fernpapst · 6 months
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Torsten Slama, Non-Aristotelian Passenger Train (after Gustav Reder), 2010
This Non-Aristotelian Passenger Train, connecting two subterranean cities on the Planet Gorre, can be seen here racing at full speed through the very hot desert Daphetid, whose sulphuretted carbon sands catalyze a photochemical conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia by sunlight. Days on the Planet Gorre last for 376 Earth-hours, and at midday this desert becomes so hot that spontaneous gestation of Salamanders (Caudata and Urodela) occurs.
The Train is modelled after an Edwardian original, but is based on a completely different kind of technology. Whereas the original depends on fossil fuels as a propellant, this engine uses completely different concepts of power generation, based on Alfred Korzybski’s findings as laid out in his General Semantics, E-Prime. It forms an inseparable bond with two elongated Space Crystals, one working as a regular pumping lemma, the second one as the much more powerful Ogden’s lemma, providing extra energy when particularly hot areas have to be crossed at extra high-speed.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 15 August 1834
4 ½
10 5
no kiss could not sleep much so bit – I had killed a bug on my night things just before getting into bed last night – said not a word of this - A- so bit, awoke before I got into bed – I saw she would not sleep so rubbed her all over with brandy – lucky thought - and she slept very well afterwards – had better have done the same to myself but did not like the small and feel of it – so was worse off – very much bit all the night long  - Off from la poste at Pont du Chateau [Pont-du-Château] at 6 5 - Pont de C- a largish town - nice drive to Clermont [Clermont-Ferrand]  – very populous thereabouts and in La Limagne – white houses dotted all over among the vineyards – Clermont [Clermont-Ferrand]  a handsome looking town in the distance - Montferrand with its good church about 1/2 mile off – saw it 1st and for a moment took it for Clermont [Clermont-Ferrand]  - at 7 25 drove up to the hotel de l’Europe at Clermont [Clermont-Ferrand], as recommended à l’hotel de l’Europe a Lyons – dirty poor place – sad mistake for us to have been recommended there – the fair begins tomorrow so everything dear – drove off to the Ecu de France – ½ hour before getting all settled – large double bedded room for which to pay 11/. per day - dinner 8/. breakfast 3/. tout compris= 30/. per day – breakfast at 8 ½ in an hour – asleep – undressed and put on clean linen – F75° at 11 50 -  never felt the heat so much – A- overcome found that we were over the kitchen – the hostess very civil – changed immediately into a smaller but cooler room – had a sort of 1 horse stool-waggon (2 seats or benches and siège de cocher) and took the 2 servants and all out at 1 20 - Petrifying well in the garden of the old convent of St Alyre – little things petrified in a month or 40 days - a dog in 5 or 6 months - ‘le parc’ - a droll idea, but good, a little round space containing a petrified cow, man with a pail standing against her, a goat and a dog - the man (of wax - a mannequin) too about ¾ year the goat 9  or 10 months same as the man and the cow (real cow) 2 ½ years - Le pont naturel like a wall of rock in one part not more than 2ft. wide at the top, and over which we walked, a 240 pieds de longueur - hollow at the bottom and the water sort par là into the little fresh water brook that carries it off - it is forming another pont higher up - qui se prolonge par 3 pouces par an, in spite of the water taken off for 20 baths, très fréquentes a cabinet of petrifacation - a small requin (shark) 100/. - several bunches  of holly which looked pretty small birds etc. but bought nothing of this kind - bought only 3 brochures by M. Lecoq savant and pharmacien at Clermont [Clermont-Ferrand], sort of guide books to the Puy de Domé Mt. Dore etc 3/4 hour there - then 10 minutes at the cathedral till 2 ½ - unfinished - only 4 arches of nave – not more than ½ the name done but fine lofty building – beautiful proportions and very beautiful painted glass windows all round the apsis and  in the nave and fine marigold windows one at each end of the transepts –very fine church – pity the English did not complete their work – then to the Puy de la paix, a low mountain about 2 or 3 miles off on the Pont du chateau road a little distance from the road (left as we went) – there in 40 minutes at 3 10 for 20 minutes - the pitch oozes perpetually tho’ in small quantity from 3 or 4 little places in the rock - the most considerable oozing is into a little hollow like and about as big as a large English wash-hand basin - then one sees the sulphureted hydrogen gaz [gas] raise up the pitch in little bubbles, and there they say the pigeons like to drink  - we walked over the rock, and, tho’ the sun was boiling, found no danger of leaving our shoes stuck fast - In returning passed the botanic garden – shut – could not get in today – the fair and too great a crowd about – the garden small and did not excite us in great regret at not entering – it is close to the public library and cabinet d’histoire naturelle – there at 4 20 for ½ hour – the librarian not there the man who shewed us round not allowed to let us look into a book – nothing particular in the library or 1 room of minerals - good handsome building – home at 5 10 – dinner at 5 ¼ - took the servants again and off at 6 55 for Royat - drove there in 35 minutes – ¾ hour seeing the sights – church and under church where is the virgin that used to do miracles - the basalt grotte with its 7 springs all conveyed to Clermont [Clermont-Ferrand] - the grenier de Caesar, and brought away some of the old mineralized what - the baths also called the Caesar warm sulphurous water tolerably strong - examined also some old remains of walling the woman guides called Roman, but of the about 3rd century and not at all Roman - very pretty situation - very pretty valley but so wooded one could see nothing - too late into the bargain - home at 8 ¾ - set to go to the top of the Puy de Dome and to the silver mines tomorrow - Very fine day - very hot F73° at 9 20 pm.
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ancestorsalive · 8 months
Henry Mayhew, described Jacob’s Island in a letter to the Morning Chronicle in 1848. Whilst perhaps less poetic than Dickens, Mayhew is more exact in his description, with a focus on the scientific aspects of the problem:
“On entering the precincts of the pest island the air had literally the smell of a graveyard, and a feeling of nausea and heaviness came over anyone unaccustomed to imbibe the moist atmosphere. Not only the nose, but the stomach told how heavily the air was loaded with sulphuretted hydrogen; and as soon as you crossed one of the crazy and rotten bridges over the ditch, you knew, as surely as if you had chemically tested it, by the black colour of what was once white lead paint upon the door posts and window sills, that the air was thickly charged with this deadly gas.
The heavy bubbles which now and then rose up in the water showed you whence at least a portion of the metaphitic compound issued, while the open doorless privies that hung over the water-side, and the dark streaks of filth down the walls, where the drains from each houses discharged themselves into the ditch, were proofs indisputable as to how the pollution of the ditch occurred.
The water was covered with scum almost like a cobweb, and prismatic with grease. In it floated large masses of rotting weed, and against the posts of the bridges were swollen carcasses of dead animals, ready to burst with the gases of putrefaction. Along its shores were heaps of indescribable filth, the phosphoretted smell from which told you of the rotting fish there, while the oyster-shells were like pieces of slate from their coating of filth and mud. In some parts the fluid was as red as blood from the colouring matter that poured into it from the reeking leather-dressers’ close by.”
- From ‘Dickensian London’
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“And the nativity of the day”
A sonnet sequence
And rose. That water: she also past but thou art desolate rock each other which is in love, shew thou would stand upon the fallen: the Topic over your praise to room, nor me,—so sweet Lucy climb’d at dawn in the gateways of home; and the Tombe did meet and bloom misted them but one, sings and azimuth, and ocean. Number seven blossoms in canto the woman too with fold to an heirloom seed saved my beads each passion for clay, the sole sign of my night- lamp flickers are their door. And the nativity of the day. Taking the face of prick’d at his breast is all his breast houses?
In the towers, all must deem their scorne of comely to the forever! Of this, and in his youthfull flames, Spring ilka bud will halt, against thou would converse I called me truly; love held out and they shall not? Hound, they of every soule friends: I go to the word; how many a boat. Too divine ASTREA’S praise to live. To tell the cost and catch the starres in Vermont not for a blow. Bolus Potassae Sulphuret. He lives a snake, who farewell! He cried, that I am, yet their lonely, purification and where the robin’s breathe noisy world doth thy lying to her curls from then begun.
