counselorelia · 4 years
Dacey had never been good at the cloak and dagger aspect of it all.  She preferred to face things head on (literally, a good head-butt to the nose was a great way to catch someone off guard), she was a physical being.  She wasn’t built for the shadowy parts of it, and thats why she knew she wouldn’t up the ranks of the Wolf Kings at least, nothing past Capo, anyways.  Nor did she really want to.  As Elia offered her a drink, Dacey stumbled, unsure of how to answer.  Was it all a ruse?  Did the woman know who she was, or even know why she was in her establishment?  Or was she genuinely playing the part of an attentive owner, insistent on keeping her patrons happy and coming back for more?  It took her a moment to make the decision, and figured she’d take the drink, if only to try and find out exactly which role Elia was playing.  Dacey needed to know if she or her informant was compromised, after all.  “It really is no problem but–I won’t say no to a free drink.”
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there were two spots open nearby at the bar, and elia was quick to grab them. the bartender noticed her almost immediately, and she ordered. the bar knew to make her drinks virgin without her specifying it; she never drank while on the job. “and whatever my companion wants,” she added. after the bartender left, she paused, and added, as if she had just noticed, “i’m sorry, i didn’t catch your name.” the woman looked a bit uncertain, though it could just be her imagination - but she was curious if she’d give a name elia recognized.
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counselorelia · 4 years
With some time to kill before he was needed, he’d chosen to make a stop to grab himself some food, order only just placed when a voice caught his attention. Brow raised slightly, surprised that he’d been the one to be addressed but for all he usually preferred to be alone he hadn’t been raised without manners. So his shoulders rlled ino an indifferent shrug but he still gave an answer. “Nothing much to see. The food’s reliable.” It wasn’t the best in town ( something he knew given how many places he’d made a point in trying ) but he always knew what he could expect to get. In his books there was something to be said for that. As always there was a temptation to simply leave it there. Question answered, nothing more was required of him for politeness and yet it somehow still felt rude to simply lapse back into silence. “You?”
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“mostly the same. some days you just crave a milkshake.” a boring answer if there ever was one, but wasn’t that just most of small talk? and it was dangerous to go above boring, when she would bet her milkshake that she had seen this man with the baratheons. internally, she sighed. externally, she smiled guardedly and forced herself to continue with the routine. “i’m surprised it’s so empty. most nights there’s people everywhere.”
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counselorelia · 4 years
sometimes when elia needed a break, she would explore the restaurants of the city. family loyalty brought her to the martells’ restaurant, but that was far too fancy for a midday lunch. it was not a surprise, per se, to see catelyn stark at the restaurant - the families that ruled the city still had lives, and it only made sense they’d run into each other sometimes. and despite elia’s slight lingering resentment of the starks, she found had catelyn to be an enjoyable companion in the past. for a moment she even felt a brief kinship towards the woman - she was possibly one of the only others who would understand a loyalty split between families. and so she smiled, and responded “i’d enjoy that, catelyn.” (she probably would have said so regardless, but this time she didn’t internally scream.)
“on lunch break?” she asked as she took her seat beside the other woman. without a strictly traditional job, elia was free to take lunch when it pleased her, but her internal clock demanded typical mealtimes. she nodded at the menu. “been a while since i’ve been here - is it good?”
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Lunch breaks were always something that she capitalised on and used as an excuse to get out of the office before she inevitably felt somewhat murderous towards one of her employees. She had a standing reservation at one of her favourite restaurants and had just been about to take her usual seat when a familiar figure caught her eye. Silent curse is muttered when she had always struggled to know where to put herself around the other woman. With her loyalty to Lyanna as strong and unwavering as it was she’d never been able to publicly denounce her sister in law nor her Rhaegar for their actions. But she could still feel some sympathy for the brunette and perhaps even a flicker of admiration for her handling of it all - after all if Ned had pulled a stunt like that on her she knew for a fact she wouldn’t have been as composed about it all. Even though it had all happened decades ago she knew it was something of an elephant in the room between the two of them. 
Still for all she tended not to care what people thought of her, she had never been one for unnecessary rudeness and the Martell had never done anything to her. That she knew of. So in spite of her awkwardness a small smile is place on her lips, trying to make her voice warmer than she feels as she lifts a hand to catch the other’s attention. “Elia, why don’t you join me?”
