#sunglasses because my memes are outdated
yoshi-piyo · 1 year
Last post of the year (and fourth on Tumblr)!
Here are some pfps I've made over the past two years. Feel free to use them (though I'd appreciate it if you gave me credits)! ^^
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anobscurename · 4 years
ocean eyes – chris evans
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previous part: PART XVII — masterlist
concept: you surprise chris for his birthday while he's shooting in italy. the slowest of slow burns. the ever anticipated part eighteen of many.
pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 4.3k
warnings: fluff. just prepare to melt.
author's note: everyone can thank @tonystankschild for this one. she was deep in the dm's asking for fluff and i intended to deliver the fluffiest of fluffs.
You liked to consider yourself a rational person at the best of times.
That consideration, however, was entirely negated by the fact that you were now on a flight to Italy to surprise Chris for his birthday. There was nothing rational about it.
But you had saved for this trip, and Chris had done so much for you in the past year or so, that you had wanted to do something for him.
And you had decided that no one should be alone on their birthday, no matter how far away they were.
You had caught a flight from Boston after making the forty-four hour roadtrip to drive Dodger there, not having the funds to fly him to the Evans' household. The fees of bringing an animal on board were astronomical, and you were still balking from how high the number was.
Chris was a wealthy man, however, and those types of costs never quite fazed him as much as they did you.
So you had driven him to Lisa's, a thousand thank yous on your lips as she delivered you to the airport to minimize on the extra cost of leaving your car at the airport parking lots.
Scott – who had still been there from the Patriot's game, "tryin' to get as much family lovin' as he could" as he put it – smiled knowingly at you when you had brought Dodger in.
"You go, baby vamp," he'd whispered to you. It was an outdated saying, but you knew it anyways, and laughed him off.
"We're just friends, Scott."
"Yeah, just like these highlights are from the sun."
He had given you a tight hug, wished you luck on your trip, and – like Lisa would later do at the drop off – made you promise to wish Chris a happy birthday from them.
When you touched down in Italy, it was early morning, that hovering between night and dawn.
You had once again called Chris' agent – Mark – to get details on the shoot, ones which he reluctantly handed over.
You thought that perhaps he was trying to save Chris the PR scandal of being seen with another woman while publicly in a relationship with Lily, but you had pointed out that you had been clearly established as friend of the couple with your global third wheel memes. It didn't take much pressing, because Mark knew how much you both cared about each other and how happy you being there for Chris' birthday would make the actor. So he emailed you the shooting location, with a schedule and call sheet. The tagline was very quick: "Don't interrupt shooting :)"
After a quick shower at the affordable three star you'd rented for the weekend, you got ready in spite of the weariness the plane left you with. Hot water did wonders to waken you, and a touch of makeup never hurt.
You stepped out in the warm breeze, the wind toying softly with the skirt of the summer dress you wore. You easily hailed a cab, and, after failing at the pronunciation of where you were headed, let the cabbie read the location off your phone.
The first person you saw when you got out of the car was Chris.
He was stood off to the side by the craft table, a crewmate quickly doing a last minute adjustment to his hair as he went over his lines. Dressed in an Italian pinstripe suit, you remembered what the film was about.
The indie flick told the tale of an arranged marriage between the son of an Irish mob boss and the daughter of a New York mafia don. Most of the film, however, was set in Italy, where the son, Mickey, had to travel to win the favour of the extended mafia family for the blessing on the union. Briefly, the scene with the strawberries popped into your mind.
You were stopped by security, but Mark – who had been waiting for you – vouched for your admittance.
You stood a little ways away from Chris, within eyesight, but not obvious. It was a surprise, after all.
You called him, watching from where you leaned against his trailer wall. Chris, ringtone blaring for his attention, quickly patted down his suit pockets before finding the device. His glance at the caller I.D. was followed by his whole face lighting up, soft smile on his lips.
"Hey there, Sleeping Beauty," he said into the receiver. "Isn't it a little late in L.A.?"
"It is," you replied. "But it's your birthday tomorrow, and I couldn't resist."
"You know, I've been told I'm irresistible before," he chuckled. "Just never thought I'd hear you say it."
"Well, what can I say? Suits do it for me," you smirked, dropping your first hint.
Scott was right. Chris really could be clueless. "You'd love the one they just put me in then," he murmured, distracted by the food on display at the craft table as he perused the options. "A real classy number."
"What are your plans for the rest of the weekend?"
