quiltofstars · 2 months
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Alhena, γ Geminorum // Marcel Simkes
Alhena is a blue subgiant star that is actually a binary system. The primary is about 3 times the mass and size of the Sun, and the entire system lies about 110 light years away. Its name comes from the Arabic word al han'ah meaning "the brand [on the neck of the camel]".
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enchiiridion · 5 days
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"The people of Spirale will come to know the name of Volo just as much as the people of the Realms do! I'll make that certain--"
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galgenwerk · 7 months
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why does she feel horrible all of a sudden?
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aforerime · 1 year
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❝The adjudicators selected wisely.❞
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Gemini Constellation: Stars, Myth, and Location (2024)
Gemini constellation The Gemini constellation is one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. It is also known as the Twins and has its roots in Greek mythology. It appears in the fascinating story of the Gemini twins mythology, Pollux and Castor.
Gemini is easy to spot in the sky. It lies northeast of Orion and between Taurus and Cancer. It has two bright stars, with the Gemini twin names, each indicating the position of their heads.
You can see Gemini in both hemispheres and it is a great constellation for home stargazers to view. It contains a number of interesting objects, including Messier 35.
It is also known for the incredibly beautiful Medusa Nebula, named after a dreadful Greek Gemini mythological character. Read on to find out all about the Gemini twins and Gemini constellation facts.
Major stars in Gemini
Here is a list of the most important stars in Gemini.
Castor – Geminorum (Alpha Geminorum) Castor gets its name from one of the Gemini twins. It is the 2nd brightest stars of Gemini and the 44th brightest star in the sky. The star is made up of 6 components. Together they have a combined apparent magnitude of 1.58. Castor marks the head of the twin. Castor is a bluish-white star and you can see it without a telescope. It lies 50.88 light-years away.
Pollux – Geminorum (Beta Geminorum) You may ask – what is the brightest star in Gemini? It is Pollux. Pollux gets its name from the second twin in the Greek myth. It is a red giant star about 33.78 light-years from Earth. Pollux is also the 17th brightest star in the night sky.
Its name in Arabic is Al-Ras al-Tau’am al-Mu’akhar, which means “The Head of the Second Twin.” Pollux, as one of the Gemini constellation stars, is interesting in that it has an exoplanet that orbits it. The planet is Pollux b, discovered in 2006.
Alhena (Almeisan) – Geminorum (Gamma Geminorum) Alhena (Gamma Geminorum) is another interesting Gemini star. It is the third brightest star in Gemini. It is a white subgiant and lies about 109 light-years away. The star has an apparent magnitude of 1.915. Size-wise, it is 4 times larger than the sun and 123 times brighter. The name comes from the Arabic, Almeisan, which means “the shining one.”
Mebsuta – Geminorum (Epsilon Geminorum) Mebsuta is a double star, consisting of a magnitude 3.4 brilliant white and a 9.5 magnitude cerulean blue. These stars in Gemini constellation sit at the right knee of the twin Castor. The name comes from the Arabic Mebsuta, which means “the Outstretched,” and originally marked the paw of the Arabic Lion constellation.
Tejat Posterior – Geminorum (Mu Geminorum) Mu Geminorum is a red giant and is the fourth brightest star in the Gemini star constellation. It has a visual magnitude of 2.857 and is about 230 light-years away. The traditional name is Tejat Posterior, which means “the back foot.” It lies at Castor’s foot. The star is also known by another Latin name, Calx, which means “the heel.”
Tejat Prior – Geminorum (Eta Geminorum) Eta Geminorum is another important star in Gemini. It is also known as Tejat Prior. It is a multiple star about 350 light-years away. It is made up of a binary star and a dwarf star that orbit the pair once in 700 years. With an apparent visual magnitude of 3.15, it is the seventh brightest of the Gemini stars in the constellation Gemini. Eta Geminorum is about 3.16 times more luminous than our Sun.
Alzirr – Geminorum (Xi Geminorum) The name Alzirr in Arabic means “button” and marks one of the four feet of the star twins. It has an apparent magnitude of 3.35 and you can see it without a telescope. The star lies about 58.7 light-years away. This yellow-white subgiant is about 11 times brighter than our Sun.
Propus – Geminorum (Iota Geminorum) The name Propus comes from the Greek meaning “forward foot,” and the star indicates the foot of the twin, Castor. Propus has an apparent magnitude of 3.78 and is approximately 326 light-years away. It is a binary star system and is a red color.
