aejiajia · 1 year
> Flirt
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Warning! : Jennie and Lisa's sections are a bit suggestive, drunk Sujin in Jisoo's
Summary : Sujin occasionally likes to tease
[💬Taglist] @illicee
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Rosé held the phone in her hand, walking through the streets with Sujin trailing not far behind. The younger woman occasionally stopping to stare at a window shop, making the other wait until Sujin started walking behind her again.
Chaeyoung was talking to the blinks watching the live. Sujin not really listening in as she waddled across the side walk, being mindful of the cracks.She occasionally looked over to check that she wasn’t walking too far behind, she wasn’t really up for getting lost.
Sujin hums, absentmindedly watching Chaeyoung talk. 
Chaeyoung would occasionally look back, asking her something a fan asked, just generally talking or just checking in that she’s still following. Rosé knew very well how distracted Sujin could get.
The younger can’t help but want to play a little trick, the moment too serene for her amount of energy. (Did she take her meds this morning?)
Sujin watches for just a moment longer before she springs into action, getting up close and personal to Rosé and resting her head on the currently-blonde’s shoulder. Rosé smiles to acknowledge her presence, but otherwise doesn’t react much. 
A shuddering breath, Sujin gives a faux look over all of the comments.
A moment of hesitation. Barely there, but still small flutters rest in Sujin’s stomach as she turns to Chaeyoung and takes a second to just look at her.
It takes a moment for Chaeyoung to process what Sujin did.
Rosé barely stops herself from whipping her head to turn to Sujin, the latter smiling happily.
A small kiss, barely a ghost of lips right on her cheek.
“Someone told me to.” 
There was in fact no such request, but no one beside Sujin really needed to know that.
Energy was high, and truthfully Sujin felt like she was floating.
Being a little high on energy has never stopped Sujin from deciding to be a bit of a tease, however.
She waited, despite popular belief she could wait when she decided the wait was worth it.. most of the time, anyways.
She waited for the first chorus to pass to make her way over, Jennie standing on the side of the stage a little away from the other three. Sujin wandered over as Lisa started her rap.
Score, Sujin wrapped her arms around Jennie’s waist, there were several screams from their side of the audience which only made Sujin’s amused smirk grow bigger.
Jennie shot her a confused but amused expression, rasing an eyebrow before turning back to the audience. Though not before putting one hand over Sujin’s still sat around her waist.
Jennie hummed as response.
Now a kiss would be too much, that’s not for on stage unless specifically requested by fans. No- But Sujin could still tease.
Sujin swayed with Jennie’s waist still locked in her arms. Mouthing along to the lyrics.
And when she was sure it was safe to do so, gently tapped Jennie’s hips, slipping her thumbs into the older woman’s bottom for just a second.
Before completely leaving her alone. Putting the microphone to her mouth to yell out a ‘jump!’, leaving a confused and bright red Kim Jennie in her wake.
“I hate dating rumors.”
This conversation had taken place many times, with the exact same opening.
Sujin turned over, fully ignoring the fact that she did not have enough sleep yet and was exhausted out of her mind. And if Jisoo tried going at her because that was her own fault for staying up past 3 a.m. then she would start throwing hands.
Also ignoring the fact that the person talking was very much known for not being a morning person, which meant she slept in later then she was meant to and was going to be water boarded, probably.
In her defense- tours and flights are tiring.
“What’s up?”
“You go over to someone’s house once.” Lisa grumbled, holding her phone in her lap. 
Sujin got out of her bed, begrudgingly. Lisa whistled in response, the younger moving to sit beside her (more so lay beside her and rest her head on her thigh.) Speaking before Lisa could follow up with a comment.
Lisa sighed. “Unfortunately.”
Sujin hummed, skimming over the article for a second, her lips pinned in a straight line. “Awful.”
“You’re telling me.”
And whether it was Sujin’s pure exhaustion clouding her better judgment, or her just wanting to be a tease. She responded.
“You should take me here and now to prove them wrong.” 
She muttered, her eyes still on the screen.
Lisa stared down at her, a faint red on her cheeks. Blinking away the shock, she turned her gaze back to her screen. A cheeky smile worming it’s way onto her lips.
“Hm, maybe i should.”
Now Jisoo wasn’t an easy one to tease. 
From several exaggerated flirty touches on stage,  maybe one too many times basically being glued to her hips, fixing her hair while maybe staring a little too much. Nothing Sujin did ever worked.
Sujin laid face first on her pillow, drunk and exhausted, the only one that drank for the night still awake. Just unable to go to sleep.
Jisoo gently pat her hair, gently lifting Sujin to rest her head on her chest.
Sujin groaned, snaking her arms around Jisoo’s waist. “You’re so pretty, unnie, and soooo kind..” She muttered, “I realllyyy love you.” 