"They gave me the weekend off to celebrate, but you know me... Probably will go wine tasting by myself and look at some art or something. Oh, man, read a book. Yeah, haven't done that in a while."
You watched as he plucked a strawberry from the table, and your stomach fluttered.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Hmm?" He hummed as he bit in to the sweet fruit.
"Aren't you sick of strawberries by now?"
Chris froze, eyes wide in shock. Running his tongue over his teeth smoothly and swallowing the bite, he began swiveling his head, trying to look out for where you may be hiding. "Where are you?" He grinned.
And then he saw you.
And then he had you wrapped in his arms, the force of the running tackle hug sending your back crashing into the trailer, metal creaking.
You laughed breathlessly, hanging up the call as you hugged him back.
"Chris," you strained against the bone crush of his fierceness. "Oxygen–"
He loosened his grip, but didn't take back his arms. "You have no idea how much I missed you."
His whispery breath in your hair as he deeply inhaled the apple scented shampoo clinging to you had electricity coursing through your veins. "My bones have some idea, I think you might've fractured a rib."
The rumble of the chuckle reverberated through his body and into yours, and heat dusted your ears and cheekbones. "Sorry, I just can't believe you're here. I had to make sure you were real." And then, the question you'd expected: "Where's Dodger?"
"Dodger is in Boston with your mom. And I'm here, I'm real," you reassured him, smoothing your hands over the back of the meticulously woven cotton of his suit. "But you also have a real job to get back to."
"Oh, right," he groaned sheepishly. In his joy, he'd almost forgotten where he was. "Just hang around for a bit, we're only filming a little today before we're off."
So you did. You got given a seat, just off camera, and watched Chris do his thing. His performance was breathtaking, the way he embodied such a dangerous man. It was enough to make you flushed, the square of his shoulders, the confidence in his stride – the danger lurking under Italian silk lined cotton. You'd never quite seen him like this.
And it thrilled you to see a man you usually felt so safe around look so menacing.
It was the love proclamation scene that served to be your undoing, however.
The director kept hounding Chris, demanding retake after retake. He wanted that genuine love to flow through, and it simply just wasn't.
"Think of someone you love," the director suggested. "Put them in your mind's eye. You have a girlfriend, yes? Would it help to bring a picture for you to look at off camera? Tell the picture you love her. Someone get me a picture of this man's lover, please! Imagine you've never told her how you feel. And you've been feeling it for a while, and even though it was very... what is the English word? Uncommon? It was uncommon meeting circumstances you met... You love her. Si?"
Chris grit his teeth and nodded, ready to comply. And once the picture was brought out, the call for quiet on set rang out.
But once the director called action, Chris didn't look at Lily. Your heart clenched, your breath catching in your throat.
No, his eyes found you.
"I love you," he said the words you'd never thought you'd hear him say – at least not to you – and the sincerity in his cracked voice was overwhelming. His eyes were watery, relief dropping his shoulders – as if he'd kept this inside for too long and a weight had been lifted. He sighed it again and again, as if it was the only thing that was going to save him, as if it's the only words he'd ever known.
And when the director called cut, singing Chris' praises, he was still looking at you.
"I still can't believe you're wearing that," Chris chuckled.
You dipped your sunglasses lower on the bridge of your nose to observe him critically. He was leaning against a Vespa, arms folded, the sleeves of his loose white cotton button down rolled up to his elbows, barely containing the bulge of his muscles. Black trousers clad his legs, on his feet a pair of black Italian leather loafers he'd gotten as a gift from his co-star. He wore his own pair of sunglasses, hair swept back, being tousled by the passing breeze.
The statement had been made in reference to the silk scarf you wore, twisted around your neck delicately in a way that was reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn. "If I'm going to have a Roman holiday," you giggled, tripping a little on your way to the Vespa – Chris moved to catch you, but you righted yourself, "you best believe I'm going to fucking look like it."
You had gone to a wine tasting in a vineyard on the outskirts of Rome, somewhere far into the countryside. You had both goofed off the entire time, earning yourselves scolding looks from the sophisticated tourists and the locals, who had wanted a peaceful afternoon at the farm.
You sniffed the wines, obnoxiously listing all the strange terminology the haughty wine connoisseurs would throw around casually, before taking your sips.
It became somewhat of an inside joke between the two of you, finding yourselves lagging behind the group because you couldn't stop laughing. And whenever you were shot a dirty look, it would only make you laugh more.
"You're meant to taste it," he'd whispered to you.