Wasat – Geminorum (Delta Geminorum) Delta Geminorum is also known as Wasat. The name means “middle” in Arabic. It has a visual magnitude of 3.53 and you can see it with the naked eye. The star is a triple star system and lies about 60.5 light-years from our solar system. Wasat is about 1.6 billion years old. The star indicates the middle of Pollux’s body.
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hollowfaith · 3 months
hehe but like
my muse is "luminous subgiant," "luminous giant" or even "giant (luminous)"
hehe funny rank names
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mr-mustard-man · 2 months
stellar classification infodump yayy
I've not done one of these in a while so here's stellar classification ig
this is kinda long
Stellar classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral characteristics. Electromagnetic radiation from the star is analysed by splitting it, usually with a prism, exhibiting the rainbow of colours interspersed with spectral lines.
Each line indicates a particular element or molecule, with line strength showing the abundance of the element. Strengths may vary due to the temperature or 'thickness' of the atmosphere.
Most stars are classified under the Morgan-Keenman (MK) system using the letters o, b, a, f, g, k, and m- a sequence from the hottest (o type) to the coolest (m type). Each type is then subdivided using the digit 0 being hottest and 9 being coolest (e.g. a8, f9, o1). The sequence has, however, been expanded for stellar objects that do not fit the classical system such as D class for white dwarves, and S + C classes for carbon stars. In the MK system, a luminosity class is added to the spectral class using roman numerals. This is based off the width of absorption lines from the stars spectrum, and so distinguishes giant stars from dwarfs.
Luminosity classes for each star type:
I - hypergiants
II - supergiants
III - bright giants
IV - subgiants
V - main sequence stars
SD( or vi) - subdwarfs
D(or vii) - white dwarfs
there are also symbols added for 'peculiarities'( for example strong He II absorption)
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isolaradiale · 3 months
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For day 5 of our anniversary celebration we'd like to reveal LUMINOUS STATUS!
Luminous status is a special ranking modifier that you can add to your stats page after you character has officially been on the masterlist for three months / 90 days total. So at three months you can change your character's rank to: Luminous Dwarf, Luminous Subgiant, Luminous Giant, or even Luminous Hypergiant (although Hypergiant receives no benefits). This modifier will follow your rank as you rank up. But what does it do?
Those of you who are old members of C*tta might remember "Veteran status" where, after a certain amount of time in the group, your character's starting abilities were completely uncapped without needing to spend any unlocks. Luminous status serves this same function! You'll be able to completely uncap your starter ability once you qualify with some exceptions applying.
This is retroactive, so you'll be able to apply this to your character now if they've been in the group for at least three months already! We'll have more information on how to do this before it officially goes into effect on July 8th.
DO WE NEED TO SEND ANY ASKS TO CLAIM LUMINOUS STATUS? For most cases no! You can uncap your starting ability on your stats page once your character has reached the required amount of time in the group!
WHAT ARE THE "EXCEPTIONS" MENTIONED ABOVE? We expect this only applies to a very small selection of characters (if any), exceptions would be cases where someone was given an extremely powerful ability or weapon (like a giant robot) back to start because they had nothing else to unlock. In these cases please contact the Galaxy blog and we'll let you uncap it more than it already was!
We'll have more information on the process before the end of the week, but we'll be asking everyone to make a post with their changes so that we can make sure no one is accidentally removing the wrong things, or might actually be an exception!
WHAT IF I DROPPED OR WAS REMOVED IN AN ACTIVITY CHECK DURING MY CHARACTER'S FIRST THREE MONTHS? DOES THE TIME RESET? Nope! The three months is total time! So if you were to drop within 45 days of getting accepted, for example, you'd just need to be in the group for another 45 days!
WHAT IF I USED UNLOCKS TO INCREASE THE POWER / USAGE OF MY STARTING POWER ALREADY? If you've done this, please message the Galaxy blog and let them know the follow:
What unlocks or items were used to do so.
What you would like to unlock instead.
If you have nothing else to unlock (or are uncapped already) you can simply uncap the ability and add 500 stars to your account for every refund!
WHAT IF MY CHARACTER HAD NOTHING TO UNLOCK / WAS GIVEN BACK A GAG ABILITY WITH NO CAP? In these cases please contact the Galaxy blog! You'll either qualify for an unlock or a payment of Stars; whichever applies!
