#sun of alcoritrés
ghostofadragon · 11 months
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been developing some quasi-scifi dragon rider ocs lately and i have enough stuff to make into a post! hark! middle aged cunts (and farah who is like 30)
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thesunofalcoritres · 6 days
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THE ZEPPELIN LEVIATHAN! somewhat obviously inspired by scott westerfeld's titular leviathan, most zeppelins have relatively little contacts with humans due to their difficult-to-translate clicking language and remote mountain cities. the 'armored' leviathan shown in the latter image is one of a few number groomed to be cutting-edge war machines by the tech monoliths that oppose the methodology of the Church of the Horn, who make up alcoritrés' dominant religion.
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ghostofadragon · 6 months
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i do intend to clean this chart up/add more detail but i've been doing a lot of really repetitive art projects lately and it's going to be a while before i have it in me to line/color this many dragons, so i'm posting this as it is for posterity.
dragon species in sun of alcoritrés, my analog-scifi dragonrider oc universe! SoA dragons are quasi-sentient aliens who had their own developed cultures before humans crash-landed a generation ship on their planet and were forced to stay there indefinitely. the story takes place about 3000 years after the crash. dragons barter and sell their own unhatched eggs as fair currency, which is why specific 'breeds' can be cultivated without immense psychological fallout to any party involved.
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ghostofadragon · 8 months
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ocs in drag time. lovelace is pretending to be a 1970s porn director and collar is debating which nonlethal takedowns she can do in those shoes
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ghostofadragon · 7 months
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prometheus corps LLC ft. ceo, executive chief of staff, & head of tech ops
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ghostofadragon · 8 months
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some sun of alcoritrés stuff! flowchart + nonfinal concepts for FO + capt + modern day cast lineup :] if i don't come up with some batshit soa lore every once in a while i get sick with scurvy
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ghostofadragon · 10 months
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sinclair and prometheus corps, his front shipping company; i'm chipping at a character lineup of the existing cast but have been very busy with nanowrimo and work
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ghostofadragon · 10 months
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SoA posting here is richas' dragon finally! i don't think i actually have art of richas on tumblr yet. will fix that at some point
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ghostofadragon · 11 months
pspspsps tell us more about the dragons pspsps. Do the dragons see their riders as siblings since they grew up together? Are Sinclair and Queen bonded since they werent raised together?
DRAGON RIDERS: yes and no? i hadn't been mentally comparing them to siblings as such, though it's probably not far off; dragons and riders have a kind of exclusive interpersonal bond that is hard to categorize by comparison. think, like, pacific rim jaeger pilots, almost, but if the jaeger was also sentient. dragons are dubiously sentient in the SoA universe: they're not unintelligent, but so many of their mental pathways and communication methods are fundamentally alien from how humans operate that they're not really thought of as one-to-one the same thing.
when left to their own devices dragons communicate mainly through a dragon-specific body/sign language that could be compared to human sign languages (they've developed a modified (lack of tail wings etc) version of this to communicate with humans) and a sort of natal version of the neural link, which bonds mothers to their children - in dragons this fades quickly with age, but when humans originally arrived on alcoritrés they began to develop over the generations a kind of permanent interspecies version of it - sort of like how cats will meow at humans as they would their kittens.
the kind of dragon-rider neural bond that's seen in the Institute is cultivated specifically for combat reasons and isn't particularly common to see in other places: most "civillian" bonds are either a milder version of an infant bond, developed over extended exposure and/or a shared violent trauma (this is what Sinclair and Queen have), or a "true" infant bond, which often occurs when a baby and a wyrmling are raised together in a place where they have regular contact. outside of the institute dragons are treated as free citizens alongside humans, and while not a universal standard by any means, joint dragon/human households or communes are common enough to be thought of as fairly normal.
civilian infant bonds are made of the same building blocks as Institute bonds, but civilians are not exposed to the same kind of rigorous lifelong bonding and training exercises as Institute kids, and thus their bonds very rarely reach the same complexity and depth - unless in some scenario in which they were left alone and had to depend on the other for survival, hunting, etc. Institute dragon/rider pairs are very much thought of as "freaks" by their respective populations - the riders are too 'dragon' and the dragons are too 'human'.
human riders are stereotyped as stoic and odd - in reality they share a kind of sub-dialect of the human commontongue and dragon body-language that often results in them communicating the same ideas with far fewer spoken words. Institute dragons are 'othered' much the same by the outside dragon population - they have uncommonly 'human' mannerisms and often default to speaking in a dialect of their body-language that is modified to read easier to humans, and relies more heavily on complex forelimb signals than movement of dragon-specific anatomy like tails and wings.
