#succs? took a few tries but not the worst
spikedsoul · 2 years
maid's worst nightmare - ch 21
back already with another chapter! just some good fluff this time. bowser is a sleepy southern man, fight me
previous chapters
You stirred a little as you slowly came back from the world of sleep; it had been ages since you slept that well, and you weren't really keen on the fact that your body was forcing you to wake up. Waking up meant you'd have to leave the cozy warmth you were nestled into and the comforting weight on your chest. Even the warm air that was rhythmically brushing across the side of your face was nice, even though it smelled a little like–
Right, like ash and burnt logs. You turned your head to the side and cracked an eye open, taking in Bowser's sleeping face; he'd ended up on his stomach, again, face angled toward you. He looked almost adorable while he slept…
You forcibly kept your thoughts in check before they went too off the rails. To distract yourself, you reached a hand over to pet his snout, and realized that the weight on your chest was actually his arm, draped over you in a defensive manner.
Oh boy. Did Ludwig talk to him yesterday, too? Had Bowser caught feelings? Well, obviously he liked you enough to want you to visit, but how deep did that run?
You sighed softly to yourself, tracing the curves of his muzzle with your hand and enjoying the feeling of the bumpy but soft scales beneath your fingers. As much as you hated nebulous feelings and thoughts, it wasn't like you could do anything about them but wait and see what happened. Either he fell for his captive, or not. And you'd either fall for your captor because he treated you like a person that mattered, or not. You liked him just fine but you weren't sure about anything beyond that.
You'd be okay just being friends. Hopefully.
As you pet him, the king koopa tried to nuzzle into your hand, the tip of his tongue poking out between his teeth in an unconscious bliss. You couldn't help a warm smile; that was much more endearing than it needed to be but goddamn was it adorable. The mighty king of chaos, reduced to a happy blep at your touch. A fuzzy, warm feeling nestled its way into your heart at the thought.
After a few minutes, Bowser finally inhaled and let out a long, rumbling sigh, his eyes slowly drawing open as he returned to consciousness. His inner eyelids took a moment to slide out of the way, but when they did he locked his sleepy gaze with yours.
"Mornin'," he mumbled gruffly.
"Morning," you returned softly, making yourself hold his gaze. You were glad you did because a moment later his eyes closed again, meaning you didn't have to feel bad about looking away. "...Sleep okay?"
"Better'n usual."
You looked up at the ceiling, nodding; you weren't sure where it came from, but you kinda liked how his accent seemed thicker.
"You?" He shifted to lightly press his nose against your cheek.
Very briefly, you considered not being honest, but immediately chided yourself for even thinking that. Bowser deserved better from you, especially after pulling you out of the worst terror you'd ever had.
"Same, actually," you murmured, rubbing the top of his nose gently.
The two of you let silence settle between you. It was comfortable, natural, almost relaxing if your brain wasn't trying so desperately to overthink things. A few long moments passed before Bowser shifted again, this time setting his chin on your chest, his arm now across your thighs.
"You're like a giant needy dog," you mumbled, eyes flicking to look at him. Though his eyes were still closed, he had a smug smile stretching his lips back. Without looking at you, he brought his other arm up and around to start combing his claws through your hair like the night before; you didn't have any complaints, quietly soaking in the comfort.
"Never had a lazy mornin' like this so I'mma enjoy it how I want," he replied. His tail lightly pulled at the covers as it flicked. "And since I'm a king, I get what I want."
"Cocky bastard," you chuckled, "you sure it has nothing to do with intentionally squishing my boobs?"
He snickered quietly. "They just built-in pillows so might as well make use of 'em since you clearly wasn't." He rubbed his chin against your chest for emphasis and you squeaked indignantly.
"King Bowser Koopa, it's too early for this weird shit!" You had no idea if he had a full name so you just did your best with what you knew. He only cackled softly, though, and opened an eye to look down at you as you reached up to grab a horn.
His lip curled up and over a few fangs in a sneer aimed down at you, but you didn't miss the amused look hidden in his eyes. "Careful, sweetheart. I ended up likin' that li'l shake ya gave me a bit too much," he purred; it practically rattled your ribs since he was basically on you. You… didn't entirely hate it.
Although your cheeks tinted pink, you rolled your eyes at him. "Of course you did. On a totally different note that isn't vaguely sexual, what are my chores today, your royal neediness?"
"Hmm…" He sighed heavily in thought, closing his eye again in a clear sign that you wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. "Check on the kids after breakfast, then I guess keep fixin' my clothes. Nothin' else too urgent. Got an hour or so before that, though, so I hope you comfy."
"I'm gonna be stuck here for another hour?" you whined, feebly pushing at his head.
He grinned wickedly. "Unless ya want help with that bath 'n massage…"
"Oh, uh, suddenly I feel like I'm made of lead, so I'm okay to lay here until feeling returns to my limbs, thanks."
