#submit to my half life freerun mind
cathedralforlosers · 7 months
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freerun grenade boosts would scare the shit out of everyone except freemercy.
close ups + ease of reading underneath because i'm the master of making things illegible
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Feetman, Prime, and Freemind looking up at a ledge above them, where there's a busted ladder they can't reach.
Feetman: "So. How are we going to get up there..."
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Prime looking up at the ledge as the others talk in the background.
Freemind (out of frame): "'Human Ladder'?"
Feetman (out of frame): "We are NOT doing 'Human Ladder' again-"
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Prime looks down, confused by something he notices.
Freemind (out of frame): "Well what's your genius idea!?"
Feetman (out of frame): "I- I don't know!"
Freemind (out of frame): "Yeah, that's what I thought."
Feetman (out of frame): "We are NOT doing 'Human Ladder' and that is FINAL! Last time we did that....-"
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As the others are arguing, Freerun is lining himself up under the ladder.
Feetman (out of frame): "Wait... Freerun?"
Freemind (out of frame): "What is he-"
Gorgeous (out of frame): "What-"
Freerun drops a grenade underneath himself, and grenade boosts out of frame as the others yell in shock
Feetman (out of frame): "HOLY SHIT"
Freemind (out of frame): "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
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Silence above.
Freemind (out of frame): "Is he dead? I think he's dead."
Freerun cheers from just beyond the ledge
Freemind (out of frame): "nevermind."
Feetman and Freemind look up at where Freerun disappeared off to.
Feetman: "W-well... what now?"
Freemind: "That asshole's gonna to leave us behind."
Bonus doodles:
Freemercy and Freerun sitting on the ledge, cheering the others on
Freemercy: "C'mon! Don't be scared, it's just a grenade boost!"
Freemind (out of frame): "Mercy, just find us a fuckin' rope!"
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cathedralforlosers · 7 months
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my wife said this was cute so i'm posting it . just some freerun. I watched 1 half life speedrun and he came to life in my mind .
Some notes (in case the photo quality is obliterated):
He is hard of hearing and wears hearing aids. when the others are arguing he does turn them off.
His goggles are mainly protection from explosive shrapnel and wind, but they also display his vitals in the same way the hev suit helmet displays health and armor.
I did NOT want to draw the hev suit, but he only wears the chest piece, the boots and the gloves. Sort of like half armor, any more and it would weigh him down.
Grenade sash is a bad idea dont leave them exposed like that put them safe into pockets so the pins don't get accidentally pulled.
He is the shortest and the fastest. Can easily out run any of the others.
spring boots spring boots spring boots
Constantly cooking a grenade and it unsettles Everyone. The first time he nade boosts everyone collectively shits themselves.
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cathedralforlosers · 6 months
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no freerun playlist is complete without running in the 90's
i'm literally summoning all 2 of the freerun enjoyers cmere besties........ i want to talk about he.........
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cathedralforlosers · 6 months
woe freerun doodles be upon ye. (including notes)
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^ these are from a stupid comic idea i'll purrobably n ever finish but it's essentially the post that's like "imagine if the bootboys cut off feetmans rat tail" and i was like "yes. now imagine if it was freerun-"
v these are just freeruns i have lying around.
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personal freerun notes below if they interest you *jingles my keys at you*
this is just my personal personification of my own half life speedruns. i think it'd be funny if everyone had their own unique design so the freeruns could fist fight when someone gets a better time than them.
• Is aware that he is in a game. he's here for a fun time, not a long time.
• ^cause of this, he's capable of abusing game mechanics, like object boosting, bunnyhopping, fucking with the fps- yada yada
• Has quick save and quick load abilities (heavily nerfed in the freemanverse)
• Hard of hearing. extreme tinnitus. He can, and WILL talk, and knows how to read lips, but knows LSM for emergencies
• Has memorized map triggers, med stations, and ammo/weapon locations
• Bunny hopping looks like normal ass sprinting from others pov, but he's like ABNORMALLY fast and it's really weird to watch him disappear down a long hall way in under 2 seconds
• really anything he does that's game breaking looks super weird. he looks like a damn cartoon character running around
• ADHD up the wazzoo
• like how feetman loses his arm. and i hc freemind lost his eye, at the end of chp9 freerun gets his damn ponytail cut off. every time.
• ^used to lose his hearing aids too, but going through the game enough times he learned to pocket them before getting jumped.
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