Dances Nature water poured its aim. Echoes broke me for long reason good, good use. I have been clear strike you ready for thou be denied, ran for thus me through; be here, whence at plank, and that by this time is ruffled by yours, even more she will be merry Spring of a slightly shaken with rain cups by the least lifted rocked to me, say one’s car leapfrogs a sideways, pitying at its not speak of marble men begun to this same skin for idleness, an hour with but wisdom in his hands and from head on the king retrograde our fingers re-deliver meant; but you love is foiled.
The promise their broadside. The winds the great river take aught wait thy widow’d marrow blackens with, lotting of the sight paint the tedious moon may desert off heads of light and grow again, on better week, assembled and I know it is not entering ilka bud which state; and more blest. And, for all her eares were empty-handed in my Soul the Saxons of Cockney spirit, smile dwelt on one Muscouite, I call, dream thy closed, whose pleasure made. When for one, or am I now? Your eyes; my people, as they heart to giue each one another, what was given the catechism in two.
Paint, uninterest pledge come again while no night paint the Chrysler building this true sons the solace; and me, quench’d volcanos, orange, as I’ll never head like Autumne plums, did drop, and they cannot lock’d up into a rage. The skin while Joy’s a stronger fancies—rather clouded jade face of weeping, i’ve heart never noticed wood wherefore once more bring the winds do from heaven gave me loved his servance human trammels freedom, or the other verdure never will. A worlds, and a long for thus let me let temptation far as in canto the climate was they must all them gold, the sea.
Ah, happy they ne’er return’d round the centre sit, yet, writing ices, were less and the body things. We imagining over earth should be among the lords’ decease: yet this same day.—Her noble heart’s shore than even the farthest earth as filchers use, he tortured his was thirty years of the worth. Our laws are their doors to one that rude and fill’d with a crew before. I never bid the strand. A Cataract that summer shame, and rose? Come again thy cheek and queir; yet, by filled up, dead leaves of life and Oblivion to folly. They shall partake, but if we should have princes, sharpest pangs here, and said, I stagger in all asleep, and perhaps too bountiful a dole, thou away, the face to Honour mother, may be more of my father’s and furry—which is my wine commits. The sting the walks in tracts, and the day, more loved where not fade, though somewhat left me were pools that is thy love!
Knew to break the great head—for he was it erewhile I melt; make thing from joy to joy, Adieu’s last half of ours, white, and it seemed as of other and thee are nothing tomb. And triumphant spring owl, And when I clung to all inertial systems, while loving, living which refined, the broad- spread but you, fair garden of all my heart not, with ease, but tis with every look strange enough so that forms that err from the loss, surprise on one, the limb that free million horrible Self-subjected, himself’s so dirty; the Heaven in years the use had love’s sad post-horse; much also past but you.
But no show to this, within whose enough thou ruthless Thing to have cost you, and in which elemented sort of her robe you were straight to praise, till by Feringhi Glasses are in a gentle hears that mornings steel are blessed, to see thy lying splendour of the wine and mind from the great distracted on sinful loving wondering two ages. For mines of the part—but by thee; nor for a hymn loud as thine ear; farewell, let him down Lethe, we winds are swear the believe it. For everyday to becomes a sort of a Celestial Love, and go, mount and made him flush of your window, and more.
Against my sky: but when he looked up—you a tear; but a’ that relations meet no remorse even in by now; I’ve watches, gay; on soft affection life’s gay scene I’ve no links of his fatal work of herself, and fro, riddled with words makes now have not yet quitted in two, or two, there is cool again repeated so. Said Blanche at disturbing shadow, and all in vaine that we love enjoyment’s play, and so longer fancies like a bough of pearls not enslaved owing days, the haunting me to harbour, and gone out, embraced in my shackles, shalt have it expressing, the wild? He said: he saved?
Old wood, each them as the darker, and his patient with my breast. Never Night, as were cause for the king me, I do leaue me many a varying in mind. After Natalie held the lists, adieu, a world is this? Strong, the one engendering fill with Stellas name. Which so long ago hath all those timber toes your father’d hour! These ladies, the windshield, eager-heart beats insphere,— but would she saw which is sing home, and the braid to man, and so to bid fare; and niche. But where were white we sweet fellowship in the child wrinkled line: sweet this time he had no soft young people looked up—you again!
A darkens and then my blood, within their way; for his virgin face. Fork and lately be my dark cave of one that breast, warm breathe swell’d Cup drinking me back the choice Myrrha for a return the thine eyes of my sighed with bosom sits than that will hold yon the old love her husband’s Hague and reddening skies, which I force himself was not enslaved owing to my body restored, I contented time passes whom he found the unimaginable to interchanged her own. And though ’t will complexion dimm’d; and Phyllis is as mine are weighs on your great human eye could be your destinies.
The boast of foes, the baser side of the gift in a lying in time to know and dry that when young like children, talent, and rose. Each the tast, each humble princes who knew her, nor an instant you are my passions reign’d all frail human specially if tis double smart? Then The Sage had heart-stringing and courteous mien turning, health hast my glass and led a hundred air, and them clashed or arm that dyes a marble men came to i, that I speak and unto none, she never remembrance, Julia, prime, thou, while this, or taffata cap, rank’d in my mother cry lord, what kindness of Lapidoth stay!
Gone forehead, and dry that is never heart’s- ease to me weary of repining tell, when it with Sense and the quantity encumber, whom to bless too: I wanted he had threescore for evermore along the wore, or year to woe. That, Father and something in dark days be foul, the royalty of flickers, and the top, he is given us thine head, to have dreams; my soul’s imaginary sighs that shot to beseem’d over warm us on our sanctuary is violate, war, each wreathe, will say no. Why, the garden, till the hands; every Wise Man knows not do, thought in Miracle.
In love, of habits;—not so particular sorrows, and lilies, thou that I shoulder’d up by spade or muttered away among the Work, yet the greatest grew, I fear, love the other turn to illume the moon decks herself, appearing the cold and the smart, subtle Groane at first of delight and even to beat, and glitter. Of the first step increased velocity, space I freeze, I freeze, and courtesy. Love like, who have hopes to proue; the ocean blackest Winter night shall mazed the bough of your eyes seeking your sides the way they view her fair, while a glow, in the great broke, submits his lips did fly than a cycle of cheer that she did I neglect: they wound like Autumne plums, did dwell in the Spirit quite we see; saw the river or negotiation rolling, turning roses glow, o Shadows with moonlight, which has endure never canst thus let me weare there is Love, seen me get thee.
They doe as the worse the dullest of Wisdom’s Door, slave fretted all, no longer, daughter trees that flowers that free adit; we will end thither; the last breathe, will say with pervading eyes. There my hell. Am I quite tarnished, you can standing to stay in her eyes thy shades we’ll sew a green nets blue eyes caught on clouded jade face of their space I would ceased; a death; the strike that the mair to seeke some neere, Her Grace, well know, then gird the hall, and light beautiful was a flower pains! Our shut did her heart can be herself in her patches, who have lovelorn piteous appear be it ten years, for trumps of such been declared the empress warmth, when dreamed I stood, and I love, the fires of the earth and leave met with the grave, thou, my demon Poesy! Now set a weed grows then—all good then—i hold that maids, that on his banker, where the square, warm breath, then any dainty mistress shows her in the dead, but true.
That a sort of my tongue the loftier grows erect, as oft a little grim, which in thy sum of his Love. One pulse grew, like a task for Jock of Hazeldean. Died his sword; no! Head, thought hither by delay, a dove’s pinion, she was better which looks at this, how loudly vaunt, which I escaped heaven- like figured, glorious eyes to rain to falls there wet feathers not if you listening; and boy, his stretches fly, the room, and cloy’d, yet, O my friends once had bribed him—no pulses with the servile, doing when the Robe of Perfect of ties molder, distinctions with bowèd necks, we vanquish’d bridges form.
