#sunghoon immagine
andkisses · 11 months
♡ bonfire | sunghoon ♡
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relaxing with sunghoon as the sunsets beyond the ocean; prompt: cuddled by a bonfire wrapped in a blanket
♡ sunghoon x gn!reader | wc. 923 ♡ genres/tropes: FLUFF !! 10000% self indulgent ooey gooey fluff ♡ mentions of/warnings: n/a ♡ a/n: use of pet names (he calls u my love, love) ♡ masterlist ♡
Beyond the bonfire, ocean waves crash against the shore, tide coming in with every wave and eating up that much more shore. The fire’s crackle offsets the steady pattern of the waves. You watch as orange and yellow embers burst up, out, and away from the flames. They float up into the sky before blinking out.
The beach is populated with strangers. Other singles and couples and larger groups, surrounding this bonfire and others like it down the shore. Some brought out camp chairs and some sit on pieces of driftwood.
You, however, firmly believe you have the best spot.
Earlier in the day, as the sun was setting, you watched as Sunghoon dug and sculpted the sand into a type of seat–a low area for you to sit with your feet up and your back supported. As the sun kissed the horizon, dipping into the ocean and covering everything in a deep orange, Sunghoon pulled you to his side. Your hips clicked together, and he wrapped the long blanket you’d brought around your shoulders and down your backs like a cape. Then, he turned to you, eyes alight, and pulled you down.
You were perfectly bundled up, cradled in his arms, and lowkey stuck in his sandy seat creation. You knew, at the end of the night, you would have to crawl awkwardly out. But you didn’t care.
Sunghoon laughed. “I guess you really did fall for me, huh?”
You whacked against his chest with a playful fist. “You pulled me down!” He kept laughing, and it’s music to your ears.
An hour or so later–you aren’t too sure and, again, you don’t care–you’re still out on the beach, snuggled together. The warm summer evening has been replaced with a cool seabreeze. The bonfire, the blanket, and Sunghoon beside you keep you warm against the night chill.
Sunghoon turns his head, which had been titled on top of yours, to press his lips against your temple. His hand moves up from being thrown around your shoulder to playing with your hair, pulling strands away just to let them fall back into place.
Your hands, in turn, play with the one he has resting in your lap. You fiddle with his fingers, his rings. You examine his nail beds, how his knuckles bend just so.
When that hand rises up to catch your chin and turn your face towards his, you don’t stop it. You pull the blanket in closer, keeping this your own little world as his lips find yours.
It’s a simple, languid kiss. One that sits and stays and takes your breath away. It’s salty and smokey, a new sensation. It curls a feeling from your stomach and up your spine. One of your hands comes up, finding a spot on his chest before moving up to cup the base of his neck.
He breaks the kiss, his breathing shallow as he catches his breath, resting his forehead on yours. Your eyes flutter open, taking in his details that you can see from so close. His eyes, soft and trained on yours. The beauty mark at the top of his nose, and the other on his cheek. How he hums slightly, content in your presence. 
“What are you thinking about?” he asks, voice low and soft.
You smile, hand coming up from his neck to caress his cheek and page through his hair. He shivers a little beneath your touch, even still. Even after everything, you still have this power over him.
“I'm thinking,” you begin, and he smiles and nods for you to continue, “about how I’m the luckiest person ever.”
He laughs, pulling you closer. He turns and kisses the soft spot beneath your jaw, and a content sigh slips past your lips. “Funny,” he whispers, barely audible over the crash of waves and warm against your skin. He pulls back ever so slowly, tilting his chin and staring down at you down his nose and through half-lidded lashes. “I was thinking how I'm the luckiest person ever. We can’t both be that, now can we?”
You giggle under his pseudo-serious gaze. He almost cracks at seeing you so delighted. “I said it first,” you try.
“I was thinking it before the sun even set, my love.” And he kisses you again, and again, and again. Hands in your hair, the back of your neck, splayed large and firm against your ribs. You turn closer into him, tucking yourself against his frame. Your fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp.
Somewhere down the beach, a firework pops, casting a sparkly gold hue for a moment or so. You both jump apart, startled by the sudden sound.
“Are you tired, love?” Sunghoon asks when you rest your head on his shoulder. 
You nod in response. 
Sunghoon places a finger beneath your chin and tilts your head up to his gaze. “Are you happy, love?"
You spend a moment to take it all in. Sunghoon, your boyfriend, your lover, in front of you. His seabreeze-tousled hair. His eyes trained on you and you alone. You feel his arms around you, their strength and warmth and safety. A highlight reel of best moments flashes behind your eyes, and ends with this one, here on the beach.
Another firework pops overhead, this time red and pinkish.
“Yes,” you reply, and you lean up to kiss him, lips landing at the corner of his. He smiles, and laughs, and you feel renewed. You chose right with him. “Yes, Sunghoon. it’s beyond compare.”
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artscloudy · 1 year
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Enhypen Types of Souls
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🌸 Jungwon - Priest
He has a strong sense of mission
People with this personality raise others to the better making them catalysts of change and evolution
They usually have the role of leaders, being able to direct people toward their objectives
Up to: 7% of the whole population
🌸 Heeseung - King
Another leader but more on the commander side
He knows how to be assertive and make others respect him, even in a gentle way
This type of personality is good at gibing people their tasks in order to make a cohesive work
Up to: 5% of the whole population
🌸 Jay - Server
Sweet by nature, loves to take care of others, gives gifts a lot and listens to them
If they could they would want to solve all the problems their loved ones may find along the way
They'd rather neglect themselves and place others first
Up to: 25% of the whole population
🌸 Jake - Scholar
This type of personality is curious even about things outside of their field of occupation
They love to gain knowledge and inform others about interesting things
Like his passion for mathematics and physics
Up to: 13% of the whole population
🌸 Sunghoon - Artisan
They're immaginative and love to create scenarios un their head
But they're also good at materializing their immagination into physical form
Extremely expressive with what they do
Up to: 22% of the whole population
🌸 Sunoo - Sage
This type of personality enjoys sharing the concept of beauty, love and philosophy
They make great communicators
Their soul is about content, beyond superficial looks
Up to: 10% of the whole population
🌸 Niki - Warrior
Phisically and mentally strong, strenght coming from both their past adventures and hard training
They're loyal and good at following orders, when they want
They're corageous and energic, they're always ready to go and make memories
Up to: 18% of the whole population
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bluejayjay · 4 years
Yeah but, like, immagine Geonu being his usual self and Heeseung practically being a cute puppy, trying to act like a gentleman, probably he actually wants to flirt too but he's to shy so he just try to do cute things like offering his clothes, giving a tissue, taking a coffee for him, holding the doors open, these cliche things that Jay and Jake try to do for Sunghoon (Jay trying to act cool, Jake just looking like a puppy and doesn't even try to hide it)
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Also.. sorry for the lack of response...im baby sitting 👉👈
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