nunoxaviermoreira · 4 years
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The striped one by Photosuze Striped plateau lizard Portal AZ https://flic.kr/p/2i3ADB4
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justjibberjabber · 7 years
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My boyfriend and I were nearly finished hiking Walnut Canyon National Monument (near the Grand Canyon) when this little feller flopped down onto the trail out of a group of agave plants. He hunkered low onto the soil, snowflakes swirling around him as my boyfriend crouched to pick him up. The lizard didn't want to leave the warmth of his hands as he gently tried to place him back into the greenery. I snapped this picture of him and spent some time the other night trying to decipher exactly which type of lizard he (or she) is. I have settled on the Striped Plateau Lizard. Striped plateau lizards can be dark, gray-brown like this guy, or a more orange-brown, according to reptilesofaz.org. They also typically have two pale yellow stripes with dark brown splotches alongside them that run down the back. These lizards like to eat grasshoppers, can lay up to fifteen eggs at one time, and my personal favorite - they like to bask in the sunshine :)
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