#strippers and alchohol too
i-think-sometimes · 1 year
An argument I use whenever someone is using opinions to an unreasonable degree:
Me: Well, bikinis make me feel cold just looking at them, but you don't see me trying to stop people.
Them: that holds no argument over how (insert gender identity, sexuality, religion, etc) is evil.
Me: if everything someone decided was uncomfortable was evil I would have bikinis banned.
Them: But I like bikinis...
Them: Oh. You could just say I'm being unreasonable.
Me: Nobody listens when I use normal words. Or at all. You trapped me in this conversation. Suffer with me (this part is never actually said, because I am too nervous in real life.)
But yeah. Someone unreasonable you can't just get away from? Bikini argument them.
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
Adding onto the Jolly fic req that needed more meat. Disclaimer I've never seen the movie.
What if reader was just some inexperienced, naive, pure soul who was curious about Jolly's bar. I mean... pretty lights, colorful smoke, interesting music. Who wouldn't be drawn to it. Reader just thinks it'll be a fun place to go. And Jolly is so taken by you, he wants to be the one to corrupt you with fantastical drugs, alchohol and sex sex sex.
As soon as you show up at the entrance, Jolly spots you. How couldn't he? You stick out like a sore thumb. He's real curious why someone like you are here. 
"Well hello hello there, little star. What pleasures might you be seeking tonight?"
"Oh! This place looks fun, so I was just looking to get in."
The sound of your voice and your innocent sentence hit him. You're out of your element. Fresh meat in the shark tank. He can't just leave you on your own, you'd be eaten alive. So wouldn't it be best if he took you under his wing? Corrupt you in the right ways…
"You were looking to get in here?" He asks you teasingly, almost patronisingly, as he points to the club behind himself.
You smile and nod earnestly, and it just warms his heart. You are too pure.
"I just so happen to know the owner… and I'm sure he'd be honoured to show a pretty thing like you a good time.
He holds out his elbow for you to join him. The very act of you interlocking your arm in his with zero hesitation has Jolly grinning like a Cheshire cat.
You smile as he leads you into the club. So nice of him to lead you. "So who is the owner?"
Jolly chuckles. "Honey… you're walkin' with him."
He looks down at you to see you give him a shocked expression. Truly star struck. He can't help the swell he feels in his chest and in his pants. A delicious little ego boost.
That sudden boost spurs him to run with you farther into the club. "C'mon darlin'! You ready to have some fun?!" He stops dead in his tracks, you following suit so perfectly. He can't help but twirl you. "You trust me?" He stares deep into your eyes and cups your face in his hands.
You, with wide eyes full of amazement, nod at him.
His grins madly. You are going to be his perfect little plaything...
"Then let's go baby."
He coaxes you to drink super delicious cocktails. You're stumbling slightly now but feel confident, hitting the dance floor as Jolly watches you like a predator from afar. Making sure no one touches you. Watching you loosen up and have fun… knowing that this is just the start.
He joins you on the dance floor. Being sure to stay PG… just holding your hands and twirling you. Have to start slow, don't want to scare you away.
You're ready to sit down and catch your breath, so he takes you upstairs to a VIP area. Soft plush couches, circular table in the centre with a stripper pole. Jolly watches you jump onto the couch settling in as you smile to yourself. He settles right beside you with his arm over his precious little guest.
He picks up a shisha pipe (or whatever alien drugs) and takes a long drag from it. He's not looking at you but he can feel your eyes on him. He turns to you and watches you melt as you stare at the colorful smoke seep out of his nose like a bull.
"Here you go darlin' this will really make you feel like a lil star."
You take it and do as he did. But playfully blow the smoke in his face.
How cute of you. He starts rubbing your arm with his knuckles… forcing himself to be patient as he feels the drug take effect.
This warmth slowly starts to overtake you, starting at your fingers and toes and slowly growing to your centre. The heat specifically pulses between your legs And you start to squirm in your seat. Suddenly you're very aware of his body next to yours… and you need more.