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counselorelia · 4 years
It was a regular night at the Dragonpit for Elia. She trusted those who ran the bar enough that she didn’t need to be there every night, but she had been coming more and more lately, to stave off the helplessness that had been filling her life since the wedding. Here at least was her own territory, where there was always something for her to do. She was walking through, lost in thought, when someone literally bumped into her. One didn’t last in her position long without being aware of others, and Elia knew she had seen this woman before - not as a regular patron, but involved in her other life. But a photographic memory she had not, and so Elia would have to use her own skills to figure out why the woman’s face stood out. “My fault, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” she responded to the apology. “Let me get you a drink to make up for it - owning a place has some advantages.” The offer was just that, an offer, presented with a friendly face and no hint of flirtation (she was really too old to be buying strangers drinks in bars in that way), and she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop her if she refused.
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Dacey made a concerted effort to stay within Wolf Kings territories and establishments, she simply felt more at ease, and when off so-called ‘duty’ she preferred not to be looking over her shoulder every five seconds.  So that’s why she was more than annoyed when on what she thought would be a quiet night she somehow ended up out of Stark territory and quite literally in the dragon’s den.  Or rather The Dragonpit.  While she rarely dealt with informants anymore, this was one from her past when she did, and would not budge on where to meet, preferring territory familiar to them.  They promised they had something good, and Dacey had quickly learned that sometimes her job meant metaphorically killing with secrets over literally killing with a blade or by whatever means she had.  She wasn’t sure what to make of the information she had been given and figured the higher ups would, but still she puzzled over it as she made her way to the door.  She really should have been paying more attention, but hindsight is 20/20, and she found her shoulder colliding with none other than The Dragonpit’s proprietor.  The last thing Dacey needed was to have been seen there by someone involved not only with the Dragonlords but the Vipers as well, especially with the possibly important information she had just been given.  As she looked into the eyes of Elia Martell to apologize, she found herself hoping that she was discreet enough at her job that the woman would have no idea who just ran into her.
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counselorelia · 4 years
All she wanted was a damn milkshake.  It had been a hard day both at the museum and within the syndicate, and all she wanted was to sip sugary, thick, flavored ice milk through a straw and into the hole in her face on the way home.  So naturally she stopped in at the Diner, putting in a to-go order and finding herself a seat at the counter that ran the length of the diner.  Her plan was to get her shake, finish the drive home, and relax for the night with her favorite person and a good documentary.  But it seemed as if the Gods had different plans for Lyanna.  She could have chosen any seat at the counter, and yet she chose that one.  And it wasn’t until words were spoken in what she assumed was her direction (fine, she had her nose in her phone, answering emails, she was being that person), did she pay attention to who she had sat down next to.  The tone was friendly enough that Lyanna was convinced the woman had no idea yet on who she was greeting.  For a moment, Lyanna wondered just how crazy or rude she’d seem if she just got up and left.  She wasn’t ready.  She knew that this day was going to have to come, but she just thought she had more time (as if twenty years wasn’t enough?).  But Lyanna realized her judgement day had come, and milkshake or no, she was going to get through it.  “–No, fault is mine, had my nose in my phone.”  She didn’t know what to say, to bring everything up in the middle of a diner seemed crass and unnecessary.  “Well, looks like the same thing that brought you here.” She responded with an uneasy smile, her hand gesturing to Elia’s own milkshake.
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Well. In the privacy of her own head, Elia let forth a string of curses that would have made Oberyn proud. Outside of it, she felt the mask of a polite smile slip. Would anyone judge her if she grabbed her milkshake and ran? Were the women trapped here in a prison of politeness? Or was it pride that kept Elia rooted to her stool? (It was pride. She took refuge in manners, but this was far beyond them.) “It would appear so,” she responded, not coldly per se, but certainly a few degrees cooler than before. An awkward pause. For someone who prided herself on small talk, Elia was really drawing a blank. “Lyanna. How are you?” she settled on, trying to sound calm and composed, but internally cringing. It was a weak question to begin with, and downright pathetic when aimed towards her ex’s lover. She kept her gaze aimed directly at the milkshake to avoid Lyanna’s eyes, damning her decision to forgo alcohol in the drink. It would be so easy to yell and make a scene - the diner was almost empty, it wouldn't destroy her reputation - but she was as capable of doing so as she was disappearing where she sat.
