suncrested-art · 1 year
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"why...why do they call you seven..?" "well... that's simple... i lasted about seven days after the wolves came...everyone thought i was dead... little did they know, i had ended up as part of the pack..."
Seven or VII, was born and died around 640-480 BCE. Originally he was meant to be a human ghost who haunted the ruins of ancient Greece. Later on, i developed the idea for his lycanthropy to transcend death, cursing him for every full moon thereafter.
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whitepolaris · 3 years
Gimme Shelter (of the Backyard Cold War Kind) by Mark Sceurman
Many of us who were brought up during the cold war period, from 1958 to the early 1960s, remember the school drills for “duck and cover.” If you were a student, you were ushered to the ground floor of the school and told to get on your knees and put your coat over your hand. You would then wait, intensely listening for the sirens that would signal a nuclear attack was imminent. The NJ school system issued a dog tags for every student, and the rumor was that the tags would withstand a nuclear blast, in case your body needed to be identified when the Big One was dropped. 
Yellow-and-black fallout shelter signs were posted on larger buildings to let you  know that if an attack did take place while you were out and about, you would have safe refuge, at least for the moment. 
Backyard bomb shelters were also being built for the safety of the family, and some still exist throughout the state. Weird N.J. was invited to see a backyard bomb shelter in Clifton; it was completely stocked with food and water from 1961, with virtually nothing touched in the last forty years. 
Patrick DeLager, whose parents had the bomb shelter built, tell us his story. “One day this salesman came to the door and told my father, ‘If you want to protect your family, you have to buy one of these bomb shelters.’ After talking to my mom, they decided that, ‘Well, we gotta save the kids!’”
Weird N.J.: How was the bomb shelter made?
They brought in a big steam shovel and dug the whole backyard up. They flatbedded in this giant metal tank. It also had a few other big pipes for the shaft, ladders, and the escape hatch. 
Weird N.J.: Do you know of any other bomb shelters in the area?
None that I know of. But everybody in the neighborhood knows this one’s here. When I was younger, I always got to be quarterback in the football games because if I wasn’t, well then, the other kids couldn’t go into the bomb shelter if we were attacked! 
Weird N.J.: What kind of supplies did your father keep down there?
There are old boxes of cake mix, soup, sugar, baking powder, etc. But I don’t really know how they planned on using or cooking the stuff. He did replenish the supplies once in a while. I think he had a box of cereal that he mixed with chloroform to keep it safe!
Patrick opened the weathered, cone-shaped hatch in the middle of the backyard, and we saw a three-foot-wide cylindrical tube with a metal ladder attached to it. Shining a flashlight into the hole, we saw that it went down at least twenty feet. It was full of cobwebs.
Weird N.J. correspondent Dean Cole was the first to enter. Next went Mark M. and myself, followed by Patrick, his sister Marie Gerhart, and their friend Janet Martin.
Reaching the bottom, we entered a small cement chamber that led into the shelter. The safe room was no more than twelve feet long and about seven feet wide. It was actually not much more than a round metal tank-and with six people, it was getting more claustrophobic every minute. Since the walls were round, one got the feeling that the room was spinning. Either that or the air was getting thinner. 
“Wow, your parents really stocked up on the sugar,” Mark M. said, noting the forty to fifty pounds of vintage Sucrest stashed away beneath the wooden benches. 
“Well, that was for the coffee,” Patrick said. 
Dean pulled out a can of Tropical Treat fruit drink, a little weathered and rusted but still sealed. 
“Condensation has ruined most of the stock,” Patrick said. 
We started to pull out boxes of cake mix, peanut butter, and bottles of water and instant coffee purchased at Two Guys. We even found some aspirin. 
“I think the aspirin is still good because, you know, there were no expiration dates back in the ‘60s!” joked Patrick. 
The escape hatch was bolted and filled with sand, and there was a hand-cranked air vent that allowed fresh air to be brought in. Patrick explained the theory of the hatch: “In case you’re locked in here, you could use the other hatch. The sand (as we all know) prevents radiation from permeating. The sand would fall, then you would put the ladder down and get out-to what, I don’t know!” 
There were no comforts of home in this shelter. The commode was nothing more than a wooden box with lime in it. There was no electricity, stove, refrigerator, or beds. Just the wooden seats to sit on while you waited for the end of the world. 
“Can you imagine staying in here for two months? I would go nuts!” I said. 
“Well, you’d get to know your family very well,” said Dean. 
“We asked Patrick again what possessed his father to have a bomb shelter in his backyard. 
“My father was pressured by my mother. He was scared, like most of us were. At that time, this place wasn’t that funny. He just wanted us to feel safe. The shelter cost twenty-five hundred dollars to install. I still have the receipts.” 
As we exited, the climb back up into the light was a refreshing change, even though we were in the hole for only about twenty minutes. To come out of that shelter after a nuclear attack would be unimaginable. 
