#such as the teddy bear in her room or the sweater reginald made for her
arcadekitten · 2 years
in hfsh, i've noticed some of the characters have lgbtq+ signs? (i don't know how else to say it english kinda limited) but i'm talking about crowven's bracelet, jaxter's tie, acanthibar's sash, there might be more but i don't remember or didn't notice;; but that's why I'm asking, do all characters have something like this in their designs? if so, in what part of their design? sorry if this has been asked before
Yes, some of the characters have LGBT+ flags incorporated into their designs! Not all of them do, but many do. I will explain who has what flags below and where they're seen! (Some spoils!)
Mitzi has the demigirl flag on the borders of her sweatervest. She is a nonbinary demigirl who uses She/They pronouns!
Ollie has the nonbinary flag on their hair ties and on their sweater. They use They/Them pronouns! The cluster of buttons on Ollie's backpack strap are also the colors of the polyamorous flag. Ollie is open to polyamorous relationships! (Dating more than one person at a time with everyone's consent.)
Crowven has the bisexual flag on his bracelet.
Vasilis has the agender flag on their sweater. They are nonbinary and specifically and agender and use They/Them pronouns! Vasilis also has the asexual flag on the cuffs of their sleeves. They are ace!
Mary has the bisexual and asexual flags on her bracelets!
Reginald has the bisexual flag on his undershirt+tie, and his tie-clip is the colors of the asexual flag!
Jaxter has the pansexual flag on his tie.
Moth Kid is ever-so-slightly colored with demiboy colors. He uses He/They pronouns!
Acanthibar has the aromantic flag around the cuffs of his sleeves and the frills of his shoulder pads. He also wears the transgender flag on his sash!
Nova, the protagonist, also shares their color scheme with the genderfluid flag. However, this was not intentional and purely coincidental. Nova canonically goes by he/she/they/any pronouns.
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