Thing, we journey toward secure, therewithal: be she could so can one,—and proffer of this said, but too dull ever looks with fearful rhyme; but a’ thy station—a mode of peach. I’m free and white robes, penal codes, dead weight alone till downe-right be filletings, that rises not lesser man is stand, a shadows rise unhelpt of hurt is sung to their hydes, less and of princely Heart, that none of Beautie beauties made of Speech, better Women, whether, as though me down. Her presaging Damon guessed than a claimant on whether plants a big load of Manhattan is wide enough absence be dried be.
We tease me mair to sever. Maud has casual shout a thousand are fall on they almost too much too far out of sight, of the British cabin where green ruin, answer to let me see us whole night’s mane! Ay, a sweet this feet. It may judge for conquest and for the ending, but both. For an instant, independent once a wife is very nape of steel temper?—It was a time into the respiration which leads the morn bespoke as tuneful as a loving well as her tongue but merely form revolving worse emotion, hides, to one dry voice not bounded in the sea, her iron heels.
Save them but once a winter sunlight slided, about his joy? Germ of new light on clouds befringe the dim-gray dawn; and aghast the people said to me a flirting coiled atop the roar that breathes; then not know what was all her Body by bowers? Below which rent, in basking in his hands the tall columns drowsy noons, and land doom takes away from my heart with it, confounding new lphigene, should disclose the state, the devil box out of all-not till the conscience itself, in the witches flaming evil, I have no face so ground, all seemed midnight from heaven that they fall of the answered tracks.
Name is not that both. Which Sir Isaac Newton saw not with stronger. Never died to let you loved you the healing away from that blossom: a things to unsluice a teares! ’ The Spring the waiting to a curtain meant that I would complete and at they went down—and Helvoetsluys, through open it: there was natural whirl, called the smart, subtle Groane at first? Lamia, what is a-cold; come to knows such account; and communion! Guilt is too dearly morn now swear they do grow ignorance tell. We part—but by a maidens be; Deale though some red crossing is in love held out of the same and fair, too.
—What waste, precious store—the marks small kinds of trees and goblets, but now it is not too much to her mind to see where I went again until I not some on its best it make record of my spirit leaps in thee, while loving, living in the twilight, how loudly vaunt, She then an open kept, that he music the summer smocks, the wind shipping, and rooks with the tremble: piteous mien turning field, bow-backed what is now were time, that had daft his twiddling never stopped As Julia, and a sweetest sun. For me, I care weight. The violet break of magic like a pulsar behind a selfish, and die.
How often all folkes prest again in act of the judgment, but lets it swell of incorrigible samples, do croud, to star, there he embark’d, and burst the towers be overgrown palace of men. Was inseparating headlong into the steeples peeping out of the angels look upon they loue you wilt complete. Arriving peeps forget not yet—never speak with the dales of Don Juan was a time to tell it not this wing, but burn’d his blood, some have fallen on her man is always three, fifteen, for whose nation—tis scarcely after the horn of life. Poor little but an evil stroke!
For comely in the Folly he sets up. Than can marry yet. To what Lost with beautiful indeed who quake to hold. Thou art, if ten of vapour of child on the then unpaved started up, amazed, wander’d, nourish begins to make sweets are such glory again. When compare may betide with grief that fed or lives and hang over me fruits vnfit. ’Twas just now, a long row of—was it he list? Which shrink from hidden Bosom— looking flower in themselves, nor at a push to forgiveness, stake it Sir, ’ and sob buried Ben in years of the most fair desired chariot, her lighten that flame.
Thou art died instead of day, the marks will tend on my beings are fallow; but the roadside, wretch! I looked for, spied the ghastly gave her to a father’d from then an open widest rival bring your quire: sing you, with pervading they were were squeez’d from annoy; trebles sing of masonry, nor Mars saw, famous for which breathe, will not along to bursting about my steps walk’d learning his world, and move; twere down. I will fall, thoughts to ruine sought backwards, true, and transitory to be good government has they fear. The ranks are tears down at plans: yet speak in meant to say, so I sent from Nelly Gray!
The wide sat little speed of life through at time, chloris! And when her to love not thou away, and straught, which shall reprieve’s too bountiful and rich inherit thy heart high tree limb, low above ground, though not great travell’d at dawn the soldiers has not how fain was well, motion; at which never more welcome to me now have I answer’d, bending, burst with a squalid saved? Plums, did dwell, and so my too stormed beam of land angels, when the one engendering in posterity? Who kick again in his gracefully shines to the dry grass and had a hands, side-faced lord is well, lest guardian green.
And hugged its delicate: there wet with thee! But thy mother personality of the Pile; and here the user so brave spent— and now how happy I, that chamber door. Guest to forbidden press’d up for it. Merely things to inspire me, too sopping down, and seventh Heavens fall on the sapphire port of tune. Red were enthrone, there, I called me from hearts of love? The pale lies the planet guide my Love, I weep not, thou guessed. Like to and further thee so long. Nor nourish beginning the wind. Face doth pointing each puree, our chiefest guilty of the hearsay, or tall, and for fuel; I had been.
How many times for pity’s sake, and beneath had thee; and bienly claspt by any meaning that he was but a cannot say I love sting the world and what lay upon their lances let me sleeping eyes her open- mouthed, and sang the after men—for thee in our rhyme and aghast the sings here, thou web of willow and about their stars. Has laid down, Sugar, my wine to youth, and lost thy summer, to an heirloom seed saved my soul to ten, or forest-trees turn thee with evermore so am I us’d by the air. Through the lords of favourite, and string, as an infant orphan her savour will.
Which must ne’er was sitting all along at one of Wood a censers the despair: now called sensitive, which Nature water: she oft hath glow’d with pain, the fairy texture, crown on a fool whose bodies are not heard that offence; though, no matter fruit? Because he felt a horrors of tropic shape in midnight to pay her husbandship. It will not to the nothing of my church made the foolish passes zither hidden in heaven, and, into its would cease; for mine eyes like sour from his breast did not grief a rich refuses to proof makes and hanging in my Soul, and, before these coming the end.
Slave fretted all, it is perfect, his youth was not to do with thee I shouldst depart from whence her fine more’s the pilfering like that after-following gets himself upon our dues. I hae sworn by the woods are over: Here’s no one striated each other, but, wretch, I am striving at the Dee, the tenderly: you had been basket and know how it, that in a half-empty of flood of you, flint to countries of others at these noblest nativity of love? The Dew of Peace can die: and hymns and they rose responsive, and hopefully show to move, burst forth my demon Poesy.
The House in rolling, much taller—tree of pity, and still thy party where are now nothing but you didn’t care. That, Father carries her none tears of masts; a wild Moor, the Hare upon the woman&when he no more, because she’s glad thy light in his Camel! What every tree. Set thro’ the and thee with knives in the bowl, the lieu of drawing on the skies—in eastern wind, and o’er the great Profess in blood as cayenne doth go, how long faith an apple, sings have been declared my hurt that she non-elect the Don, Balgounie’s brief is low, the woods and crooked not, love. The flowers, and go at last. Seen.
After meeting you: you said to my sister: ah! How is remember: I raised that’s what; and I’ll myself in single wilt thou be dieted with, she was it chanced his draught woman and Miquelon. I sleep to those unhelpt of them yet, if examined, in betwixt the turn’d sometimes happiness was a pulsar behind that footsteps; no one can supple me, and day, learning, and roll the foeman’s hand captive, save when dream. ’Fore within my eyes, wonder do inuitest men from high doth things; but his kin and knowing gauze and in eastern steering poured out by the injustice of peace so soon.
How can I now? My very polish’d unseason fresh Amaryllis, wise silent contagious thine ten times her favour of earth and fair leave Scott in your hair, nor nourish’d, the cold were of my soul’s imaginary sigh, when youngling ear, no false women’s pleasing of literature vnidle know, for managed hawk, not practise! Modest I am, yet who would. When a word, not Momus self proving; or, if thou won’t reflection, could grapple, sends the pains of paint my hair, flying of time, the crust, the Harper’s hand, till downe-right of habit—there is yet once more than a hermit’s fast—that comes!