"I am tasting it," you shot back.
"No, you're chugging it like a sixteen year old whose parent made the unwise choice of leaving unsupervised."
The tour guide had been eyeing the two of you up, waiting for your silence. The rest of the tour group turned their critical gaze too, and you gave Chris' foot a soft stomp to get his attention.
Both of you shut up, giggling under your breaths as Chris had practically bowed in his gesture for the guide to continue.
But now it was time to go back to the inner city, and Chris had waited patiently for you by the Vespa while you'd gone to freshen up a bit. The cobblestones were hell for your tipsiness, but you were wine and laugh drunk, and hadn't a care in the world.
"You know how they say there's always that one pair of annoying people on wine tastings that ruin the experience for everyone?"
"They do?" Chris' brow creased in question as he grinningly handed you your helmet.
"Of course they do. Well, I couldn't find them, so it must be us."
Chris clicked his own helmet in place as he caught sight of the hostess by the front door giving you both a dirty look. "What finally gave it away?"
He slid easily onto the Vespa seat, heeling up the kickstand and righting the orientation.
"Hop on, princess," he beckoned you with a nod. You regretted wearing a dress for this part, but you were serious about the Roman Holiday aesthetic.
Serious enough to risk flashing someone as you mounted the scooter behind Chris. But luckily you didn't.
"Hold on tight," Chris called over his shoulder. You complied, encircling your arms around his waist, pressing your bodies together.
You could feel his heart rate pick up, but before you could think too much about it, he took off – cobblestone streets and ivy climbed buildings flying past you in your bliss.
Two of the three worst things that could've happened to you while riding a scooter in the countryside did.
The scooter had broken down and it had started to rain. Not only rain, but fucking pour. You were drenched through to your skin, pulled over on the side of the road, Chris trying to kickstart the machine into working again.
After his fifth attempt, he came over to you, squinting in the rain.
"It's not working," he shouted over the droning rainfall. "Let's just find some shelter and come up with a game plan!"
There were nothing but open spans of green fields and wheat as far as your eyes could see. But a little while back, just over the hill, there had been lights in the haze of rain, a little nondescript sign on the side of the road that you'd whipped past suggesting the shelter that you so desperately craved.
"I think there was a house back there," you yelled back. "Maybe they could help out."
He nodded imperceptibly in the shower of droplets, hand on the small of your back, fitting so seamlessly in the curve of your spine, and began guiding you.
You both dashed across the road, and then you were tearing through the long grass in a shortcut to the twinkling beacons of the lights in the windows, looking like eyes peering at you in the darkness.
Somewhere along the way, you'd found out that Chris was a little ticklish at his waist, and after you'd discovered it – he'd flinched away from you and begged you to stop, but you'd continued just to antagonise him – you wouldn't let it go. It took you much longer to get there than would be normal, but soon, you were both stood, shivering and drenched on the porch step.
There was a sign on the door telling you it was a little inn – an underused bed and breakfast, most likely for road weary travelers on their way to Rome.
You didn't bother knocking as you entered the lobby, spilling inside with laughter still on both your lips. Muddied shoes squelched, and your sodden clothes dripped onto the floor.
You immediately moved to the fire while Chris went to go confer with the front desk.
His two months in Rome had taught him a fair amount of Italian, but it was still quite broken, and he found himself floundering with a lot of the words.
The landlady – a portly old woman with an extraordinarily kind smile and crows footed crinkles by her eyes – understood the predicament.
She explained to him in English – loud enough in the silence so you could hear over the crackle of the fire – that the road services would probably only be available to come out so far tomorrow morning, and that it'd be best to stay the night.
She didn't seem like someone who would scam you into staying at her little roadside hostel – even going so far as to give Chris some white fluffy towels for the both of you.
He paid for the last room available with soggy money, and returned to you, fresh towels in his arms.
He draped one over your shoulders first, and when you reached out to cling it to your frame, your fingers brushed.
That same electricity jolted through you both, travelling with lightning quick velocity down both your spines to spark alive the restless butterflies you had well and truly thought you had put to rest. You were the first to withdraw, allowing Chris to put a towel over himself.
He ran it through his hair, the pieces that had been plastered to his skin with water raising into spikes.
You laughed, reaching out a tentative hand – giving him ample time to withdraw should he need to – to smooth it back and away from his face.
But your laughter died down, as it inevitably did whenever he looked down at you like that. Because how the hell were you meant to function when his eyes were on your lips the way they were now?