Jolly watches you gradually become more restless. If he didn't have so much experience with this drug he would have already ripped off your clothes and devoured you by now. But he has enough control to sit there and watch you lose yours.
You start rubbing your thighs together as you instinctively lean into Jolly's body.
He runs his finger along your cheek and guides your chin to look at him. "How you feelin' darlin?"
"Goooood." You look up at him with half-lidded eyes that are FILLED with needy lust. That look makes Jolly's cock twitch.
He rubs his thumb against your lower lip. "You sure are squirming a lot."
You pout at him and lazily stick your tongue out to cushion his thumb. Jolly nearly snaps… but he takes in a deep breath and sighs out his nose regaining his composure.
"Here." He lifts you up so you're straddling his thigh. "Let's see if this helps." His hands are rubbing your hips, he doesn't bother to shift or hide his hard on.
Your body moves on it's own, it knows what it needs. You've never felt so lewd in your entire life. Feeling your pussy happily grind against this nice man's leg. Your tongue hangs out and you see Jolly glare at you with such pride.
His hands roam from your hips, grazing over your waist, ribs and ass. "Look at my lil star go."
You smile to yourself in pure bliss at hearing those words leave his mouth. "Your little star." Your hands go to his, feeling him feel you.
He smiles wide, his hand goes to your face. He has you. He fully has you. His new special plaything. "That's right darlin'. My lil star."
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I Need More 😤💥💳💥💳💥💳
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Give them what they want ch. 7
After that disastrous choice of drowning her sorrows in alchohol, Jordan decided to take the time off in general to sleep off her hangover and avoid people.
That left with nothing to do but schoolwork. Frankly compared to all the social pressures, it was a perfect solution. At least there was a right and a wrong and no big failure if she said the incorrect answer.
After the breeze of paperwork, she went to the more creative side of art class.
The assignment was to do a drawing filled with symbolism and an essay explaining the choices. She called up and transported Calix for her model.
He had a cream white cape draped over his right shoulder in the style of old Roman emperors, clutching a book to his chest and holding out a candle and laurel in the other.
"And I have to be nude while holding this because...?" Calix questioned, fidgeting after an hour of standing still.
"Nudity is the transparency of the soul. Duh." Jordan snapped "Stop moving your head, I'm trying to draw your hair."
"Can I sit at least?" Calix complained, shaking a leg.
"Yes you can sit." She rolled her eyes.
Calix sighed as he plopped down to sit cross legged.
Jordan was happy that any feelings she had for Calix had disappeared. Foolish, ridiculous romantic feeling from the stupid needy part of her that agreed with the Aurodonian statement that she need love to be happy. No, what she needed was to not be alone.
Calix was still one of her closest friends, annoying, fun and loyal, nothing more. Hot too...but he was with Morrían Le freakin Fey.
Even her name sounded enchanting and slightly exotic, it was disgusting.
"Hmm Calix do you think I should just use my middle name instead? Jordan is so boring." She murmured as she traced the outline of a strand of hair that stuck to his forehead.
"Desiree? I guess if you wanted to. Say do most genies have a name that sounds like they're strippers? I mean Genie, Eden, I hear Karma is popular..."
And there was the man that so loved to irritate her. Usually on Tuesdays.
"Is that your perverted way of saying that I shouldn't?" Jordan flung an eraser at him.
"Watch where you throw that." Calix deftly caught it before it hit his thigh. "A name is a name. I think you're fine, you're entertaining enough to make up for it."
Jordan smiled, when the door opened.
"So I was thinking you could pose, OH MY WOW!" Mal cried with Ben by her side.
Calix made no move to hide himself, almost preening at their reactions.
"Sorry" Ben squeaked ducking his head, looking frantically at another direction while Mal opened her mouth, closed it, and babbled.
"I guess...I just,.. so sorry, we thought. I hope we aren't interrupting? This is for art right?"
If the situation hadn't been so awkward considering that the king of Auradon was witnessing it and that Mal thought they were about to do unspeakable things, Jordan would have laughed at how shocked the bad fairy looked.
