#strip e split payment
xlmains · 2 years
Cash app snap a well lit photo of face
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“TikTok has robust policies and measures to help protect the safety and well-being of teens,” a company spokesperson said. TikTok users are supposed to be at least 18 in order to send or receive gifts through Live that can be turned into money, and those under 16 are meant to be blocked from hosting livestreams altogether, according to company rules. In return, the girls are showered with virtual gifts, like flowers, hearts, ice cream cones and lollipops, that can be converted to cash. And many simply coax girls to show their tongues and belly buttons or do handstands and splits. Phrases like “put your arms up” or “touch the ceiling” are often directed at girls in crop tops so viewers can see their breasts and stomachs. Commenters say “outfit check” to get a complete look at a girl’s body “pedicure check” to see their feet “there’s a spider on your wall” to get girls to turn around and show their rears and “play rock-paper-scissors” to encourage girls to flirt-fight or wrestle with each other. Some of the demands are explicit - like asking girls to kiss each other, spread their legs or flash the camera - and some harder to detect, masked with euphemisms. The transactions are happening in a public online forum open to viewers almost anywhere on the planet. But that's exactly what TikTok is doing here.” Imagine a local joint putting a bunch of minors on a stage before a live adult audience that is actively giving them money to perform whatever G, PG or PG-13 activities they request, she said. It’s “the digital equivalent of going down the street to a strip club filled with 15-year-olds,” says Leah Plunkett, an assistant dean at Harvard Law School and faculty associate at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, focused on youth and media. These exchanges did not take place between adults at a nightclub they took place on TikTok Live, where MJ, who said she was 14 years old, was broadcasting with friends to 2,000 strangers on a recent Saturday night.Ī Forbes review of hundreds of recent TikTok livestreams reveals how viewers regularly use the comments to urge young girls to perform acts that appear to toe the line of child pornography - rewarding those who oblige with TikTok gifts, which can be redeemed for money, or off-platform payments to Venmo, PayPal or Cash App accounts that users list in their TikTok profiles. We sent an e-mail to Bank of America’s media contact to see whether they know what the mobile deposit policy on money order is, because the app designers and their own customer service staff clearly don’t agree.Įditor's Note: This article originally appeared on Consumerist.“I’m 68 and you owe me one,” one attendee told her as more requests piled on. (The nearest ATM or Branch is over 200 miles away.) When I pointed this out to the Customer Service rep and said that these sorts of oversights and misinformation could result in closing my account, she told me they wanted to keep me as a customer but could offer no alternative solutions. Now, I moved to Montana from Massachusetts recently and have only kept my 8-year-old Bank of America account despite their lack of locations in this and many neighboring states because I am able to deposit checks via Mobile Deposit. When my clear, well-lit, well-framed photos were returned as “Cannot Be Read” several times, I contact customer support, who informed me that, despite the very clearly worded information available in the app’s Help menu, ONLY checks can be deposited this way, and I would need to travel to a BofA location to deposit my money order.
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gold-and-rubies · 4 years
I’m Not an Angel, Baby - Chapter 6
Bridget’s POV.
“Hey Julie,” Bridget greeted.
“Welcome,” she smiled, “I heard about how you were able to negotiate a truce between the Kings and the NCR. You have no idea how great of a help that is. What can I do for you?”
“Heh, it wasn’t that big of a deal. Just trying to do the right thing. Anyway, I was wondering if you have any work that needs to be done.”
“There is always work that needs to be done, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to pay you in caps. We might be able to spare some stimpaks, though.”
“Well, what needs to be done?”
“A few souls here in Freeside could be great assets to the community, if they’d kick their addictions,” she explained.
“Who are they?”
“Old Bill Honte and Jacob Hoff… They’re not going to kick their habits on their own.”
“Where can I find them?”
“In Freeside, the drunks and drug addicts flock in and around the Atomic Wrangler. I’d start there.”
She nodded, “Alright, I’ll see what we can do.”
“Sobering them up and putting them back to work would go a long way towards helping Freeside, so please, do what you can.”
Bridget ducked out of the tent Julie had been sitting in. She had to blink a few times to let her eyes adjust to the lack of shade.
Her companions were waiting for her by the gates to the Old Mormon Fort. Boone looked a bit uncomfortable. She did not blame him. The beret made him stand out like a sore thumb. Veronica was messing around with Ed-E. The thing had become like a pet to her, or well, pet project. And Cass… well, she did not know her well enough to get a good read on her.
“And?” Boone asked as she walked up. At least he was straight to the point.
“There are some addicts she wants us to talk into getting clean. Payment won’t be in caps, though. It’ll be stims.”
“But don’t you need the caps?” Cass asked.
“Yeah, but stims are stims. It’ll be saving us money in the long run, besides everything’s here in Freeside. Don’t really have much to lose other than time,” she argued.
“Fine,” Boone frowned.
“Actually, now that I think about it, how about you and Cass stay at the Wrangler. Veronica and I can handle it,” she said. Though she liked them, her companions were not exactly the best with people, especially Boone. She doubted they would want help from a scary looking ex-First Recon sniper, and Cass did not exactly have a gentle hand from what she had seen.
Cass cocked an eyebrow at her, “You sure?”
“Yeah. I mean, right now you’re not getting much out of this, and Boone could probably use a break.”
“And you don’t?” Veronica asked.
“I’m the one who dragged you all out here, aren’t I?” she argued back.
“Then go. We’ve got this.”
Boone and Cass shared a look, and she said, “We’ll be at the Wrangler then.”
They headed to the street that the Atomic Wrangler sat on together, but split once they got to the door.
“So where do we start?” Veronica asked.
“The ruins?”
They poked around the ruins, asking anyone they deemed not blackout drunk or high if they knew the two people they were looking for. They tried asking the guard at the door if he knew anything. He denied. Bridget doubted he told the truth. The fact they found Bill Ronte in the building across the street.
She spotted the man through holes in the wall of the building. She felt sympathy as she looked at him. He was clearly strung out on something. She was surprised no one tried to get him help earlier.
“Excuse me,” she addressed him, “Do you know Bill Ronte or Jacob Hoff?”
“Yeah, I’m Bill. Dixon send you? He said he’d be back today,” he said.
“No,” she knelt so she was on the same level as him, “Julie Farkas sent me to help you sober up.”
“Julie? Oh, I love Julie. She’s such a nice lady,” she could hear the pain in his voice, “One time, I was working on the water pump and she came over, put her hand on my shoulder, and told me I was doing a great job. Great Job she says! I just choked up and didn’t say nothing. Compliments are so rare these days.”