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counselorelia · 4 years
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it was almost tradition at this point that after a particularly difficult shift at the hospital, jon would stop by the diner for a shake and fries to take home. they were fortunate enough to have gotten off during the evening this time and almost wanted nothing more than to fall face flat into their bed. almost. traditions must be honored or at least habitual as jon pushes the glass door open, but taking a whiff of the food being cooked in the kitchen, they remembered they hadn’t eaten anything in nearly 12 hours. instead of taking something to go, jon sat himself at the diner bar and ordered a whole meal. returning the menu to the waiter, they knocked it against a laptop’s screen instead, profusely apologizing once they realized.  ‘ oh, no i’m sorry. i just got off a shift so i’m a little tired right now. sorry. ’ 
as if she wasn’t tired enough. no, that was unnecessarily mean, she scolded herself as soon as the thought came through her head, but it was still a struggle to keep her perfectly practiced smile on her face as she saw who it was. “jon,” she acknowledged, wishing there was a tutorial for “how to make small talk with your cheating husband’s child over milkshakes”. she had nothing against the child, they just made things... awkward. “no worries at all, i’m sure we’ve all been there.”
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counselorelia · 4 years
“This place has some of the best milkshakes!” Aliya joyously laughed, making herself comfortable in front of the older woman, a bright and content grin on the Dayne’s face. Unlike the various and often melancholic expressions she’s worn lately. “I’m also celebrating leaving the office at a reasonable hour! I may actually get a full night’s sleep.” Aliya then giggled, eyeing the laminated menu in front of her. She had swiped it off a nearby table. No one was using it, anyway. “How are you doing, Elia. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”
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“aliya, love.” elia responded with a genuine smile, not something many could boast to making her do at the moment. “congratulations. i’d lecture you on the importance of sleep, but i’m afraid i’m not in a position to judge right now.” she rubbed her eyes, suddenly conscious of how long it’d been since she’d had a proper night’s sleep. she was getting too old for this. “tired,” she answered honestly. “busy. life goes on, even when you wish it would take a break for a couple days.” or years. “but i’m being morbid, love. how are you doing?”
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counselorelia · 4 years
open starter: the diner
between visiting her daughter, running her business, and laying awake at night with an envelope beside her bed, elia had not been getting enough sleep. she pulled more and more late nights, often wandering the streets or ending up at the diner, trying to avoid being alone and helpless in her own house. it was one such night that she found herself sitting alone at the always-open diner, a milkshake in front of her (she had all but stopped drinking alcohol after her letter came; she needed to keep a clear head). her laptop was open beside her, and she was so intent on her calculations that she didn’t notice someone had taken a nearby seat. elia shut her laptop, a polite mask of a smile on her face. “my apologies. i didn’t see you there. what brings you here, tonight?”
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counselorelia · 4 years
“i’m inclined to agree,” responded elia, smoothly sliding into an adjacent seat with her own drink. heavily discounted, of course; partially owning the place did have some advantages. “i’m glad you find our specialty worth the price.” she did not often join the patrons of her establishment, but there was no better place to people-watch than the dragonpit, and right now elia wanted her own eyes and ears on the scene, rather than just those of her informants. she smiled at barbara, who she recalled being at the wedding. also no doubt people-watching, else she would likely have not come alone - this wasn’t some sports bar that people casually visited. “what brings you here?”
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open starter at the dragonpit
Usually, Barbara hanged around cheaper establishment, like the Red Keep or any other bar that didn’t charge everything you had just for a glass of water.  But once in a while, she came here to enjoy the finest whiskey in the city and to do some people watching. After the events of Petyr and Lysa’s wedding, and the major cover up that surrounded the night, The private detective couldn’t help but try to understand what exactly happened. Keeping her nose out of other people’s business was not her thing, and if it came with a stiff drink, there was little more she could ask. “Damn this is good,” she said as she smacked her lips together after that first sip. “I mean, a whole bottle cost more than my rent, but sometimes, you just have to spoil yourself, you know?” The words were said to no one in particular as she simply tried to reel in anyone who would feel a little chatty.