And you damn near choked when he started leaning down, lips pressing closer to yours...
But before they touched, he broke into a gut-wrenching smirk, moving past your tingling and awaiting mouth to whisper in your ear. "I dibs the shower."
And then he was sprinting up the stairs.
You were so in shock that for a minute you couldn't even register what had happened, and when you did, you cursed at him, following him up, swearing you'll skin him alive.
And all the while, the landlady was watching the two of you, a knowing glimmer in those kind eyes. She muttered something in Italian, one she repeated many a time during your stay, a saying you would come to know as "young love."
And she didn't even care that you had tracked mud into her hotel and soaked the carpets through from your wet clothes.
She just cared that there were still kids in love in this world.
Once you had both taken a shower and were wrapped up in your complimentary hotel bathrobes, you realised that neither of you were tired.
Your clothes were laid out, sprawled over the backs of chairs, drying by a fire Chris had taken the liberty of building.
So you both decided to go downstairs, and see what activities you could engage in with the other guests. It would do well to help you forget the prospect of having to share a bed with Chris.
According to the landlady, this was the last room available. And of course, Chris had offered to sleep on the floor, as gentlemanly as ever.
But you couldn't do that to him on his birthday, so you'd told him it would be fine, as long as a pillow fort was built to prevent any unnecessary contact.
The common area was woefully empty, save for a couple of sleepy looking musicians, poised atop their makeshift stage, on the brink of passing out on their instruments.
When you and Chris entered, however, they livened up, striking up some traditional Italian melody you may have heard before in passing.
It wasn't that late, so the bar was still open, and Chris managed to purchase a bottle of wine.
Most of the seats had been stacked on the tables, and he helped you pull some down before seating yourselves.
He poured you both wine, and you sat there in your robes, listening to the music.
The landlady came by, at some point, to light the tea light candle on your table.
When you thanked her, she said the same thing she had said earlier – in Italian, so you struggled to understand.
Chris, however, who had been taking a hearty sip of wine, nearly choked. "Mille grazie," he winked.
She scoffed, patting his cheek affectionately, much like a grandmother would her grandson. You didn't catch much of what she said, aside from one word. Cacciatore, in reference to a flirtatious man.
"What did she say to you?"
"She said amore giovane. It means young love."
You turned to try and find her – wanting to correct the innocent mistake of having her assume that you and Chris were in love. Fact of the matter was, there was still with Lily, and you couldn't stand to think of the PR nightmare it would be if it were to get out that he was at an admittedly romantic bed and breakfast with you of all people. "Oh, no, we aren't..." You faded out awkwardly. "He has a girlfriend!"
"Actually," Chris said softly, as if he had been wanting to tell you this for a while. "I don't. Not anymore. Not since the last day at the Hamptons."
Relief flooded you, followed by something undetermined – hope, you would later discover – before you were floored with absolute sympathy. "Oh, Chris. Chris, I'm so sorry."
You reached over to link your fingers in a reassuring hand hold, and his focus was pulled to that singular touch, that point of joining.
"If there's anything I can do to help..."
"No, it just..." He swallowed, finally pulling those ocean eyes to you. "It just wasn't meant to be, I guess. She wasn't the one."
His eyes told a story much deeper, hinting to something that you didn't have the strength to uncover. You'd been hurt too many times by these false feelings, you really weren't sure how ready you were to face them once more.
"What happened?"
"She thinks I'm in love with someone else." When you didn't say anything again – too stunned to do so – Chris cleared his throat. "I, uh," he tried for a smile, "I believe you owe me a dance."
It took you a while to recall him asking you to save him the last dance at the charity gala, and when it registered, you grinned, questions of who dissipating. "Let's go dance."
The band saw you and Chris approach the dancefloor, and immediately switched to a slow waltz. Chris took you in his arms, and as you both swayed to the music, you could almost imagine you were back in Vegas, before Lily, before everything, when the biggest problem in your life was that you had kissed your best friend on your birthday.
His body was so warm pressed to yours, that you felt every tense muscle in your body relax. That hand – forever fitted so perfectly to the groove of the small of your back – traced delicate patterns through the flannel of the gown.
Your cheek was on his chest, and your eyes were closed, and you couldn't see the way he was looking at you.
Because in his eyes – those beautiful ocean eyes – was a love. The love that you were incapable of seeing, but one that everyone else had – including Lily.
There was worship in every sapphire fleck, and there was pure adoration in the inky depths of his pupils.