One doesn't usually see naked boys in Auradon Prep after all.
"Well it's not like it's for math and she has to measure my.." Calix almost finished his sentence. Jordan flung a couple of paintbrushes at him.
"What is with the abuse!" He cried
She turned to the blushing couple, "It's for art, we'll be done soon."
"We'll find another place it's fine." Ben said. Then the two ran off, slamming the door behind.
Jordan turned to Calix who was failing at keeping his laughter in.
"Measure! Measuring you!"
"I was joking. I mean who would be so insecure to have to measure their body parts?"
"Only you would be so immodest enough to suggest that." Jordan cried.
"I'm as modest as you are a lady. And we both know you ain't no lady." Calix joked.
"I'll make you mute." Jordan half-heartedly threatened.
"I'll make you fall in love with an ass." Calix shot back.
"Ooo an ass, how Shakespearean." Jordan blew a kiss at him.
She paused, "Speaking of love, have you've told Morrían?"
Calix rolled his eyes at her and made a "Do you even know me?" face.
Love was not a word used lightly in Auradon. Once you said it, you sealed your fate to be committed forever until your wedding day. If you made it through that. You are set for your future children, grandchildren, respective kingdoms, family reunions, anniversaries on and on...
Calix, the quarter-siren/sorcerer seducer of many who've fallen for his song, would never use that word to describe a relationship. Too risky. He only reserved that word for his parents, and for Metsovone platters.
"We are at the stage of mutual like where we have enjoyable afternoons, nights and morning afters together where we do a variety of activities depending on our moods and wants. Ending with satisfaction for both parties. Is that you want to hear?"
"Mm hmm,” Jordan murmured, casually turning her attention back to her drawing.
She wasn't jealous that he was in happy mutual relationship. She wasn't annoyed that it wasn't with her. She was merely irked that she had everything Morrían and yet, she didn't have any of the perks.
She had looked up Morrían herself just to see if she was as special and as hot as Aziz and Calix claimed.
Fine, Morrían was pretty. Wavy, waist-length black hair, violet eyes, gleaming white skin that reminded Jordan of polished crystal. Most posts showed her A+ grades, her at parties, some intellectual magic debate.
She was witty, she was smart, she knew of some of the world based on her many vacation photos in various parts of Auradon.
If Morrían, who could be close enough to be her equal in beauty, personality, and magic contests, was so sought after as a girlfriend. why wasn't she! Sought after in a genuine romantic relationship with actual feelings.
She drew a line that went off course across Calix's face, and realized she should probably stop obsesssing over what Morrían had that she didn't.
"I'm done. I'll do the finishing touches later." She announced, erasing the offending line.
"Sweet Aphrodite, finally!" Calix cried, hurriedly shoving his jeans up his legs.
Jordan smiled at how awkwardly he dressed, balancing uneasily from one foot to the other.
"Wanna go to Nonstop to hang out?" Calix asked as he put on his shirt.
"Sure, I'll meet you there." Jordan packed up her sketch pad and left.
"Jord? Did you hear? Zahrat and Samir found out it's going to be a girl." Aziz called excitedly, hurrying to her side in the hallway.
"She called me this morning. They're already arguing over baby names. She wants Hajar, he wants "the most ridiculous girl name in the world." She quoted
"What is it?" Aziz asked, almost dropping his French book.
"She didn't tell me, just that it was "the most ridiculous, horrible girl name in the world."
"Well with an argument like that, she must be right." Aziz joked, "Where are you going?"
"Nonstop." Jordan replied, and before he could ask, "You can come too."
"Great, their hamburgers are delicious." Aziz moaned
Nonstop was located in the backstreets of Auradon City, near the recess of the infamous woods where Beast fought the wolves to save Belle. No mortal dared to go.
Nonstop, it was own by Circe (as most fae clubs were) and had a special, illegal invisibility spell protecting the exterior from curious eyes.
