captive-commando · 4 years
“There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”
     “I know…” Bucky knew Steve would want to go to war. Not out of a warped battle lust like some of the men he’d seen at the enlistment offices, or out of a desire for glory. The world was on the precipice of disaster and it felt more and more like everyone knew that as the days went on. If they wanted any good to be left when the dust settled, fighting was the only real option. 
     Swallowing hard Bucky reached inside his coat, hesitating for a moment. Enlisting had been easy, in his eyes it was the only road open to him. Son of a soldier, and an honest man, Bucky wouldn’t be able to face life while waiting for conscription. It was only a matter of time for him, but deep down he knew he’d be facing that hurdle alone. Even if Steve couldn’t see it, Bucky knew they’d never let him fight. 
     Finally pulling the folded papers from his coat, tossing them onto the well-worn kitchen Steve had inherited from his mother with perhaps less care than was called for. He tried to tell himself that his growing displeasure with the idea of war wasn’t cowardice, but he found he couldn’t. It wasn’t his mortality looming overhead, or having to kill for his country that unsettled him, but leaving Steve. He knew Steve was a tougher man than most gave him credit for, and that Steve would do well at whatever he put his stubborn heart into, but the idea of leaving and never coming back twisted something dark and painful in his stomach, “‘s why I’m goin’. I meant to tell you, but it just sorta...got away from me. I start training next week, on a base just West of here.”
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changedchapters · 5 years
Starter for @stripedshield from Peggy!
She had just finished the last touches to work clothes and slipped into her heels before making her ways out of the door. A small smirk playing across her face that stood out against the rest of her because of the rouge color that stained her lips. Silently, even in heels, she made her way towards a certian soldier.
“So what have I missed so far?”
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asgardianborn · 5 years
He’d existed for longer than even he could remember some days, centuries of half baked memories flitted through his mind like an after thought, problems and worries of old eras long forgotten. What he remembered was the people, the young girl with the blue-black hair that reminded him of a raven who used to visit him, the villagers who used to bring him fresh fruit and meat in exchange for rain fall though he never asked for anything in return, the elders who built a temple in his name. Who deemed him something of a god. The same elders who turned against him. The same ones who left him with one eye and a white scar that still ached painfully from time to time, thrumming with lightning and the soft glow of a blue light that burned bright just under his skin.
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And yet--
He still missed them, the company, the soft smiles of the humans he’d bonded with and grown close to. Thor had grown used to being alone, resigning himself to the fact that he would spend the rest of his existence within the woods that had once been said to be a place of magic, now a place of darkness and beasts like himself. But he’d never become used to the loneliness of it all, mind and body aching for the touch of another being, greedy for even a sliver of acknowledgement that was not forged out of violence or fear. He accepted his fate, however, when it was handed to him in the form of a man, someone beautiful with blue eyes and blonde hair.
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Someone who didn’t look like a monster. 
A slayer of monsters and protector of humans.
He’d heard tales of the hero in the north, the new protector of mankind who was enough of a legend for his stories to make it all the way to Thor’s own woods. 
The hero who had invaded his home, who was bold enough to stand in front of Thor right in this moment.
“Hero, to what do I owe the pleasure of earning your presence?”
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His voice crackled, fizzling with the disuse of centuries of silence and the soft hum of the lightning that inhabited his body. Thor was not prepared for a fight, his body tired and aching, he was not going to give the humans what they wanted. There was no purpose in defending himself or hurting their hero, he didn’t want to fuel their horror stories.
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inthebrokenplaces · 5 years
{ @stripedshield }
It’s been a long while since he’s felt truly home, felt anywhere connected to his life before Captain America. To think that back in their time, two men dancing as they were was decades away from acceptable. Firm arms find themselves wrapping tighter around Bucky as he hears his old friend’s heart quicken. Its only second nature for him to want to make the other feel safe and secure, and in that  moment, it seems like the best way to do so.
“Am I?” His head shifts so he can look into  Bucky’s eyes, finding the worry he expected written in them. Steve wishes he could take all the weight away from his friend, erase every ghost that haunts him,  to protect Bucky the same way that the other had for him years back.
He chuckles at the words, although he knows it’s Bucky’s way of avoiding what is going on inside his mind. Steve wasn’t going to let it go, but he allows a half smile to cross his lips for the time being. “Maybe so, or they might just be jealous that I managed to score the perfect dance partner for the evening.” There’s a small smirk resting on his lips, eyes locked with Buck’s.