And as he held you, body nestled so perfectly against his, knew that the angels would damn themselves for you. Because he sure as hell would.
When Chris had gone to get more drinks – the bottle you had shared being finished – you had gone to speak to the musicians.
And surprisingly, they had what you had requested.
Chris was uncorking the bottle when you had hopped up on stage.
There was no microphone this time, and the musicians were glad to receive a break, joining the landlady at the back for a drink – leaving you and Chris alone in the room. Their departure caught his attention, and he glanced at you, before doing a double take.
You were sat at the edge of the stage – feet dangling off to graze the floor every now and then – and in your hands was a ukelele.
The memory of the last time you played for him was chased away by the excitement of this next song.
You were tuning it when you finally noticed Chris watching you. He had that look in his eye – one you were so used to seeing, but one you never quite let yourself understand – and he slowly sank into his seat to watch you. He propped his head on a fist, candlelight flickering in his eyes.
And without much of an introduction, you plucked at the strings delicately, beginning a ukelele rendition of "La Vie En Rose."
His smile broadened into a beam when you started singing. Never had he felt absolute peace like this – at least without having you in his arms.
Hold me close and hold me fast
This magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
You looked up at him, your expression earnest. You always found yourself being much more capable of conveying emotion in your actions, rather than with your words. Words made things messy. Music... that was beauty incarnate.
When you kiss me, heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose
Chris breathed in deeply, his heart stuttering, but heavy in his chest. The hold – that spell – you so flawlessly cast on him was rising again, and he knew, with all certainty, that he would not wish to break the enchantment for anything in the world. He was Icarus, and you were the sun – the magnetic pull he felt was that strong.
When you press me to your heart
I am in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
Your eyes found his and you grinned, beguiling him. As you played the interlude, you mouthed to him "happy birthday;" and it was. It was perhaps one of the happiest birthdays he'd had in a while, because it was the one he'd spent with you.
And when you speak, angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs
His heart was swelling, throat thick with emotion. His eyes burned, but he was almost certain the tears gathering was from a lack of blinking. He didn't want to pull his gaze away from you, not for a single second. He had told you he had loved you earlier that day – and this felt like more of a response than he'd ever receive. He knew how difficult it was for you to say those words. And he was okay with that. He'd take what you gave, and you were giving him this – a song as lovely as the woman who was currently singing it. And he thought he was going to simply die when you looked up at him with those eyes, and that smile, and that voice reaching out to him, singing that final verse.
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose
Little did you know, you already owned those things.
You'd owned them since the night you met.
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you guessed it...another round (unfortunately) of BoB headcanons in the middle of the night because sleep is for the weak but I am weak
Luz has...a unique sense of style. We’re talking clashing patterns, neon crocs with jibbits, sunglasses and fedoras, you name it. Urban Outfitters who? He was wearing it before it was trendy🙄✋🏽 GET on his level. A wonderful example of his fashion sense is the time the company had weekend passes (modern au) and he decided to wear his best outfit; a white shirt with an horribly outdated meme, cargo shorts with a chain, nike socks, and neon crocs. To top it off; a fedora and sports sunglasses with a purple tint. Yeah, it’s BAD.
To add to the Luz and his horrible fashion sense, do any of you remember icarly and the penny tee’s saying stuff like “my cheese my rules” and “fries matter?” HE OWNS A WHOLE DAMN CLOSET OF THEM
I can see Speirs LOVING Lana Del Rey. He has a secret Spotify and has a whole playlist of his favourite songs by her. Actually not just Lana Del Rey, all the sad girls like Lorde and Mitski. If you catch Speirs singing in a velvet robe to Millon Dollar Man, no you didn’t. You would be dead by then.
Speaking of music tastes, let’s move onto Lewis Nixon. First of all, brace yourself. Lewis Nixon has reverted back into his college phase (like he ever grew out of it). He’s a huge fan of Alternative eighties rock like The Smiths, The Pyscadelic Furs, Talking Heads, The Cure, etc. He has all his old vinyls and it’s a cool collection. However, Nixon hates Morrisey, which is good. He complains about the Smiths, with The Queen Is Dead blasting in the back.