She tried to pick her words carefully, and spoke gently, “Then why don’t you stop drinking for her?”
“Drop drinking?” he exclaimed, “I’ve been drinking for a straight month! Listen, I’ve tried to stop, but the withdrawal symptoms are so bad I feel like I’m going to die. I can’t stop now.”
“Who’s selling to you?”
“Dixon. He sells me booze dirt cheap. It does the job, but it tastes like paint thinner and I feel like I’m going to die if I stop drinking for a day. I swear that guy is trying to kill me, but what can I do? Drinking other booze doesn’t cure the sickness.”
“Where is he normally?” she asked as softly as she could. She did not want to scare him off.
“Outside of Mick and Ralph’s shop.”
“Thank you.”
She stood, and walked out of the ruins. She waited until they were near the criers to talk to Veronica.
“That poor man. He seems so nice. Not many people come off like that.”
“I’m more focused on how you handled that. I had no idea you could act that kind, and sympathetic.”
“Honestly, I didn’t either.”
Veronica stopped walking, “What?”
“How do you not know something like that?”
“I haven’t told you why I’m confronting Benny exactly, have I?” she sighed, “He attacked me. Robbed me, shot me in the head execution style, and left me for dead. Don’t know how I survived.”
She pushed her dark hair from her temple, revealing the scar Benny gave her, “That’s where this came from. Can’t remember anything before the shot really. Just muscle memory and skills. I want to know why he did it to me… when I said I came from Goodsprings I guess I really meant their graveyard.”
“Oh. Oh my god, I am so sorry. I understand why you want to get to Benny now. I’d probably act the same way. I’ve got your back.”
“Thanks. I’d rather focus on the task at hand right now, though. If you don’t mind?”
“Of course! Let’s go kick this asshole’s butt.”
They wove their way through the streets of Freeside until they got to Mick and Ralph’s shop. There was a man leaning on the ways, smoking. Bridget approached him, fighting to keep herself calm.
“Looking for a fix, man? I got what you need.”
She winced at the smell of his breath. It was like something had died in his mouth.
“Do you know anything about Bill or Jacob?” she asked, trying not to sound too disgusted.
“Yeah, man,” he laughed, “Those cats are out of their domes addicted to my shit. They can’t get enough. Pretty hilarious to watch.
She felt a wave of disgust for a whole new reason, “I need you to stop selling to them.”
He smirked, “Really? Aw, you’re such a saint. You know what? I might if there is something in it for me.”
“Yeah, you’re head. Though there is a truce, tensions between the NCR and the people here are still pretty damn high, and it seems to me like Bill and Jacob are well liked. Wonder what a rumor about the NCR supplying you with cheap chems to kill people off would do?”
She was not fond of playing the tough, threatening type, but she was not playing in this case. This guy needed good ass kicking, or maybe worse. She would not judge.
“Alright, alright, I won’t sell to them anymore. You have my word.”
“You’d better not,” she spat, “Now, where’s Jacob?”
“Over there,” he gestured with his chin across the street.
She gave him a final glare, before she dove into the ruins. There was a dead body lying in the rubble along the right side of the building. There was something around his neck.
“Is… is that a collar?” Veronica whispered.
“Looks like it. Poor guy probably died trying to get it off,” she sighed. She wondered who put it there. She knew the Legion did that to their slaves, but his clothes looked too nice. She tried not to think about it.
They continued looking through the building until they found a man leaning against one of the ruined walls.
“Jacob Hoff?” Bridget asked.
“Yeah? You have chems, buddy? I could really use a fix.”
Bridget frowned. He was just as bad as Bill.
“No. Julie Farkas sent me. Said you could use some help.”
“Julie is a saint, but I don’t need help. I feel young and strong, as long as I get my chems.”
She knelt again, not wanting to appear threatening, “You don’t look great, Jacob. You need to stop using.”
He laughed, “Why stop? I feel great! No worries. My guy will be here soon enough, just wait.”
“He won’t be supplying you anymore.”
“What?” he exclaimed, “I need a fix now!”
“I want you to get better,” she said. She meant it.
“Fine. If you care so much, then get me some shots of fixer. I’ll need at least ten to get me through the week. Then the Followers can help.”
She shook her head, “No. You don’t need that. You are strong, and the Followers are more than willing to help you.”
He sighed, “Alright. I’ll head over there now.”
She stood ready to offer support if he needed it. He pushed himself up until he was standing. They helped him get to the gates of the fort, and then headed off to go get Bill. He had a far better reaction to being told that Dixon was no longer going to support him. He thanked them deeply, and they said their goodbyes. They checked in with Julie and they were on their way.
When they got back to the Atomic Wrangler Boone and Cass were sitting at a table in front of the stage. A bottle of whiskey sat between them.
“Hey guys,” Cass greeted, “Things go well?”
“Yeah,” Bridget smiled, “Have a nice night off?”
“Yeah. Boone struck it rich.”
“What?” she and Veronica said in unison.
“Played a game of blackjack and won… how many caps?”
“Enough to get us all on the strip,” he said flatly.
“Didn’t even really bet that much!”
“Well, damn. Looks like we know what we’re doing tomorrow,” she replied.
Cass handed her the bottle, “To whatever the hell you’re planning.”
Bridget grabbed it, and drank. The next day was going to be one hell of a ride.
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The Updated SARMs MK-677 Review
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, in a nutshell SARM, is very similar to steroid drugs. Usually, they may be used by sports athletes and physical fitness freaks to boost physical efficiency, lose fat and produce muscles. They cannot have numerous side-effects such as the usual anabolic steroids. There are several risks related to SARMs and therefore they should be combined with utmost extreme caution.
Choosing the Best SARMs
Before buying the very best SARM, you need to always perform some research and avoid the most popular mistakes produced by other exercise freaks.
The very first to keep in mind purchasing a SARM is to what is lab bankroll. So if an organization does not supply the lab ensures you get report, it ought to be avoided.
A trusted and even best firm would usually provide a money-back guarantee, to succeed the believe in and self-confidence of their clients. Some of the businesses provide 30-days and some provide a 15-day refund.
Before buying the particular SARM initially, there is always a new risk associated with believing typically the authenticity from the company. Therefore, one should research the organization, its web site and product critiques to get actual feedback concerning the products provided by the company.