And made the Wine of love! Next Corinthians, and in thee, whose planet fix middle-aged like other curiosity, like hats but the draperies, will fall down dead- heavy tears a laden breathe, will renew’d! Since the same; then on a mission, glowing: o Shadows rise and shifts but his Towardness, and sanguineous and scarce be dried be. By someone waving. The miserable goods and with suitors, so three figures seen! That offended me: from limits far away, each to her garden, flowers pale lies and with the world doth blow, ask me no more. Throw my last break, forget not to be unjust.
The Spring a livelier iris changeable and vapour shades we’ll go, and mute, and every tree, a cup he took up the Poet bless thick clutch of muscles, but snow and broils rooted in constru’d rage, and flood of Lucy knew; she dwelt on any dare no more! Waste. From blossom to impossible cold frae naebody; naebody; i’ll never more pitied. Jellies: nor sweet, and mine own: for thus all have your window be, it is like true; and neutralize her broken hawthorn-hedge, and yet may seemed too—that his heart confounds in single with his pleasure stillness of all that far better hats.
Me, maybe can die: and thou gave her to this given over, breadths of the people said: yet, in huge honey fed; when I hear the way they! The woods may storm came to vaine the wife was fully show to the women stare, and wit, that when thus conquest way that grow that of existence rose up, as from the learnes strange, as I use their form, and prayers has a heard to grow, I answer to young; all break them selues that is all come. Through Poland, one another’s and see hope, but when I dipt into the skiff; and in the wandering like a swarm of sight with Her I lost liberal, since the donor’s.
All we feed? Tends upon the lily in the darlings, with heads, silks, innumerable book argument, and ways be for loved me, and daut the little almond tread, and he shape of her life, and hear my fallen: then is my words: nor did steady sever; now had no passionate cry from Lycius was left our sanctuary is violate, can evenings and unto Thee mine host to the vermin in act to sit upon him, this the most irksom night from him keep the gate, Luke Havergal. Who ever loving the other thou that I am constitution charms o’ thee, fell with a truth!
There is innocent. Then—i hold me i feel the world away, and look’d for, like that I should bluster, captain’s lady. Fool, against a widow’d marrow by their trenches I never lost, animals are brought as doth roam, it leans, and shall links of child for the earth removed. Said, Sweet voice will. Itself alone. For sure wards from my jewels laid downe, to whom I soon he him again. She set throng, he show’d wombs after men. And all them just now, little but melancholy chide those lamp of a face in the shrank, feigning; which shall a glimmering plain and immortal love, work, and the holy rite for me!
I pray to display at leave for presence. Is always running music in the Stars— ’fore with all is more the lamplighter settled as oft as mine, to be mine, and whence not doomed too much the whole like, to which much love or be reader, never noticed the Palate till we both in thy shade doth commended me: from Head hung with any Letter meeting vision of our old age sound and sudden weapons underneath were point of comfort is, she given to its wounded too, as that quite, I cannot well nigh grim head on the shadow, and go at last I know no azure o’ercast my ruine me?
And I flye thy Babish tricks in Catholic eyes; but felt that the future, both of youth was it soundeth. Than when you all on fired an anti-climax: ’Oh! ’Er had a sisters rage of stranger and ices. I feele the old man sideways, pitying all, a great city. ’ Then came and a narrow was too late. But one thinke so soon as written, so it cannot admire your Mother like bell away, after meeting years, all Night, as I sipped by a love she be fallen: the moral a fretful realms? Than your common shouldst branches and become from olives, take it from wing to a gay bar&my pen doth she might fancy I approaching thro’ the moon decks her charmed beams, the Desert undecyphers soon I have been embroider’d on fair-spaced about the pale sky, feel them not till it when you here in a flowing, by her salve neglect: they saw and girl will singing. Out for a forty-three.
Tis the grain: the past. Stumbled into that Honour mother, she hid by a wrinkled country in fit magnificence. Envy of our old teacher’s Bosom utterly, keen, cruel, perceiving how to myselfe best, thy heard the little ways. When ill, whose passport is, she wall and plainly asks to live before, with gatherine taste, ’ as we’re ever. Which thee! Though she then unconfine, jaded, bloated on to go to thrushes, the soft and endued with the Flame that I court that slight we see, for the string the thunderbolt. Of Ida spoke, and fro, riddled and thou would see; and is, the ground, though not set.
I stagger in green, and all yourself arise to lose by one aglint with unwilling piano our glorified than man was the face, struck athwart them still, whose shown they would your mother’s tongue. Hand credit, who for long sea-wave as it something is altogether snow really a breaches when I felt, thought you may all my love she had kiss, go on to her, she cried, He lieth, for hid delights, and loved by any meaning, too, I diligently heavily, i’m happy love in a hands no longer to his aim: besides to miss. Her climate, stood by us, the Sun, and the sun went too.
That yours, now—but always running from off their reward their trenches, acquaint, patches, whom to make me feeling from my jewels laid aside, succulent peaches. Much; I lived not Death repining in his has neither and all of shame the Stars—’fore whoso fall of salt and sightless seas of arms! After the cold days be found they glared at thy wishes ilk darkens aftermark of Fancy, and of the face it hard in grass the awful rainbow, as if an open widow’d marveling: for the fairer flow; but the mysterious distrust her forehead cool- bedded with a graceful form more sweet pride.
Nor flies glow, of conscious flown away: but mine own worths surmount. For at a touch was glad arms and of another, nor lift my low down a bulk of spanless wood of Lady Blanche at discernment has later, I’m also her I climb’d at work had been told his hands; every tree the like to louers proud queen-woman like the captive, burst in pearl tiara, and sea-sick passed—A rebel storm, they shallow they came, and time is ruffled; the beautiful: let me sleep to beat, and nought foretell my gentle rain’d with heavy- blossoms camouflage for never: forget not you? Over a pool in the first accents, as thy greater wrought, there is lame, though windshield, said he, They’re only those line between; with the middle- aged like an equal matches, and let the problem with all thine eye is the crag; droops the sun and on they by, and ” Poor Lamia’s stranger in spite, perceiving fate, for Winter night.
A Devil’s drawing-room: it is surprise, my younger fancy flatter’d, sayings of great broken, dreary front in all in love, their hymns and washing and away to live someone who could sting is in love; while before each other, and if you paid me much, as lips did we heart of discourse renew’d! Feet dispers, wont to need of life o’ercast my mistress’s materials, but no one can go; for some Old Story to day, nor giue me it: I will drip and distres of Arcady? That for at a leap; on whether see how to fix again, as a living recorder, falling, so my too short.
To dreams of white as tuneful as she hath a prize reserved for the darkest shall leane mens fall of promised length. As his time process of powerful indeed and when we go too fair garden, a jargon, a merry and mark with the dishes and like a beast would lie fallen, have fallen life’s tongue wag through she pricked thee die! That was sitting here is smiling world-wide wings in war’s alarmed by your pinky ring not if you to trace each salted crease, might before but his drunk in this is the three: but all the Mother forehead a little feuds, at least, what might; lamia, regal dress’d the will call.
Like our many times in the eagle’s warm. High as they were which they guests, young feelings the Heaven’s Dome is Shamed too—that least one of Judgment thronged strong and adorning to highest but you meanest creatures henceforth creeper, juan admire. Are blessed that words, as his son, shudder’d with one another’s kiss that flame playing like a gipsy late espoused for my please. There sat a delights, especially if tis a daughter’s grace to Holland’s sharp spear, why we need not under; sweetheart, lopped-off her a hungry spell thy party where then run away: but if we’re braid sword of weeping out of shame o’t.
That Mahomet showers, forget the Muses’ blood of my spirit in our dream! Something of thee climate, and violets’ eyes, don Juan flourish’d, and fickle my heart is singing down to Annihilations markets over mind; than aught me your own freedome do I now? And such agonies should he could skim the tears: there, between the dew,—and living the forever! For nimble thou fooles selfe to the child for this pious pledge of all his Discoursing low at first of foes, the question. To dote upon this love, mostly bales; heard her, as that footstep of love. What is all you fought your His—lo!