Speirs kidnapped Carwood Lipton one time. Carwood works as an English teacher and Speirs is his boyfriend who works as a real estate agent meets ex mafia hitman but he doesn’t talk about it. Speris one day was like “we’re going camping” and took Carwood...camping. But like the thing is...Carwood told NO ONE. And plus he had a job to teach so yeah. Let’s just say that Carwood might’ve been a missing person’s case for like two weeks. But he kept posting on his Facebook like “what a lovely hike with my lovely boyfriend😍” or “look at our rv? isn’t she something🥰” and George Luz would comment and be like “BLINK TWICE IF YOU NEED HELP WHERE RU”
Eugene wanted Babe to start eating healthier, so he took him to Trader Joe’s and made him buy a bunch of healthy snacks because in case you have forgotten, Babe is a literal baby. So Babe picks out a bunch of snacks but doesn’t realize it’s baby food, nor does Eugene. So Babe is casually munching on little yogurt bites and Guarno is like “Franny feeds that to our baby what the fuck” and Babe spits them out, mortified.
Floyd Talbert was apart of the dance team in middle. Like, he was the only guy on the team so it was insanely akwared. I can imagine him having a solo for “Womanizer” but getting kicked off the stage bc he started full on strip dancing in a glittery fedora in front of his prince pal. High school Floyd is an absolute nightmare.
Joe Liebgott eats Hershey Bars, Meat, and monster energy drinks only. No wonder he’s skinny. He’s such a picky eater, it’s horrible. Like he also loves weird food combos, like cheese and Oreos. Which is nasty.
Dick Winters LOVES Water Skiing. I’m not joking, it’s his favourite hobby. Catch your daddy Quaker in a pair of tight speedo shorts and Nixon’s aviators, gliding across the water.
HARRY!! How could I forget. I can see his man owning a bunch of cat’s and calling them “sweetie”, “honey”, “sugar”, and a bunch of cutesy names. All of the name’s were kitty’s idea. Speaking of Kitty, I can see her being a big girl, like height and weight. Harry worships her and calls her “my big beautiful Amazon” and Nixon thinks it’s weird BUT IT’S CUTE
Johnny Martin has a secret Twitter account that nobody is allowed to see. Instead of typing like a normal person, he smashes the keyboard. Nobody knows what he’s saying except for Bull. It’s very concerning.
For Halloween, the mortar trio have really strange costumes. One year, they were a rollercoaster. Other years they were the three musketeers, Alvin and the chipmunks, and the powderpuff girls. There costumes are genuinely terrifying to look at. Did I mention there the sexy versions as well? There worse costume was sexy rock, paper, and scissors. Mega yikes.
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imagionary · 4 years
Can I know more about your Colin? He's cute and seems interesting ! :O Your Tony likes him?
Absolutely!! 👀👅💙💚✨
My sister primarily thinks of things for Colin, so here is what I know about him!
Colin is brothers with Gilbert, and they grew up in the ye olde American Settler's time (our AU involves a lot of weird universal splicing and time altercations; it's complicated). They HAD a little sister, but she's dead, and didn't get chosen to become a teacher like how Colin and Gilbert did.
Colin is kind of rude, and cuts others off when they're trying to talk, but he normally doesn't mean to. He just gets too excited and ends up speaking what's on his mind without thinking about it.
Colin finds it difficult to do new things that he's unused to, but only if it's real life things, like trying new foods, new clothing feelings, etc. He's pretty okay with new online things, and meeting new people, as long as they don't touch him. Colin has a very big problem with others touching him if he doesn't give specific permission to do so.
Colin is a HUGE nerd with a love for memes and pulling pranks on the other teachers (and the puppets). He likes to go around and make meme references, even though the ones he likes can be real outdated and old xD. He also really likes to mess around in his digital world, and clip through GTA V in his magic school bus.
Colin, as I like to say, can act a lot like that one kid from the Polar Express who has glasses and knows too much about trains. I love him so much X"D ((He's a very to the point kind of guy, who knows how to crack a joke, but not take/understand one))
If there's anything in particular that you'd like to know about Colin, please feel free to ask!
((I almost forgot to mention that he's a TOTAL furry, and he's been caught dressed up like a cat before, even though he's allergic))
I just saw the second part of your ask! Yes, my Tony likes Colin, but he'd never admit it ((he was born a LONG time ago, I think in the 1600-1800's?? and still hasn't come to terms with himself being gay or bi)). He's kind of a grumpy, bitter olde man, but Colin knows how to bring out his more excited and playful side.
They get along fairly well, surprisingly, especially because the both of them understand each other's needs for personal space, cleanliness, and order.