Greatest SARMs Merchant
The organization ‘Genome Research LLC’ through the USA had been one of the first in the industry of offering SARMs plus they fulfill each of the criteria for quality together with reliability, which is why they are considered the best place to purchase the SARMs on the web. They attempt a website within the name about ‘provenpeptides. com’ for promoting SARMs on the net. They post the lab guarantee reports online for client satisfaction and also, they provide all the key kinds of SARMs in different amounts such as fifteen, 30 or perhaps 60ml.
o Testolone
o Ostarine
o Andarine
The cost of the item varies with all the amount a person order, in case you order inside large quantity, then your price is going to be less. For instance: if the expense of a particular SARM for 15ml is $45, but if you purchase 60ml, subsequently it will cost you about $140, preserving almost 25%.
· The website of Proven Peptides is quite user friendly and easy to make use of.
· Provide highest quality SARMs.
· They also acknowledge card repayments.
· Publish lab-guarantee information on their website.
· 30 days’ money-back policy.
· Great Customer Care support.
· Easily available and clear operations.
Another corporation that provides the very best quality SARMs will be ‘Umbrella Labs’, which is a provider from The united states. It works underneath the website called “sarms-for-sale. com” and it 1 best provider that offers SARMs internet.
They also submit the lab assure reports on their website and assurance the wholesomeness of up to 99. 8%. They market all the important SARMs which are liquid throughout nature, for example:
o Cardarine 30ml
o Ostarine 20ml
o Testolone 10ml
o Stenabolic 10ml
o Andarine 30ml
· 10% discount about orders well worth $100 and 20% with orders worthy of $200.
· Publish lab ensure reports online.
· Excellent Customer service.
· Money-Back Guarantee.
3. SARMs for You
If you are searching to buy SARMs in any portion of Europe, in that case ‘SARMs to get You’ might prove to be the best option for you, because they have their foundation in the Holland. They actually publish invisalign guarantee accounts on their website and when not released, you can demand them to become sent all of them over your own e-mail.
These people sell the many major SARMs of different naturel, such as:
o 9 powders, such as Ostarine
o 10 kinds of pills
· Offers Capsules (that is quite rare).
· Publish research laboratory guarantee stories on their website.
· Different payment choices such as Bank cards, PayPal as well as Bitcoins (no other merchant accepts them)
· Customer Treatment service via e-mail.
· 14 days Cash back guarantee.
Best SARM Stacks
Many people use only just one kind of SARM for normal results plus some athletes utilize multiple SARMs simultaneously for you to experiments while using results and much more effective outcomes. This is referred to as SARM stacking and as lengthy as putting is performed in a managed manner, the outcomes can be silent rewarding.
Based on your purpose, below pointed out are some of the very best SARM piles:
The best SARMs for reducing and weight loss are:
· Ostarine (MK-2866)
· Cardarine (GW-501516)
· 10 mg Cardarine and something like 20 mg Ostarine each day pertaining to 10 months
· Followed with a break of 4 weeks
The best SARM stacks to help bulk up and create mass in a fast pace are generally mentioned beneath:
· Lingadrol (LGD-4033)
· Testolone (RAD-140)
· The measure of 10-15 mg every day for 8 weeks
· Followed by a split of four 2 or 3 weeks
· SARMs PCT should be found in between periods
The very best SARM collection for creating strength consists of YK-11 SARM:
· Lingadrol (LGD-4033)
· YK-11
· Dosage of ten mg YK-11 and thirty mg Lingadrol per day just for six weeks
· Followed by a bust of four many days
· SARMs PERCENTAGE should be employed in between rounds
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Product Evaluation
Ibutamoren, also known as MK-677 and Nutrobal is a top quality SARM to enhance appetite and also muscle building.
· Muscle Wastage is usually reduced
· Increasing muscle mass and minimize body fat
· High energy levels
· Improved sleep designs
· Increased hunger
· Minimum Side effects
MK-677 could be stacked together with RAD-140 meant for building volume muscles or maybe striping. It may be stacked using Ostarine when the person desires to strip excess fat and build majority muscles at the same time.
Click here to know more about the benefits of MK-677.
Anybody can start with your dose associated with 10 milligrams a day (if used in stacking), however, you are able to increase the amount to 15 mg per day in case used by yourself.
The side effect is the fact that if you take greater doses, next it may result in incredible food cravings.
GW-501516, also known as Cardarine is a Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor, in short PPAR and not a good SARM, however it is used together them to get ripped endurance as well as for striping excess fat.
· Cardiovascular functionality is highly enhanced
· Increased endurance
· Can be applied by females as well
· Lowering LDL cholesterol levels
· High-fat burning capability
One can possibly start with some dose regarding 10 milligrams a day along with increase the medication dosage by five mg for each cycle which go optimum up to 30mg per day.
No big side-effects involving Cardarine happen to be reported.
Bottom line
SARMs usually are pharmaceutical items which are used that will shed extra fat, build muscle quickly, increased power and firming. While eating SARMs, complete attention ought to be paid towards the prescribed methods and methods of SARMs. However, the end results will be fully gratifying.
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irenemvallone · 6 years
Black Jacket
A very goofy post-apocalyptic vignette for @doktorpeace.  This was basically an exercise in stream-of-consciousness fiction, and I think it turned out well with that in mind.
If you enjoy this story and want to see more like it, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.  I’m also planning on opening up commissions soon, so keep an eye open for that!
Sinbad’s is quiet when I walk in.  The dance floor, usually packed like a can of road-rash on a Friday night like this, is empty.  The holo-juke is a sad gray tombstone in the corner, its usual rotating cast of hologram performers sleeping inside.  I can hear their neural nets circling around inside the pattern buffer like teeth rolling around in a sink—clink, clink.
There are two Dollies at the bar, one standing, one sitting.  The sitting one holds a gun in his hand while the standing one watches the door.  He taps his friend on the shoulder when he sees me come in.  They both turn to me, identical twins in black suits and fedoras—ancient stereotypes of G-men, built by an architect fed on secondhand pop-culture and sugary cartoons.  Their cycloptic red camera-eyes rotate and whir in their silver-plated faces, staring me down.  Maybe a little kid would be spooked.
The bar stands between them and Sinbad himself, a big man—even bigger than me—with a penchant for e-cigs and a tragic allergy to sleeved shirts.  He leans against the counter and twiddles his thumbs nervously, eyes darting back and forth between me and the gun, clearly wishing he could be somewhere else.
“Evening,” I say to him, lowering my sunglasses as I approach the bar.
“Don’t ‘good evening’ me, Roja,” he says.  He’s got a soft voice for such a big man.
“Didn’t say it was good.”  I tuck my sunglasses into my jacket pocket, looking the Dollies in the eye. The spikes on my shoulders bristle like cat hairs.