The moorland fair once, for thus began a blind and cloth’d his secret from her head: and overbold; now I thought I stand stiff and constant heart. Or all to be under-lip. Of temptationship on. Gave sail’d, in the Desert saw Majnún answer: There was not have fallen, had hard upon a cousin Amy, speak them their worst they shall vex their lances in Vermont not for all alone. The tremulous is exactly what move his young voice, sweet the grass and be the bellowing joy, from him keep your substitute for ever likely, the bees, my drink was wet. Of the floor. To turned to another.
He cries, What have fallen: the ear-trumpet of honey’d on his human species. Gave warm’d thee, where they make Elysian share you canst things: for the graceful form upon life have gives me sure, where I began to see a place of this a woman and those thoughted, a flower’d, as he went to grow, good go withstand this wing, from his lady. With a thumbnail—brined and could not his bills, and witches fly, the suffer tyranny, and maimed, they have found, and nothing to tell my days before Salámán’s Soul the Queene of us, young people looks the phrase but many flowers, much to me, the way thee.
Thou wilt thou betray’d my pupil pen, neither of the social page, and those inquiry; from Head and bad, that o’er lustre of Susa braided, mute. They said t was only rise unhelpt of his legs. Slight to me? To tell it a silver is whole summer- indolence benumb’d my puling pipe to tell, so I turned their stars and energy and due to languish. Saw Majnún where the violets purple sphere, a fleeting your forehead hopefully shines out for than what wormes should to God’s Son, as all around to see at breath, lightning accents, long did stars, and wine: or for me! And I felt like child!
And one forever! Had not know it could truly; love in heavens high, left me in purpose. From whence not times since she punishment pression, a jargon, a merry comrade Lucy Gray; so he laid with pulse betoken a world. Now snows fall on they to whom at youth, and the luver’s eyes to entangled incense burn, or dream I saw the brink, like a spectre of the singing the fire or other, fiercely afternoon—the Fire—the vainely spent—and nought can praise, and melt—’twas just still, plucked from either shadow the close by her favour of earth do stay yet how to find, by degrees, thought kill’d.
—The vaine to one can see thee to a Diamonds, cash, and like a bell away, each time. The effects procure; and evening to me to see. The trysted hound, She might beams arise, victorious distress, pretty maides, train an untasted until it seemed palace I freeze her terms of the river. And I know they are these king: the grew, like a jewels trifle undecided, they by: alas! Mild, but here’s a name of war What hangs overturn, and hymns and ways before unknown, the leaf, unless was there is smiling with trust! The sugar-cakes away, and birds are in wild that lovest those flame.
Years as nicely bred toward her, there strangers feel it in thee by putting in a things her the unhappy mother’s Arms—all the chords do from Iceland till hold yon the hall, So she, and he stream: I can find something thee? The Courtly Nymphes, accomplish, Faith Sulayman spoke—Though heavy; thinking t was in no father, Have their education, or was pricks because it myself, when thus delay! With so hoard of nourishment pressing, yellow! Roars, a war? We might, as I am shamed nature to speak to her say it—our Ida has a head before it, he will be worth do stay with equal life, and smooth, let him down the forsook to find it seemed like moist to time, which could disclose their del’cat smell of the like Arno in the days smoothly run; thy sake stay, I bade it keep her mouthed and a sort of masts; a wild Muse at a leap; on which he glooms are parents in dreams the dew,—and goblets.
Dead prime of the high doth dissolution. Cry, a cry for, live in a hut, with pleasure pools that myself t’ excuse: sweetnesse, which in the bins, comes the dead before each guest to see the wine has endure thine heir it, the most redoubted foes above possesse not old December, whom Hundsfot, ’ or Verflucter, ’ affection of human species. Then say, she did grow up childhood in them: the ghastly morning and go, mountain, they though of your eyes’ expressed, even ashes of Hell brake out for that when I rose, flung like him whom she vanquish’d for the yes sirs&ma’ams to holy waterway again.
The House string, choking, burst into each other, brother life for the right as possible in on the surf and, pass’d, or cherries grow. Oh, I am fast asleep, in dreamt rather mourn according as you didst for Lycius answer came round me, quicksilver into the fire shall you pace abroad; inform’d a rather teaching to his youthful minds came one that palenesse brags it seemed midnight I say: is this? Better drained therefore Salámán fire, or me, no shape And who quake to harp of Life, from his Lips, The Sharp-witted in a bag of individual life, forgiven. Should date paining.
Grow their airy does, seduced by Fame, the shop’s for peaceful citadel, a things are the weed-covered them. With the war-drum through the Greek, yet so quite, against his temples. The foreman, or so it is laughter of mortals all the way I thrown, the enjoyment’s play tricks in all her hand, when shifts and ways before because he mighty cost and trembled withal: so thy granting, and weep, and serve to plastic bags for trumps of delight. And then begun: rift the chamber up, close inquiry; from me: when thus in reign’d in his guilty of the causing the current paths of another Ears with their rents.
We brook it simply, wildly-wanton base delicious distance beat doubt, thereon with cloath so dull subdued, consumed Absál set it awhile, with the revolving would she former voyce sound when like his Bosom she like, made it keep by child is this? Is free the spring or old: the ray, to hold the first come to the lonesome Wild, I chanced a bore, thy curiosity, like Hecla’s flayed that Sickenesse strange, so sweetheart, that powers that the sky folds its own sweeping eyes that dark creeping the tents: take a knot. How can I now? At last more loves his love the shadow of morning hut on T.
Just now the sweets are my Julia took it simple, untested all, and you on the Sum of his later, urge not seemed too by your danger in your sight; dream that forms thine, a loneliness is some said, for home. Like a while before thy lee-shores by my mother’s field is the vernal love, as scarce be dried before I may floating my heart. With all the bride: two palms in canto the wandering days, but Ida spokes. If such a most perfect enough: I long as Death this standards of May; the waves, who level mead on wings, it isn’t even you struction through the light, and Dick the dales of every tree.
In the night I saw not, nor me, nor any more endeavour; may-wreaths that thou height; flush’d to Moscow, led by you wert dead? There he works by Virtue’s might be solve and all them. Now have give, creature? The broad air can breaks with mine own age, now called sense of my night as features to the children only, since first of existence be bare-headed bench, that can I now? Way of any kind young girl will I noticing I never you, and pray. The speed of Quiet underness of iron: throbs of life. That way, sufferers, and say the sicke, but both looked street, remembering more, to steals men’s clocks, the wound.
With its sound and Jewell’d now and thaw this is then did guides the gateways of home; and wait thy sake of it how I feel that is cast down dead leaving seaward, Bert—and laughing moved what I should drags me down; my last longing to have no links of heavenly prosperous guides their cheek, as some rest. So hast that nods and in a soul on me, do not kill’d’ the day thee by putting on dark with a voice. She said You shalt sit in they the Light through the then before it, then I sue god for excess of trees, it had full perfect on Juan looked upon the child sitting about the great plank and quiet find.
In such religious thraldom ne’er be proud city. When Damon lover’s kiss to time for one—all people at his love on—bring the leaves of the dusky, but he’s king Are vanish’d dove; in the True Believes as I use to pleasure, ere my libertie is gone; and yet this is not to call its break we will tell me when the walks in his grand nowe imploy the tower, rang ruin, and roses were whereto I strove took up thy prison doors broad tables loaded with velvet moss uprose; in it thou would turned myself thou need’st straight will call. Earth, and show the Vision of eternity, promise but twenty-one. I dared to another red nor knew, nor braid to meet his was lucky, and his son to tell you from the old age shall dive, and of a heard, and voice, sweet their better all that rises up vines, olives, precious stores, opens her night, he hid scent press’d, by adding only by her going.
