sparklehoard · 8 months
elf, star!!!!
Elf: what kind of witch are you?
No idea. Future fortune telling? Dreams? It's whatever. I have enough rocks and candles to multiclass.
Star: currently manifesting anything?
My 2024 visionboard/ bucketlist.
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Travel!! Money!!! Getting smarter!!! Working on myself!!!! And having some new fun experiences this year after 11 years of being limited away from opportunities to do things like these list items!
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sparklehoard · 18 days
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I love him. I'm gonna steal him. Tell me his name
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sparklehoard · 18 days
hi gorgeous~ I hope today treats you better!! you deserve to be treated like a princess, or maybe a dashing prince!!! I love you, and I'm here if you ever need anything 💛💛
Today treated me wayyyy better. I kicked ass at a surprise work drill and I got my work email reply about getting a raise. I moved up from 19$/hr to 20.70/hr
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sparklehoard · 4 months
8, 12, 25, 26!!
8. Already answered
12. Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most
That's like....the majority of what I listen to nowadays.
25. What queer discourse frustrates you the most?
Exclusionism mostly. People trying to say there are strict rules on how you should identify.
26. How do you feel about the term partner rather than husband/girlfriend/etc?
I think it's cute.
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sparklehoard · 1 year
I'd make you SO comfycozy, baby, my soft thighs on yours, my arms wrapped around you, and yours around me, like I'm your favorite stuffed animal, soft, and comforting and yours
You are going to be my weighted stuffed toy.
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sparklehoard · 10 months
40, 57, 53
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40. Favorite memory. Uuuuuh brains a little bad right now. But the memory of when my family went to Disneyland and it was the only trip in my entire life where me and my siblings were nice to eachother the whole trip. Parents were nice with no fights the whole time. That was when I was 10 or 11.
53. 5 things that make me happy. My cat. My fluff fleece bedding. The gifts I got for everyone thus Christmas and how I know everyone minus 1 is going to love their gifts (the 1 is My middle sister. To put into perspective last years Christmas on Christmas morning she started having a fit and demanded our parents return all her gifts and give her the money. She is. 25. Fucking. years. old. And she's caused problems for at the very least 5 of the Christmases I attended the past 8 years). My perfect ass. My good health and my friends.
57. Seals. Capybaras. Cats and marine life in general 🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭🦭
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sparklehoard · 10 months
30, 31, 35
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30(already answered)
31) also already answered bur 3 facts are repeatable. 1. When I was a a kid my leg faced too far inward. The elementary school had funds for physical therapy but they over-corrected and then the funds ran out so now my right legs faces too far out in my natural stance and walk. 2. When I was 9 I was 5'9ft tall. Looking at my school photos where they made me stand with the teacher in school photos im almost a whole foot taller than the rest of my classmates. 3. I kind of stole one of those Herb growers that use solar light to grow herbs in the kitchen. My mom had it sitting in it's box for 3 years and I took it and zip tied it to my beds headboard. I've been using it to fight the winter depression and I think it's working quite well.
35. Favorite subject was art. I do love art still but looking back I kind of hated text based assignments. Having the teacher tell you yours was the most interesting to read. Having the teach use your essay in an example of a good job. And then getting it back and you got graded a c+ for grammar mistakes. Like I understand for English and language classes but it felt bad that even if you were excelling you couldn't get a decent grade for the little things as a young kid. Art was something I felt didn't hold me back in that way.
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sparklehoard · 10 months
12, 13, 15
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12. I want all my laundry to magically be put away and the clothing donation bags to be teleported into the donation place the town over so I don't have to give it to the stinky SA because it's the only place in town to donate where you don't have to phone in and give your full name and phone number to drop stuff off.
13. I feel calm right now in my life. But I feel like I'm low in resources and options. I'm fussy and maybe a bit angry right now because I'm tired and I went Christmas shopping for 9 hours on 5 hours sleep.