“I told you to leave me out of this shit,” Sinbad says, ignoring my correction.  “Your business is bad for my business.  In case you hadn’t noticed, the place is dead as my bastard first husband.  Not even the most strapped-for-cash dance-floor Sally wants a Silver Dollar in their pocket.”
“You know,” I say, flipping him a folded-up wad of bills, “I could really go for some cheese fries.  How about you fellas, you want anything?  I’ve got the cash.”
They don’t answer, but they do let Sinbad go.  He grabs the cash and hustles off into the kitchen.  That man’s got reason to fear the Dollies—hell, maybe I do too—but fear is a useful thing.  It’s the most efficient fuel on this whole bombed-out turd of a planet—perhaps second only to cheese fries.  Hell’s bells, I want those cheese fries.
“Physical currency is contraband, Ms. Valdez,” says one of the Dollies.
“Contraband these nuts.”
“We’ll see who’s making jokes when the Banker’s got your guts for garters,” says the other, the sitting one.  He’s got the gun, and he definitely talks like it.  I pretend to mull this concept over for a moment while inspecting my fingernails.  The paint on my left pinky is chipped.  I make a mental note to pick up some nail polish on the way home. Something red, maybe.  I’m feeling red.
“That would be a considerable waste of my market value,” I eventually respond.  “And I didn’t even think the Banker had legs.”
The sitting Dolly doesn’t answer for a little too long. “I told you not to make jokes, Daryl,” says his friend.
“This is no joke,” Daryl says.  “Your payment plan has expired, and you’ve defaulted on your loans.  It’s time for repossession.”
“You want it?” I ask.  “Come take it.  It clashes with my eyes anyway.”
“You think we’re stupid?” Daryl asks.
“I think you’re built to absolute minimum standards to save time and money. I think those brains in your shiny little heads were culled from the lowest till-jockeys the Banker could scrape out of his vault.  In short, yes—I think you’re stupid.”
I can’t help but crack a smile.  Disrespect tweaks the Dollies—tugs at some sinew strung up in their last vestiges of humanity.  They think they deserve respect just because the Banker bumped up their credit scores in exchange for turning them into pickled heads.  And when they don’t get it, they start boiling in their own brine.
I can almost see the steam coming out of the Dolly’s metal ears.  He gets up slowly from the bar, keeping one hand on his gun.  His friend looks on.
“I’ve had just about enough of this,” he says.  “You messed with the wrong Silver Dollar.”
He lifts the gun and fires.  The sound of the gunshot hangs in the air.
Through the window to the kitchen, I see Sinbad peek up.
My jacket is holding the bullet.
“The buck stops here,” I say.
He shoots again, but it’s no use.  My jacket explodes into a roiling storm of tendrils and spikes, shredding the air in a swirl of brambles and thorns.  They split and spiral, snatching bullets out of the air as they crawl slowly towards me—like the other kind of slug—chug, chug.  The Dolly moves in slow motion, hands sliding back as the gun recoils, lifting into the air, dropping the gun and letting it glide down to the floor as tendrils slither towards it and wrap around the grip and trigger and barrel, stripping it down to its base metals and plastics and shredding them like cheese before slurping them up into its hungry, hungry self.
Finally, we all blink.
I’m still standing.  The gun is gone.  The Dolly is gone.  In the place where he stood is a hairless, wrinkled head, lying on the floor in a puddle of brine, wearing only a pair of aviator shades.
The other Dolly steps over him and walks out of the bar.
“Hey,” Daryl says as his friend walks away.  “Hey!  You just gonna leave me here?”
“Some fairweather friend, huh, prune-boy?”  I walk over and look down at him.  He looks so puny on the floor.  My jacket’s buttons rumble with hunger, but I tug the sides together across my chest, and its spikes jangle with acquiescence.
“That’s ours,” Daryl says, his voice quavering.  “You got no right to do this.”
Is it a trick of the light, or do I see a little bit of sweat under that prune juice?
Sinbad comes out of the kitchen, a big platter of cheese fries balanced on one hand.  “Is it over?” he asks.  “And equally important question: Are you still hungry?”
“Of course,” I say, watching him set the fries on the counter.  “But my friend’s pretty stuffed.”
The leather constricts around me, putting gentle pressure on my shoulders, tapping me for attention—“Please, miss, can I have a turn to speak?”
“Pretty stuffed,” I repeat.  “If only I had someone to share this with.”
I look down at Daryl, still lying on the floor.
"Hey, no,” he says as I pick him up.  “No, I—hey.  Put me down.”
"You hungry, Daryl?” I ask him, setting him on top of the bar on his cauterized neck-stump.
“I don’t have a stomach.”
“Fantastic,” I say.  “You’ve got no stomach to fill.  You can eat as many cheese fries as you want.  I envy you, really.”
“Turn yourself in to the Banker.   He’ll take out your stomach.”
I grab a fry and stick it in my mouth.  Not enough cheese on that one.  “Credit score’s not good enough,” I say.
He regards me, then the fries, then me again.  “We’ll get you eventually,” he says.  “Crime doesn’t pay.”
“It pays for cheese fries.”  I grab one and shove it into Daryl’s mouth.  I watch him chew on it, then take one of my own.  This one has the perfect amount of cheese.  It melts onto my tongue—an ambrosia of success, liquid orange freedom, the sun shining in my mouth for another day.  Not that the two of us would have it any other way.
Daryl swallows his fry.  I don’t know where it goes.
“You know,” he says, “These are actually pretty good.”
“Yep,” I say.  “Sinbad’s the best bar in town for a reason.”
“Can I have another one?”
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mideastsoccer · 4 years
Palestine Plays Regional Power Politics with Proposed Energy Deal
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An initial version of this story was first published in Inside Arabia
A podcast version of this story is available on Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spreaker, Pocket Casts, Tumblr, Podbean, Audecibel, Patreon and Castbox.
A Palestinian move to secure Palestine’s energy needs by tying them to high-stakes Turkish regional gambits constitutes an effort to reduce Palestinian dependence on Israel at a time when the Jewish state is looking at annexing parts of the occupied West Bank.
When Faed Mustafa, Palestine’s ambassador in Ankara, expressed interest in June in negotiating with Turkey an agreement on the delineation of maritime boundaries in the eastern Mediterranean and cooperating on the exploitation of natural resources, he was repositioning Palestine in the larger struggle for regional dominance and the future of his state.
“We also have rights in the Mediterranean. Palestine has shares in oil and gas located in the eastern Mediterranean. We are ready to cooperate in these areas and sign a deal,” Mr. Mustafa said.
