#suguru adores nat !
itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
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marleysfinest · 3 days
Oh, Muvva, I hope I'm not too late for the festivities! You deserve nothing but the best in light of such a stupendous tumblr milestone! 🥰🥰🥰
Now as to the shoutouts! Apologies on the length, I got a lot of love to get off my chest
@strawberrystepmom: Kendy, you are one of the kindest, sweetest, most gorgeous girly pops I have had the pleasure of interacting with!💖💖💖 Your daily messages and OOTDs always brighten my day, Pip is an adorable little man, and your anecdotes of Suguru and the Meow Meow Mansion are such a treat!
@quiveringdeer Nat, you queen among queens!🧡🧡🧡 You and Kendy both inspired me to take the plunge and make a tumblr! You're so nice and encouraging, I love hearing about your work with nature and seeing all your gorgeous paintings and crafts!
@shaanks Av, you beautiful tropical red-hairloving fish! 💕🐠 Your compassion knows no bounds, I love getting to chat with you about One Piece and movies and how our days have been going. I already liked Shanks before we met, but you've made me love him even more!
@majesticenbypancake Jaaaae, if I could carry you around with me in my pocket all day like a little gerbil and offer you biscuits to eat, I would! 😭💜💜💜 You light up my DMs with your jokes and stories and exquisite cosplays, and I have wept tears of both joy and agony from all the wonderful Killer songs you've sent me!
@mjrtaurus My fellow Crocodile enthusiast!!!! 🐊💕💕💕 Did you know that I giggle and kick my feet whenever I see you in my inbox? You have one of the best grasps of Crocodile's character and you're incredibly sweet!
@inzendino Whether it's Devil Fruit switch-ups, facts about other franchises, little What Ifs?, or fun prompts, you always keep my ask box supplied with some real gems and I thank you so very much for that! 🥰🥰🥰
@lycanthropemaul Maul, I hope you know that every time I see a ferret, a vintage plushie, a vintage plushie of a ferret, or Garfield, I think of you! You're so kind and gentle and I love talking critters with ya! And ofc the Pop and Punk pics! 🥹🥹🥹 Man, I wish tumblr had a ferret emoji
@preciousgaby Cross Guild lovers all the way!!! 💙💛💚 Ping-ponging ideas about these old men and their growing family with you brings me truckloads upon truckloads of serotonin!
@erwinswings You are one of the most knowledgeable herpetologists I know, on top of having some awesome OCs (shout-out to Fox and his legions of geckos!🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎) and I always look forward to Zeke pics on my dash!
@quinloki On top of having some of the best Kid Pirate takes I've ever seen, you're such a kind soul and the fact that we are moots is something I'm incredibly grateful for. Also the puns. The PUNS! 👏👏👏
@swampstew RAVEEEEEN! Your versions of the Kid Pirates are sublime and funny and they have me barking like a wound-up terrier omg they so foine! 🥵🥵🥵 Rowena is the most badass witch to ever witch, KillerCook is delectable in every sense of the word, and I always look forward to watching the Kid shrine grow
@icy-spicy How does it feel to have the honor of #1 Shriek stan? 🦇🦇🦇 Getting to have the filthiest thoughts about Killer and Beckman and so many other fictional men with you is a dream come truuuuue!
And that's barely even half of all the friends and moots that I cherish so very much, but I know this ask is already running long. 😅
Happy 500, Muvva! Mwahmwahmwah! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
cas u are never too late to share the luv!! 💓💓💓
spread the love with muvva’s feel good 500!
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Nat nat nat I had a thought ;;;;; imagine like, being with geto at jujutsu tech for a long ass time, to the point of planning on being together forever and talking about your futures and stuff, and then when everything goes down and he leaves, he comes back for u with the girls in his arms and wants you to leave with him. To run away together, to try and make a world where sorcerers don’t need to sacrifice themselves day in and day out. To have the family you two had always dreamed about. Look, he even brought you two little darlings who he can’t imagine raising without you 🥺 won’t you join him???
the absolute ANGST of realising that suguru is asking you to make a choice that you can't go back on - either you turn your back on everything you want to protect and the whole society that you've been training to be a part of and become a fugitive who should be executed on sight, or you abandon the person you thought you wanted to spend your life with at his most vulnerable moment with his eyes soft and his arms curved around two girls who keep looking at him like the moon and stars and have clearly been told to look at you the same way--
whichever decision you make, it's going to haunt you forever, so how are you supposed to choose?