He snickered as he nuzzled you gently, but at least didn't keep pushing. It had yet to dawn on you that he was flirting, or else you probably would've had a stronger reaction to everything that had just happened.
You were still content to convince yourself he was just trying to get a rise out of you instead of being serious.
It was more comfortable that way.
Another silence fell, just as comfortable as the other one. You let your eyes close again as you slid your hand from his horn to his mane, fingers threading through those silky locks. Honestly, this was really nice - whatever happened, it seemed you both had each other now to turn to for comfort.
You'd been starting to suspect that like you, Bowser had been a little touch starved, hence why he seemed so needy this morning. But you didn't mind. It was kinda nice to be needed and wanted by someone you knew wouldn't hurt you. You'd only known the man four days but you would absolutely put your life in his hands. He'd proven to you twice already that he was serious about protecting you from Rodney, even if one of those times was just a night terror.
And, even though he enjoyed teasing you, he'd largely kept to his word about not getting too physical, or if he did he'd backed off quick enough before you were actually uncomfortable. Despite being a villain, he seemed like a genuinely good man to you, if a little conceited because of his kingly status.
Although you weren't keen to break the spell, something nagging at your brain had to be clarified. “Can I ask you something?” you asked softly.
He hummed softly in sleepy, cozy curiosity.
“You’ve called me ‘sweetheart’ three times now, but why?”
He sighed, but didn’t even open his eyes. “Gotta call ya somethin’, right? And since you refuse to give anyone your real name, ‘sweetheart’ it is.”
Well, alright. That was a pretty decent reason, and you couldn’t help a little grin. Maybe someday you’d tell him, but for now it was getting pretty funny to see how many names you could rack up.
Bowser chuffed and tucked his nose right up against your neck - you could still feel it twitching as he sniffed. This was probably the happiest, or at least most content, you’d been around him, so you weren’t totally surprised that he wanted to smell you (as weird as it was). No doubt it was some sort of fresh air from your fear, so to speak.
“Ya smell so sweet when you happy,” he said softly.
“You say the strangest things to me,” you smiled, but took the compliment. Compliment? Sure, compliment. You forcefully ignored how his lips brushed your neck when he spoke.
“Well, get used to it, darlin’. Just ‘cause you can’t smell it with your pitiful nose don’t mean it ain’t true.” He chuckled softly, another soft tug of the blankets alerting you to another tail flick. “Now hush. Still got a li’l while before breakfast and I wanna doze.”
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Turning down the akuma pt. 3
@mikantsume @starwindmaden @gimme-more-caffeine @unmaskedagain
Here you go...
Marinette thought the whispers and looks couldn't get any worse.
Oh, how she was wrong.
The day after the interview the amount of those increased dramatically, with even bigger fear and even more guilt in her classmates' eyes.
But now it wasn't only her class.
Oh no, it was the whole school. Every student, every teacher, hell, whole Paris. Each one of them looked at her and stared in fear at her cold eyes sending them look of boredom and aggravation.
And Marinette didn't like the attention to say the least. She hated it with her whole heart, but knew she couldn't do anything to stop it.
On one side, her interview was a big succes. People recognizing her and some brave ones even asking for her autograph and thanking her for giving them something to hold onto. It gave Parisians a feeling of hope and insurance, knowing they all are able to stop the process of the akumazination and it's not only Ladybug and Chat Noit, who can stop Hawkmoth.
But on the other side, it also worsened the situation. Her class' acquaintances got looks of hatred, disgust and disappointment from everyone around them, some even openly blaming them and/or calling them out and it didn't help, that they already felt shitty and blamed themselves they well damn should.
Nathaniel had problems with painting; drawing in general. The one time he let himself paint whatever his soul wanted (his words, not mine), he made a painting of Marinette back to evillustrator times, huh? with icy eyes, but still with a hint of a disappointment in them, piercing right throught him, glaring at him, getting all the bad emotions he kept in himself out, to the point he fell on his knees, crying. Later, he burned the painting and swore to himself to never let the emotions 'draw' for him. He was terrified of his own mind. And it was just after the almost akumazination.
But he wasn't the only one.
When Rose came home that day, instead of texting Prince Ali or singing, doing anything productive in general, she threw herself onto her bed, face in pillow, screaming, crying, saying Marinette's name over and over again. She was so ashamed in herself. She was so naive, so blind, she chose a new classmate over her friend. How could she ever doubt Marinette? She was the most honest and fair-minded person Rose had ever got the luck to meet.
Max didn't want to play any video game. Even Ultra Mecha Strike III. Especially Ultra Mecha Strike III. Every time he took his controller, an image of Marinette dancing that little, ridiculous dance of hers each time she won a game, her bluebell eyes shining at everyone with happiness, sharing her energy and kindness with them. Oh, how he wished to see those sky-blue eyes again. But wanted them to be a sky with sun shining and not a sky just before the storm. He felt like giving up.