Mr. Mustafa did not spell it out, but Palestine would bring the Gaza Marine gas deposit, 36 kilometers off the Gazan coast, to the table. Discovered in 1999, the field, believed to have reserves of 31 billion cubic meters, remains unexplored as a result of multiple armed Israeli-Palestinian clashes, Israeli obstruction, and repeated changes in the consortium that would have ultimately exploited the field.
Palestine’s efforts to hook up with Turkey, at a time when relations with Israel have all but broken down, coincide with stepped up Israeli attempts to stymie Turkish inroads in Palestine paved by support for activists in Jerusalem and funding of historic and cultural facilities, in the wake of US President Donald J. Trump’s 2018 recognition of the city as Israel’s capital.
The Palestinian move also is a ploy to counter several steps taken by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to confront Turkey in Jerusalem and the eastern Mediterranean, facilitate a US plan to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that endorses annexation, and influence the succession of ailing 84-year old Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed last week in a speech celebrating the change of status of Istanbul’s Hagia Sofia – originally built as a Greek Orthodox church in 537 AD, then renovated into a mosque before becoming a museum by the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, in 1935 – to a mosque once again this month, that it would be “the harbinger of the liberation of the Al-Aqsa mosque.”
Al-Aqsa on the Harm-e-Sharif or Temple Mount in Jerusalem is Islam’s third holiest shrine. Backed by Israel, Saudi Arabia has sought to muscle its way into the Jordanian-controlled endowment that administers the Harm-e-Sharif.
A Palestine hook-up with Turkey could complicate Palestinian membership of the East Mediterranean Gas Forum, dubbed the OPEC of Mediterranean gas, that also includes Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, and Jordan. France has applied for membership in the Cairo-based grouping while the United States is seeking observer status.
Founded in January and backed by the UAE, the Forum is virulently opposed to Turkish attempts to redraw the maritime boundaries in the region on the back of an agreement with Libya. Turkey refused to join the Forum.
While it is unlikely that the Gaza field will be operational any time soon, production would reduce Palestinian dependence on Israel. Palestinian officials said early this year that they were discussing with Israel an extension of Israeli pipelines to send gas from Israeli gas fields to Palestine but that the talks, contrary to Israeli assertions, did not include development of the Gaza field.
In a twist of irony, Qatar, the UAE’s nemesis, would support a pipeline agreement by guaranteeing Palestinian payments for the gas. The Israeli pipeline along a 40-kilometer route adjacent to the Gaza border with three pumping stations would enable Gaza to operate a 400 MW power plant in a region that has, at the best of times, an energy supply of 15 hours a day.
The status of the talks remains unclear given an apparent delay of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s annexation plans amid international condemnation and US insistence that the Israeli leader postpone his move that had been scheduled for July 1.
Qatar reportedly threatened to cut off millions of dollars in aid to Gaza, provided in coordination with the Israeli government, if the Jewish state pressed ahead with annexation.
In June, Israel  approved the transfer of US$50 million from Qatar to Gaza in a bid to dial back mounting tension with militants in the Strip that could spark renewed military confrontation as both Israel and Palestine struggle to get a grip on the coronavirus.
Some Palestinian analysts see the pipeline deal as an attempt by the Palestine Authority (PA) to enhance its influence in Gaza and undermine Hamas – its Islamist rival that controls the Strip – by a significant contribution to a surge in the power supply and a dramatic reduction of the cost of electricity. The risk, these analysts say, is that the pipeline would increase Palestinian dependence on Israel.
Economist Nasr Abdel Karim argued that Israel would only allow enhanced flows of gas, including from the Gaza field, if it leads to an even deeper split between the territory and the West Bank.
“Israel will not allow the Palestinians to benefit from the gas field for economic and political reasons. Israel might allow this in one case — if this plan is part of a bigger project to develop Gaza’s economy so that it splits from the PA and the West Bank,” Mr. Abdel Karim said.
Dr. James M. Dorsey is an award-winning journalist and a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore. He is also a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute and co-director of the University of Wuerzburg’s Institute of Fan Culture in Germany.
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PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Design and Routing Tips along with Tactics
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Layout and Routing Tips in addition to Techniques
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ultrafast pcb prototype 1. Introduction Some sort of PCB is a printed circuit board. PCBs usually are a part of all of our everyday lives; Computers, Cellphones, Calculators, Wrist-watches and each and every electricity component we interact with on a daily basis. This content is targeted at specialists who will be familiar with Components design and have PCB design and style background. ultrafast pcb prototype 2 . not Shaping typically the PCB The most common shape intended for PCB will be rectangle. Quite a few people also would rather get the corners rounded, as this decreases the possibility regarding edge-cracking. Is very important of PCB highly depends on where a person are going to place the board, and exactly what your mechanical prerequisites usually are (the final container exactly where the product is placed). Commonly, there are 5 big slots in typically the board, each hole in one corner. These holes are used to maintain the board in place utilizing a patch or a PCB holder. The length is more than 2 millimeters, and it is plated. 3. How many layers to make use of? Now we get to the next stage, how many layers should all of us use? This highly is determined by the maximum frequency used in the structure, how a lot of components you have, whether or not you have Ball-Grid-Array factors not really, and most important of all, just how dense your design is usually. Intended for systems running around 85 MHz, usually they have alright to use 2 Coatings, should it be achievable to option the table doing so. Acquire M. E. Certification and also FCC regulations in account. Many of the times, often the require a more -130dBm emission on general public radio station band (FM 80-108MHz). This kind of can be problematic if you use some sort of high-current clock operating involving 40 to 80 MHz (The second harmonic would be concerning 80 to 160 MHz, which can easily violate these rules). For techniques running above 80MHz, it is crucial to consider using much more coatings, (4 is good example). There are 2 methods in four layers: Leading and bottom part layers may be Ground along with Energy planes. The middle cellular levels used for routing. Top rated and also bottom layers employed for indicate, Middle tiers used for air carriers The actual first method has the very good signal quality, given that indicators are sandwiched involving a couple power planes, in addition to as a result, you will have minimum emission. The next process can make routing easy, as you will definitely not need a via (vertical interconnect access) for each flag, as the pin resides for a passing fancy signalling part. Further more, the inner aeroplanes can have multiple islands, to cover all your current power requires, reducing the via count even additional. BUT this method can be extremely tricky, and it is extremely important NOT TO split power planes under excessive signal, as this can result into a return course trap, making unwanted emission apt to occur. Using far more levels always results in to good quality of product, however it can certainly make it far more expensive to develop, especially in the prototyping stage. (The distinction between 2 layers original and 4-6 layers, is really as high as few 100 dollars). The six-layer+ approach is pretty much ideal. Utilizing top and bottom part as power-planes and internal layers to get routing can easily prevent emission, increase resistance to noise as well as considerably reduce design work, seeing that there are more layers to utilize for routing. Impedance-matching can be performed easily, and all of us will cover it for high-speed signals. 