15. Not the smartest but genuine. Funny and goofy but kind of lazy when it comes to myself. Puts their whole ass into things for others though if they love them. Always down for anything. Maybe a bit sad but most of the time let's their love radiate through to the people around them.
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sparklehoard · 1 year
I'd twirl you around and we'd giggle in the kitchen and maybe you'd push me against the counter, and lean over me and make yourself known, and I'd blush so prettily up at you~~
I feel light as a feathwr right now come swing me into the sunset
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sparklehoard · 11 months
trick or treat!!!!!!!! happy halloween, boo!!! 💛💛💛💕💛💕💛💕💕💛🍑🍑🍑🎃🎃🎃
Halloween would be like any other day. We would always be dressing up for eachother
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Candy apple coated cherries for you! A treat for the eyes as good as its crunch
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sparklehoard · 1 year
what's something you're looking forward to?
Seeing if the wildflower seeds I shook all over town along the trails and my work will actually bloom this summer 🌷🪻⚘️🌻 🥺
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sparklehoard · 5 months
gonna hit u w a BUNCH see how you like it!!!!!
mustard!!!! sepia!!! burgundy!!!! rose!!!!!!!!
sapphire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sapphire sapphire sapphire sapphire
emerald!!!!! RAINBOW!!!!!! AND VOID BUT I DO REMEMBER ANYWAY, LOVE YOU BEEAAAAA!!!! 💕💕💕💛💛💕💛💛💕💛💕🤭🤭🤭😚😚
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Really solidifies our warriors bond 🤝💪
Blowing you so many kisses
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sparklehoard · 8 months
sun, rosary, candle, the one after candle
Sun: are you working with a deity?
I dunno man I feel like there's SOMETHING out and about there.
Rosary: Describe your altar
I don't really have an altar. I have my work desk where I keep all the pretty rocks from the spirituality store on the windowsill. My tarot deck chill with the book/journal pile
Candle: Favorite spell/ritual?
Not specifically but I do like making up sigils and hiding them on things. Got a creativity one in a sketchbook. Theres a sticky note under my mattress for stress cannot touch me while I try to rest. They're fun because you can make em yourself and nobody's going to know what the hell they mean.
Eye bead/nazar: what persuaded you to start practicing.
I'm indecisive as hell. I take the lazy "let fate decide for me" route to things. I did my new years tarot and it told me to research and be careful with my investments. To go outside more and to leave behind my old job and my ex and never go back.
My tarot deck is straight up mythic. It knows everything. I'll let it guide me.
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sparklehoard · 8 months
earth, key, bubble, pushpin/thumbtack!!!! for the witch askss
Earth: what's your most profound experience spiritually?
It was when I was 20. My mom "surprised" us by entering us all in a 10k marathon in iceland. Horrible trip. But that marathon? Everyone was at different skills in my family so we weren't running together at all. And while running I saw queer families. Pride flags galore along the route. Old men playing trombones from their balconies cheering everyone on. It was one of my first memories of seeing LGBT stuff positively out in public. It felt spiritual to me.
Key: have you ever manipulated a situation to your favor using witchcraft?
I almost started a fire trying to perform a candle spell that either makes people break up or work through their problems. 2 days later it worked. I used it on my older brother and his god awful ex he was with. My sister helped by carving the names into the candles because she cared deeply about the people. I just wanted them to break up because they'd fight and scream at eachother 24/7 I was sick of it.
Bubble: Favorite method of cleansing?
Showering. With boiling hot water. Wash the nasty vibes away.
Pushpin: have you ever hexed anyone?
Hoo yah
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sparklehoard · 8 months
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sparklehoard · 10 months
54, 57, 58 <333 I'd be in a band with u,,, I love u soooo much
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You already sent in 57!
54. The thing that's worrying me right now is getting everything cleaned, put away and wrapped up for Christmas before my job starts. Also the new job. God I hope I stay at that job.
58. Lovely. Caring. Adventurous. Very adaptive and emotionally extremely intelligent. Cottagecore.
If we were in a band what role would I be?
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