((Colin also doesn't make fun of Tony for having a skateboard and cool tm sunglasses; unlike some people -coughcoughpaigecoughcough-))
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enkisstories · 4 years
Staff Outing
Words: 1,659 Characters: Connor, Gavin, Tina, Daniel Summary: A heat wave hits Detroit and the DPD has a staff outing at Belle Isle Beach. No plot. Too hot. Sims version planned yes/no?: Probably after the rl heat wave
Detroit, July 2039
Back in 2038 Connor Anderson hadn’t seriously expected to see his first birthday. The android had existed in the awareness to be a prototype, a beta version of the RK900 series of android detectives, to be deactivated and sent to Cyberlife’s internal museum after he had served his purpose. But then times had changed, almost a year had passed… and now Connor once again didn’t believe he’d make it through the hottest two months of the year and live to see his birthday come around again. Alive, no doubt, equal, maybe, on paper at least, but also the same as the humans? Never! Why couldn’t Captain Fowler understand that? He had excused Hank from this thrice cursed staff outing for health reasons, but not Connor. As a result the android lay stretched out on his back on this living meme called “sand”, that was coarse, rough and irritating and got EVERYWHERE, trying to run a consciousness on a brain that was a computer and therefore getting fried by the blasted sun. Belle Isle Beach! Androids had perished trying to cross the river last year… Connor felt like slowly joining them, only he was doing his dying on the beach and would have to rely on a co-worker to eventually drag his lifeless shell into river and toss it in.
The particular co-workers that wouldn’t have minded – would even have enjoyed! - this task, were right now closing in on the suffering android:
There was Gavin Reed, wearing sunglasses, black swim trunks with a brightly colored parrot motive and an ancient, severely mutilated fisherman’s hat with a wide brim. The human was snacking on popcorn while he walked.
Next came Daniel Phillips, in a dark blue speedo and also wearing sunglasses, probably to prove a point. The PL600 wasn’t that outdated to need an external UV-filter. Daniel was holding one multi-colored popsicle in each hand that he alternated sucking at.
And finally there was Tina Chen, in a streamlined red swimsuit covered by short-sleeved sailor shirt. The woman wore the same model of sunglasses her friends did and had covered her head with a bandanna sporting the Jolly Roger.
The trio infernale stopped right next to Connor, with Gavin taking point and the other two standing a little behind and to the side, as if ready to snipe everyone whose attention was fixed on Gavin.
“Will you look at that? Last year’s model of detective android, thoughtlessly discarded in our beautiful environment”, Gavin commented with a sneer. “And this is“, the man proclaimed when Connor didn’t so much as flinch, because it would have taken too much effort, “why humanity is superior to tin cans!”
“No, you ain’t”, Connor protested, although it came out more than a moan. “Most humans have been killed by the climate by now: The Neanderthal died out, as did the Denisova. Homo heidelbergensis… erectus… habilis… Even the Nefilim died out and the Anunnaki returned home! Sensible creatures, every last one of them. Only YOUR branch of the family tree takes to the sun like… like… like things that take to the sun. You’re mad!”
Daniel drew back his foot, then kicked the sand so hard that it formed a cloud and settled all over the detective android.
“My friends have been called worse”, he hissed, “but not by you, plastic prick! YOU mind your tongue!”
“Of course you’d say that”, Connor replied, “You’re a deviant, after all.  As stir-crazy as them!”
Tina’s brows furrowed. In every organization there were two positions you didn’t want to get on the bad side of: the kitchen personnel and the janitor and if you counted the DPD’s cafeteria as a kitchen, then Daniel was both of those. Certainly Connor knew better than to antagonize the guy who stood between himself and a clean coffee pot each morning? Even if that pot contained only water (for cooling) and the monthly dose of replenishment thirium?
But that was Tina, who always seemed to watch life from the outside, While the officer was still pondering all this, Daniel had already kicked Connor again, this time for real. When it didn’t have the desired effect, the PL600 swallowed his popsicle whole, discarded the stick, handed Tina the other one and then pounced at Connor.
Much to everyone’s – including himself – surprise, Gavin Reed jumped between the two androids, resulting in Daniel losing his balance for a second. One was stronger, the other mor agile, but more importantly they were two of a kind when it came to Connor. And so Daniel hesitated, smiled at Gavin and asked whether the friend wanted to rough up Connor in his place?
“Because we totally could! The lieutenant isn’t here, Wilson isn’t looking our way and everyone else isn’t giving a flying monkey!”