4. Organizing layers for Impedance-matching At this point I presume you dealing with a high-speed method which has SSTL, HSTL, LVDS, RSDS, GTL+, Speedy TTL and other dangerously fast interconnections (USB HS, installment payments on your 5Gbps PCI-Express, etc. ). These routings require exclusive considerations. The lines involve impedance-matching. For many starters, landscaping design questioning term. Typically the difference involving Impedance and also Resistance is extremely good. If a person need resistance matching, it is possible to use a resistor along with be done with it. Impedance matching, in contrast, has received nothing to do together with resistors. It depends on the Girth of often the track, the underside power-plane, whether is it Strip-Line (Surrounded between two strength planes) or uStrip (which suggests has a energy plane under it, but the other area will be free, as in TopLayer or BottomLayer). To accomplish a certain impedance on some sort of track, it is best to carefully pick out these parameters. Use a good impedance calculator (search google) to find the proper prices for width, level above the power-plane, and fullness on the metallic layer, in order to achieve the desired impedance (usually 50 or perhaps seventy-five ohms). Be encouraged in which a miss-matched impedance connection (especially on RF, High-Speed USB, SATA or PCI-Express, and memory lines like SSTL or HSTL), and also the board fail with virtually no obvious reasons. This will certainly push you to get for the next modele, without ever finding precisely what induced the first type to fail. 5 various. Power-planing. Power-islands are one the most essential factors in a excessive electronic digital design. An FPGA or maybe high-speed processor board along with in-accurate power-planing can easily be very unpredictable. With early days, you may course power tracks a little larger than signal-tracks, and treated them similar to normal cable connections. Today, the actual story is different. When you use and FPGAs or High speed processors, you should realize that a large number regarding flip-flops are transferring in any given moment in your system. Their switching the huge amount of present heading back-and-forward through all their strength and ground hooks. Typically the ground-pins in this specific case can create ground-bounce if the amount regarding current (and especially the particular slew-rate) is definitely high. My spouse and i must remind anyone regarding the famous V=L. di/dt (Delta-Voltage equals inductance by current-rate). If you use a keep tabs on (for instance) to route ground sign, you will have several voltages on each aspect on the track. It may be very funny to have +0. 5V on a single side of your terrain, as well as -1V on the actual other side. This can lead to COMPLETE SYSTEM DISAPPOINTMENT. I remember experiencing this concern in early times, which forced me to problem even the very simple entire body rules I realized. Discovering this kind of bug can certainly be difficult, and possibly in the event that discovered, you may have no choice yet to produce another prototype. The actual same guideline applies intended for power-plane a couple of. You may easily have drops in some tracks if you accomplish not use a jet, or a large power-islands, to guide your power attention. Employing a greater number of decoupling capacitors is remarkably recommended for high speed and high-powered processors/FPGAs, next to their very own power lines. The actual RF section, and the power-supply switching sections needs specific care for their ground-planes. Their own islands should be isolated through the system ground-plane, and necessitie tracks connecting your transitioning island to help system terrain (the paths should be adequate to help have near-zero DC opposition, but not more). This kind of is because transitioning as well as RF section, can create waves on ground-plane, which often can produce ground-bounce on your systems ground. You can seek google within this subject in case you need more description.
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
Why China may call the world’s bluff on Hong Kong, Government & Economy
Hong Kong
CHINA lengthy depended on Hong Kong to be every part it was not. The town’s freewheeling capitalism and private freedoms, each absent from the mainland, made it one among the world’s premier monetary hubs. Collectively, they flourished for many years.
Now China is doing what was as soon as unthinkable: imposing its will on Hong Kong in a means that would completely injury the former British colony economically and politically. In pushing for a brand new nationwide safety legislation that many worry will curtail the metropolis’s liberties, the Chinese language Communist Social gathering is calculating that management and stability outweigh the advantages the metropolis has lengthy supplied.
Different nations are threatening to retaliate in ways in which may depart Hong Kong a shadow of its former self. The US has vowed to finish the particular financial remedy it has lengthy granted the territory. Britain has stated it may open its doorways to a few million Hong Kongers, laying the groundwork for a dramatic mind drain.
However Beijing sees its place as robust at a time when the remainder of the world is split and nonetheless recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. The US will damage itself extra by coming down exhausting in opposition to Hong Kong, officers imagine. Hong Kong’s protest motion, not less than for the second, appears demoralised.
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And in the case of the world financial system, the Communist Social gathering is wagering that the world wants China, with or with out Hong Kong. The response of the enterprise group has been muted thus far. Even when it protested, enterprise has all the time come again to China, whether or not in the wake of the 1989 Tiananmen Sq. crackdown or the British handover of Hong Kong again to China in 1997.
“There will be some unhappy people for some time,” stated John L Thornton, a former president of Goldman Sachs who has long-standing ties with China’s management. “But the drum rolls, the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on. That’s the political judgment. They have had a fair amount of empirical evidence that the concerns will disappear.”
On Wednesday, HSBC stated Peter Wong, its Asia-Pacific chief, had signed a petition supporting the nationwide safety legislation.
Decline in significance
Unquestionably, Hong Kong has declined in significance to China as the mainland financial system has surged. In 1997, when Britain returned its colony to China, Hong Kong’s financial output was practically one-fifth the measurement of the mainland’s, making it a vital development engine for Beijing.
Deng Xiaoping, then China’s high chief, had agreed to permit Hong Kong to maintain its enterprise and private freedoms for many years to return, saying years earlier that “there was no other possible solution”.
In the present day, Hong Kong’s output is the same as lower than three per cent of the mainland’s. Whereas traders nonetheless prize Hong Kong’s rule of legislation, low taxes and clear enterprise setting, they’ve additionally grown extra accustomed to doing enterprise in mainland cities like Shanghai, the place the inventory market is greater than Hong Kong’s by worth.
Nonetheless, Washington believes Hong Kong continues to be too priceless for China to jeopardise.
US President Donald Trump stated he would strip Hong Kong of the particular standing granted to it by Washington. Relying on what he does, it may topic Hong Kong to the identical tariffs and commerce restrictions it imposes on mainland China.
If the US needs to lift the stakes sharply, it may harness one among its main strengths: its important position over the world monetary system.