Ivan didn't eat as much as he usually do. He was more aggressive and unpredictable. Everyone was afraid to be closer than few feet near him.
Nino didn't say 'dude', 'dudette' or 'bro' anymore. Nothing. Nada. He wasn't that chill and friendly version, everyone knew anymore, now he was... Sad. Depressed.
Juleka was now showing even less emotions. She was emotionless. Luka was worried, but knew he couldn't do anything, so he just watched her from his room, guitar in his hands, mindlessly letting his hands play sad tunes and melodies.
Even Chloe changed. I know, shocker. She blamed herself a little too. She knew Lila was liar, she could do something about it. Now she was even meaner and once when ms. Bustier was calling the roll, Chloe bursted out and threatened to call the mayor. The stress was just too much. I mean, her mother, her father, her lack of friends, therefore she couldn't really talk to anyone about her feelings, and now Marinette. It was all too much. Just stop, she wanted it all to stop.
Rose wasn't quirky anymore, her smile wasn't as bright as it used to be.
Mylene also didn't smile. Now she didn't talk with anyone. Even Ivan.
Sabrina was ashamed in her. Her father was a cop, for god's sake, she should've done someyhing! She was also mad at herself for accusing Marinette for using her just like Chloe, even though she knew the young designer was trying to help her.
Kim almost got thrown out from swimming team and wasn't so energetic. He wasn't as competitive as usual. To hell with it, he didn't even want to compete with anyone.
Alix, well, on the outside she hasn't changed that much, but she was blaming herself too. She wished she could punched Lila so hard, the chick would hit the Moon and hopefully die due the lack of oxygen. I wish i could do it too, Alix.
Every single one of them felt the consequences of their mistake and each one of them took the blame in their own way. Sure, they were sad, angry and blamed themselves.
But Alya?
Oh, Alya was devastated. She was so stupid, so blind, so so naive. How could she do this to her best friend? When she came from school, after this 'Marinette's almost akumazination' incident, she went to her room, not saying a word to anyone. Actually, since Marinette'd gone to the back of the class, after sending them an emotionless look, Alya hasn't said a word to anyone. She just sat expresionless at her desk, now all alone, and stared blankly at the wall.
But after she came home? Oh, it was a whole different story.
She cried. She screamed. For hours. She was saying her best friend's name over and over again. She was saying sorry, begging Marinette to forgive her. At some point she even broke her phone.
And all this time she had an image of Marinette's cold eyes piercing right through hers. Staring right at her, showing her how sad Marinette was at Alya. It wasn't even an image of angry Marinette. Oh no, Alya knew Marinette wasn't angry at them, she accepted that her friends and best friend left her for someone more interesting than her, someone who could offer them more than Marinette possibly could. And that's what made Alya devastated.
But the worst thing about Marinette's eyes was that, they were full of disappointment in her former friends. Especially in her. And she knew why. She abandoned her best friend for some random chick, who claimed she knew Ladybug and some other famous celebrities, even though Alya knew the chances for Liela to actually know these people were lower than Kim's IQ... Let's be honest, he's not that smart. He wanted to race with black panther, that's kinda stupid.
Alya didn't eat that much, if at all. She hasn't been on Ladyblog, since she had deleted interview with Liela. She didn't talk that much. She wasn't her old self. She was heartbroken, to say the least.
And as for Liela, I'm happy to say that she got expelled from school and came back to Italy. So luckily/unfortunately for her , she got away before hate got to her and the whole Paris knew what a filthy liar she is.
And as to Adrien... I don't even know if he was there. But if he was, he probably tried to stop them from this whole drama before Mari came to classroom, knowing damn well what kind of psycho Li(e)la is. So when he saw Marinette being akumatized, he just stared at her, he didn't try to stop it nor did he run out to transform into our friendly Chat Noir.
He was shocked to watch THE Marinette Dupain-Cheng getting akumatized. His sweet, kind friend that he secretly had a little tiny crush on but was too blind to see it himself.
But what scared him the most was her eyes. They were so cold, so emotionless, so elusive, so sweetness and kindness deprived Matinette was known for. Those weren't Marinette's eyes, those were Marinette's shadow eyes; her little dark side he wished to never see.
And as he watched the illuminating, purple aureole around her eyes, he felt like someone sucked out his happiness and live. Wow, now that sounds dramatic. It was just so heartbreaking to watch a girl, who never gives up, finally come to the point where she's done pretending she's fine. He finally saw, that under her bright smile are a whole lot things, responsibilities, problems she has to deal with every day and worries she tries to hide for sake of everyone around her, and Li(e)la thing was just a final straw to make bluenette break down.
