jungwonsie · 3 years
!no a request
pairing! g/n with sunghoon
warnings! cussing?
notes! i hope you guys like it! its my first post!!!! i am new here so idk how to take request but i think you guys can dm me i think, anyways i hope you guys enjoy <3! also english isnt my first language so i am sorry if i wrote something wrong or if my grammar is bad!
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he wants everything to be perfect for you <3 sobs.
he asked several times the members if his hair looked okay and if his fit was okay. At first he wanted to wear a suit yk dressing formal for his baby flake sobs,
I think he ended wearing something casual like his blue jeans and a hoodie he still looked beautiful though. [which he probably will give it to you] 
he would come and pick you up and he is blushing so much after he saw you gheafjahsjfhaemhrf.
would probably hold your hand as you two walked.
he can feel his heart beating so fast because he is really nervous,he doesnt want to mess up anything kdhsjgdjwsjdh.
you guys ended up going to the amusant park .
he def would try to win some stuffed animals for you ,he would try to win the penguin for you <3.
after he won the stuffed animal he would be so happy whgdyegrfuhe.
then made you wear cute headband and made you hold the stuffy as he took so many pictures of you. [probably one of them ended up being his wallpaper] 
he bought you candy and he paid for almost everything EVEN if you insisted :( you told him you would pay for the rest but he only stack his tongue out of you and continue buying you more :(.
remember when i told you he was nervous?Keyword “was”.
he kissed your forehead wherever he had the chance making you blush and he was teasing you calling you ‘cute tomato’ .But when he was you pouting he would take the chance and kiss your lips CUTEEEEE
after that he would be so shy HSWGHDGWEYGF
you guys had many rides 
at the wheel your wagon was at the top and you guys would probably piss yourself because its high asf or smile at eachother and kiss softly jsdhfhubwjnfhiwgrhy
suprisingly you won a stuffed animal too a shark and you gave it to him [kinda matching]
after that you two decided to stop at a cambine and eat something. He would probably buy hotdogs and you would take the drinks maybe some juice or some milkshaked [depens].
sadly we cant stay with our ice prince all night.
he would walk you home holding hands ,he would take one last picture with you holding your guys stuffed animals [probably send these pics to his members].
when you guys walked at your front door he would probably kiss your forehead for goodnight [thats what you thought] then he would hold your chin pulling into a soft kiss . After he pulled away he connected his forehead with yours before wishpering his lasts goodbyes and i loves you for today.
[would probably call you at night because he missed you :(]
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