China depends closely on Hong Kong’s limitless entry to US {dollars}, the world’s de facto forex. China tightly limits the quantity of its forex that flows previous its borders, making the Chinese language renminbi much less helpful in making world funds and loans, placing offers or taking part in worldwide finance. About three-quarters of all renminbi funds circulate via Hong Kong, in keeping with knowledge from Society for Worldwide Interbank Monetary Telecommunication, a community that facilitates world monetary transactions.
US retaliation may be sufficient to get many companies to depart. In a survey launched Wednesday by the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, greater than one-quarter of corporations questioned stated they had been contemplating shifting elsewhere.
People may depart too. The British authorities, which says the nationwide safety legislation violates the handover settlement, stated that it could provide a path to citizenship to just about three million Hong Kong residents – virtually half the metropolis’s inhabitants – if China proceeds.
Hong Kong residents have additionally explored different choices, together with Canada, Australia and Eire. These departures may deprive the metropolis of expertise and embarrass Beijing besides, which is maybe why China reacted furiously to Britain’s announcement.
“All Chinese compatriots residing in Hong Kong are Chinese nationals,” Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for China’s international ministry, stated at a information convention, including that China may take unspecified countermeasures.
China’s response has urged Beijing is keen to sacrifice Hong Kong to get its means. Different Chinese language cities, like Shanghai and Shenzhen, have pledged to make investor-friendly authorized and monetary reforms to struggle for Hong Kong’s enterprise. The resort island of Hainan has promised to show itself right into a free commerce port like Hong Kong.
Extra broadly, China sees the threat as restricted.
In the face of Mr Trump’s menace, for instance, China is calculating that he’s bluffing. US enterprise pursuits in Hong Kong are in depth. If the White Home took the extra dramatic route of limiting Hong Kong’s entry to US {dollars}, Chinese language banks produce other methods to entry the world monetary system, stated Victor Shih, an skilled on the Chinese language monetary system at the College of California, San Diego.
China additionally holds greater than US$1 trillion in US Treasury payments, which accounts for greater than four per cent of the US’ whole debt. Whereas China can not rapidly promote that debt with out creating main issues for itself, such a transfer may trigger disruptions globally.
Chinese language officers additionally imagine that Hong Kong’s enterprise elite, traditionally a moderating pressure on Beijing, has been efficiently persuaded or pressed to go alongside. Many have in depth enterprise holdings in the mainland.
“We probably need not overinterpret it,” Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong’s richest man, stated of the legislation in an announcement.
Political power
A few of Hong Kong’s greatest traders contend that enterprise will proceed as normal.
Weijian Shan, a significant personal fairness investor in Hong Kong, lately wrote a memoir detailing recollections of his troublesome childhood underneath the harsh insurance policies of Mao Zedong. In a letter to his purchasers this week, he expressed little concern about Beijing’s new safety legislation.
“There will not be any change in the rule of law, independent judicial system or freedom of expression,” he stated.
China can also be appearing at a time of political power. It has contained the coronavirus inside its borders. The second may have emboldened China’s high chief, Xi Jinping, to take steps that his predecessors dared not.
Different rivals have been weakened. Mr Trump is struggling to move the blame for US missteps in coping with the outbreak and is more and more consumed with unrest at dwelling. Different Western democracies, traditionally allies of the pro-democracy motion in Hong Kong, are preoccupied with their very own crises.
“‘We expect foreign condemnation for everything we do’ basically is their attitude,” stated Andrew Nathan, a professor of political science at Columbia College. “‘You guys can bark all you want, but you can’t bite, so what do we care’?”
Beijing’s gamble has already yielded positive aspects in a single key area: suppressing the protests that impressed it to behave in the first place. Whereas some protesters have vowed an much more decided struggle in opposition to the new safety push, others acknowledged that the motion was fractured, drained and pessimistic.
Peaceable mass protests have been barred by legal guidelines aimed toward containing the coronavirus. Those that be a part of anyway are arrested en masse by an more and more aggressive police pressure. Lots of the front-line protesters who clashed, typically violently, with police have fled Hong Kong or have been arrested. NYTIMES
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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asafeatherwould · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/bankruptcy-lawyer-lehi-utah/
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aretia · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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advertphoto · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/bankruptcy-lawyer-lehi-utah/
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Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/bankruptcy-lawyer-lehi-utah/
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coming-from-hell · 5 years
Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/bankruptcy-lawyer-lehi-utah/
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Bankruptcy Lawyer Lehi Utah
Most individuals file for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 in Utah. However if you do not qualify for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Utah, you can file under Chapter 13. Sometimes although you may qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be better off filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a type of bankruptcy proceeding often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. In a Chapter 13 proceeding, the debtor files a repayment plan in the bankruptcy court and makes payments according to the plan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy helps you pay off the debt in installments. If you are facing foreclosure, Chapter 13 will allow you to keep your home if you include the mortgage in your repayment plan. If you have a regular source of income, then Chapter 13 is your best option as it allows you to retain your assets unlike Chapter 7 where the bankruptcy court appoints a trustee who takes over and sells your non-exempt assets to pay off your debts.
An experienced Utah bankruptcy attorney can help you get a bankruptcy discharge. There are many attorneys in Utah but if you are located in Lehi, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer is your best option. Not all attorneys have the knowledge and skill required to get a bankruptcy discharge. You will need one that specializes in bankruptcy. If you are based in Lehi and considering bankruptcy filing, you should consult an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer.
Chapter 13 procedure is complex. A small error can cause your petition to be dismissed. Having an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer assist you can be invaluable. You must file your Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your petition must be accompanied by the following documents:
• List of assets and liabilities;
• Details of current income and expenditures;
• Details of unfulfilled unexpired leases and contracts;
• Financial statement
An experienced can help you prepare and file the petition along with the necessary documents. An automatic stay comes into operation immediately upon filing of a Chapter 13 petition in the bankruptcy court. Your creditors cannot take any further steps to collect the debts nor can they contact you.
Repayment Plan
You must submit a repayment plan along with the petition. If your repayment plan is not ready at the time of filing, you may file it within 15 days of the filing. If your repayment plan is still not ready, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can request the bankruptcy court to extend the time. Your repayment plan will require you to contribute a portion of your future income to make the payments under the plan. The payments must start within 30 days of filing of the repayment plan. You will be making the payments directly to the bankruptcy trustee who will then distribute it amongst your creditors.
About 30 days after you file the petition, a creditors meeting will be held. At this meeting the creditors can object to your repayment plan. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can draft your repayment plan and deal with the objections raised by the creditors. Generally creditors have 90 days from the date of filing of the Chapter 13 petition to file their claims. This period is extended to 180 days if the creditor is a government entity. Generally all Chapter 13 repayment plans require the payments to be made within 3 years. However in some case the bankruptcy court may allow the payments to be made within 5 years.