It was fae-only. A haven for magical creatures to show their true forms, use their powers and have fun and relax and not pretend to be mortals and do menial labor. There was at least one in every state in Auradon. The more popular ones were in Agrabah, near the shores of Atlantica, Neverland, by the tavern of Snuggly Duckling. But Nonstop was where most of the fae student population in Auradon Prep resided to relax.
Aziz was an expection since Jordan basically threatened everyone who came near them, that he was allowed to be in without harm.
Calix led them through the backway so they could eat in Circe's office. It was lavish, Roman-inspired room with lounges, and drapes and Greek statues. A small platform raised the mahogany desk facing the door.
"So we could eat here, and you can study." Calix suggested looking at the schoolbooks the two had brought, "Orrrr.."
"Hey, Alexandria is here!" Aziz poked his head out of the office door to look at the club.
"Orrr we could hang out with the peoples." Calix smirked as Aziz went off to flirt with Attina's daughter.
Jordan rolled her eyes, and took a fresh breath of air as she entered the pulsating club room. Club room #3 to be precise. Nonstop had five different rooms. The main one was about the size of Beast's ballroom and looked like Moulin Rogue and Great Gatsby had exploded together into one mega party. Two others were simpler dance floors with a bar, booths, and couches arranged in the front of the room and by fireplaces.
Another was a more sophiscated, simple parlor room for taking and poetry readings. The fifth one was the outside area with rock gardens, and an outside cafe. Each place had pools in the center just for the mermaid/merman patrons.
"So Alexandria, how is it down there?" Aziz asked with a wink.
"Horrible as usual." Alexandria signed, letting a light brown lock fall on her eye, "The tourists make a mess everywhere! It may be a museum for Aunt Ariel's story and home, but people live there."
Jordan went to talk to Jonathan Thatch, Milo and Kida's son. He had a lot of his mother's appearance with dark skin and white streaks in his tan, blonde hair but he was most defiantly his dad's son. He could talk about anthropology for days.
"Kuzco's empire was amazing!" He enthused, "The had invented astrology and mathematics without the help of modern sciences and how they did it is just fascinating. You see, they based it on the solar and lunar calendars.."
Jordan amiably smiled as Jonathan babbled on until Calix caught his attention, "Calix, what would you say is the one architectural wonder Dad and I should check out while we visit Greece?"
With his attention diverted, Jordan got caught up in a family reunion story Philocetes II, Madora and Herksper were telling.
"And then Uncle Hermes and Uncle Loki decided to team up against Aunt Freya and Aunt Aphrodite!" Phil cried "They replaced all their makeup and clothes with hydra skins and Minator drool. Damn, you should never prank a beauty goddess, never!"
After the story was finished, she and Madora went up to the stage and danced and sang to Madora's mother's famous song, "Won't say I'm in love."
"I wish I could move my hips like that." Madora sighed as she flopped onto one of the couches by the fireplace.
"You were a fine belly dancer for a demigod." Jordan shrugged, "I have more of an advantage after all since I can make my body do whatever I want." She took off her hand, and three extra arms sprouted from her sides in a demonstration. "Belly dancing is hardly a problem."
"Don't you show it. Do it again." Herksper, (Or Herkie as most Auradon Prep students called him since they found his name so hard to do.) suggested with a shining, white smile.
"Oh why not?" Jordan smiled and went to center stage. The bright lights hit her, warming her body all over in a way the her attempted alcohol binge never did. She moved her hips in time to the haunting wail of the snake charmer's Pipe.
She closed her eyes, letting herself go with the motion, but when she opened them, she was struck with a new feeling.
The audience was staring at her every move, they looked entranced and under her power. Gazing at her lovingly. She winked at one, and he stepped backwards in shock.
A surge of confidence went through her. She was in control of the audience's reaction. It was wonderful. They were watching her, only her. They weren't thinking of themselves, just focused on what she was going to do.
She licked her lips, and thought of a song she had heard long ago. Her mom had this huge idea to make an album, back when bands were a thing. But she had gotten bored after three days and abandoned the project. Typical. Nothing was too exciting for long for a genie.
No one had heard the song, but now they would.