(jjk manga spoilers under cut)
ultimate angst: you go with geto. you raise mimiko and nanako as your own; you tangle around him in bed and kiss his throat and listen to all of his plans for a better world and you trust and you adore him. you're at his side for the night parade of 100 demons; but when all is going wrong, geto squeezes your hand and murmurs; 'take care of them', and you know he means mimiko and nanako. so you do.
only for, a little later, a man wearing suguru geto's face and voice and twirling his cursed technique like a party favour to show up at your door. mimiko and nanako answer it before you do; their eyes shining because at first they think that he's come back--
kenjaku, you soon find out, is crueller than geto with far less idealistic visions for the future - but he still wants your help, thinking you and the girls may prove to be useful, pulling on your heartstrings by wearing geto's face and by dangerously murmuring about how he could probably kill your girls in a moment and make you watch them die, if he so wanted to.
you make a binding vow with kenjaku; you'll lend your aid, and you'll ensure that mimiko and nanako do too - for the price of him not hurting them. your own livelihood does not come into question - all you want to do is ensure your girls are safe as they deserve to be. they've gone through so much. mimiko and nanako are horrified that this creature is wearing their master-father-adored-papa's body like a costume, and beg him that when all is said and done they will let him rest in peace. kenjaku merely smiles, but they take it at face value. you cannot bear to tell them about your own bargain.
of course, your girls do die. but when kenjaku finds you sobbing over their broken bodies and tips your chin up, you know that he didn't do it. your binding vow is no longer active - there are no beloved daughters for you to protect - but what else is there left for you but to follow him anyway?
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey Sugu. Sup.
So your homegirls, demons that they are, think that I am severely lacking in audacity and you know, better than most that I'm very stubborn.
So, I'm requesting, to prove a point that you come to mine, as soon as you're free (or I can come to yours I'm versatile) and have you drill my shit in like an oil rig in the Atlantic.
See you soon baby boy.
Hello, my love.
Oh, do they now? But yes you are quite stubborn, sweetheart.
Hahaha, like an oil rig in the Atlantic? That’s a new one. My bed is bigger than yours so come here and we can see about making your squirt like an oil well.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey Suguru. Waddup?
Hi, Nat. Nothing much, darling. What’s up with you?
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey Suguru. Can I have a sec, if you don't mind?
Sure love.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey. Sup.
Hi. Hello.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
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Unwinding with, my love @nuttybaenat. Thank you for spending the evening with me, I really needed it 🖤
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
It's so funny how you called me a tease the other day when you're out here posting soft pornography on public platforms.
Well I’ve got to give the audience what they want, don’t I? Besides, you all seems to enjoy it, so why not? 😌
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey Sugu. I just wanna remind you we have some shenanigans due on Tuesday evening. I kicked everyone out of the office so it's just gonna be us two.
I’m well aware, love. I did make you a promise after all.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
I have my suspicions BUT. Kuna and Toji usually leave you to your devices when you scheming with the girlies.
They do, it’s not like they can stop me, half the time what I do is out of their control 😂
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Sugu!! How are you my darling? Wanna hang out a bit later?
Hello, my sweet. I’m well, thank you. At the beach currently. We can yes, are you up for a movie night? I’ve been meaning to catch up on some new movies.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey my darling. Nori has expressed interest in, and I quote, "having a taste of that sadist demon dick." So I'm begging you to slide (huhuhuhuhu) into her and show me?
Well she’ll have to come forth and declare that to me, my love.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
(whispers) fuck her up, bestie!! she a lil sat
*whispers back*
Planning on it, pretty.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
What's your favorite time of day?
Hmm… night time, or the time towards the evening. I find myself the most productive at that time of day.
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itsgsuguru-archived · 2 years
Hey Sugu my darling. I wanted to ask when you'd like me to come have a look at your new place, so that I can send you some concepts and quotes. I can do Thursday and Friday anytime.
Friday sounds perfect, my love. I’m excited to see what you have in store for me ☺️
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