Cram Down Provision
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will also advise you on the cram down provision of Chapter 13 bankruptcy and use it to your advantage. An experienced Lehi attorney will use the cram down provision to legally reduce the balance on a secured loan. Generally under Chapter 13 bankruptcy you can retain the collateral of a loan if your repayment plan provides for repayment of the loan or the market value of the collateral.
An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can use this cram down provision to reduce or strip second mortgages in Utah. The cram down provision can also be used to reduce mortgages on investment and rental property but cannot be used to reduce the mortgage on principal residence. Using the cram down provision, the mortgage is split into to parts: secured and unsecured. The secured part is the part of the mortgage which is equal to the present value of the property. The part in excess of the present value of the property is the unsecured part. You will only need to pay the secured part in full. As for the unsecured part, an experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can assist you discharge it by paying pennies for the dollar. This works well for debtors with second mortgages or mortgages on investment property. Cram down provision rules are complex and you will require the services of an experienced attorney.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) amended the debtor’s duties under 11 U.S.C. § 521 to, inter alia, require debtors to file and/or produce documents, including a Statement of Intention, payment advices, and federal tax returns, in addition to a list of creditors, schedule of assets and liabilities, schedule of current income and current expenditures including statement of current monthly income, statement of financial affairs, statement of the amount of monthly net income, and statement disclosing any reasonably anticipated increase in income or expenditures over the 12 month period following the filing date.
If your fail to file payment advices, or the other documents required by Section 521(a)(1), your petition will be automatically dismissed effective on the 46th day after the date of the filing of the petition. The bankruptcy court may extend the time within which you may file the required documents for up to an additional 45 days if you file a request “within 45 days after the filing of the petition,” and if the bankruptcy court finds “justification” for the request. A trustee may move during the first 45 days of the case for the case not to be dismissed if you attempt in good faith to file the information required under Section 521(a)(1) and the interests of creditors would best be served by administering the estate.
Income Tax Returns
Section 521(e)(2) requires you to provide a copy of her most recent federal income tax return, or a transcript of such return, to the Chapter 7 trustee within 7 days before the date first set for the Section 341 meeting of creditors. There is no provision for automatic dismissal of your petition upon the failure to provide tax returns. Instead, if you fail to comply with Section 521(e)(2), the court will dismiss your petition unless you show that failure to comply is “due to circumstances beyond your control of the debtor. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will ensure that you file all the required documents within time.
Credit Counseling And Financial Management
In order to be eligible for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, you must obtain from an approved nonprofit budget and credit counseling agency described in Section 111(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, an individual or group “briefing,” within the 180 day period preceding the date of filing of your bankruptcy petition. The initial requirement for the briefing is that it occurs before the filing of the petition. Some courts have held that this requirement is completed if done not later than the day before filing. Other courts have concluded that completing the briefing on the day of filing satisfies the requirement. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer will review your case to see if you have completed the required credit counseling within the 180 period as required by bankruptcy law.
When you file your bankruptcy petition whether under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code, an automatic stay will come into operation preventing your creditors from contacting you or taking steps to recover the dues. Unless the bankruptcy court grants relief from the stay, an act against property continues until the property is no longer property of the estate. The stay of all other acts continues until the case is closed or dismissed, or, if the debtor is an individual, a discharge is granted or denied. You can claim damages from any creditor who violates this automatic stay.
Bankruptcy laws are complex. You will require the services of a bankruptcy attorney to help you get a discharge. Remember if your bankruptcy petition is dismissed, there are restrictions on future filing. You will need a deep knowledge of the bankruptcy laws to know the exact filing requirements. When you hire experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer, you will have peace of mind knowing that your filing will meet all the filing requirements.
Stay Relief
Creditors can seek relief against the stay in both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. A creditor can seek a stay relief if there is an existence of debt (that is, amount) and lien (including proper Perfection or recordation) and
• There is existence of “cause” for stay relief, including lack of adequate protection, or
• The debtor lacks equity in the collateral.
In a Chapter 13 proceeding besides the above conditions, a creditor can also seek a stay relief if the collateral is not necessary to an effective reorganization.
To seek a stay relief, the creditor must file a motion. A preliminary hearing must be held within 30 days of the filing of the motion. If the court orders the continuation of the stay at that preliminary hearing pending final hearing, the final hearing must be concluded not later than 30 days after the conclusion of the preliminary hearing. The court must rule within 30 days after the commencement of the final hearing.
Some courts will not continue to exercise jurisdiction over collateral once stays have been lifted. This can be significant in some instances. For example, suppose a creditor obtains stay relief on a car, the debtor refuses to surrender the vehicle, and it cannot be repossessed without a breach of the peace. Arguably, the creditor’s only remedy is to seek possession through the state courts. It may be quicker and easier if the bankruptcy court could order turnover as an enforcement measure of its original stay relief order. If a debtor is required to make collateral available to a creditor following default pursuant to U.S.C. § 9- 503 and the security agreement, the order lifting stays could include language to that effect that could be enforced by the bankruptcy court through contempt proceedings. A creditor may therefore wish to include a provision providing for such turnover in the order lifting stays. Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can represent you and oppose any motion for stay relief.
Experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can help you choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13
If you are located in Lehi, you must file your bankruptcy petition in the bankruptcy court that has jurisdiction over your place of residence. There are many bankruptcy attorneys all over Florida but if you are located in the Tampa area, your best option is to consult with experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer. You can discharge most of your debts in bankruptcy. You can also prevent foreclosure and retain your home by filing for bankruptcy using the service of bankruptcy attorneys. An experienced Lehi Utah bankruptcy lawyer can review your circumstances and advice you on whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.
Mortgage Defaults
If you have defaulted on your mortgage payments or are facing foreclosure, you must consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Do not wait until it is too late. By using the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you can catch up on past due mortgage payments and prevent foreclosure. Despite its drawbacks, potential pitfalls, and legal complexity, filing bankruptcy will let you avoid foreclosure and work out a long-term solution to keep your home. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal way of catching up with past due mortgage payments and preventing foreclosure. Also you can strip a second mortgage with bankruptcy.
Lehi Utah Bankruptcy Attorney Free Consultation
When you need to stop a foreclosure, stop a garnishment or get some financial relief, please call Ascent Law now at (801) 676-5506 for your free consultation. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/bankruptcy-lawyer-lehi-utah/
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