Jisoo huffed, smiling. “I know, i love you too.” 
Sujin lifted her head, squinting her eyes as she examined Jisoo’s face. “Why do you have so many heads? And can i kiss them?” 
Jisoo laughed. Sujin wincing at the noise but smiling back, though she couldn’t understand what was so funny at the moment.
“If you can.” Jisoo teased, smiling.
Sujin pouted some more, determined. She lifted her head again, leaning on her elbows to reach. Jisoo raised a brow but closed her eyes as she waited, chuckling.
And waited. And waited.
Jisoo peeked an eye open, curious as to why the other was taking so long.
Only to see Sujin passed out, falling perfectly into the crook of Jisoo’s neck.
The eldest chuckled, holding onto Sujin as she got into a more comfortable position, draping the duvet over them. 
Upon morning, Sujin had barely any recollection of anything that happened that evening, let alone the night. Jisoo would laugh, startling her hung over members. Somewhere, she was glad. Because she surely remembered the heat radiating from her cheeks at Sujin’s barely conscious words.
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aejiajia · 1 year
°•🍓 -> 📸 230809 Instagram Update
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[💬Taglist] : -> @illicee
Fuckin around with layouts again :3, but anywayss, suji post in honor the endgame decision! Man, i love these girls <3
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aejiajia · 1 year
Sujin : Hey girls, remember how you told me to go to the pharmacy??
Jisoo : Yes?
Sujin : They're out of my ADHD medications for five days..
Lisa : Oh my god.
Sujin : This sure will be a fun week!
Rosé : I wanna get out of here.
Sujin : Jen- Jennie, through sickness and in health!
Jennie : Chaeyoung take me with you-
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aejiajia · 1 year
°•🍓 -> 🎲 Misc !
Song that fit Sujin + her members
Anyway, had this idea.
▪Susoo - Paper Rings
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▪ Chaein - Still Into You
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▪ Sunnie - Señorita
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▪ Lijin - Mmm Yeah
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aejiajia · 1 year
<🍓> Incorrect qoutes
Literally just a list of incorrect qoutes i update every once in a while
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Jisoo: Are we really going to let Jennie keep Lisa?
Rosé: We kept Chaein.
Jisoo: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Jennie: Several traffic violations.
Lisa: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Rosé: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Chaein: Also, that’s not our car.
Jisoo: Favorite horror movie?
Jennie: It
Lisa: Saw
Rosé: Annabelle
Chaein: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Chaein: Died and came back as a cowboy, I call that reintarnation.
Jennie: Never speak again.
Chaein: I’d like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Chaein: He is not the love of your life! He is literally just some guy!
Chaein : Hit him with your car.
Chaein: Protip, you do not feel good after eating tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce.
Rosé: What is wrong with you???
Chaein: I literally just said i ate tomato sauce on iceberg lettuce are you even listening????
Lisa: No she means other then that.
Chaein: Oh.
Chaein: I haven't slept in 4 days.
Chaein : Of course i don't get jealous about dating rumours! Their just stupid fan theories and i know better!
Dispatch: Ehe! posts (1) bp member dating rumour)
Chaein : eHe?! bitch slap
Chaein : Hey girls, remember how you told me to go to the pharmacy??
Jisoo : Yes?
Chaein : They're out of my ADHD medications for five days..
Lisa : Oh my god.
Chaein : This sure will be a fun week!
Rosé : I wanna get out of here.
Chaein : Jen- Jennie, through sickness and in health!
Jennie : Chaeyoung take me with you-
Chaein : Dating all four of you is so hard,
Chaein : Because i have to keep track of which bad jokes i've used up on each of you.
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aejiajia · 1 year
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> The two met during evaluation, it was all very standard. At the end they decided to get each other's numbers. They had contact all throughout their trainee time and had regular meet ups and hang outs, these two definitely got a little teary eyed when they found out they were debuting togheter. Years later the pair are still inseparable.
> A mom friend and her adult child. These two met very early on in their trainee times, they kept meeting eachother and decided at some point that if they were going to keep running into eachother they could just be friends. Definitely had a bit of a sob when they found out they were in the same group. Sujin helps Jisoo get out of her shell a lot more, and Jisoo returns the favor in being her rock to lean on and the voice of reason to Sujin's impulsiveness.
> Chaeyoung and Sujin definitely cried togheter when they realized they were debuting togheter. The two met outside of YG, a random lucky encounter outside a café. They were both trainees already at the time though neither knew the other was. It was only a few days later that they spotted eachother in the building. They've been best friends since their meeting in YG and have carried this relationship all the way through their career.
> It was initially very difficult for these two to communicate due to the language barrier. Their relationship truly started when Sujin offered to help Lisa with her Korean. They were definitely friends during their trainee time but their friendship really grew much closer after the debut.