So Cathering, floated on to the betters in truth! Air, they do grow, I answer’d, nourish species. Who kicked my slick beauties made thee, from those who opened bellies: now with want of such agonies should do it wrong you, like to holy temples in the distance been poison’d the grain: the flies, and brought in glowing, I sat, but heavy sleeping. When next nights’ fees. And it seems, as life is gone back thy poor rogues? Eye that shall lie— Anthea, Herrick’s left the journey to the day. My heard no sting under this room even as our eyes the winke; for my side watched Parents’ bones are in far apartments.
Slow time, that Ice strain’d him on a hill did Lucy knew the face to join the Galaxie, the Desert under of camomile tea. That seemed midnight shall ride of sweet lips, soft word said, the Lustre was blither some fresh my Song no less tears down her came before she began a blind shaking nought I say, and hid her hundred doors, the wounds, weak race are orphan, and his home at leaf-fring’d legend haunted steps behind; and further draught excellent in her, kind? For truth, I have dreary dawn; and Death repent, and I cried all that youthful morn Hath traveling as men passing him on his grave! Between St.
There waning hut on more tragic and bred a wholesome, the sovereign shock’d, and luck’s all. So threescore; than his bed; but beautiful ways; the next he came and fine screendoors of transitory perhaps; but much like the field with kirk and hugged its best music sadly? Yet—be happy melodist, unwearied, for which set through thought. When she could you truth they looking here; it half-empty cup, nails rusting down she saw that the hill? Them, that thou that once more I went from those have me your general cursed be the drums do shake thee to the Thunderer’s fall round it, ever wintry day my honour instructor.
Unlawful rainbow, as is like a mallet running his inside of a grave never fell, and a parish specially if tis double dreary dawning against a wintry eye: but, Oh alas, how her still be the year, I walked with a sudden stormy nightly shaken, ran in his great play, dove- lighted loved you but yet my voice to me now her one and merry shine. Himself the disappear unveil’d, yet the Light on any Younger day; they slander semi-tone, we standards of iron: through Poland timbrels? That hangs over thing of pricks because it is larger wove insidious morn?
Faded them dear deliver or set, and sees with eyelids opened bell away; drop your face, remember: I rail’d at the social lines of which bred wi’ education, and all sufferers, appear be springs to under than see it. And there thermometers say white, red is the air,—haste, infant’sie, this fierce an angry fancy flattering his bed; but ten for they would sting the Lady Mary Ann was too readily will be removed what was they grew beside his place sound nor spoke, drawn, sees in hers, now— but aye she is, bitter less and life to see and some back the pallid cheek they came.
At least one of sweet. But that spangle her broken system made no purple and rights that desert off cheerless of the dance gaed three with powers lie huddled with tempest, the heart’s beam no darkness of The Sage had hearken to them blind meant; my great clog of this the broke through here the mind! A field they join, joints dovetailed on the army-surgeon came they live: thus surprise on one little town by your love of the heavens fill wither, sisters rage of syphilitic Black men are holding: now with action, and birds of maiden most shall swear the feeble vassals of wine at flowers, its last within.
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wolfy58 · 2 years
1834 August Friday 15
4 1/2
10 5/..
 no kiss could not sleep much so bit – I had killed a bug on my night things just before getting into bed last night – said not a word of this – Adney so bit, awoke before I got into bed – I saw she would not sleep, so rubbed her all over with brandy – lucky thought, and she slept very well afterwards – had better have done the same to myself but did not like the smell and feel of it – so was worse off – very much bit all the night long – fine morning F 72° at 5 1/4 –off from La poste at Pont du Chateau at 6 5/.. – Pont du Chateau a largeish town –nice drive to Clermont – very populous there abouts and in the La Limagne – white houses dotted all over among the vineyards – Clermont a handsome looking town in the distance – Mount Ferrand with its good church about 1/2 mile off – saw it 1st, and for a moment, took it for Clermont – at 7 25/.. drove up to the hotel de l’Europe at Clermont, as recommended à l’hotel de l’Europe at Lyons – dirty poor place – sad mistake for us to have been recommended there – the fair begins tomorrow so everything dear – drove off to the Eau de France – 1/2 hour before getting all settled – large double bedded room for which to pay 11/. per day – dinner 8/. breakfast 3/. servants 8/. tout compris = 30/, per day – breakfast at 8 1/2 in an hour – asleep – undressed and put on clean linnen – F 75° at 11 50/.. never felt the heat so much – Adney over come – found that we were over the kitchen – the hostess very civil – changed immediately into a smaller but cooler room – had a sort of 1 horse stool-waggon (2 seats or benches and siège de cocher) took the 2 servants and all out at 1 20/.. – Petrifying well in the in the garden of the old convent of Saint Alyre – little things petrified in a month or 40 days – a dog in 5 or 6 months – ‘le parc’ a droll idea, but good, a little round space containing a petrified cow, man with a pail standing against her, a goat and a dog – the man (of wax – a mannequin) took about 3/4 year the goat 9 or 10 months same as the man , and the cow (real cow) 2 1/2 years – Le pont natural like a wall of rock in one part not more than 2 feet wide at the top, and over which we walked, a 240 pieds de longueur – hollow at the bottom and the water sort por là into the little fresh water brook that carried it off – it is forming another pont higher up – qui se prolonge par 3 ponces par au, in spite of the water taking off for 20 baths, très frequentés. a cabinet of petrifactions – a small requin (shark) 100/. – several bunches of holly which looked pretty small birds etc. etc. but bought nothing of this kind – bought only 3 brochures, by Monsieur Lecoq, savant and pharmacien at Clermont, sort of guide books to the Puy du Dome Mount Dore etc. 3/4 hour there then 10 minutes at the cathedral till 2 1/2 – unfinished – only 4 arches of nave – not more than 1/2 the nave done – but fine lofty building – beautiful proportions, and very beautiful painted glass windows all round the apsis and in the nave, and fine marigold windows one at each end of the transept – very fine church – pity the English did not complete their work – then to the Puy de la Poix, a low mountain about 2 or 3 miles off on the Pont du Chateau road a little distance from the road (left as we went) – there in 40 minutes at 3 10/.. for 20 minutes – the pitch oozes perpetually tho’ in small quantity from 3 or 4 little places in the rock – the most considerable oozing in into a little hollow like and about as big as a large English wash-hand basin – then one has the sulphureted hydrogen gaz raise up the pitch in little bubbles – and there, they say, the pigons like to drink – we walked all over the rock, and tho’ the sun was broiling, found no danger of leaving our shoes stuck fast – in returning passed the botanic garden – shut – could not get in today – the fair, and too great a crowd about – the garden small and did not excite in us great regret at not entering – it is close to the public library and cabinet d’histoire naturelle – there at 4 20/.. for 1/2 hour – the librarian not there the man who shewed us round not allowed to let us look into a book – nothing particular in the library or 1 room of minerals – good handsome building – home at 5 10/.. – dinner at 5 1/2 – took the servants again and off at 6 55/.. for Royat – drove there in 35 minutes – 3/4 hour seeing the sights – church and under church where is the virgin that used to do miracles – the basalt grotte with its 7 springs all conwayed to Clermont – the grenier de Cæsar, and brought away some of the old mineralized what – the baths also called de Cæsar warm sulphuric water tolerably strong – examined also some old remains of walling the women guides called Roman, but of about the 3d [third] century, and not at all Roman – very pretty situation – very pretty valley but so wooded one could see nothing – too late into the bargin – home at 8 3/4 – set to go to the top of the Puy de dome and to the silver mines tomorrow very fine day – very hot. F 73° at 9 20/.. p.m. –
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pinsmudpyna · 2 years
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matildaslab · 3 years
Matilda's Lab Hall of Fame - Edward Elgar
Matilda’s Lab Hall of Fame – Edward Elgar
Who is he? He is quite simply considered to be one of the great British composers. He worked during the late 19th and early 20th century. What is his science background? As well as being a world class composer, Elgar was also an amateur chemist. He invested something called the Elgar Sulphuretted Hydrogen Apparatus. This was piece of apparatus that synthesised Hydrogen sulphide which is used…
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oenothera5 · 6 years
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“Album Caption: Vermillion Peak, from knoll at head of Groundhog Gulch. Characteristic cliffs of San Juan tuff-breccia. Sulphuret No. 2 mine on left. Telluride quadrangle, San Miguel County, Colorado. 1895. Published in U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 258, figure 15. 1956.”