She didn't usually sing in public. No big fear, she just felt her talent laid elsewhere. But now, she had them in her hand, and they were going to pay attention to her every word.
"Tell me all your wishes, I'm here to make them true. No need to rub a lamp because I'll take care of you."
She smiled as seductively as she could while dancing across the stage. Each move slow and deliberated, leaving the audience waiting for the next step.
She never felt so exhilarated before. She had total control of how they saw her. They saw her as sexy, beautiful, unattainable, and she was going to milk that feeling for as long as it was worth.
"My new resolution is to trust you. My business to love you until you've had it. I'm not going to miss out on the good stuff. The grass would be so much greener with us on it."
She poofed off the stage to the round of couches where Jonathan, Calix, Madora, Alexandria, Herksper, Phil, and Aziz stared at her in amazement.
"You deserve this." Madora handed her a bottle of sparkling cider.
"Aww I deserve a lot of things, finally someone had the bright idea of actually giving it to me." Jordan smiled.
Calix lightly smacked her on the temple, "Seriously though. That was one great act. Usually you need my help.."
"Shut up." Jordan rolled her eyes at him, "I'll get the next round of drinks, what do you want, guys?" She asked.
"Water" Jonathan, Aziz and Alexandria called.
"Gin on the rocks" Calix requested.
"Wine." Hercules' children asked for.
Jordan strutted to the bar happily, basking in the glances men and women were throwing her way.
"I am pretty. I'm so pretty." Jordan hummed "And witty, and giddy and gay. And I pity anyone who isn't me today."
While she waited for the bartender to get to her orders, a pixie girl and Bacchae sat on her right side.
"So genie girl?" The Bacchae leaned to rest his head on her shoulder, "Wanna get on the grass?"
"Get off me." Jordan shoved him.
"But-but you said you would take care of us." The Bacchae whined with a leer.
"It was a song." Jordan replied, grabbing Calix's order.
"You're still a genie. It's what you do." The pixie girl said, grabbing her shoulder with sharp nails."I know how it works. So where is your lamp?"
"You're right, I am a genie. Not an idiot. I'm not telling you." Jordan poured the glass of gin over the pixie's head.
"Your business is to love us till we had it." The pixie girl mocked, shaking her head like a wet dog.
"Yet I don't trust you." Jordan huffed, taking the rest of the drinks and leaving.
The Bacchae cackled as she stalked off. "Fae these days, don't know what their job is."
Jordan closed her eyes, and tried to push away the thoughts of being tied down away. Once she reached the others, slammed the tray of drinks at the table.
"You'll have to get your gin, Calix. While you're at it, kick out the Bacchae and pixie I poured it on." She pointed at the duo.
Calix got up from his seat, "I can't kick out every person that hits on you, that you don't like." He turned to look at her direction, "I mean it's just- why is he staring at his crotch?"
"Why is the pixie playing with- EWW THIS IS A PUBLIC PLACE!" Alexandria cried
Herksper covered his eyes, "I think I just saw inside of him."
"Alright, I'm kicking them out! They will be banned." Calix lowered his eyes.
"Don't let them touch you." Jonathan grimaced.
"I don't WANT them to touch me, so your warning is a bit unecessary." Calix said before going to talk to the two.
"So that happened." Madora shuddered.
"They can't be our age." Aziz stuck out his tongue in disgust.
"They could be. Shape shifters and fae with disguise spells." Vidia's son, Kyro flew over, eavesdropping on the conversation.
"Like her in mortal clubs." Aziz cocked his head toward Jordan.
"What?' Kyro grinned mischievously, sitting next to her. Most fairies change to their natural fairy size in the club, but some chose to stay mortal size for the sake of not getting squashed.
"I'll explain" Jordan threw a annoyed glare at her adoptive brother, "Biological I'm 17. I act 17, look 17. But if people counted by human years, I'm 21. So when I go to mortal club, and they ask my age I NATURALLY assume they want my mortal age."
They all looked at her dubiously.
"Okay, I know what I'm doing. But you go along with it." Jordan added with a side eyed to Aziz.
