counselorelia · 4 years
       starter  | @sundragvn​
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        elia has had practice hiding her emotions. it is that, and the knowledge that some eyes are on her that made her forced half-smile remain on her face as she put down her champagne flute with    s l i g h t l y   more force than necessary. (a better alternative to crushing it, at least). 
        next. damage control. she scanned the room, seeking out her children in the mess, grateful that any weapons were locked up securely. aegon was out of sight, but elia was at rhaenys’ side within a moment. 
        finally. self-control. every parenting book said to not turn your kids against their other parent, no matter what happened. so she wouldn’t. (she would bet her share in the dragonpit that she didn’t need to turn her children against rhaegar anyway). forced smile firmly on her lips. “rhaenys. love. would you step aside with a moment?”
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vixerehq · 4 years
we would absolutely love oberyn martell and arthur dayne !!!!
yes, yes, yes !!! honestly please bring us the elia martell protection squad and general dornish bbs bec we wanna see ‘em thrive.
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rosenthrns · 4 years
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back in what most would claim was olenna’s heyday, she would have welcomed speaking to reporters if it reflected well on the family. she was quite versed in who were the best journalists to have on her side and who were the ones she could simply do away with. monitoring the media play of the tyrells was a habit she maintained to this day when she’s only merely mentioned in papers and turning away press inquiries, but when her secretary passes her an email with targaryen in the name, her eyebrow arches a little higher in interest. 
she’s heard in passing of this little dragon, unfortunately all in relation to rhaegar’s infidelity. such a pity, olenna once mused, to have a woman’s existence wilted down to what a man did to her. she extended her condolences to the martells that day, knowing rhaegar might as well have been dead to them. she extends an invitation to rhaenys to join her in her private garden on the west side for tea and an interview, if anything to get to know the girl better.
the afternoon sun beats down on the back of her neck as one of the groundskeepers fixes an umbrella to cover the iron table, a set of tea and small pastries laid out on the surface. olenna smiles, watching her secretary lead the young woman to her. if anything olenna is confident they’ll have a good conversation. 
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wclfgurl · 4 years
& .   ✧   ›   RHAENYS & ARYA !
“ hold up. stop. i don’t drink that shit, and neither should you. come on, i know where they’re keeping the good shit. ”
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sunlightouched · 4 years
The gun weighed heavily in Arianne’s hands. If she had a little more light to see by, she would be checking the barrel, trying to determine how many bullets she had left. She wasn’t sure how many she had fired into the aquarium. For all she knew, it was totally empty. That didn’t bode well, and only added to the urgency of the situation. The gunfire, and the sound of shattering glass, certainly alerted whoever was coming to the fact that they were there, and she could only hope that their assailants assumed that the shots came from their own side, and wouldn’t come to investigate. The stairwell they had retreated to had little light. Not enough to check their injuris, though Arianne could tell she was bleeding. She had been soaked by the water pouring from the aquarium, but she could feel the gash in her arm. It was sticky, and she winced with every movement, but it wasn’t the time to worry about that. She turned to the others, teeth coming down to chew on her lip. “Are either of you hurt?” 
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@sundragvn​ @thebarbarabracken​
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ofmargaery · 4 years
While she had been undeniably shocked to see the rather imfamous pair that was Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark walk in arm in arm, her heart had immediately gone out to her friend. They might have only been in the early stages of their bond but her nature had always meant it was all too easy for her to empathise with others. The whole affair barely affected her personally ( aside from her deeming it rather tasteless and their sudden appearance rather insensitive ) yet she was unable to simply dismiss it when it affected someone she was fond of. Doe eyed gaze had been flickering back and forth from whoever she was currently engaged with to Rhaenys, eventually spotting her alone. 
Quickly, she excused herself graciously and light steps carried her over to the Targaryen’s side. Voice was soft as she spoke, smile resting on rosy lips when she was so used to keeping up appearances. “You look so lovely I simply had to tell you on my way to the bar - would you like to join me?”
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oftybolt · 4 years
With great power came great responsibility or at least that’s what he had been told by his father years ago and it was something that he was finally able to experience. For the most part he subscribed to such thinking, after all he wanted to lead and for that he needed people willing to follow and support him. More was caught with honey than vinegar ( another word of wisdom from Roland Crakehall ) and he had always made a point of having allies in all the right places. Even more so now when he was operating as Governor in Robert’s stead. He intended to make the most of every opportunity that came to him and so when he received the offer of an interview, he seized the moment. Some believed that any press was good press but he was going to ensure that his was nothing but positive and the first step in that was charming the interviewer. He’d done his research and knew that a few well timed joked and smooth compliments wouldn’t be enough to win her over. Still, he arrived with a warm smile on his face and an air of confidence that wouldn’t be easily dented. “Miss Targaryen, a pleasure. Can I get you a drink or would you prefer to cut to the chase?”
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ofbryce · 4 years
While he had a painful relationship with his family’s restaurant ( one that he did his best to avoid at all costs ) he was still Yolanda Caron’s son. She’d always be so vocal in supporting other local businesses that he made a point of visiting as many as he could for either lunch or dinner. He tended to pick times that he knew that they would be busier, easier to fade into the background at a table in the corner and not draw attention himself. Less chance that his quiet moments would be interrupted. It came with the the add bonus that with the place loud enough, it mostly drowned everyone else out. Their voices mingling into white noise rather than being able to pick out inane conversations that he didn’t care about.
His eyes had been fixed on the books that his manager had given him, pouring over the figures to ensure that everything was in order. They were immaculate as always but he still checked them thoroughly, ignoring the cafe filling up. Moment caught the corner of his eye, heaving a sigh before he reluctantly spoke up. “There’s a seat here.” He nodded to the seat across from him while closing the books up, blunt words following when he had no intention of staying much longer if he was about to get company. “I’ll be leaving soon.”
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vixerehq · 4 years
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Due to inactivity or personal reasons, please unfollow:
Roslin Frey @standtcgether
Tycharo Argadis @a-hellbound-heart
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Robb Stark @arobbstark
Arthur Dayne @strfalling
Rhaenys Targaryen @sundragvn
Elia Martell @counselorelia
Arianne Martell @sunlightouched
Leonette Fossoway @leonette-fossoway
Theon Greyjoy @krakenbred
Myrcella Baratheon @ofgoldstag
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