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moraypower · 1 month
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squid form --> fully uncapped!
super jump 5x per day --> super jump 10x per day
another moray eel. now she has three of them! [reached subgiant, one unlock exchanged]
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nobully · 3 months
anniversary changes
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mind control (no memory manipulation) 30min/day -> uncapped??
magical wig (wen xiaorou version) 10min/day
ice manipulation (weak ice attacks) 5x/day
tianguang sword aura [reached subgiant]
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plantamagicae · 7 months
R A N K - U P ↑ Congrats! You meet the requirements to reach Subgiant rank! You’ll receive Clover back. You’ll also get a bike. Keep reaching for the stars, Willow!
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" oh clover, i missed you so much! "
the little bee sit cheerfully in her cupped hands. everyone was right that she would see her beloved palisman again.. now, a 'bike', what was that.
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quiltofstars · 5 months
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The constellation of Gemini // Dawson Fehr
Read below the cut for info about what stars are in this image!
The two bright stars are Castor (blue) and Pollux (white). Pollux (β Geminorum) and Castor (α Geminorum) are named after the two twins from Greek mythology. Their mother was the mortal Leda, but they shared different fathers. Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus. Pollux asked Zeus to share his immortality with Castor and so they were transformed into the constellation of Gemini.
Other bright stars included in this image are (ordered from bright to dim):
Alhena (γ Geminorum), named after the Arabic phrase Al Han'ah, meaning "the brand [on the neck of the camel]". This is a binary system with the primary being a blue-white subgiant star.
Mebsuta (ε Geminorum), named after the Arabic word Mabsūṭah, referring to an outstretched lion's paw. This is a white supergiant star.
Alzirr (ξ Geminorum), named after the Arabic word al-zirr, meaning "the button." This is a potential binary system, with the primary being a white subgiant star.
Wasat (δ Geminorum), derived from an Arabic word meaning "middle." This is a triple star system, with the primary being a white subgiant star.
κ Geminorum, a white giant star in a binary system.
λ Geminorum, a blue-white giant star in a possible binary system.
θ Geminorum, a single blue-white subgiant star.
Mekbuda (ζ Geminorum), named after an Arabic phrase meaning "the lion's folded paw." It shares this derivation with ε Geminorum. This star is a white supergiant star.
υ Geminorum, a single red giant star.
τ Geminorum, a single red giant star with a Jupiter-mass exoplanet.
Here's an image to help you identify these stars!
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enchiiridion · 5 days
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[[ Oh I'm too serious ]]
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galgenwerk · 8 months
𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚 — 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
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it takes more than one walk up the stairs within house 115 to get all of the presents into her bedroom.
   it's not until after she's walked oliver to the train station near the housing area that garry gets a moment of respite. it's not a bad kind of exhaustion that settles on her, once she's shut the bedroom door behind her. there's a tiredness in her bones, begging her to remain stationary for a little bit, to freeze, to lay down. it's been a longer day than she thought, with more attention than she ever anticipated.
   what were her birthdays like, back home?
   what did it feel like, not being this tired?
   walking up to her desk, she slides into the chair. her eyes go to the vase that aurelius had made for her, in a moment of panic. the wounds had disappeared as they did in the gallery. yet, when garry got home that day and plucked another petal from her rose, nothing had happened. have you been cursed, he'd asked her.
   the blue rose sits in the vase, still filled with water. for a second, her hand reaches out to trace its stem, careful to avoid its thorns.
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   she sighs with deep exhaustion, hand now reaching up to rub the space between her eyebrows. a headache is starting to sport in the corner of her eyes. she doesn't remember her birthdays before this one, but she knows they were joyful. she knows she had a home, before the gallery claimed her.
   she knows the feeling of happiness warming her bones, when she turns to look at the boxes of presents.
   with another short glance to the rose, stationary, frozen, garry gets up from her chair to go take a shower.
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ngdays · 1 year
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an 18-year-old horror game protagonist from 1999
was here previously! (subgiant rank)
a tough guy with a huge soft spot for family
has an intense sixth sense and isn't grateful about it
can read memories from bloodstains
ghosts and living dolls please interact
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deadlydevotion · 1 year
Congrats! You meet the requirements to reach Subgiant rank! You can now use your threads to manipulate others, one person at a time, up to five times daily for a minute each use with mun permission. You’ll also get a mountain bike! Keep reaching for the stars, Legato!
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