#sue I see you drawin the red blood boy
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
A Whole New World Prelude Pt 2
Well looks like I'm being snuck into their high school. What was it called again? Serpent Prep. Something like that. This was weird. A school full of witches, pirates, and such. Well I guess if I'm gonna be a pirate I have to go to their school.
Harry held my wrist as he struts towards the doors, dodging other students and keeping me behind him, Uma at my other side, glaring at those who yelled at Harry for bumping into them.
“Harry” Uma called, he hummed to show he was listening, “What's your first class?” Uma was looking down at her timesheet, seeing accelerated piracy first, Harry stopped and pulled out his timesheet, seeing chartering and navigations.
“Alright, who is {y/n} going ta go with?” Harry asked, glancing back at Uma, I glanced between them, shuffling my feet awkwardly.
I felt an unfamiliar hand sneaking around my waist, forcefully pulling me away from Uma and Harry. 
"Hey good lookin, haven't seen you around here. Where have you been hiding?" A dark skinned boy questioned.
Before I could say anything, Harry had his grip on my wrist, pulling me behind him and pointing his hook at the boy's throat.
"Back off Max. She's apart of my crew!" Uma spat at the boy. They looked very similar, both having teal hair in box braids. Though Max wore purple and black instead of the teal and purple Uma wore.
Hmm. Wait I think Max might be Morgana's son. So then Uma and Max are cousins. Interesting.
Max tsked and walked away. I gripped the back of Harry's jacket, not really certain I could fit in at this High School. Harry and Uma exchanged a look before Harry picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, causing me to squeak in surprise.
"Come on, {y/n} we gotta get ye to the head office. Ye gotta sign up for some classes." Harry stated in a matter of fact tone.
I buried my face in Harry's back as he carried me like a sack of potatoes. Of course I forgot I had a hat on, so good thing Uma was following behind, she grabbed it as it fell off my head and started whistling a pirate tune.
This was indeed going to be the longest day of my life. Reaching what I assume is the principal's office, Harry dropped me on my ass. And no I'm not fine.
"Ow!" I groaned, standing back up and doing my best glare at Harry.
"Oh? Whoooo do we have here?" A snake like voice questioned from behind me.
I turned around and came face to face with a man with green scales across the entirety of the right side of his face. And that eye was a snake eye. He made a hissing type noise and I gulped when I noticed his snake tongue.
"This is {y/n} {l/n}. She's new. She fell out of the sky" Uma bluntly explained, as I tried to look anywhere but his eyes.
"Oh? Sssssshe fell from the sssssky? Interssssting. Well I'm Kaa. I'm the principal of thissssss sssssschool." Kaa introduced, taking off his hat to give a slight bow.
"N-Nice to meet you. But wait the Kaa I remember is a snake…" I stated outloud.
Kaa smirked and a puff of smoke had me coughing like crazy. The feeling of a snake wrapping around me had me screaming and running behind Harry. Harry and Uma were laughing at me. I took a peek out from behind Harry to see Kaa in his snake form chuckling. Another puff of smoke and he was back where he was standing. 
"Now my only concern issssss that ssssshe can't take any of our advanced classssssssessssss. Maybe I'll put her in sssssssome of the beginning classssssesssssss." Kaa explained walking over to his desk.
"Principal Kaa, she needs to stay in a class that either Uma, Gil, or I are in." Harry explained, holding out his hook. 
I stayed behind Harry, my shaking hand still gripped on his jacket. Yes I was still scared. So sue me!
So in the end I had three classes with Harry, two with Uma, and one with Gil. Do I remember all of them? No. But that's why I had a schedule in my hand and six books in my arms.
Ok so first class is with Harry. Chartering and Navigations. Ok, a good pirate type of class. Is that THE Boot Strap Bill teaching this class??? Oh my gosh! Ok stop fangirling and focus.
I took a seat next to Harry and pulled out my book. Harry snorted a bit, causing me to look at him questioningly. 
"Ye aren't meant to actually take notes lass. This is a villain school." Harry stated pushing my books off my desk. I frowned and picked them up. 
"Well I enjoy learning." I stated matter a factly 
Harry chuckled. "Nerd." He spat, folding up some paper and making a paper football and flicking it at another student's head.
I rolled my eyes as class began. 
"Alright, class. Who can tell me how to navigate through the sea at night?" Bootstrap Bill asked. 
I looked around, seeing nobody was bothering to answer the question, turning to Harry I whispered “are we supposed to raise our hand” Harry snorted, shaking his head.
“Nah, that’s for the Boradon classes” nodding I turned back forward.
“Sextants” I called out, making Harry turn to me with wide eyes. Bootstrap nodded, looking at me curiously.
“Aye, that’s one of the ways, but there is one more?” he gestured to me, seemingly asking me to continue.
“The stars” I answered, grinning as Bootstrap nodded. Harry appeared in my vision, a curious grin on his face.
“How’d yeh know that lassie?” Harry asked, surprised.
I smirked. "I was really big into pirates as a kid."
"Though because of that a lot of the kids around me thought I was too weird to hang around with, so, no one to play sword with," I explained. 
"Well we are gonna have ta change that." Harry smirked.
The rest of class flew by, and the next thing I knew, Harry was gripping my wrist and pulling me off in another direction.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I was basically dragged by Harry.
Harry didn't respond, just used his hook, which was in his right hand, to threaten anyone who tried to get in his way. After a while he stopped in front of two big doors.