"Adult clubs are fun. They have good finger food." Aziz shrugged
"They think you're 21?" Kyro snickered
Jordan shifted her body. Taller, bustier, angular features, she intoned deeply "Believe me now?"
"I can see it." Kyro nodded his head in approval. With that confirmation she changed back to her normal form.
"What are adult clubs like anyway?" Phil asked intrigued
"Basically a bunch of them sit around having tea and crumpets while discussing politics, philosophy and books." Aziz answered.
"And recite poems in their original languages or do opera." Jordan put in.
"Pretentious asses." Kyro snorted
"How's your twin?" Alexandria changed the subject.
"Avari is going out with Azul." He answered, flicking his long black bangs off his eyes.
"Rani's son?" Calix returned to the conversation.
"It's weird, I know." Kyro said
The conversation drifted away from that to new topics until it was 3 in the afternoon.
"We better go." Alexandria muttered, frowning at her watch.
Calix let her and Aziz go out through Circe's office and headed back to party.
Thankfully Aziz's dorm room was empty so she could take one bed while Aziz jumped onto his, and covered his eyes with his textbook.
"I feel super productive." He murmured sarcastically
"How much work?" She asked
"Too much." Aziz threw the book to the floor. "I'll do it after dinner."
Jordan rolled over to her side, "I want to sleep already."
"Do it. No one has seen you at all because you've been studying all weekend."
"I can't." She complained
"The Bacchae and the pixie?" Aziz asked softly
"I think too much. It's nothing." Jordan sighed, "Go do your work. Wake me up when your roommate comes."
Aziz sighed much too overdramatically in her opinion as he got up to sit on the bed she was on, and pushed her onto her stomach.
He started to do back tracings on her. Dammit, he knew she loved tickle massages. She found it so soothing and always made her fall asleep. She would willingly stay still forever if there was someone giving her one.
"Aziz, please, I'm fine. You don't have to help me go to sleep." Jordan murmured
"Let me. Think of it as you're helping me procrastinate in doing a half-hearted job on my French homework." Aziz told her
"When you put it that way..." Jordan closed her eyes.
Author's Note: Another chapter done, I hope you enjoyed. It's a nice breather chapter, isn't it? Go thank screamingeternally for that. She was the one who reminded me that not every chapter has to be full of angst.
Anyway the song, is "Good Stuff" by Shakira.
The little hummed tune was "I feel pretty" from West Side Story.
I'm sure, everyone can guess what musical inspired my club name choice ;)
I put a lot of Descendants characters of Disney people I like. Attina, Milo, Rani, etc. That was fun.
And if anyone is wondering or if a name nerd like me, Avari was inspired by Avarice. As Vidia had been inspired by Invidia.
Kyro inspired by Kyto, the dragon Vidia fell in love with in the books.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
Just like Fire ch. 5
“We gon' drink drink and take shots until we fall out like the roof on fire. Now baby give a booty naked, take off all your clothes, and light the roof on fire. Tell her baby baby baby baby. I'm in fire, I tell her baby baby baby I'm a fireball." - Pitbull (Fireball)
"Happy birthday to me...” Claire muttered to herself in the car as she headed back to headquarters from the airport. 
She had just spent her sixteenth birthday in a island near Polynesia using a tank to crush "the enemies of the state." Then burned their military base to the ground.
She didn't know what exactly they did to become enemies, but it didn't matter. Kurt and the other agents always repeated the same stupid phrase.
"You're a weapon. You don't need to know. Just take your orders and do them!"
"What was that?" Dr. Novak asked from the front seat next to the driver. He was the new head scientist. Kurt replaced Dr. Greene after his experiment didn't bring any new test results. He had only been there for a few weeks, but he was a lot less strict.
"Nothing, just can't believe I'm sixteen." And haven't seen the world in 6 years.
Dr. Novak smiled. She liked it. He reminded her of the Director. Bald, a little less fat and wide smile.
"My daughter is almost sixteen like you, Amber eyes. I wish you could talk, I'm sure you would find some things in common."