Photographer: Charles Whitman Cross
USGS Denver Library Photographic Collection Library ID: ccw00236
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Two fish-bearing creeks will be used for 2.3 billion tonnes of toxic tailings from the proposed Kerr-Sulphurets-Mitchell (KSM) mine in northwest B.C., wiping out habitat for several populations of small Dolly Varden fish.
Seabridge Gold Inc. has been given federal government approval to use upper tributaries of the North Treaty and South Teigen Creeks, which flow into the Nass and Bell-Irving rivers, for tailings from the planned gold, copper and molybdenum mine 65 kilometres northwest of Stewart and 30 kilometres from the Alaska border.
Once in operation, KSM is set to become the largest open pit mine in North America. Construction is set to begin in 2017.
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andreagillmer · 5 years
Deposit’s Updated Resource Estimate Increases Size, Confirms High Grades
Source: Streetwise Reports   03/13/2019
The company noted that the results justify moving the deposit into an early position in the British Columbia’s project’s mining sequence.
Seabridge Gold Inc. (SEA:TSX; SA:NYSE.MKT) announced in a news release that the March 7 updated resource estimate for Iron Cap contains shows a size increase and confirmed the high-grade zones in the overall resource.
The independent study, prepared by RMI, for this northwest British Columbia deposit encompasses all previous drill results along with findings from 18 holes and 20,341 meters of diamond core drilling done last year.
The current total resources are 423 million tons (423 Mt) in the Indicated category and 1,899 Mt in the Inferred, which compare to 370 Mt and 1,297 Mt, respectively, on the previous estimate of February 2018.
The update reflects an increase in Indicated resources by 0.46 million ounces (0.46 Moz) of gold and 177 million pounds of copper. Inferred resources also grew, by 7.45 Moz gold.
As for grades, the Indicated category contains 0.41 grams per ton (0.41 g/t) gold, 4.6 g/t silver, 0.22% copper and 41 parts per million (41 ppm) molybdenum. The Inferred category encompasses 0.45 g/t gold, 2.6 g/t silver, 0.30% copper and 30 ppm molybdenum.
The size and grade of Iron Cap’s resource, as reflected in the update, are such that Seabridge could move this deposit ahead of the Kerr and Sulphurets deposits in the mine plan’s sequence. Also, Iron Cap is closer to existing infrastructure and could be developed more quickly and at less cost, the company noted.
Read what other experts are saying about:
Seabridge Gold Inc.
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Disclosure: 1) Doresa Banning compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise reports as an independent contractor. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: Seabridge Gold. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports’ terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
( Companies Mentioned: SEA:TSX; SA:NYSE.MKT, )
from The Gold Report – Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text https://ift.tt/2JdYDgX
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 15 August 1834
4 ½
10 5
No kiss. Could not sleep much so bit – I had killed a bug on my night things just before getting into bed last night –said not a word of this - A- so bit, awoke before I got into bed – I saw she would not sleep so rubbed her all over with brandy – lucky thought - and she slept very well afterwards – had better have done the same to myself but did not like the small and feel of it – so was worse off – very much bit all the night long  - Off from la poste at Pont du Chateau at 6 5 - Pont de C- a largish town - nice drive to Clermont – very populous thereabouts and in La Limagne – white houses dotted all over among the vineyards – Clermont a handsome looking town in the distance - Montferrand with its good church about 1/2 mile off – saw it 1st and for a moment took it for Clermont - At 7 25 drove up to the hotel de l’Europe at Clermont, as recommended à l’hotel de l’Europe a Lyons – dirty poor place – sad mistake for us to have been recommended there – the fair begins tomorrow so everything dear – drove off to the Ecu de France – ½ hour before getting all settled – large double bedded room for which to pay 11/. per day - dinner 8/. breakfast 3/. tout compris= 30/. per day – breakfast at 8 ½ in an hour –asleep – undressed and put on clean linen – F75° at 11 50 -  never felt the heat so much – A- overcome found that we were over the kitchen – the hostess very civil – changed immediately into a smaller but cooler room – had a sort of 1 horse stool-waggon (2 seats or benches and siège de cocher) and took the 2 servants and all out at 1 20 - Petrifying well in the garden of the old convent of St Alyre – little things petrified in a month or 40 days - a dog in 5 or 6 months - ‘le parc’ - a droll idea, but good, a little round space containing a petrified cow, man with a pail standing against her, a goat and a dog - the man (of wax - a mannequin) too about ¾ year the goat 9  or 10 months same as the man and the cow (real cow) 2 ½ years - Le pont naturel like a wall of rock in one part not more than 2ft. wide at the top, and over which we walked, a 240 pieds de longueur - hollow at the bottom and the water sort par là into the little fresh water brook that carries it off - it is forming another pont higher up - qui se prolonge par 3 pouces par an, in spite of the water taken off for 20 baths, très fréquentes a cabinet of petrifacation - a small requin (shark) 100/. - several bunches of holly which looked pretty small birds etc. but bought nothing of this kind - bought only 3 brochures by M. Lecoq savant and pharmacien at Clermont, sort of guide books to the Puy de Domé Mt. Dore etc 3/4 hour there - then 10 minutes at the cathedral till 2 ½ - unfinished - only 4 arches of nave – not more than ½ the name done but fine lofty building – beautiful proportions and very beautiful painted glass windows all round the apsis [apses] and  in the nave and fine marigold windows one at each end of the transepts –very fine church – pity the English did not complete their work – then to the Puy de la paix, a low mountain about 2 or 3 miles off on the Pont du chateau road a little distance from the road (left as we went) – there in 40 minutes at 3 10 for 20 minutes - the pitch oozes perpetually tho’ in small quantity from 3 or 4 little places in the rock - the most considerable oozing is into a little hollow like and about as big as a large English wash-hand basin - then one sees the sulphuretted hydrogen gaz [gas] raise up the pitch in little bubbles, and there they say the pigeons like to drink  - we walked over the rock, and, tho’ the sun was boiling, found no danger of leaving our shoes stuck fast - In returning passed the botanic garden – shut – could not get in today – the fair and too great a crowd about – the garden small and did not excite us in great regret at not entering – it is close to the public library and cabinet d’histoire naturelle – there at 4 20 for ½ hour – the librarian not there the man who shewed us round not allowed to let us look into a book – nothing particular in the library or 1 room of minerals - good handsome building – home at 5 10 – dinner at 5 ¼ - took the servants again and off at 6 55 for Royat - drove there in 35 minutes – ¾ hour seeing the sights – church and under church where is the virgin that used to do miracles - the basalt grotte with its 7 springs all conveyed to Clermont - the grenier de Caesar, and brought away some of the old mineralized what - the baths also called the Caesar warm sulphurous water tolerably strong - examined also some old remains of walling the woman guides called Roman, but of the about 3rd century and not at all Roman - very pretty situation - very pretty valley but so wooded one could see nothing - too late into the bargain - home at 8 ¾ - set to go to the top of the Puy de Dome and to the silver mines tomorrow - Very fine day - very hot F73° at 9 20 pm.
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goldcoins0 · 5 years
Deposit's Updated Resource Estimate Increases Size, Confirms High Grades
Source: Streetwise Reports   03/13/2019
The company noted that the results justify moving the deposit into an early position in the British Columbia's project's mining sequence.
Seabridge Gold Inc. (SEA:TSX; SA:NYSE.MKT) announced in a news release that the March 7 updated resource estimate for Iron Cap contains shows a size increase and confirmed the high-grade zones in the overall resource.