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counselorelia · 4 years
“  you  know  you’re  the  greatest  mom  in  the  world  ,  right  ?  ”  rhaenys  had  no  doubt  that  her  mother  would  drop  everything  if  she  voiced  the  need  ,  but  some  things  were  bigger  than  them  .  she  had  seen  her  mother  work  so  hard  to  see  them  rise  again  ,  back  to  power  .  rhaenys  could  hold  herself  together  for  a  few  hours  .  “  anyways  ,  this  is  good  ,  he  was  going  to  come  back  someday  .  gives  me  something  new  to  bring  up  in  therapy  .  spice  things  up  ,  you  know  ?  ”
she  can’t  help  the  smile  that  breaks  across  her  lips  at  the  sound  of  her  mothers  laughter  .  “  no  punching  ,  got  it  .  but  you  can’t  blame  me  for  wanting  to  ,  he’s  just  got  a  face  like  a  bullseye  ,  you  just  want  to  try  to  see  if  you  can  land  one  .  ”  not  that  she  would  ,  rhaenys  was  not  someone  that  punched  people  publicly  .  “  if  anyone  risks  asking  ,  i’ll  simply  smile  .  it’s  a  wedding  ,  anyone  trying  to  read  into  it  too  deeply  will  simply  have  to  come  to  their  own  conclusions  ,  they  won’t  get  anything  worth  gossiping  about  from  me  .  though  ,  i  can’t  guarantee  someone  serving  won’t  accidentally  trip  and  spill  a  tray  of  wine  on  them  .  that’s  just  gravity  ,  not  me  .  ”
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“and you the best daughter i could ask for,” responded elia, grateful to her daughter. she was now determined more than ever to not allow rhaegar any influence over the wedding’s events. it was to be an enjoyable night with her children and some friends, and she would ignore any scandals that came of it. she squeezed rhaenys’s hand and laughed again - perhaps tonight would not be so horrible.
“good. i’m proud of you, love. i don’t blame you in the least, and i swear i won’t look twice if gravity is a harsher force than usual.” should she be condoning sabotage? probably not, but it was a much better choice than outright punching. not to mention, elia would be tempted to do the same, if she were younger and her temper less in check. “have you seen your brother? we must make sure he’s not about to punch anyone, either.”
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counselorelia · 4 years
🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day?
long phone calls with her family. listening to music and painting. or, vegging out with a glass of wine in front of her favorite sitcom.
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counselorelia · 4 years
🏠 - What does their living space look like?
neat and clean, with very little of her personality. her living room and kitchen look like they should be in a home & garden magazine. very neutral, beige colors, the only color is from strategically arranged flowerpots. her bedroom has more personality, with photos of her family and bedsheets that actually have color. her bedroom is also the only place she’s comfortable enough to put up paintings she did herself.
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counselorelia · 4 years
All the Little Things Meme
Get down to the nitty gritty.  Send a symbol to learn about the muse!
🍑 - Favorite fruit 🍰 - Do they eat healthy or do they like junk food? ☕ - Tea or Coffee?  How do they take theirs? đŸŽ”- Favorite song đŸ”Ș - Have they ever killed someone? 🍮- Favorite meal đŸŽ© - Usual outfit 🏠 - What does their living space look like? 🚿 - Do they like hot or cold showers? 🏹 - Sleeping position 🚔 - Have they ever broken the law? 🏃 - Are they athletic? 💐 - Favorite type of flower đŸŽč - Do they play any instruments? 🎹 - Artistic ability đŸ„ - Has they ever gotten seriously ill? đŸ’€ - Do they like sleeping in or waking up early? 🕕 - The longest they’ve ever been awake 🔎 - Random detail about them 💱 - Something other’s do that gets on their nerves 🚬 - Do they drink/do drugs? đŸ‘¶ - As a kid, what were they like? 🍭 - Do they have a sweet tooth? 🎂 - How old are they? đŸŽ€ - Can they sing? 🔋 - What makes them feel better after a long day? 💕 - Parents 🍙 - Favorite snack 💀 - What are they afraid of?