"Umm, not exactly allowed." Claire pointed to her shock collar "But I would like that too. I haven't seen anyone my age in forever!"
Dr. Novak gave a small frown, then he started to shift.
"I know I shouldn't let my feelings get in the way but it's such a shame you're living like this...." He looked around as if the limo had security cameras watching them. Then leaned closer "Okay, maybe we can let you go for one day. But you must come back to the Center before 1 okay. I don't want to get into too much trouble."
"But the, the collar?" Claire stammered, feeling giddy. Was she actually going to be let out and free alone? 
Dr. Novak pulled out a Swiss Army knife from his lab coat pocket and cut it off.
"Now go, pretend I couldn’t have stopped you" he instructed. Claire pushed herself out the door and rolled out to the busy sidewalk of Metropolis City.
It was huge! Skyscrapers seemed to be everywhere and shops crowded every corner. It was already 7 in the afternoon but Claire felt like it was 9 in the morning.
She was free!!! Free!
But what do regular people do on their birthdays. They had cake, but she had no money. They had friends and gifts but that was not happening.
So she looked around and followed a crowd of teenagers that looked to be her age to a club, Pulse it said in pink neon.
Her body felt electrified and she couldn't keep from bouncing on her feet. She was normal person, going to a club. She felt if she smiled anymore her face would break.
As she got to the bouncer, he glanced at her. "You don't look 20,” he wrinkled his nose. 
Claire lower her eyes and smiled. Pressing her body against him oh so suggestively.  "But couldn't you let me in. I have a sister waiting inside," she purred, nudging her chest against his. A move that was practically engrained into her body. She had done this many times before on poor foreign enemies of the state before she knocked their head into the roof. The man melted like putty and she glide past. Swinging her hips to the music. The club was hot, flashing strobe lights bounced around the wall and shiny silver dance floor. There were a few couches packed in back of the room and two tropical bars with palm trees near the bathrooms. And cages of hanging from the ceiling with shirtless men and girls in their underwear dancing in time to the drums. Claire stared at the whole place in wonder. And slowly she started to copy the others. Waving her arms in the air, grinding and jumping around. 
But as she started to get tired, she felt bored. She wanted to use her powers. When was the last time she used them for fun? But she couldn't think of any trick that would seem normal without attracting attention that she was a meta human.
As she looked at the people dancing around the tikki torches by the bar, she had an idea....Fire breathing. Take a stick with plastic palm leaves, she ripped them off and blew. A woosh of fire covered the stick and Claire brandished it proudly. 
A few screamed but others started crowing and yelling. She did a few more tricks, twirling sticks in the air, making shapes out of fire discreetly using her powers to help.
Then two gawky guys, both with brown hair came up to her. One black tips said to her, "I.. I'm I know you might not know what I'm talking about. But trust me, it's a compliment from the highest degree of nerdom." He cleared his throat,"You, me world domination?" "Sorry if you don’t get the reference but it’s a paraphrase of this firebender named Azula. It’s from Avatar: Last Airbender," The other guy with glasses explained.  "I loved that show!" Claire cried. She had been banned watching it after she found out about her powers. Her dad thought she would be too influenced. But Claire still remembered fondly. And now apparently these two cute guys her age knew it too. 
"No way someone as hot as you knows that." The black tips cried..
"Well yes. I'm a fire bender all the way. As you can see.." Claire smirked, waving her flaming stick.
“Nah, not me. I'm more air bender," Black tips said, ““All peace, no war.”  "That's cuz he's too scared of fire," Glasses mocked whispered.
"Shut up!" "You are too!" 
"Hey, how did you even do that without draining alchohol?" Black tip asked, changing the conversation to Claire, motioning to her flaming torches.  Normal people need to alchohol to do it? "Uh what makes you think I haven't been drinking?" Claire winked.