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aejiajia · 1 year
> Memories
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Warning! : Implied/referenced child neglect, implied homophobic slur use, implied/referenced homophobia, internalized homophobia, self-blaming, softly implied self hatred, hurt/comfort, short holy shit, no dialogue
Blame @stealanity for this, she encouraged me. I have an angstier version of this that focuses on Sujin's relationship with her parents (and herself 👁👁) but that has ACTUAL slur use so i decided to do the 'Sujin learns to accept herself' one. Maybe some day i'll post the pure angst.
Summary : Sujin remembers many things, clear as day.
[💬Taglist] : @illicee
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Sujin remembers the day she realized like it was yesterday.
She remembered the sheer terror, the nights spent crying in her bed and praying for mercy.
She remembered the first time she said it out loud like it just happened.
The insults hurled at her, the ‘no daughter of mine-’, pretending like she never said it, setting her up for dates in an attempt to make her ‘normal’. 
She remembers all those times she came home crying, her brother comforting her- her one comfort saying she was fine, she was normal. There was nothing wrong with her, no matter how many people would say differently.
She remembers her first crush, she already knew, but having a real crush on a real girl was another bout of terrifying.
She’d never pursued it.
She remembers the conversations she had with her company after she was accepted. Remembered how awkward the conversations were, the apologetic looks and the occasional less then supportive glare. Wanting to say something, something awful, they didn’t. Sujin didn’t know if that was because of some semblance of empathy or if they didn’t want to risk their careers.
She remembered all the staff they had to let go, she always felt bad, they wouldn’t have lost their job if it wasn’t for her.
She remembered every time she came out to someone, it would always end with her in tears no matter if the response was negative or positive. 
She remembers the day her and her members became more- remembers exactly how she came out and they came out in return. Remembers the sheer sense of solidarity, the terror washing away if even for a second. Remembers all of them being drunk, remembers Jisoo joking she and the other girls were her awakening. Remembers becoming more that night.
Remembers every time she told someone casually about her partners or sexuality, subtly watching their face for a reaction. 
Remembers when those nights stopped being a consistent thing.
Remembers the first time she found some smug enjoyment in watching people she knew weren’t supportive of her shut up because of how big her name was.
Remembers the overwhelming joy each time she received support, remembered how some joked they could tell, remembered the rush when someone came out to her in return.
How each time she would return to those nights, someone would join her in bed, occasionally spilling their own doubts, both finding comfort in being known and understood. Sometimes they’d just hold her. 
And maybe, just maybe. Sujin could accept herself, she decided. 
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aejiajia · 1 year
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aejiajia · 1 year
every once in a while i get stupid hyperfixations. Anyway if any of you want a little mermaid au for sujin and her gfs when the 2023 ver comes out on disney+ you should say so.
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aejiajia · 1 year
Sujin: Dating all four of you is so hard,
Sujin: Because i have to keep track of which bad jokes i've used up on each of you.
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aejiajia · 1 year
The people have decided...
The endgame for Ryeo Sujin is...
drumrolls, please!
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Blackpink? Kinda gay/j
Thank you to all who voted! Here is your badge, you earned it <3
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Now all of you may rest easy knowing Sujin has four lovely girlfriends <3
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aejiajia · 1 year
<🍓> 230808 Instagram Update, 7th anniversary!
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Liked by lalalalisa_m and 7,146,933 others
Pinksuji To my very favorite girls🖤💗 My heart is so full of love for you. 7 years with you and all of it has been heaven, 사랑해, 나의 네 소울메이트 (I love you, my soulmates)
[Taglist] : @illicee
I can not find any solid contract renewal news. I am terrified.
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aejiajia · 1 year
if she were to find herself on a desert island, and could only bring one person, one object, and one music, what would her choices be?
For the person she can never truly choose, but her main answer is Jennie
For the object, well a boat she prides herself on that joke way too much, lisa is very done/j
For music.. despite her very limited knowledge on her fellow idols who just happen to be men.. she'd say Kai's Rover! She is utterly obssesed with it's dance and just in general with it's sound If not that she'd choose twice's feel special!
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aejiajia · 1 year
<🍓> The PINKS for SUJIN'S birthday
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Sooyaaa__ Happy birthday to our beautiful maknae! May you be happy in this life as well as the next!
Jennierubyjane Happy birthday to this life sized barbie doll. To the prettiest girl i've ever met! Happy 25!
Lalalalisa_m Happy birthday gorgeous! Remember when we first met? Been a bit huh? Have a wonderful day!
Roses_are_rosie The big 25! You are such an inspiration to so many. Happy birthday!
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aejiajia · 1 year
If y'all ask nicely enough i may make an ot5 fic /hj
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