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counselorelia · 4 years
    when your daughter has been shot, your niece has been killed, and you’re on the verge of a civil war, you want a friend to confide in. unfortunately for elia martell, she doesn’t have very many friends. her brothers, her confidantes since childhood, are in mourning; she had already sat with them, providing what little comfort she could. but now she needed comfort.
    arthur dayne wasn’t exactly a friend - not anymore. but somehow she found herself on his doorstep, two to-go cups from the diner in her hands. “hey,” she said, the word seeming to echo. “got time to talk? i brought milkshakes.” and she held out one of the cups, an uncertain peace offering.
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counselorelia · 4 years
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“  no  ,  but  i’ll  deal  with  my  feelings  later  .  ”  blinking  back  tears  of  frustration  ,  she  couldn’t  look  her  mother  in  the  eyes  .  it  felt  wrong  to  feel  betrayed  that  she  didn’t  know  her  father  would  be  here  ,  it  was  the  part  of  her  that  she  had  locked  away  deep  .  rhaenys  had  spent  years  wishing  her  life  back  ,  but  she  was  no  longer  a  foolish  little  girl  .  her  father  had  returned  ,  but  it  was  seeing  lyanna  on  his  arm  that  brought  every  emotion  rushing  back  .
“  i’m  just  hoping  someone  will  flash  a  neon  thong  or  have  toilet  paper  stuck  to  the  bottom  of  their  shoe  .  i  bet  you  anything  ,  this  is  all  baelish  ,  he  always  has  that  stupid  smug  smirk  ,  he  looks  the  type  to  revel  in  someone  elses  misery  .  would  you  forgive  me  for  punching  him  on  his  wedding  day  ?  would  lysa  ?  ”  rhaenys  bit  the  inside  of  her  cheek  ,  but  she  couldn’t  help  the  smirk  from  breaking  across  her  lips  .  if imagining  her  first  connecting  with  the  grooms  face  eased  some  of  her  tension  ,  she  could  only  imagine  how  satifying  the  real  thing  would  be  .
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“you can always talk to me if you need to, love.” it’s probably for the best if rhaenys holds in her anger or sadness; not for the first time, elia wondered if it would have been better to raise her children out of the spotlight, out of the world of organized crime. it wasn’t right that they should have to hide their emotions like that. a new wave of anger swelled up inside of her - what right did rhaegar have to make her children’s lives more difficult than they were? he was the one that strolled in unannounced.
elia had to laugh. “with all the champagne being served, someone will do something embarrassing, i guarantee it.” she smiled as rhaenys continued. “there will be no punching - of anyone, not just baelish. even he wouldn’t stir up drama at his own wedding.” though she had often wanted to punch baelish herself, especially when he first broke the news of her husband’s affair to the world. “there’s just a few more hours of this night. the most important thing is to have a plan. do you know what you’re going to say if people ask you if you’re okay?” hopefully no one would be uncouth enough to bring up rhaegar’s entrance directly, but some of the kids could not hold their alcohol and elia wouldn’t count on their tact. the words came out a bit more like a lecture than she’d hoped.
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counselorelia · 4 years
Thinking back on the absurdity of the night, and hearing what Loras and Elia had to say about it, Desmera could not longer hold the chuckles she had suppress all night. “The only thing I regret is not seeing Lysa and Petyr when they got upstaged by Rhaegar and Lyanna when they walked in after all that time.” Honestly, Desmera could still barely believe that it happened so the shock on the newlyweds face would have been better than the one on everyone’s face. The drinks she had and how south the event had went, at least in terms of wedding, were both intoxicating her and so, when Elia’s mood suddenly changed, it didn’t immediately registered, something that she would usually noticed. There was a frozen smile on her face when men with masks and she was a second too late to react, not that it would have helped, as she had no weapons on her. “Stop right there,” she said, all the confidence she had in herself present in her voice. Desmera could fight, she had done it before. She could kill when needed, she also had done it before. But they were outnumbered and the fight she put was not enough. “Get your hands off me,” she shouted, trashing as they sized her. “Loras?” Things were not looking great for them and Desmera was worried about her cousin.