And he was so relieved, when she said no, he released a breath he had no idea, he was holding. And when the akuma left the room and Marinette sat down at the back at the class, he shook his head at his ex-friends, shot them a glance full of disappointment and a hint of 'i told you so' and sat at the back of the class too, but in the other desk; he knew Marinette needed some peace and time for herself.
But if he wasn't there when this scene had place, i am sure he refused to talk to his classmates, even Nino, saying that they shouldn't have done that, maybe even telling them he'd known Liela was a liar before this shit has happened. And then again, sat at the back of the class in the other desk.
Either way, he saw the interview and was pissed even more. How did they dare to call my best friend a bully!? (I am so sorry for this 'friend' thing). Even Plagg got a little scared at the sight of his furrowed eyebrows, lips shut in a tight line and eyes with raging anger in them.
So later, he decided to see how she was doing and maybe talk a little- i mean, see if she's in danger of getting akumatized again since it's one of his Chat Noir's duties.
And that's how he and Marinette ended up on her balcony, leaning against its railing, both with a cup of hot cocoa in their hands.
"So..." Chat awkwardly asked. He hasn't really thought it through, he just transformed and came to Marinette's house, tapped on the window and asked to meet at the balcony. She did it and also brought two cups of delicious cocoa.
'Get a grip, Adrien!' The superhero thought. 'You save people's lives, yet here you are not able to talk to your best friend!'
He cleared his throat. "How have you been? Since, you know, this almost akumazination thing's happened?" Oh, god, Adrien, you're so awkward.
Marinette giggled a little "I'm doing fine, thank you." She sent him a warm smile and he felt his insides melt.
"Are you sure? After this 'almost akumazination' you seemed pretty exhausted." It was true, after she woke up from trance, she was so tired she almost fell on the floor if she didn't catch herself in time and then she plopped down on her seat looking like she was about to collapse.
She looked at him suspiciously "How can you know? You weren't there."
Shit. "Uhm, you see, I've watched the video! And the interview! Yeah." Chat tried to get himself out of the trap he made himself.
Marinette eyed him again, but decided not to pry. "I'm fine, Chat, really. Ladybug was already here and i told her the same. I really am fine."
The superhero still felt like she wasn't telling him everything, but he decided to let her be and say it when she'll be ready. Instead they fell into a silence. And just as he was about to bid his goodbye, she spoke up again, not lifting her eyes from her Chat Noir cup:
"It just really hurts."
"It hurts to know they chose her in the end." she still didn't spare him a glance. "It hurts to know they chose someone, who wasn't there as long as i was, someone they barely knew." At this point she had tears in her eyes, and they were slowly coming up on her rosy cheeks. She finally looked up at him, tears finally cascading down down her face. Her icy eyes finally thawing a little, to show Chat Noir that his everyday Ladybug was still there, just hiding. "It hurts to know they chose her, when i was there always ready to help them."
He hugged her and that was pretty much how they spent the rest of the night.
"It just hurts so fucking much."
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boy2reality · 4 years
Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down
So I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I came the prince of a town called uh... The Pocket Dimension. That's what this is about it's about the Pocket Dimension. [Warning for violence and me being a feral bastard.]
So after my encounter with Luculent(?), I was sent to the pocket dimension. It wasn't a graceful landing. Got a mouth full of... Tasteless, sand-like material. Yum. 
I noticed several things. I was able to stand very easily. This was a big fuckin' deal, because I'd been bedridden for what I'm assuming is around a year. My muscles were atrophied the last time I had any true awareness. Speaking of awareness, my mind was also completely clear. The emotions I was currently feeling was a drop in the bucket compared to the feeling of being drugged up all the time. 
I’m also almost positive (this is something I’m not 100% sure on yet) that my body had been, like... Altered, by Luculent? I’d always had brown hair, but when I was introduced to the pocket dimension, it was a salmon pink (and significantly fluffier? thanks for the hairstyling tips ig luce). I’d always worn glasses before our encounter as well, and after meeting her, I didn’t need them anymore, My body also felt a lot... Sturdier? I’m trying to determine whether Luce made me stronger, or whether she just restored me to whatever my normal vitality was, and I felt fucking superhuman because of that. 
This just evoked a whirlwind of emotions in me. I was happy that I was seemingly gone from the hospital. I was suspicious, because, shit, what if this was another wacky experiment? That’s what I thought it was, for a long while. I figured I was being monitored somehow, because that’s just what I was used to at that point in my life. I’m pretty sure I was a dumbass and just tried sprinting as far as I could through the dimension, and reached nothing. 
After a few hours, panic set in pretty hard. I was screaming my head off for someone, anyone. I tried digging through the sand, but it would just regenerate. But by far, the worst part was, is that I was getting hungry. There was nobody around here for me to leech off of. I was terrified I was going to die of starvation. 