"Here we are!" He smirked, opening the doors to reveal a gym.
But instead of what you would expect in a normal gym, aka people running around, climbing a rope, sit ups, push ups etc, there were people sword-fighting, practicing their thievery, aka villain stuff. Oh and apparently parkour.
"Time fer yer first sword fightin' lesson!" 
I went wide-eyed as Harry dragged me towards where multiple people were sword fighting, Harry guided me to a mat, then left to grab equipment. I stood awkwardly as I watched the battles around me, some of them glanced at me, scanning my body before turning back to their battles.
I hugged myself, wishing I could hide. Suddenly a sword was pointed at my throat. Glancing to where it was coming from, I saw a girl with blood-red hair and heart-themed makeup, and a heart crystal-encrusted crown on her head, daughter of the red queen I'm guessing.
“You” she spoke in a posh voice “you came in with Harry, what are you to him?” I shook my head slightly, backing away into a brick wall.
Or what I thought was a brick wall “hey Quinn! This is (y/n), she’s our newest recruit in the crew!” Gil, it was Gil, placing his hands on my shoulders and creating a protective bubble around me. Quinn huffed, flipping her sword, and walking off.
I released the breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. Looking up at Gil, I gave a smile. 
"Thanks Gil! I thought she might kill me for a moment there." I explained.
"Oh don't worry! I doubt that!" Gil exclaimed before walking away.
I took a sigh of relief before examining my surroundings some more.
I stiffened as a blade was pointed at my back. Every bone in my body was fighting between fighting back and fleeing. And for some reason my brain went into adrenaline mode. I quickly turned around, grabbed the sword blade in my hands and yanked the blade away from whoever had it. A scream echoed in my head, my brain took way too long to realize I was screaming, and I had huge cuts on both palms, and they were bleeding.
Harry was in front of me, he was saying something but I'm not sure what he's saying. Oh look Gil's here too.
"Quiet down! You're drawin too much attention!" Harry exclaimed once I was finally able to hear him.
I stopped screaming but started whimpering, my palms really hurt and were still bleeding. Harry groaned and took a bandana off his belt and tied it around my right hand, then he grabbed a bandana from Gil's belt and tied it around my other hand.
"There. Now come on, time to head to the ship." Harry stated, standing up only to have Quinn point a sword at him.
"What is she to you? Why did you help her?" Quinn stated with a nasty tone, as if she was entitled to the answer. 
Harry sighed, clearly annoyed by her. "Quinn, she's the newest member of Uma's crew. And she got hurt. Uma would've had my head if I didn't help her. Now excuse us but we've gotta go." Harry stated, using his hook to push the sword away.
He started to walk away only to stop and grab his sword. Quickly turning around he blocked Quinn's attack.
I squeaked and hid behind Gil as Harry and Quinn fought. The students gathered around and began rooting on either Harry or Quinn. The cheering got me to slowly come out from behind Gil, who was obviously cheering on Harry.
I smiled. "GO HARRY!!! KICK HER ASS!!!" I cheered on with a smile.
I saw Harry smirk as he began to do even better, throwing Quinn off. Gil leaned down towards me.
"Harry and Quinn fight a lot. But usually they're equal in strength. I've never seen Harry out match her." Gil explained to me.
I felt my face start to heat up. A loud thunk and the room went quiet. I looked back at the fight and Quinn was on the floor, sword kicked away, with Harry pointing a sword at her. I held my breath. 
"Obviously I won't kill ye. But have this for meh first victory." Harry explained, and gave her a decent cut on her cheek.
Yep that will definitely leave a scar.
Harry re-sheathed his sword and walked back towards me and Gil. Grabbing my wrist, not as tightly as he had before, he pulled me out of the gym.
"Let's go (y/n), come on Gil!" Harry exclaimed as we left the gym.
As soon as we stepped out of the gym, the sound of heavy sword fighting began in the gym. 
Harry paid it no mind, students making a path for us with no questions asked. That is until we reached Bonnie,  I believe that's his name. Harr told Bonnie what was going on, he nodded, and ran off. I raised my eyebrow as Harry pulled me out of the school.
“Harry…. Where are we going?” I  asked, a bit confused.
“To mah place. We gotta fix yer hands so ye can learn to fight.” Harry stated, dragging me up a flight of stairs, Gil following close behind.
Entering into a slightly shabby apartment I was pulled inside and shoved towards the ripped up couch.
I did as I was told, looking around the room. Scratch marks, Hook marks, red splotches, dirt, water stains, and just an overall mess was all I could see of the living room. And what was that smell? 
“Gimme yer hands {y/n}!” Harry exclaimed roughly grabbing my hands and unwrapping the cloths from my palms. 
I winced as the fabric was ripped off my cuts. Harry said something to Gil and all of a sudden I had a towel shovel between my teeth and what I assume was alcohol was poured on my left hand. I screamed into the towel from the stinging pain.
Gil looked concerned. “Harry maybe we should get the only doctor and have him fix her hands.” Gil explained, and I could just go wide-eyed. 
Doctor? NONONONONO. Last time I saw a doctor my mother was trying to get them to- nope not going through that horrible memory again.
“WE ain’t got time! Hand me the needle and thread!” Harry exclaimed.
Oh…. he’s gunna stitch me up, why is the world going black?
Harry's voice faded to the back of my mind, sound dimming around me as I blacked out.
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