#stuff like dango and traditional Japanese meals
true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Once Silver learns to make actually edible food thanks to Amy and Espio, what dishes do you imagine he would enjoy making the most? Not necessarily the things he likes the taste of the most, but the stuff that he enjoys the creation process of for whatever reason
Not sure if it really counts as cooking dishes, but I can see Silver be quite intrigued by the concept of baking! Mostly because of how much it changes form and shape; liquid batter becomes fluffy solid cake, cookie dough rises up from a ball into a disk, things melt, solidify, and change colour everywhere. In food-cooking the same things can technically happen as well, but baking really shows it clearly, so to say. And I can imagine he finds it incredibly intriguing, especially with how every single time you can get a slightly different result!
Regarding actual food dishes, I figure he likes things that are easy to make but still nice-tasting and nutritious. Stuff like soups, meals with rice, or even just flinging some potatoes and veggies into the oven to bake them; just generally easy things for dinner, though sometimes he'll try his hand at fancier and longer-taking stuff as well. Though, I do not think he likes stuff with very strong flavours, like overly spicy or sour dishes. It'll take him some time to get used to those and begin cooking with it. But I figure that overall it's most important for him that it's fun, and the more friends he can cook together with, the better!
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the-himawari · 4 years
A3! Minagi Tsuzuru - Translation [SR] Worldly Rabbit (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Tsuzuru: Heh… so it turns out it’s like this, huh?
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Izumi: It looks like a typical, fashionable café, right?
Tsuzuru: It looks pretty crowded… Is the counter ok with you?
Izumi: Yeah, it’s fine.
Tsuzuru: It looks like there’s light meals too, so it really seems like a café.
Izumi: That’s true… But there was also a menu of teas that seemed good for your body.
Tsuzuru: Alright then, shall we order our drinks and enter right away?
Tsuzuru: Ha~… I feel like I’ve finally settled down.
Izumi: Sorry that I made you accompany me even though you’re tired.
Tsuzuru: No. Even if I’m at the dorm, I’d end up doing things like continuing my assignment anyways…
Izumi: Assignment?
Tsuzuru: I thought I finished my assignments for summer break, but there was still one that was untouched. I was writing the report last night too.
Izumi: A report, huh… Tsuzuru-kun’s part of the faculty of literature, right?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. The assignment this time is a report about pure literature, So yesterday, I was binging through paperback books the whole day.
Izumi: Pure literature, huh… What kind of theme is it?
Tsuzuru: For a theme that’s like "romance in literature", I’m researching about literary expressions of love confessions.
Izumi: Wow, how romantic! Autumn is the best season for reading so I wonder if I should try reading too.
Tsuzuru: Haha, if you’d like, I’ll lend you some books.
Izumi: Really? Thanks!
Tsuzuru: I have quite a large number of them, so I might have a hard time choosing though.
Izumi: Reports really are a lot of work, huh?
Tsuzuru: Well, I guess… There’s also word limits and stuff. Before this, Juza was also groaning while working in the lounge.
Izumi: University students have their own troubles too...
Izumi: Oh, it’s gotten really late.
Tsuzuru: It was really comfortable, and I relaxed a lot. But not just my feet, I was healed in various ways. It seems like I’ll be able to work hard again starting tomorrow.
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Izumi: If so, then that’s great. Ah, look, Tsuzuru-kun. It looks like it’ll be a full moon soon.
Tsuzuru: Oh, it really does.
Option 1: “Have you ever done moon-viewing with your family?”
Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, have you ever done moon-viewing* with your family?
Tsuzuru: I’ve done it before but my little brothers made a fuss, so the moon wasn't the main sight…
Izumi: Oh I see… I guess being lively is troublesome too.
Tsuzuru: Well, it was also fun like that though.
Option 2: “Speaking of full moons, it’s moon-viewing, right?”
Izumi: Speaking of full moons, it’s moon-viewing, right?
Tsuzuru: That’s right… My little brothers back home also want to eat tsukimi dango** every year.
Izumi: It’s moon-viewing season already~… I want to do moon-viewing with everyone in the Theatre company.
Tsuzuru: It seems like it’ll become more lively than with my little brothers.
Izumi: Ahaha, you’re not wrong.
Tsuzuru: …The moon, it's beautiful, isn’t it?***
Izumi: Yeah, it is…
Tsuzuru: —! Just now, what did I—.
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Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun? What’s wrong?
Tsuzuru: N-no… If you didn’t realize, then it’s fine.
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Tsuzuru: I’m the only one conscious of it, huh…
Izumi: ?
Tsuzuru: I-it's nothing!
*"お月見" (otsukimi: moon-viewing) is a Japanese custom where people will gather during mid-autumn to view the harvest moon. Traditionally, people would play music, compose poetry and eat specific foods for the occasion. "ススキ" (susuki: silver grass) is also used as decoration, which you can see Tsuzuru holding in his bloomed card. **"月見団子" (tsukimi dango) are the traditional dumplings/rice cakes that are eaten during tsukimi. They're usually round and white to resemble the moon and stacked in a pyramid shape. ***This is an expression that comes from Souseki Natsume (1867-1916), a novelist who told a student that the best way to translate the English phrase "I love you" into Japanese was "月が綺麗ですね" (tsuki ga kirei desune: the moon is beautiful, isn't it?) as back then, Japanese people were more reserved and hesitant to express their love directly. Therefore, they would use such a phrase to express their feelings indirectly and more poetically. (TSUZURUUUU--)
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