#sumaq iskay
cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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Hello and welcome back to too many effing babies. Here we see visiting good guy ex Entzu's bonding with his son
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While responsible older sister/cousin Eallin puts the other babby in bed
before getting to have her birthday finally
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Also I'm so sorry Eallin, but life's about to get a bit less breezey.
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She wants to move out, and as this family is slave class, she'll be moving in with and working for an upper class family. She takes the name Goalmmát as she won't be continuing the Vuosttamus line
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Piggy and Wiola are coming with her, look at how many are in this household otherwise lol
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Bye Eallin, hope your new life treats you well over with the Leheniks.
More on that later.
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Quechua Jarawi
The rest of Caroline Shipley’s poem:
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Kay semestrepi, iskay sunqo-tukuchi
tragedias-nisqa karqan.
 Uj sunqo-tukuchi, kay universidadpi karqan.  
Noviembre killapi,  uj yachakoqta wañuchirqanku.
Noqa mana yacharqanichu.
Ichapis chay yachakoq-wañoq musparqa.  
Ichapis yachakoq-masinkunamanta
Chay p’unchay, ashka runa kay universidadpi
paran paranta waqasqanku.
 Waq sunqo-tukuchi, noviembrepi pasallasqataq.  
Kay ashka sunqo-tukuchi pasasqa
mana tukuy OSU-nisqallapichu,
mana tukuy EEUU-nisqallapichu,
kay tukuy pachapi pasan.
Elecciones presidenciales-nisqa pasarqa,
Chayqa jatun estrés-nisqa karqan
tukuy runapaq.
Ashka runapaq, manchay llakiy karqan.
Chay p’unchay, ashka yachakoq
paran paranta waqarqanku.
Noqapis waqallarqanitaq.    
Ashka runa karunchayta munasqanku.
Ashka runa muspasqanku.
Chay evento-nisqa jatun jatun
muyoq wayra jina karqan.
Uj cheqanpi, jatun khuyana wiñay qallasqataq.  
Ashka runa wayllunakuspa wayllunakuspa
para unusta waqaskanku.
Pisimanta pisi sunqonku tiyaykapusqa. 
*   *   *
Kunan, ashka sumaq jarawita qhelqay….
…ashka sumaq yoga-nisqata ruway….
…ashka sumaq amigukiwan wayllunakuy….    
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cruciferous-spatula · 1 month
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Mutia's still not as close with all the Qallariq cats as she'd have liked.. when did she grow out of puppyhood anyway? The things I miss with my screenshotting, man
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Sacha's really cute.
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Cool big boy Johka drops by. The kids are his cousins, not that they'd know. Also pets playing nice, how about that. I don't use the controlpets cheat as a rule so it always a stroke of good luck when they're not fighting.
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We are allowed jobs now, but T'ika won't be going to work for some upper class household as that means moving out of this house.
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That leaves us only one other option, hehe. Our first professional, folks
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Mutia has some bad habits
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After tending the crops, Entzu pays a visit along with his sister and nephew
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Later in that afternoon!
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What's Entzu looking so pleased about?
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This is Entzu's 3rd set of twins to be born... and Inti's 4th. FML
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Two boys this time, that's a first for this hood I think? Yeah pretty sure it is actually! So that's something
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moar soonish
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