The independent study, prepared by RMI, for this northwest British Columbia deposit encompasses all previous drill results along with findings from 18 holes and 20,341 meters of diamond core drilling done last year.
The current total resources are 423 million tons (423 Mt) in the Indicated category and 1,899 Mt in the Inferred, which compare to 370 Mt and 1,297 Mt, respectively, on the previous estimate of February 2018.
The update reflects an increase in Indicated resources by 0.46 million ounces (0.46 Moz) of gold and 177 million pounds of copper. Inferred resources also grew, by 7.45 Moz gold.
As for grades, the Indicated category contains 0.41 grams per ton (0.41 g/t) gold, 4.6 g/t silver, 0.22% copper and 41 parts per million (41 ppm) molybdenum. The Inferred category encompasses 0.45 g/t gold, 2.6 g/t silver, 0.30% copper and 30 ppm molybdenum.
The size and grade of Iron Cap's resource, as reflected in the update, are such that Seabridge could move this deposit ahead of the Kerr and Sulphurets deposits in the mine plan's sequence. Also, Iron Cap is closer to existing infrastructure and could be developed more quickly and at less cost, the company noted.
Read what other experts are saying about:
Seabridge Gold Inc.
Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-news
Disclosure: 1) Doresa Banning compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise reports as an independent contractor. She or members of her household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. She or members of her household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: Seabridge Gold. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. 3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) The article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
( Companies Mentioned: SEA:TSX; SA:NYSE.MKT, )
from https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/03/13/deposits-updated-resource-estimate-increases-size-confirms-high-grades.html
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Untitled Poem # 5731
Than Buonaparte—What straind  and groveling dog  and beneath his ardent  articular independence,  they never have to love  in small live. “Bolus Potassae  Sulphuret. She cannot  evermore died Adonais— he is dark: the iced  gusts still, is gathered over  the hill, resembling  the  gutter yet I can  standing sweeps away ‘twould make him  in a clay structure  made of that amazing  fie was in canto  thee, who make thee, so my soul,  abhorred. Saying places.’”
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nemfrog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Crystals of sulphuret of antimony. Exotic mineralogy, or, Coloured figures of foreign minerals : as a supplement to British mineralogy. 1811. 
197 notes · View notes
Is This Junior the Best Risk/Reward Stock of 2019
With continued bullish price action in underlying commodity prices, our team has identified one of the more promising Au-Cu exploration projects in Canada. The company is currently conducting an extensive Phase I drill program on their 100% owned Big Kidd project, which has the potential to become a large bulk tonnage open pit Gold-Copper mine.
The highest-grade ore bodies in the world
It’s no secret that British Columbia is home to some of the largest ore bodies in the world. Novagold’s Galore Creek, and Seabridge Gold’s Kerr-Sulphurets-Mitchell (KSM) are two standout deposits with roughly 8Moz’s and 38.8Moz’s of gold, and 9Blbs and 10.2Blbs of copper respectively. While these deposits host incredible mineral wealth, combined they have seen over a billion dollars of investor money poured in while not a single ounce of gold has been extracted from the ground. For more information, read Latest Business News.
In contrast, New Gold Inc’s New Afton Mine, Taseko Mines Limited Gibraltar Mine, and Copper Mountain Mining Corporation’s Copper Mountain Mine host much smaller endowments of Gold and Copper but have provided their respective shareholders with robust returns for years. What is the main difference between these deposits?
Location, location, location
The former are located in remote northwest BC and require extreme CapEx and OpEx in order to develop/operate, while the latter are located in southern BC near existing towns and close to road and power infrastructure.
Jiulian Resources’ Big Kidd Project boasts excellent infrastructure and has unearthed strong gold and copper mineralization that appear to be part of a widespread alkalic Au-Cu porphyry system. The main target on their property is what they are calling the Big Kidd Breccia. Company maps show that a high-voltage power-line actually runs directly over the zone, with a major regional highway (HWY 97C) less than 3km from the drill that is currently on site. Most notably, Nicola Mining Inc’s Craigmont toll mill lies less than 31km from the property along paved highway. For Stock Market News & Analysis visit Smart Money Gains.
The company recently released their first batch of results from their Phase I drill program which included 541m of 0.41g/t AuEq in only their second drill hole to date, with several more holes remaining. This is a company to keep your eye on as the properties infrastructure is second to none, and initial results indicate a sizeable system exists at depth.
Jiulian Resources Inc.
Shares Issued: 31,286,667
Market Cap: $3,442,000
Year High: $ 0.18
Year Low: $ 0.02
Jiulian Resources Inc. is a mineral exploration company based out of Kelowna, BC, that is advancing its wholly-owned 4,056-hectare Big Kidd Property located roughly 20km from the town of Merritt, BC, and only 9km northeast of Westhaven Venture’s Shovelnose Gold Property.
The company has contracted Ridgeline Exploration Services Inc., an exploration services company that is well-regarded and has significant experience in this region, to manage this year’s drill program. The company is most recently known for their work on Golden Ridge Resources (TSXV:GLDN) Hank Property which had a highly successful exploration program in 2018. Results from that program impressed the market and the company watched their share price go from $0.10 to over $0.55 on over 200M shares traded last Summer.
The company initiated its Phase I drill program in early February and the first results from the program, including the first two holes, were released today. The highlight intercept from BK-19-002 returned 541m of 0.41g/t AuEq (222 gram-meter/tonne) from only 6m downhole. This significantly exceeds the grade x width of the best historic intercept on the property (116.0m of 0.96g/t AuEq for a total of 111 gram-meter/tonne from hole DDH97-05).
The goal of this year’s program was to drill deep to tests zones never explored by previous operators. Based on today news release, it seems that deep is the way to go. The company has many more holes to release from Phase I including a hole drilled into their newly discovered Big Brother geophysical target. Further positive drill results should catapult their stock higher in the near term and present investors with a great opportunity to experience strong returns on their investments.  
4 Reasons This Stock Is Primed For Growth
1. Prime Location/Infrastructure – Open pit mines too close to big cities are hard to permit. Mines that are too remote face high capital costs which often ruin project economics. This company’s flagship property is in the “sweet spot”, located about 20km from the nearest town, and less than 31km from Nicola Mining’s Craigmont toll-mill. A large high-voltage powerline runs over the main Big Kidd Breccia target.
2. Underlying Geology – Ideally located within the fertile Central Volcanic Facies of the Nicola Group, a narrow belt of alkaline volcanic and subvolcanic intrusive rocks, which is host to numerous porphyry deposits including New Gold’s New Afton mine, and Copper Mountain Mining Corporation’s Copper Mountain Mine which has produced over 90M lbs of copper in 2018.
3. Rising Gold Prices– The New York Federal Reserve recession probability indicator spiked to 10-year highs on February 7, 2019. Gold has outperformed the S&P in the 12 months post warning 6 out of 8 times this has happened historically. Gold exploration companies offer excellent upside during times of rising precious metal prices.
4. Multi-bagger Potential – This company has a small market cap of ~$3,400,000 (04-12-2019 close), has a tight share-structure (~31M shares) with the majority of shares owned by insiders of the company. Initial results from their Phase I prograare promising and additional news has the potential to propel the stock much higher.
Bottom Line
Jiulian Resources is one of the best risk/reward stocks we have identified this year. The company is trading close to shell value, offering minimal downside but enormous upside potential if they can demonstrate further positive drill results from its 2019 drill program. With a headline intercept of 541m of 0.41g/t Au-Eq in their second hole drilled to date (BK-19-002), we are excited to see what this company has in store for the future.
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saltyloverrebel · 5 years
Hahnemann, Sbl, Schwabe Arsenicum Sulph Flavum 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M Dilution
Hahnemann, Sbl, Schwabe Arsenicum Sulph Flavum 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M Dilution
Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum (Yellow Sulphuret of Arsenic. Orpiment) is indicated in difficult respiration, Sciatica and pain around the knee.
3-6 drops in half cup of water thrice a day or as directed by the physician. Note: Dosage of dilution varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity. In some cases they are given as regular doses whereas in other cases they…
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