#study ☨ (but in all chaos there is calculation.)
conquestofuriel · 1 year
September's Strike
Date: End of August Location: Former Asphodel House Characters: @conquestofuriel , @azraclx , @pestilencedumah , @adatiiel Note: MINI SELF PARA. Not a starter because there's too many of us bitches and little time BUT feel free to reblog with a general reaction or just to reblog
Hyrsam's stunt was unfortunate to say the least. Uriel wouldn't speak of it, not now. Time was running out until the Senate acted on the Necromanteion and it was clear now that The Eye had done nothing to stop what plagued the Seraphim, no matter what Michael had asked of them in turn for his assistance. So then it truly was time to send a plague of their own.
The four Seraphim congregated in the home that they had conquered for themselves. Uriel explained how hope for Michael, patience for Ulthar, recruitment of refusing Fallens and a certain fey's company and tranquility had distracted him from the mercilessness that they needed to show, just as they once had in the past. Collateral damage could no longer be something that bothered him, just as it never was before. He asked Azrael to sharpen his blades and Adatiel to prepare herself. Uriel explained how he'd spoken to Robin and gave their Autumn fey ally the opportunity to protect her own now. Conquest then produced a folder of what information he had compiled of The Eye headquarters from sources and from Iskander Binici's own information. Then he addressed Dumah. He smiled wrly to his younger brother as he asked him to explain what had been on his mind since last they spoke. The four would then begin and end that day with discussion.
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conquestofuriel · 11 months
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Uriel wears ornate celestial white armor with golden details. The metal itself is so bright that it seems as though it is glowing, as does the matching armor on the white horse that Conquest rides on. His weapons consist only of his divine energy and his conjured Seraph blade.
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conquestofuriel · 2 years
🙊 ― a memory you don’t ever talk about.
The day that Sariel came to them as a traitor and they knew what was going to happen to her. She asked for them to understand, but they told her that she had chosen this, and that she could not ask anything of them now. They told hey that she chose selfish fantasies over their own family and god-given purpose. And then they'd turned their back on her and let her be taken away.
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conquestofuriel · 2 years
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 ― a memory involving a family member.
Back when the Gods were constantly at war to conquer the world from ancient monsters and beings so arcane that they no longer have names, the Seraphim were always at battle. And he had been inseparable from Sariel, even more so than the three younger siblings that would become his partners eons later.
In one memory, the two had managed to destroy one of the most powerful of these ancient beings and it had taken them both over week to do so. But they'd done it, alone. And it had been a testament to how well they were always able to work together. Uriel recalls how they had never felt closer to death but the pride and celebration after had been worth it all. 
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conquestofuriel · 2 years
tag dump ;
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