tenderbittersweet · 1 year
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Blogs You Should Follow💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜My Lovely Mutuals, Part 1💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜My Lovely Mutuals, Part 2💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜My Lovely Mutuals, Part 3💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
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studylikearistotle · 2 years
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Study session at the library
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iamstudyingalien · 4 years
20 questions challenge
tagged by@lilacstudybuddy (thanks 🖤)
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get know better.
NAME: beyza
NICKNAMES: bee (mostly used), kalon, orate
ZODIAC SIGN: scorpio
HEIGHT: 1.65m
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: turkish, english
NATIONALITY: turk(ish)
FAVOURITE SCENT: scent after blowing out a candle
FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: cheryl blossom, veronica lodge
DOG OR CAT PERSON: cat person
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: only 1 but even in summer i use the thickest and the softest one i have
DREAM TRIP: all over the world
RANDOM FACT: loves writing poems and emotional stuff 
@daisystudies @cielstudies @helloimstudying @studylikearistotle @patriotstudies @myhoneststudyblr @studying-withsucculents @thestudyingbibliophile @stu-dna @patriotstudies @isthsnametakenyet @headgirlstudy @blackgrad @hayley-studies @starryeize @stressedbutstudying @sufferingwithme @esther-ti-designs @caffestudy @pancakestudiesssss 
if you see this, but you’re not tagged, feel free to be involved in. 🖤
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Tagging game
I was tagged by @studylikearistotle! Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the mention! 
Tag 20 people if you would like to know them better to keep the game going💗
Nickname (s): Micky (I only really like my family calling me this)
Gender: female
Astrological Sign: Virgo (my sister likes to point out when I’m being “such a Virgo” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN???)
Height: 5′8 or 172/173
Sexuality: straight
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 
Favourite Animal: Anything small tbh so basically all baby animals. I also like animals together like a mom and babies. Nothing really specific just situations and growth (lol?)
Number of Blankets: I have a sheet, duvet, and a throw blanket (folded at the end of my bed) I like to bundle up with the AC going and my fan
Where I’m from: America the beautiful
Dream trip: I don’t remember what I said last time, but I really want to go on multiple trips to historic sights around the world (I have my eye on Scotland rn for some reason)
When I created this account: Three years ago (same as @studylikearistotle haha)
Imma tag:
@jungcinema @emstudies @irvistudies @patriotstudies @kgstudies @procrastilate @rivkahstudies @oswiestudies @biolostudy @therobotstudies @historicalemily 
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serostudies · 5 years
okay so I was tagged in two very similar games by @cujostudies and @studylikearistotle (thank you, both of you!). I’m just going to combine them; sorry for any confusion it might cause!
nickname: Syd (not many people call me this)
gender: it’s complicated (if you want one word, nonbinary)
astrological sign: Capricorn
height: around 5′1″
sexuality: ace
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, I think. or possibly Slytherin. 
favorite animal: penguin or duck
number of blankets: 0-2
where I’m from: California
dream trip: not sure
when I created this blog: March 2019
why I created this blog: same reason as everyone else, I guess? to increase motivation and productivity and keep myself accountable
tagging: everyone who wants to do this
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httproductive · 3 years
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@c818c818 @mariesstudycorner @satoristudies @clabujo @clearintheair @studylikearistotle @omona-wangja @bigdreamstinydesk @byoulws 
My friends, if you are interested, go and have a look. If you share it with 5 friends, you can enjoy 90% discount at most!
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studywritedraw · 4 years
tag game!
Thanks to @castudies for the tag!
Coffee or Tea? tea, but I rarely drink either tbh
Early Bird or Night Owl? Early bird! In the mornings if I motivate myself enough I can get a lot of stuff done, but in the afternoons/evenings it takes a lot of stress to get me to do productive things
Chocolate or Vanilla?  Chocolate (my weakness)
Spring or Fall? Spring <3
Silver or Gold? I like the look of silver a lot, and I paint with it more often but gold, honestly
Pop or Alternative? Ya like jazz??
Freckles or Dimples? Dimples 
Snakes or Sharks? Sharks
Mountains or Fields? Mountains!
Thunder or Lightning? Thunder, for the snuggling up in a blanket with hot chocolate, maybe reading a book
Egyptian Mythology or Greek Mythology? Greek, I only know anything due to Percy Jackson haha 
Ivory or Scarlet? Ivory
Flute or Lyre? Flute awww
Opal or Diamond? Diamond
Butterflies or Honeybees? Butterflies they’re so pretty!
Macaroons or Eclairs? Eclairs
Typewritten or Handwritten? Handwritten :)
Secret Garden or Secret Library? Ohh this is hard, I’d really love a secret library that was also overflowing with plants :D
Rooftop or Balcony? Rooftop
Spicy or Mild? Mild, curse my white genes
Opera or Ballet? Ballet
London or Paris? Never been to either but London
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet? Claude Monet, honestly one of the most influencing artists in my work
Denim or Leather? Denim
Potions or Spells? Spells
Ocean or Desert? Ocean
Mermaids or Sirens? Mermaids
Masquerade Party or Cocktail Party? Masquerade!
Tagging: @adelinestudiess @flarenotes @studylikearistotle @z-oologystudy @medlangs @dance-underneath-my-architecture @koi-study
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ologyblr · 5 years
Tagging Game!
I was tagged by @studylikearistotle, TYSM!! 
Tag some more people if you would like to know them better to keep the game going💗
Nickname (s): Kat, Katrash
Gender: Female
Astrological Sign: Leo
Height: 5′5ft (just the perfect height)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favourite Animal: 
Number of Blankets: I start off with two, but after the long night I basically have a half of a blanket covering me
Where I’m from: United States owo
Dream trip: To England, not bc of the country itself (no offense) - I’ve already been there twice. I want to go again to see my lovely besties who live there!
When I created this account: Like not even a month ago :o but I’ve already made so many good friends!
@bignerdstudyblr @ouroborostudies 
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studylikearistotle · 2 years
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Today's study places
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studylikearistotle · 4 years
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So today has a productive day after all 😊
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studylikearistotle · 4 years
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11th of April
Well, I could easily say that I've been in a rut but I've been trying to raise my energy and productivity levels😊
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studylikearistotle · 5 years
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Pictures from yesterday's study session. It was the perfect weather, so much so I took a power nap outside 😂
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studylikearistotle · 5 years
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I had this critical essay due on Monday, and it was absolutely killing me. Too many objectives for 1500 words. Level 5s seem more difficult than I expected. Cheers though for the new organizarion of my desk and library. Have been very productive with home organisation
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studylikearistotle · 5 years
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You're starting to realise how monotonous your studying looks, when you have slightly different photos of the same thing.. Ugh, at some point I will have some different content for you
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studylikearistotle · 5 years
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Late night study session. Seriously I have to stop not taking notes through the semester and having to do all of them days before the final exam. I'm stressing me out 🙄
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studylikearistotle · 5 years
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So who's cramming again like crazy two days before the exam?
🙋‍♀️🤷‍♀️ - sigh
Wish me luck, God knows I need it
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