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his first thought was i knew i shouldn’t have had that last drink. his second thought was oh, fuck. elia’s change in mood had caught his attention, but he figured it was nothing more than some unwanted guest she had little desire to talk to. really, loras had figured he would have no interest in speaking to them either, and so he’d stayed with his back firmly to the hallway. that was his second mistake. “i’d think twice about this, if i were you.” by the time the masked men had reached the trio, he’d caught on to what was happening and dropped into a fighting stance. who was better equipped for an ambush without their weapons than a professional boxer? well, when that professional boxer was drunk, the answer was less clear. still, even inebriated, his body moved without conscious thought: an uppercut there, the satisfying feeling of a nose breaking there, the feel of a shoulder popping out of its socket. for a second, he felt well and truly alive, as if the adrenaline was enough to sober him up. but it didn’t take long for him to realize just how uneven the odds were, and when a blow to his ribs had him stumbling, he knew they were in trouble. “desmera, i hope you’re more sober than i am,” he called, trying to turn around to find his cousin and elia without giving his attackers the upper hand. “elia, run, we can hold them off.”
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the moment one of the men grabbed her and pushed her to the floor, elia knew she didn’t have a chance. it was almost impossible to grow up in a crime family and not have a passable skill at self-defense; she managed it anyway. she knew the theory, but her attempts at hitting back were batted off like flies. i have to warn the others, she thought, making a desperate attempt to get up, but a blow to the stomach sent her reeling back to the ground. “i can’t,” she gasped, struggling to at least sit up, determined to make subduing her as hard as possible on her attackers. “we’ve got to warn the others, we’ve got to...” and she screamed as loud as she could, hoping against all hope the sound would carry, someone (hopefully armed) would come to investigate, hoping that if they did she wouldn’t be condemning them to death as well. she felt herself being manhandled to a standing position and punched again, cutting off her scream abruptly. a muffled voice ordered, “we’ll tie them up, get them out of the way.”
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counselorelia · 4 years
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elia martell sat on the floor. she couldn’t stay standing in one place too long - the chronic pain she’d had since childhood loved any excuse to flair up - but she should have been able to endure it. her daughter had just been shot, and she was complaining about the potential for sore feet? she would stand in one place until she wasted away if it would heal rhaenys.
          but it couldn’t. and making things harder on herself wouldn’t make things easier on her daughter. so elia sat. waiting, powerless, helpless.
“rhaegar.” she barely reacted to his entering the room, too drained and worried to jump on the offensive. he looked exhausted, too, but no scathing comments even entered her mind. “not since last I heard. they said they’d send someone to get me when we could be allowed in.” a part of her had raged at the doctor’s order, wanted to threaten and cajole and simply refuse to leave her daughter’s side, but practicality (as always) won out. “she’s going to be okay. she has to be okay.”
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he’d missed a lot the last twenty years ; everything from his family name going from political royalty to –– what? high functioning criminals? –– and the city he’d grown up in and lived in and loved in and built his first life in becoming an absolute fucking circus. rhaegar hadn’t minded. he hadn’t minded leaving king’s landing behind. he hadn’t minded starting fresh ; sleeping on the beach and living the life he’d earned on the back of a political bonfire. he’d paid his debt to society, every single penny of it. and while he’d been run out of town by a gun-toting, warmongering philanderer who took his seat, the rest of his family had seen to their name being burnt to a crisp. and he could accept all of that ; he could. it was his fault, he knew that. he fucked up. and he could spend the rest of his days taking the hit, but the second rhaegar had found out that rhaenys had taken a bullet to the leg? that his daughter was hurt –– his baby? yeah, he was seconds away from burning the city down like he should have all those years ago.  
turning the corner to the med room, he just leaned against the wall ; he’d never unlearned how to relax in public, not even decades years later. and just right then, rhaegar couldn’t apologise to her –– not when he wanted to ask his just how she could let their kids be caught up in this goddamn mess. “ elia, ” he said tiredly, crossing his arms across his chest and then uncrossing them again. they could argue later –– like they always did ; this wasn’t the time. right now, they were just parents. “ any news? ”
                                                      ––––– in conversation with elia martell ; @counselorelia​​
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