But then I figured out I wasn’t stuck there. I was desperate and digging through the sand again. My temper just peaked, and I just... Slashed my hand at the ground. And right where my middle finger had touched the ground, a wavering blue line showed up, and it fucking... Swallowed me up, and dumped me into an alley. Fell right on my head (one of many times) and onto some garbage. Pretty sure I scared the shit out of some poor homeless guy trying to sleep, but I was way too shook up to focus on the Energy Succ. 
I don’t remember figuring out how to get back to the Pocket Dimension, but I know I did it just by thinking about going back, and essentially drawing a line with my finger. So, at some point, I must have done that, and went back to it. I was still extremely freaked out, because, uh. You don’t quite recover from ‘hey, you’ve got ~magical portal powers~ now’ in a day.
I knew I needed to come up with a plan to get food fast. I was kind of getting delirious from hunger, I think. I didn’t know how much I took advantage of the hospital providing me so many people to leech off of... But I also knew I couldn’t really show my face in public. It wasn’t a big city, people knew each other, and I’m pretty sure I’d been on the missing person’s list for a long time now. 
So my plan was... Find random people at night, and shove them in the pocket dimension. Feed off them freaking the fuck out for a little bit while doing my best to hide my face from them, and then push ‘em out. Fear was a fast, easy emotion to elicit out of people in that way. The best way I can describe the ‘nutritional value’ of it is like... A trip to McDonalds. Not healthy for anyone, and doesn’t fill you up for long, but it was something. 
I didn’t end up using this method for very long, because I ended up realizing something else about the pocket dimension. I could manipulate it to my heart’s content. I’ll talk about that next time, I’ve wrote enough today...
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wanna1things · 7 years
Mafia AU! Park Woojin
Tumblr media
yall i love park woojin
Genre;; kinda fluff + friends to lovers AGAIN WHAT IS IT WITH ME AND THIS and angsty themes?? + mafia AU
Warnings;;  yes there’s def some violence here
Pairing;; Park Woojin x reader
Requested;; yes by anon here and also here
Summary;; You’re reunited with your old best friend in the strangest of ways….
Style;; bullet point
Word Count;; 2204
Others in the series;; Daniel | Jihoon | Minhyun | Seongwoo
masterlist • request rules • request something
me? posting before midnight? interesting...
you never forgot park woojin
you two were neighbours ever since you were born, you were best friends from the very start
you were literally inseparable even in school
woojin once cried so hard they had to call his parents in because he wasn't put in the same class as you so he had to change class HDKKF
but really,, you two were more like the same person than anything else
you'd spend all of your time together, always going to each other's houses and sleeping over I mean you were neighbours
when woojin got a trampoline you were there almost every day to play on it
and when you got a game console he was always over at yours to play on it
but one day he disappeared suddenly with no word said to you
it was the middle of high school, you two had stopped being in the same classes all the time and although you each had your own group of friends you two were ,,, the closest
still spending most of your time together and doing homework together for the classes you shared
but then woojin missed a day of school
and then another
and another
until it was a whole week
you immediately thought the worst, that he was sick
so after you got home from school that day you ran straight to his house only to see a 'for sale' sign in the yard and the house completely empty
when you got back to your house you asked your parents about it and they just mumbled something about the mafia
and just like that you never saw him again
you got on with your life, but it was difficult
you hadn't got a friend to say everything to anymore
nobody as close to you
and it made you feel very,, alone
and if what your parents had said about the mafia was true then
for all you know woojin could be a gangster or worse, dead
you'd just never know now
but you poured yourself into your work
you studied as hard as possible, partially because it was a distraction but also because something in you made you think that maybe, just maybe, if you did well woojin would be proud of you
wherever he was, that is
and you really did do well
you went to one of the top colleges in the country with a high gpa
but even though you'd succeeded it didn't feel right
you didn't have woojin there to celebrate with you
you didn't have woojin going to college with you
it was... different
but you got on with it
you found a small apartment in the suburbs to live in while you attended uni, and although it was kind of cramped it was homey and also very cheap
your friends at college said it was ,, in a kind of dodgy area,,, but you ignored them because well
you'd never seen anything bad happened and your neighbours were a crazy cat lady and a photographer how dodgy could it be???
that was until you were walking home one day, later than usual
you'd been doing work in the library for an essay that was due in a few weeks time
when you came across something odd - dodgy
3 men stood with their guns pointed towards another man on his own, with his own gun
all the men had your backs to you but
one of them seemed familiar
you approached further, making sure they didn't notice you because haha you didn't want to be shot
he... reminded you of someone
or was he the someone he was reminding you of?
it was only a whisper but
the man closest to you, turned around, his gun pointing to the floor
and as he looked you in the eye you knew
it was definitely woojin
as much as you wanted to run to him and hug him for 2991934 hours to make up for the years you'd missed together
there was a dangerous situation
just as one of the other men tutted and turned to woojin
the person they were all facing ran away into the night
the tallest man fired in the mans disappearing shadow before walking off, followed by the other man
"Woojin? Are you coming with us?"
