The student was just so lost by this point.
_There´s just a little thing, It´s kind of right now. So like...We gotta go.- Said Roger slowly.
You looked at him in disbelieve and turned around to talk to the guy who you were trying so agonizingly to teach.
_  Hey sorry, I will make sure we have another date, but I kind of have to leave now...
_Oh, fuck yeah- Said the dude trying to get out of there as fast as he could, not really wanting to keep studing.
_Ok, that was fast, let´s go.
They ran through the corridors, dodgin students till they made it to the streets, were they decided to walk as Roger was about to have an azma atack. Both of them couldn´t describe how anxious they were, if both of them ended having a part in the band, Roger was sure he would cry.
And he did. Not only him, but Y/N got in. They were ecstatic. They met this guy called Brian, pretty good guy, and Tim, a little obnoxious as Roger called him, but overall, everything was going more than perfect.
Children learned to read
She strung her beads
It´s sorry she was the one
As you can isn´t she good
She don´t leave nothing undone
After a few months of doing gigs together, everything was going well, or It seem to. You were helping Roger and Brian to load up the instruments in the truck after a gig, Tim was nowhere in sight.
_Do you guys want some beers?- Asked Brian, while we were finishing locking everything up.
Both Roger and you nodded your heads, to tired to formly answered. Brian just scoffed at your antics and walked away. To tired to do literally do anything, you and Roger sited in the backsite of the van. 
_So, how did I do?- Asked Roger for the ninth time tonight.
_Rog, I´m pretty sure you got all those ladies swooning, you were amazing.
_But, what did you...
Seeing Brian walking back to you in the distance, you decided to joke Roger´s unsureness away.
_Oh, Brian, darling!- You shouted, watching how the curly tall man looked at you in weirdness after you call him out in a really exaggerated british accent.- Dear Roger here is being a little unsure about his performance tonight...- You dropped the act after some girls passed past you and laughed at your conversation, looking at Roger.- Oh, girlies! What did you think of Roger tonight?
_He was wonderful, handosome too.- Said one of them, making Roger chuckle.
_You know what I´m wonderful on too, Dear?
_Oh, fuck off Roger!- Said Brian and you the same time.- Thanks girls for your enthusiasm, but we will lift his spirit from now on.- Said Brian with a disaproving look in his face.
Brian took the sit beside you, living you in the middle of them. In was a cold night, but warm enought to survive with a jacket. Student of all ages came and went, rushing to take someone home or to just arrive to their houses before curfew. You were cleaning Roger’s pant, before someone interrupted you.
_Y/N leave it!- Said Roger puting your hand away.
_I don’t even know what that is, let me clean it!
Brian took a look at the patch in Roger pants.
_Is that the left over of your ham sandwich?- He Laughed.
Roger threw his head back.
_No, It’s not...
You were distracted by someone clearing their throat, your other bandmate, Tim. He had a sour look on his face, bass case on one hand. He opened his mouth, but rapidly closed it.He looked down at the floor and then at all of you.
_I´m leaving the band...- He said looking up.
_Tim..- You said shaking your head.
_I hope you are joking- Said Roger standing up with Brian, leaving you siting while watching the scene unfold.
_Don’t do it Tim.- Said Brian.
_It’s called Humpy Bong, they are going places. Uni gigs, pubs? We are not getting anywhere like this.
_The only thing you will be humping is each other, fuck off Tim.- You said angrily, making Roger laugh and Brian chuckle.
Tim shook his head.
_I´m sorry- He said before leaving.
You three looked stunned how Tim walked away from you. Brain and Roger sitted back down were they were before. 
_I think he’s right- Said Roger- That show was a total disaster.
_Well, there was room for improvement, yeah- Said Brian.
_I got better things to do on a saturday night, i could give you her name.- Said Roger looking at you.
You laughted and winked at him.
_You wish.
Roger was gonna respond, before you wre interrumted again. This time was young man with long hair and strong jawline. You knew him, you have seen each other here and there, mostly in parties. He was a good dude, liked to coment on how good your outfits were.
_I enjoyed the show- Said, who you remember to be Freddie, traying to sound casual.
_Thanks man-Said Brian.
_I have been following you for a while actually. Smile. Makes sense for a dentist student- He said looking at Roger- Astrophysics- Pointing at Brian- And environmental sciences- Smiling at your way- Makes you both the clevers ones.
_Yeah, i suppose it does.- Said Brian looking at Roger with ego, making him roll his eyes. 
_I study design. Also, I write songs- He said extending a piece of paper to Brian. Looking how he was not going to take it, you grabbed it. You have heard Freddie’s songs a long time ago, when he was still with his band, and they were pretty good. He looked grateful at you once you took them. Roger shook his head.
_You are five minutes too late.- Said Roger.
_Our lead singer just quit- You said, making Freddie smile.
_Then you will need some one knew.
That’s how the new band was formed. A few months later after trying with different people, John was introduced to the band. He was the only one who fitted in and everyone was more than happy to have him. So that´s how it begun. Their first performance together would be in the pub were they first met. To say they were nervous was an understandment, they have practiced in Brian’s basement, but being stressed on how the public was going to take them was eating them alive.
The day finally came. Brian, Freddie and John had already arrived to the pub to try and talk to the owner about the day of the week they will be coming and pay day, while Roger and y/n were in Brian’s house trying to get all the instruments in the van. You were saving the guitar on t’s case, while Roger was desperately trying to get all the drum set to fitt in the small place. With one bad movement, all of the cables of the amplifier fell on the floor at the same time that half of the drum set was slowly falling on Roger.
_Fuck! This is imposible!- He said angrily, trying to pick the cables on the floor, whil his other hand was holding the drum set.
 _Here let me help you- You accommodated everything on it’s place and then took a look at Roger who was lighting up a cigarette. At not being able to light it up, he let out a curse. You came closer and light it up for him. He looked up at you with a face you hadn’t seen in a long time, fear.
_Y/N?- He mumured
_What if they don’t like us?- He asked looking at you eyes.
_They will love us, i’m sure of it. We have practiced, we can’t be that bad- You laughted. Still seeing his insecurity, you tried one more time.- Plus, we have one of the most beutiful man in the town, ladies will we swooning. - You said shaking your hips a little, making him laugh.
_Thank you- He smiled.
_Come on, loverboy. We got people to impress.- You said graving his hand.
Roger couldn’t describe the warm felling that grew in his chest everytime you talk om him. He started to feel them a few months ago, when he realised how important yo were in his life. He knew he was slowly falling and there was no way out. Starting the van to leave, he took a last glance at you. You look stunning and there was no way out of hell he could love you more.
After arriving, fighting with the boys and fixing up the instruments, the show was starting.
_Hello all you beautiful people!- There was a big silence, until Brian started with his guitar riff.
Both you and Freddie started singing and moving around, owning the stage. People seem to love it, they were shouting and singing along. The energy on the room was amazing, everyone could feel it, you were killing it. You were moving side to side on the stage singing, until it was your cue to stop, Roger drum solo was starting. You turned around, giving you back to the audience, facing Roger. He looked amazing, the red light’s hitting his face just righ, pointing out his face structure. His lips poking and his eyes focused on the drums, you couldn’t help but find him irresistible. He looked up and smiled at you with that look in his eyes, you just could’t help but smile back. He was your death sentence.
She taught them all to love
She was their cream
And we don’t want her to go
but we know too well
She fell in love
And there’s no stopping her now
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