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ghostofadragon · 11 months
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relevant to that last ask here is the current singular existing picture of lovelace. she is everything to me
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ghostofadragon · 11 months
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she is lying out her ass. shes never even seen his dick
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ghostofadragon · 11 months
I'm genuinely so obsessed with your sun of alcoritrés OC verse….. its so fascinating to me and i Love your drawing with the dragon & rider gear diagram it's so well thought-out!! The whole setting and the people seem so interesting i need to know More…….. do you have Information about the characters im obsessed
thank you!!! :^D its pretty new so its kind of underdeveloped but the main charas of the universe rn (and basically the only ones i have. like i said its new) are like
DRAGON INSTITUTE CONTEXT: unnamed officially as of right now but there is a thus-called Institute where several of the characters were born and raised as dragon riders. its very militarized and reminiscent of the irl (US) air force - riders are psychically bonded to their dragons from birth and use that link to communicate with them midair.
Farah "Spaceman" Al-Basri Glorymorn and her dragon Maiseylith - he's a Lockheed, built for high-altitude flights, hence the origin of the 'spaceman' callsign - are kind of the main pov characters of the universe? she's about 30-31, so a good handful of years younger than the other two i'm about to list, and hence she was in an age class underneath them in the institute and was around to learn about their short-lived War Hero Exploits and kind of revere/idolize both of them (well, not collar, but i'll get to that) as a result. since she is new i do not have an Entirely formed personality for her on the ground Yet but she's a bit of a smartass, kind enough but not very social/often the odd one out, is introduced as somewhat of an everyman, she's comparatively new to this whole active combat thing and wants to do good by her new boss:
Richas "Goldie" Auberon and his dragon [NOT NAMED YET FORGIVE ME] are the quintessential Golden Boy (hence the callsign) War Heros of the story at first. his moniker before i named him properly was 'heroguy' if that tells you anything about his narrative place. he's kind of a doomed-by-the-narrative servant of the war machine, but he does Eventually learn to be a better person. eventually. it takes a while. to the local public he's kind of a celebrity captain america type though. on the surface he's kind of the typical male video game protag emotionally constipated Man Guy archetype, but he's also just genuinely kind of a dick underneath it. he gets better though i promise. he used to have a vicious but one-sided childhood class rivalry with:
A. L. "Collar" Iscariot and her dragon Beowulf, deeply stoic and caustic, callsign named for the collar of scars around her neck - previous to the injuries she was called 'duck' because she cut it too close to the ground during training one too many times and they never let her live it down. farah is her "replacement", which is to say, farah is richas' right hand man, which is the place collar used to (bitterly and unwillingly; she did not like richas and did not want to be associated with him) have before she publicly deserted the Institute and left to, for her own reasons, follow:
Sinclair De Vautour and his dragon the Queen of Spades - a nighthawk, built for stealth: he was not raised in the institute, and bonded to QoS after he rescued her from a illegal trafficking/dragonfighting operation where she was in line for the ring. This was not an act of goodwill. He needed a weapon. (He did quickly grow to like QoS, though.) he is very much the Goth Evil Overlord kind of archetype: this is still in development but i think on paper he runs some kind of wide-scale company as a front for his operations; collar is his loyal second-in-command, there with him since (almost) the beginning. he is an orphan, though his dragonfire scars were given to him later on. he was forced to cannibalize his family to survive the event that killed them. he is generally very unforgiving and cruel. i would say he and collar almost have kind of a harrow/gideon dynamic going on if they were middle aged bitches instead of in their late teens and also were not in love with each other. and if gideon was a heartless cunt and 200x less goofy in nature. this makes no sense but you gotta trust me on it man
there is also "Lovelace", real name unknown, who is sinclair's... uh... side piece? literally do not know how else to explain it. he hired her under the guise of being his girltoy but she's actually there to do insane hacker work for him. whether they also have sex or not is irrelevant. she is wanted by the state government and has served significant time in prison for past cybercrimes. she does not have her own dragon but occasionally co-opts QoH by bribing her with food and/or baubles if she needs to go anywhere on dragonback.
like i said in there this verse is very new so there are a lot of missing or temporary details to all of this but i AM slowly chipping at it 👍 my time is currently being absorbed by namowrimo but ill get back in there eventually! dragon rider ocs are my passion 4ever
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ghostofadragon · 6 months
if anyone is interested, i made a sideblog @thesunofalcoritres for my oc universe of the same name (scifi pern-esque alien dragon riders) to use as a development archive so i can keep all my shit in one place easily
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