#sugbu:and that maharlika is how i met your father
countryshitposts · 5 years
Las Islas Filipinas
it has 1,000 words! yay!
3- take a shot every time spain thinks that a civilization different from them is barbaric
Spain wonders if the reason why God has been ignoring him for months is that he is planning a surprise for him, like a sun exploding its million rays into the night to let the night sky become bright and glow as much as the day does. God must have created this land prior to Spain’s arrival, maybe that’s why he was busy the few months. It was like a paradise, like the Garden of Eden that had existed from old times before the glory of humanity has even risen. God’s hands must be so tired for creating this lovely little land, reshaping it to fit Spain’s way of style.
He looks at the woman right in front of him, and he frowns as he looks at her up and down. She looks quite confused, and so do the rest of her townsfolk when he had come in.
God made this land, and, of course, barbarians took it from him. He wonders if they even have time marvelling the works of God, sacrificing to him and praying to him in holy sites. From the barbarians he had met from America and Africa, they believed in other gods, gods that don’t exist in the same planar existence as the Almighty. They would try defending their beliefs, stubbornly fighting with him, and surrendering the last minute due to how overwhelmingly powerful his forces are, aided by the Almighty. Then they convert to the right religion and relinquish their old worshipping of those demons, because this is truly the right religion, nothing more and nothing less.
Spain holds his rosary, knowing that he has to convert these barbarians as well.
“As you all know, my name is Spain”, he says in a loud, commandeering voice, always sure that it will get everyone kneeling, because only fools will try to stand up above him and establish themselves as a superior to him. They are not, and never will be, as he shoots them all, covered in blood of countless lives of people he took. “I came from a land far away, from Europe. I wish to establish trade deals with you.” And guide you towards civilization.
He knows that they can not understand him; it’s like talking to an animal who has absolutely no idea what is happening, all it knows is that it is bound to obey and serve the ones who are above him. Spain blames them for creating a different language, so of course he has the burden to absolutely translate all of their language, or perhaps just replace their language with his. He smiles to himself, already wanting to start his conquest along these lands. But first, he has to gain trust of the natives, who are easy to toy and manipulate because his hands control their movements and restrict them to one place because they’re only puppets.
The woman – he isn’t sure if he should call her a woman due to her rude behaviour – stands still, not addressing him, only a look of confusion on her face. She is quite beautiful, if she just removes those pintados from her skin. He is sure that she is the leader of this place, which seems quite off with what the Holy Bible states. She’s supposed to be a meek little housewife, unaware of things going on, only doing house work. He sighs.
Sugbu tries to understand what this man was saying, but all she hears is the wind, not wanting to decipher what he was saying, although she knows that he must be here for trading, something she was inherently good at, and nods silently. It is her first time to act submissive, but he looks quite intimidating, with those contrasting clothes and embroidery, his unkept dark hair moving through the winds.
But since he is here for trading, perhaps she can give him a warm welcome in her land and interest him with some of her trading goods. Perhaps he’d like some of their food; he must be hungry.
“Would you like something to eat?”, Sugbu asks, and the man turns to her with a confused look on his face. It will be quite a long while until they can understand each other, but she’ll continue to prosper in the meantime, not liking this man at all. Perhaps it was because she had never seen anyone like him before, quite pale and light like the morning sun hadn’t kissed them when they were born, forever never being held nor caressed by it. Sugbu cannot lie, but this man – Spain, she reminds herself – is quite charming, and she can feel her heart strings being plucked by his fingers every time his dark eyes look back at her.
She leads him to her home, telling her people to go back to their homes as she and Spain have a little discussion. She orders the servants to prepare a feast for her and the newcomers, as she lets them sit on the wooden stools she had to offer. Spain grunts as he sits, frowning, possibly for the small stool contrasting his tall physique. She smiles at his embarrassment, and their eyes meet for a while before Sugbu breaks it.
As the servants came flocking by with their food- meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, Sugbu tells them in her native language to dine in, wanting to impress them all with her luxury. Spain and his friends were all whispering themselves as they look at the food being served, hesitant.
Sugbu raises a brow, probably wondering what they are waiting for as she takes one chunk of meat and puts it on her mouth, admiring the taste and savouring it. She looks at the foreigners, who were staring at her with open mouthed expressions, much to her confusion. They were still not touching their foods, so she gestures with her hands, and put it over her mouth. Spain and the others look at each other, horrified at this revelation, but she happily continued to eat.
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