“You ever wonder…what it would’ve been like if we’d told each other back then?….Think you would’ve said something?” He asks, partly to distract Buck from the wistful thoughts, though at the same time, for a while he’d been curious to hear the answer.
A little smile crossed his face. Dancing had always been something he enjoyed, and was good at, and there were plenty of times he’d wished for just this, to be swaying along with Steve. It had been at the back of his mind every time he dragged Steve to a dance hall, every time he offered  to teach him to dance. HYDRA had robbed him of it, as they had all joys in his life, and it seemed fitting that he reclaim it with Steve. But the eyes on him made him uncomfortable. He tried to focus on Steve instead.
He thought about that, what it would’ve been like if he’d confessed his feelings. Steve had been so sick that it felt selfish to even consider it. But the way Steve asked the question, knowing he felt the same back then, it made Bucky reconsider. Was it selfish, or had he just been scared? 
“I was too worried about you to think about my own feelings,” he finally said, his smile turning tight. He’d never done much for himself, until now. This one thing, having Steve, he could give to himself. “‘Sides, my old man would’ve thrown me out if he knew.” He hesitated. “I was happy just to be with you. I never even thought you felt the same.” 
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agentnamed-moved · 5 years
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@stripedshield​ liked for a starter over a billion years ago
“The war’s over, Steve, we can go home.”
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findmeatmanofiiron · 5 years
angst  starter  ;  @stripedshield​
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“ If  you’re  here  because  you  another  mission  to  lay  out  for  me  I’m  gonna  have   to  say  no,  Rogers. ”            After  Thanos,  Tony  figured  it  was  probably  time  he  stopped  being  Iron  Man.   He  hadn’t  stopped  tinkering  though  his  arm  made  it  a  little  difficult  now,  but  suiting  up  didn’t  feel  like  an  option.             “ I  can’t  be  apart  of  it  anymore,  Steve.  Times  up.  We’re  not  all  super  soldiers. ”
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I was promised a Romanov and I don't see her yet? smh.
@stripedshield Excuse me 😂 Don’t call me out like that I’m working on it. Plus it’s not even noon yet here!
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inmetal · 5 years
‘ i don’t even think about it now because i finally found you. ’
@stripedshield  –  born to die starters  –  accepting
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he    remembers    so    well    the    FEAR    ( some of it lingers, even now ).    the    fear    of being found. by steve, by hydra, by anyone. in retrospect, the thought amuses him – in regards to steve, at least. how could he ever be afraid of being found by steve? by the one person whose life, whose story was so important to his own. the one person who ANCHORED him to the ground, to this life. bucky had never been one to believe in FATE before, but certainly he did now. and he was convinced that nothing – not distance, not time – could keep them separated. not forever. 
“    i didn’t even want to be found.    ”    the corners of his lips curl, so slightly, into a sad sort of smile.  “    back then,    ”    he adds, pausing to bring his eyes to the other’s.    “    but you never gave up.    ”
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lastxdragon · 5 years
CS: Stranger in a strange land
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╣❦╠ ƈօռզʊɛʀɨռɢ ֆȶօʀʍ ❧
She stepped out of the shadows, the hem of her white dress swirling at her ankles, her head tilting slightly to the right. He’d been outside the walls of the city, among the Dothraki. There was no threat there. They knew he was her companion, strange perhaps, but under her protection even though he was quite possibly the strongest man she’d ever known. Despite his reassurances, Daenerys knew he was not of her world. Even those as far away as the Jade Sea were not as strange as Steve.
“If it is a view of the sky you seek, I would be pleased to take you up on Drogon, but not this night,” Daenerys offered with a soft smile. She wasn’t angry that he had slipped out of the pyramid, just concerned for his safety. There was something about the stranger that swelled protective feelings within her. A man lost in this world. As his Queen, it was her duty to care for him, she told herself. Duty. Falling into step with him, the torches flickered shadowed light in the corridor passage.
“The last of my new fleet will arrive in a few days time. I will be leaving Meereen to the Council and I was curious as to your intentions. Will you remain here or accompany me across the Narrow Sea to Dragonstone Island?” she asked, folding her hands together in front of her. “I do not know of how you came to be here, but I do know that if it is magical aid you seek, I am uncertain if you will find answers in Westeros. It is said that Dragonstone was lifted from the rock with magic and dragonfire. Perhaps the answers you seek are there.”
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stormweathered-arc1 · 5 years
@stripedshield​ asked: “don’t do that. don’t shut me out.”