"I'm just going to stay here for a bit. See if he comes back."
the tallest hummed in approval before turning to walk away
"You shouldn't have lost focus."
as soon as they were out of sight woojin ran over to you and hugged you tighter than you've ever been hugged before
"I've missed you so much, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"
you smiled into his shoulder and took a deep breath
"It's okay, as long as you're okay it's all okay."
he pulled back from the hug and looked at your face properly, lit up by the streetlights
"You've gotten prettier, I'm sure!"
you rolled your eyes at him and smacked his shoulder
"Shut up, if anything you've got... handsome.... er???"
he laughed at your attempt at a compliment and stepped back
"It's dark, do you want to come to mine? I live nearby!"
and he did
he lived closer to your college than you did which made you jealous,,, but his apartment was also way bigger than yours with 2 bedrooms which made you even moRE JEALOUS
he went to make you some tea and when he returned you two sat on the sofa, watching tv
to be honest,, neither of you were focused on the tv,, more on how good it felt to be back together again
"I really missed you woojin, I thought you were dead."
you sighed and breathed slowly, your chest heavy
"I wouldn't die on you, you know that."
his tone was serious but he looked at you next to him with a smile
and you felt your heart jump a bit
it hasn't been long since you last saw him but you were sure he'd gotten even more handsome
in fact he was really,,, good looking ,,,
he explained that when he left it wasn't really,,, his fault
his dad was Kang Daniel's dad's, the head of the mafia, old friend, and he'd called in a favour which meant he needed woojin's dad's help
and the area you lived in wasn't really ideal,,,
so woojin moved away and then with all that happened
he managed to get involved in the mafia himself
but he wasn't really heavily involved
not as much as his friends minhyun and jihoon, who were with him earlier
minhyun was higher up,, and jihoon was as good as a trained assassin who watched over newbies like a hawk in case they tried to stray
but woojin wasn't nearly as involved as them
he just did small jobs, jobs that didn't need a lot of work or violence because although he was good with a gun they said he had ""too much of a heart""
and he was totally fine with that,,, he didn't really want to go around doing bank robberies or hits
before long you got talking about yourself, your uni life
when you mentioned your grades you noticed the proud look on woojins face and it made it all worth it
because not only did you make him proud but the grades brought you here where you saw him again
when you mentioned where you live you noticed woojin started to look like he was
,,, in thought ,,,
and he suddenly spoke up before you'd even finished your sentence
"Do you want to live with me? I'm closer and you don't have to pay me rent!"
something in your mind was thinking about,,, living with a mafia member would be dangerous,,, but he was low down so you assumed it would be totally okay
also he claimed that you ‘might be recognised by that guy!!!’ and it was protection lmao nice one
and so you moved in together
it was ;; real fun being together all the time again
it was exactly like nothing had change
you'd order takeout like every night and just eat it and watch tv
I mean of course you'd do your work for college too but
it was like the 2+ years without him never happened
but there was one difference
somewhere in your heart, feelings were starting to grow for woojin
not bad ones lol
he had gotten so handsome,,, and so caring ,,, and the way he looked at you sometimes gave you butterflies
but he was in the mafia...????!!!!!
that ain't safe
one day you were home earlier than usual, one of your classes were cancelled
when you heard woojin come in,, accompanied by who you assumed were minhyun and jihoon
so you went and hid out in the bathroom
as you hid,,, you could hear some of their talking
they were just talking about Daniel,,,, really ,,, and his cool penthouse suite in the hq and how jealous they were of it lmAO
as you got bored of their conversing you looked to the side and noticed
boy had literally used up all of the toilet paper
completely forgetting about keeping quiet you sighed loudly and mumbled "every damn time"
uh oh
bad idea
them mafia guys got MAD good hearing
"What the hell was that??"
"It sounded like a person..."
"Uh.... it's the ghost that haunts this apartment??"
nice lie woojin
"It sounded like it came from the bathroom, I'm going to check-"
before anyone could barge in on you, you stepped out from the bathroom and were greeted by the shocked faces of ,,, minhyun and jihoon,,, and woojin facepalming
"Really y/n? You couldn't keep quiet?"
"Why is there a GIRL in your bathroom? I thought you lived alone"
the taller, older one - you guessed he must be minhyun- seemed more shocked and confused than angry
but as for jihoon...
"She isn't one of us. Who is she?"