The DeLage family home was recently sold to a new owner, bomb shelter and all. It may have turned out to be an adding selling point in these uncertain times we were living in-again.
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Un jour, un poème - Domi Bergougnoux
Un jour, un poème – Domi Bergougnoux
Tu n’as rien dit de tes coupures ni de tes mortstu les gardes au secret cousus sous ta peaupourtant j’entends ton chant sauvage et tendredans la gorge du silenceJe te regarde penchée sur les racinesà dénouer leurs entrelacstu tends l’oreille à la sève qui battu cherches un sens aux brûlures et aux nœudsla joue contre l’écorce rêchetu te tiens au plus près des entaillesAu temps des sucrestes mains…
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ithuocviet · 3 years
 Thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe
Công dụng: 
Bổ sung canxi, vitamin D3 và vitamin K2 hỗ trợ giúp tăng khả năng hấp thu canxi, hỗ trợ giúp giảm nguy cơ thiếu hụt canxi, hỗ trợ phát triển chiều cao, hỗ trợ giảm nguy cơ còi xương, xương mềm yếu, chậm mọc răng do thiếu canxi. Hỗ trợ phát triển hệ xương, răng chắc khỏe.
Thành phần: 
Mỗi 10ml có chứa Calci lactat 666,4mg (Tương đương Calci 120mg) , chiết xuất glycerin 1:2 quả anh đào (Sơri) 50mg, vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) 40mg, chiết xuất khô 4:1 lá chùm ngây (Moringa oleifera Lam) 20mg, vitamin K2 (Menaquinon) 15mcg, Vitamin D3 100000IU/g (Cholecalciferol) 10mcg. 
Phụ liệu: nước; Hương dâu, Chất bảo quản: kali sorbat, natri benzoat; chất nhũ hóa: sucrester; Chất làm ngọt: Sucralose. Không Lactose. Không Gluten. Không cồn. 
Đóng gói: Hộp 1 chai 100ml ± 7,5%. 
Đối tượng sử dụng: 
Trẻ em chậm mọc răng, còi xương, có chế độ ăn thiếu Canxi, Vitamin D3, vitamin K2. Trẻ em, thanh thiếu niên đang trong giai đoạn phát triển chiều cao có nhu cầu tăng cường bổ sung canxi. 
Cách dùng: 
- Trẻ em dưới 10kg: uống 5ml, 1-2 lần/ngày 
- Trẻ em trên 10kg và người lớn: uống 10ml, 1 lần/ngày 
- Sản phẩm thích hợp cho trẻ em trên 6 tháng tuổi và người lớn. 
Bảo quản: nơi khô mát, nhiệt độ phòng, tránh xa nguồn nhiệt, ánh sáng mặt trời và nơi ẩm ướt. Hạn dùng tính theo sản phẩm được bảo quản đúng cách trong hộp còn nguyên vẹn. 
Hạn dùng: 36 tháng kể từ ngày sản xuất. 
Lưu ý: 
- Không dùng cho người mẫn cảm với các thành phần của sản phẩm. 
- Không dùng quá liều chỉ định. Để xa tầm tay trẻ em dưới 3 tuổi. 
- Sản phẩm chứa các polyol, nếu dùng quá liều có thể gây tác dụng nhuận tràng 
- Thực phẩm chức năng không thay thế chế độ ăn cân bằng và lối sống lành mạnh. 
- Sản phẩm có thể bị phân lớp. mọi sự thay đổi về màu sắc và mùi vị là do các thành phần tự nhiên và không ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng và hiệu quả của sản phẩm. 
- Trong công thức có chứa chiết xuất Sơ ri (Malpighia glabra) đóng vai trò hỗ trợ và phục hồi quan trọng. 
- Trong công thức có chứa các chiết xuất từ thực vật giúp ngăn ngừa các tác dụng phụ có thể xảy ra do việc hấp thu Canxi, chẳng hạn như táo bón, kích ứng dạ dày. 
- Sản phẩm có chứa dịch chiết thảo dược nên có các bột nguyên liệu không hòa tan, có thể gây lắng cặn nhưng không gây ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng của sản phẩm. Chú ý lắc đều trước khi dùng. Sử dụng trong vòng 2 tháng sau khi mở nắp Sản phẩm với nguồn gốc tự nhiên được sản xuất trên dây chuyền hiện đại và kiểm soát nghiêm ngặt từ Italia (theo GMP, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016); không chứa cồn và các thành phần dễ gây dị ứng như gluten, lactose nên phù hợp với trẻ nhỏ. 
Xuất xứ: Italia
Thương nhân nhập khẩu và chịu trách nhiệm sản phẩm:
Công ty Cổ phần Dược phẩm DELAP 
Địa chỉ: Biệt thự số L09, lô đất L11, Khu đô thị mới Dương Nội, Phường Dương Nội, Quận Hà Đông, Thành phố Hà Nội.
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