   THERE IS A CERTAIN LIGHT THAT HAS GONE OUT IN THE WORLD.  It's not just him; it's ALL of them. LOSING does not settle easily upon the shoulders of those who are so used to being the HEROES of the world.
    Thor has been a hard one to PIN DOWN; anger and guilt became a black hole, deep and dark and inescapable — and after a time, it has become THIS:  something gave up within him long ago, and in its stead?
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     ❛ I do not know what you are talking about, ❜ says he. ❛ I am FINE. I have never been more fine. ❜  He's NOT fine, and the way he dismisses concern over well-being in this infuriatingly devil-may-care way says much.  ❛ Now what do you think? ❜  He holds up two bottles of beer — ❛ THIS one or this one?  These packs that have many flavors, they make it very hard to choose. ❜  This is given as one who is trying so hard ( and completely without any notion of subtlety ) to CHANGE THE SUBJECT. ❛ Or maybe I should just have BOTH.  ❜
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spiderprodigy · 5 years
❝  if they do it again, you tell me.  ❞
CARING SENTENCE STARTERS open / accepting [ x ]
[ 🕷 ] ━━ “Will do, Mr.Rogers. Not that you have to worry about me. I’ll get ‘em next time, I promise.” Peter hadn’t been prepared for six of his deadliest foes teaming up together to beat him up. It was unfair and unsportsmanlike to say the least. He had been lucky enough to escape with his life and was now recovering safely within the compound. “Next time they jump me in an alley I’ll call you first.” 
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changedchapters · 5 years
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Hi yes I asked for validation but not to be called out by all three of them (drafts, angst, and my Hufflepuff ass). 😂💕 If you don’t know or understand I’ve been RPing for like a year and a half now on here.
RPing with @nobunaga-the-warlord about a year??? Maybe more?? Which look I don’t know why but we either end up in HP hell like it said of just general hell. Sometimes a little dark and spicy. We like pain. :) cutesy stuff? Rarely happens unless it’s in OOC conversations which we then rarely apply to our whatever kind of threads we do. I love them :)
@stripedshield Uh pretty sure they’ve been around since like basically the creation of my blog? (Nobunaga too maybe but like I don’t remember things well). ANYWAYS they’re DEFINITELY calling me out on my Hufflepuff tendencies. I’m through and through. I’m terrible. Such a Hufflepuff and damn do I love them so much that they know me well enough to say it. Plus our threads? Always have been a favorite of mine. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Their writing is so fucking good. I love it. (Also example why I haven’t written a reply to our thread yet today. I’m waiting and honing my skill for a day or two to get that shit done.)
@nxptunx-in-rxtrogradx / @corvusdeluna Yes, hi, Hewwo. Okay so I know I said this in the discord group but I really do laugh every time I think of the walking, talking, blueberry line. Pure 👏🏽 fucking 👏🏽 gold. I’m pretty new to writing with them but we have a lot more ton of OOC interactions and they’re so sweet! I can’t wait to see what other shenanigans out characters get into and what else we scream about!
So thank you guys for validating me the other day. 💕 Cause I can be needy. 👀 With all my muses and stuff. I’m done with the mushy post now. LOVE YOU GUYS.
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inthebrokenplaces · 4 years
“If you have a kink for men doing calisthenics, I’m not judgin’.”
Bucky choked on his coffee. He might’ve been stealing a few looks as Steve went through his look out, but he thought he’d been rather sneaky about it. Apparently not. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said loftily, and opened the paper as if to make a point. It might’ve been strategically positioned slightly to the left though. 
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asgardianborn · 5 years
snow we already ship--
but ofc 
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crowncdlegends-a · 5 years
Just here to agree with anon about your take on Peggy Carter. Mun is a doll and your take on Peggy and Buck are beautifully done !
you guyyyyys.
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findmeatmanofiiron · 5 years
INBOX:  “i’m not going to let you out of my sight.” MEME: protector / protectee starters ASKED BY: @stripedshield
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“  THAT  ALMOST  SOUNDS  LIKE  A  BAD  THREAT.  ”         Tony  chuckled  as  he  rested  his  head  back  onto  the  pile  of  rub  beneath  him.   He  couldn’t  go  anywhere,  not  right  this  second,  his  suit  was  damaged  enough  to  make  it  almost  impossible  to  work  with.  Tony  was  not  running  away  from  Steve  any  time  soon.          “  Help  an  old  man  up? ”          He  reached  out  towards  him  with  a hand.
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