The guys smiled.  “I'm Damian" glasses said "And this is my younger bro and room mate, Francis," he motioned to black tips.  "Claire." They spent the rest of the time joking and talking about avatar episodes. Then Francis invited her over for dinner at the apartment and she eagerly accepted. It was almost eleven but she wasn't planning on going back. Sure, Dr. Novak might get in trouble but she her freedom meant more than any scientist. And with such nice guys too. She could stand to hang around them for a little while until she found her own place. 
Plus Francis looked quite cute. Chiseled checks, floppy brown hair, studied something called botany which only seemed to remind her how much school she missed. 
She hadn’t even finish middle and she couldn’t recall what photosynthesis was. She thought it had to do with cameras but they didn't mention anything about it yet.
"Well I'm gonna hit the sack. Good night." He slapped Francis' shoulder, "Make me proud," he whispered.
They spent a little time siting on the couch when Francis turned to her and leaned closer, heading in for a kiss. Claire tried to suppress a cringe as she felt her face flush. Her body started tingling again like all those years ago. Oh god, she was aroused. He was probably aroused too, and he'll want the sex. But then his mouth pressed against hers and all her thoughts flew out. His lips were so soft and warm, she wanted to melt against him. She gripped him closer and held his hair as his tongue pushed further into her mouth.
"This is amazing! How could I think kissing was bad? Wait....did that other guy even kiss me? No, no. This is my first kiss. OMIGOD I'M HAVING MY FIRST KISS!”
Slowly he took off her clothes and she grabbed his pants. His touch was so soft and gentle and warm. She welcomed it. All the muscles she was clenching released and she just let him take the lead. This sex thing was great, and Claire held onto him like howler monkey. 
After the first release, she felt hotter, and heard Francis mutter, "You're boiling." Claire briefly opened her eyes, and saw her her hands, flames sparking up her fingers. She held them out in the air and tried not to touch Francis or act like anything was wrong. 
But her hands wouldn't stop burning, no matter how much she tried to imagine it away. Francis' body blending into hers was so distracting, especially as another wave of pleasure rippled through hers.
She flipped Francis in a way she would be positioned ontop of him and smashed her boobs against his face, suppressing a moan of ecstasy. It was honestly very frustrating. Here she was having the best sex ever and she had to stop it or else he would freak over her burning hands. 
So she pretended to accidentally knock over the lamp, touched the lightbulb and it exploded from the heat.
Francis jumped and Claire sat on her hands, trying to cool herself. "Dude!! I'm happy for you, but seriously!" Damian yelled from another room. 
"Sorry, sorry." Francis flushed, his neck turning white "We should probably stop" he bent over to pick up the pieces.  "Yes, you probably should." a chilling voice added. 
In the doorway stood Kurt and four agents. "Claire," He intoned. Two agents grabbed her, and forced her outside as she heard Kurt talking to Francis.
"Take this pill, you don't need to remember what's gone on here tonight-" amid Francis' questions. Claire's face burned with shame and humiliation. 
How the hell, did they find out?
"How?" Claire whispered when Kurt entered the car with a blanket to cover herself. "Security cameras. Though you were acting like a stripper at the club, not many people have knee length orange hair." He spat at the word club. 
"It was simple to spot you from the rest. We asked questions, found out who you left with. Now you are coming back. First discipline, then you'll have to work through the night to catch up with what you missed." Kurt informed her.
Claire self-consciously gripped her hair. She never thought about how recognizable she looked with it, uncut from years gone by. Once they got to the headquarters, she was disciplined with the routine of water boarding and foam spray until she had passed out. When she came too, she had been redressed in her usual black outfit, a new shock collar and brought to the training room. 
Where Dr. Novak stood, handcuffed and crying.
"First we thought you should get rid of your accomplice." Kurt said. Claire held her breath and hesitantly complied, forming a circle of fire around Dr. Novak, close but not touching him. Claire wanted to apologize to the man. The man with a daughter her age, who had thought she should be out on her birthday and let her have that one day of freedom. 
But Kurt was waiting, nudging her back with the fire extinguisher nozzle. A water board would await her if she didn’t comply.   Claire closed her eyes and let the circle of fire creep closer and closer until the smell of burnt skin and smoke filled the room.
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