"She's my friend from before, she goes to uni nearby so she lives in the spare bedroom is that so bad?"
minhyun shrugged and wandered off back to the living room but jihoon looked at you suspiciously
"You know what you're getting her involved in?"
and then jihoon was gone too
and I guess that was how you met woojins friends
straight away minhyun started to come over every evening to teach you some self defence
nothing with a gun,,, because that's too much for someone who isn't even part of the mafia,,, but just how to protect yourself from attacks just in case
and every time you'd successfully do something, woojin would have that proud look on his face again
which gave you butterflies
before long you were pretty much perfect at defending yourself
if someone even tapped your shoulder,,, you could have them on the floor in 0.2 seconds
even minhyun was impressed by how quickly you caught on
and so your self defence classes finished
in celebration of your completion, you text woojin as soon as minhyun left to ask him what takeout he wanted
he responded quickly with
"Pizza! I'll be back soon!!!"
and so you got to ordering it
it came quickly, before woojin even got home
and so you went to unpack it, leaving the front door unlocked so woojin could get in easily
as you started to unpack the pizza you heard a faint knock at the door
assuming it was woojin, you shouted to him that the door was unlocked, he could come straight in
you heard the squeak of the door opening and closing, still not turning around from the pizza
and that was when you felt it
a cold knife was pressed against your neck from behind, a gloved hand pressing it close to your throat
before you even had time to process the situation your training had kicked in
you couldn't do much in the way of beating the guy up, but you managed to disarm him and chuck his knife out of the window
as you stood face to face with him, your own kitchen knife in your hand the door swung open and there was woojin
you looked over at him and noticed the complete shock as he pulled the gun from his pocket and the intruder backed away
"Get out!!! Do you hear me?? Get out of here!!"
he waved the gun in the direction of the door and within  seconds the intruder was gone
an odd silence fell in the apartment, with the only noise being the wind through the open door
Woojin looked up at you, a strange look in his eyes
he walked straight up to you, holding your face in his hands for a few seconds saying nothing at all
and then his lips were on yours
all you could think about was how much you loved him,, not even what had just happened
he pulled back slightly, resting his forehead against yours
"I really need to stop letting the one I love get hurt."
aha i love writing these
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rebelincdk · 3 years
Oh, my God...
I'm having a rather interesting debate in the comments section, on a slightly "blasphemous" cartoon drawing, on Facebook. These christian people – I will not name – reveals not to have a strong ability for rational thinking, and have a hard time distinguishing between facts and jokes, i.e. claimed that I was some kind of believer in witchcraft, because I have stated that I was educated at Hogwarts. Take a few seconds to let that sink in. Now you get the level.
Usually I try to avoid these kind of fruitless debates with people living in their own awkward fantasy universe, but in this case it has been aiding me in a direction, that might make me more capable of understanding why the world is in the state it is in.
That kind of people generally makes a few weird assumptions, primarily trying to monopolise love, compassion and moral standards, and putting them into a box with some "family values", blasphemy-phobia, homophobia, and condemnation, without any rational explanation. Welcome down the rabbit hole!
One: They often claim that there's a relation between morals, love and their superstition. You know, like saying that only people with a specific conviction are fitted with emotions and a moral compass.
I'll leave it to the history geeks, and people with some life experience, to have a field day with this argument.
In this particular thread I have been accused of condoling child pornography, because I find it funny that a priest has a hard time nailing Jesus to a cross (IKEA-style).
So some of them actually believe that their own superstition is the only defence against the evils of the world. And they believe that blasphemy is linked to harmfull behaviour, in some way. I should find it hilarious, but it actually makes me sad. It means that they are trapped in this cirkle of misguided bullshit.
Two: Referring to the number of people believing, as a proof of being right. That makes God present and true in the US, and not true in the Scandinavian countries. So God has a limited territory, and is subject to democratic realities. I don't even know how to respond to that.
Three: As a wise man said "Believing in the Bible will make you a believer, actually reading the Bible will make you an atheist". Many of these christians squeezes their faith into the moral values of their surroundings and present life. Jesus was – according to the gospels found in the Bible – a rebel, who would forgive the traitors and sinners, hang out with prostitutes, vandalise the temple, living a very humble life, and claiming to be the son of God. He never condemned anyone to hell (the concept of hell is actually not mentioned in the gospels), and he did not conform to the predominant family values of the time and place. But it is common among religious fanatics to use their faith as an argument for traditional family values, and against prostitution, premarital sex, and a number of other things, that reveals that they have read the gospels with a preconceived opinion.
Every time I read the gospels I think "Wow – this could make a GREAT religion, if the world needed one!" But sadly, even the gospels could have made a religion focused on the open mind, tolerance and forgiveness of the Jesus myth, it has been turned upside down, ever since the Romans took over the religion: Crusades, inquisition, witch hunts, conquistadors, and so on.
