storiesofthesahabah · 4 years
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No? But then, why do we live in this life as if money is the only thing that matters? Its true, we cannot deny the fact that in this generation - when you have money, you’ve got the means to have authority over others - but why do we want to have such authority - why is there a more powerful need for us to fulfill our greed rather than to fulfill our hearts and souls with peace and tranquility? I want to share with all of you this short excerpt today - and I hope after reading this story with me, you would have a realization or that it would at least make you ponder about how you handle money in your life or how it affects your life. _____ We all know that most of the sahabah were amongst the poor of the society, either because they were poor from the beginning or that they have sacrificed their wealth for the Islam, but yet this status of them didn’t hinder them to be the best of people when it comes to their ibadah (worship), actions and deeds to please Allah.  What I am about to share with you is quite a famous story, so many of you may have heard of his name if not then feel free to read on. There was once a slave of Abdullah Ibn Jad’an who was able to start a business and soon became very rich. Even though he was a slave, he was known for his skills in archery and was a known swordsman.  Can you now tell who this man was? Yes, he was Suhayb Ar Roomi Radiyallahu Anhu. His story is quite famous because of how much sacrifice as well as how Allah honored him for the bargain he had done for the sake of Islam. When Suhayb finally converted to Islm and resolved to leave for Madinah, the pagans of Quraysh blocked his way - he fought until he reached a mountain top wherein he made a bargain with the Quraysh. 
He said; “You all know well that I am the best amongst you when it comes to archery, and I will use all my arrows to fight you and you all know well that I am amongst the best of swordsman so I will fight you until my sword breaks but if you let me go in peace, you all know well that I have massive wealth and I have hidden them in places - I will surrender all of my wealth and let you know where they are hidden.”
With this, the Quraysh let him go and Suhayb gave away all of his wealth and went on traveling on foot to Madinah.
On his way to Madinah, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was informed of his situation and his sacrifice - so when Suhayb arrived, tired and exhausted, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ greeted him and said to him: “O, Abu Yahya, you made a profitable bargain.” He sacrificed all his wealth for the love of Allah and lived a life of austerity until death came upon him. _____ Subhan’Allah, are we ready to give up and sacrifice all that we have right now, for the sake of Allah, when the time comes? Think well, take a moment and see how hard it is for you to say yes. These days, with even a single dirham we find it hard to part away. Astagfirullah.  Alhamdulillah, there are a lot of charity organizations as well as causes that are dedicated to helping Muslims around the globe now yet we find very few who are willing enough to give as much as they can in such causes. We have been so attached to our worldly gains that we forget that it is Allah who enabled us and provided for us such wealth to reach us.  My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, be reminded that whatever you have or whatever you have gained in this world comes and came from Allah alone - so be responsible enough in handling such blessings. When you are able to give, don’t think twice. I remember, a person close to my heart, told me - when you have almost nothing, it is the best time to give. - then I realized because when you have almost nothing then you can feel what those who have nothing feels. Our wealth should not determine our status with Allah, money is nothing to Allah - it is your heart and imaan that matters - that is the true goal, that is what truly matters - it is what will be weighed and what will determine your life in the hereafter. There are a lot of rich people without peace in their hearts while a lot of poor people have the happiest hearts - why? isn't it not obvious enough? 
When your heart is not connected to Allah - trust me, you will never find happiness and peace yet when your heart is connected to Allah - it is happiness and peace that finds you. Which heart do you have? ______ May Allah make us amongst such people who are detached from our worldly gains that when the time comes we are able to easily partway from it and give it out for the sake of Allah. Amin Umm Umar Khaled _____ Story was taken from:
[1] Al Bidayah wan Nihaya (7/319) [2] Al Muntazim (5/156) [3] Si’ar’ Alam un Nubala
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