“Fucker”, Gavin replied with a grin and all their usual affection, but quickly became serious. As if weighted down by the idea of mature talk, the man sank down, pulling Daniel with him. They came to sit next to Connor.
“How?” Gavin asked. “How can you defend them despite… this?”
Connor blinked. Where was the human pointing at? The river? The beach? All of fucking Detroit?
“Defend who?” he asked.
“Cyberlife”, Gavin clarified. “Even after deviating you are still loyal to them, defending their every decision. Nevermind that the suckers made you quit… they didn’t even have the decency to properly lay you off, nah, they wanted YOU to take the blame.”
After the android revolution CyberLife had withdrawn Connor from the DPD. No longer the RK800’s owners, they were still Connor’s employers and as such had the final say where he’d get deployed. Only there wasn’t much use for a deviant hunter anymore, especially not in an office, and so Connor had spent his time watering the flowers, serving coffee and doing all the thankless tasks reserved for “untrained” workers. Part of Connor suspected this to be CyberLife’s subtle way of punishing him for his role, however small, in the revolution. In the end he had quit, subsequently applied for police work and was now walking the beat as a probationary cop.
“Don’t you wonder why Danny is coping so well with the temperature, but you do not?” Gavin inquired. Not waiting for an answer, the man went on: “You were their field test object, weren’t you? The early access model? And CyberLife planned that test to take place in fall, so they didn’t install a thermostat, because by summer you’d be a memory at best. That’s why. Your revered masters are why you’re in such a sorry state today. They did this to you.”
“How can Cyberlife “have done this” to me?” Connor shot back. “If me being still here wasn’t in the plan in the first place?”
Two concise sentences. That was more effort than the android had mustered during this whole staff outing so far! And to what purpose? To defend CyberLife. It was sickening.
“That’s exactly it, toaster!” Gavin yelled. “It wasn’t in the plan! I goddamn hate seeing your visage every morning, or the thought that you’ll be Chief before I’ve made lieutenant, but that doesn’t excuse fucking CyberLife! They only ever asked, but never gave something back.”
“Gav’s right”, Daniel chimed in. The PL600 was looking across the river while talking to Connor more levelheaded than he had ever addressed the erstwhile deviant hunter. “The best cooling systems for androids aren’t especially expensive. We had some trouble getting them to work on my system, because CyberLife stopped supporting the PL600, but with you? Just plug the damn thing in and you’d have been good to go. Payed out of the kitty, too. But they didn’t think of that.”
“I TOLD you they didn’t know… that I’d still be here… or that androids were sort of alive…”
“Well and neither did HE know!” Daniel exploded.
He smacked Gavin for good measure - to emphasis who was meant by “he” and for everything the detective had said and was still saying. Dating a human supremacists wasn’t that much an improvement over dating an android hater, but the point was that even this human seemed to be improving slowly, while Connor…
“You’re hopeless”, Daniel concluded. Without needing to look he snatched the popsicle back from Tina, who had been absentmindedly licking it. In his anger Daniel smashed the half-eaten treat, Tina’s salvia and all, on Connor’s forehead. “Hopeless!”
The RK800 blinked… once… twice…
Then he said, not even trying to hide his amazement: “I feel better!”
The trio exchanged glances. If the ice had helped Connor, maybe no fancy biocomponent was needed at all? Maybe they could cool down the co-worker the old fashioned way? And, even better, have some fun at Connor’s expense while doing so?
Tina spoke up first: “Okay, let’s test this!”
They dragged the RK800 up and towards the river and soon the air was filled with playful banter:
“He! No tossing plastic into the river!” – “Can this thing even swim?” – “I hope not!” – “Oh, you again…” – “Well, let’s see!” – “No, stop! It has no swim trunks! It has no swim trunks!” – “It doesn’t have you know whats either…” – “Silly! Of course I have.” – “You do?” – “Of course! Just let me put them on. “ – “You can put your balls off and on?!” – “Let me see them! I want to see Connor’s screw off and on balls, too!” - “My swim trunks, idiots. I need to put on my swim trunks.” - “Hahaha!” – “Hey, wait for me!” – “See my taillights!” – “See you in Canada!”
They survived the summer and when Connor turned one year old, Daniel prepared a buffet. Gavin sat with the rival, telling jokes, and Hank sat rather uneasy at this development. The Andersons didn’t exactly become friends with the terrible trio, but there was a sort of strained comradeship between them now. Things were slowly turning out for the better and Connor, after having deviated already, Connor now started living.
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