I'll make a short detour here, on the subject of prostitutes, as it is quite interesting. If we follow the mindset of this Jesus character, he would (according to the chosen gospels) hang out with prostitutes, even pointing out one as no more sinful than her persecutors, and thereby saving her life. I can not think that Jesus would condole prostitution. That would just be odd. But embracing the people living a misguided life was right up his alley. That is actually characteristically for the legend about Jesus: Embracing instead of condemning. Setting an example instead of blaming. I actually fail to find a single line in the gospels that claims he tried to make them turn away from prostitution.
So if we take this line of thinking into a different context: How to deal with an alcoholic. Sit down and have a drink with him. Befriend him, and show – by example – how life can be improved by drinking in moderation, as blaming and condemning will only have an alienating effect. And behold: Most people working with addicts actually confirms that this is the only way that works. No shit, Sherlock?
Four: Many of them claim that God makes them do good things for the world. Well... Atheist – for example making up the vast majority of the people involved with Doctors Without Borders – do good as well, without the "divine inspiration". As the world shows good people do good things, with or without God. Even good religious people, loosing their faith, continue to do good things (but with a slightly more open mind).
Faith in God has no more claim to charitable behaviour than it has to love.
Five: Many of them claim that rituals are bound to religion. Rituals are – often – a healthy psychological act, but all they see is idolatry, hidden faith or witchcraft.
Six: In their twisted minds many of them compare religion with science, or see a conflict between them. That's like comparing colour with size; it doesn't make any sense. Religion is a faith in a phantom, often referring to books that are very seldom updated and edited to reflect the progress of knowledge and society. Science is simply the collection of our rational observations, and are updated every time we find flaws, at a rate of more than 10.000 a day (if we count all scientific fields). It happens ever so often that science will prove the religious books wrong, simply because the religious books are venturing into areas where they have no function, like human history or natural history. It's like a professor of psychology doing heart surgery.
If the religious books – and priests – would just keep to moral guidance all would be fine and dandy, and this argument, or weird comparison, would never be an issue.
Unfortunately they do overlap in one context: The mind. Science dictates an open mind, and religion dictates a closed mind, when it comes to examination. A scientist will accept criticism, or ridicule, with joy and curiosity, while a religious fanatic will often be offended and defensive.
Seven: When the romans took over christianity they mixed it up with the ancient greek concepts of hell and condemnation. If he could, Jesus would rotate in his grave with frustration, I'm sure. Suppressing people with alternating values or natures, such as homosexuals, rock'n'roll fans, premarital sex, and people with different faiths is not suited for people claiming to believe in an all loving, caring, forgiving God. But so it went, in so many cases.
And this makes these seven points the "seven mortal sins" of a large group of christians: They have turned christianity into a tool of evil. Sending their homosexual sons off to "rehabilitation", condemning certain kinds of cultural expression, keeping their children from medical treatment, blowing up abortion clinics, etc. – added to the long bloody history of genocide and persecutions.
But worst of all, there is even a point eight:
Eight: The world is a miraculous place, full of amazing wonders. Every grain of sand, every wave, every breath of fresh air, every tone, every colour, every life, and every BigMac is a wonder. A true miracle! The probability of you being alive, as a result of many millions of generations living long enough to breed with success, on this inhabitable planet, is mind-blowing. You, and everything that surrounds you, are such a miracle that it is impossible to wrap your head around it.
Many of these people claim that it is not a miracle at all, but was simply planed and executed by a higher being. On top of that they try to monopolise the concept of "miracles".
Simple people need simple explanations...
So should we detain them, and maybe eradicate them? Oh, no, that's THEIR way, and we are better than that! We have to treat them with a concept they talk about, but rarely put into practise: Compassion.
Loving my cat doesn't make me love everything it leaves on my doorstep. Compassion for a person doesn't mean that you should condole – or accept – their faith, especially not when it is used for suppression. Keep them in the friend zone, show them, by example, the benefits of a life based on rational thinking, keep an eye on their children, so you can pull them away in case the parents commits some form of abuse.
Thankfully, even some change religion, and some religious people see that as a marker of their succes, truth is that fewer and fewer people in this world are religious, and in some distant future our descendants will live in a world where it is a thing of the past, to be puzzled about.
Like with ancient greek and mayan religions, people will scratch their heads, asking "how could they believe THAT???"
Please note that I have only discussed the gospels that made their way into the Bible. There are many other gospels ("apocryphal") with deviating stories of Jesus of Nazareth, claiming, for example, that he was a prophet (not the son of God), that Mary Magdalene was his "companion" (spouse), and not a prostitute, that he was not resurrected, and so on.
Neither have I dived into the wide array of other texts that make up the Bible, as they are so messy and contradictory, that they don't actually make any sense to discuss. In them you can find arguments both for and against almost anything, from animal sacrifices to pedophilia and slavery. The God portrayed in the old testament is racist, vicious, vengeful and petty, in stark contrast to the conception of God presented in the gospels. You simply can not claim to believe in – or follow – the Bible in its entirety, as you would then be suffering from severe split personality disorder.
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