#sunhold sadness
praisecwg · 2 years
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for @gvardi-l i wish you all the best, dear <3
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leeoliver · 5 years
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welcome to tamriel we have uhhhh girls
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naernon · 6 years
July TES OC Challenge || Days 6-10
I give up on trying to keep up with this. I’ll just do them freely from now on. My motivation is too jacked to get anything fucking done.
Challenge Here
6. Hobbies and Skills
What does your character do in their free time? Do they prefer to spend their time with others or alone? Are they interested in reading? Do they enjoy art, either creating or perusing? How do they make money? Do they have a knack for anything illegal? Why do they enjoy the things they do? What would they consider their major asset?
Estryon has trouble sticking to one activity, hobby, etc.. He gets very quickly bored. But, pastimes that remain somewhat consistent include horseback-riding and practicing destruction magic.
He prefers to be alone rather than spend time with others (he tells himself people are a waste of time in general), although i should note; sexual matters are a bit of an exception and are also a pastime of his that i neglected mentioning. He’s lost a lot of his academic spark, over the years. He was never outstanding, really, I’d say more so average or maybe a bit above average and he had a particular fondness for ayleid history and linguistics that lingers... so, he isn’t 100% opposed to reading at all but it’s not his first choice in a room full of activities.
He has no artistic sensibility whatsoever. From age 11-19, he worked in the Sunhold Stables before doing minor work while in the Thalmor Academy for money. Upon graduating, the Thalmor was his source of income.
Being “stationed” (more so suspended + demoted due to ~crimes against the Thalmor~) in Skyrim brings in its own amount of despair to Estryon and he becomes even more wayward and reckless than before. He’s thrown between multiple fields of work across the entire damn province as higher-ups figure out where the Hell to put a suspended elite Altmer from an equally-as-elite squad of Thalmor, and even when his work seems to steady out into his actual field of work (assassinations, framing, etc.) he’s incredibly bored which leads him to do a lot of shit that would land him in trouble on a functioning province with a good justice system and effective enforcement but since he’s in Skyrim he ends up fine.
Burning down hunting shacks that he finds/arson as a whole, light thievery, and a moderate amount of off-duty assassination of anyone he deems a heretic, for, (Estryon shrugs) “They’re to be cut down eventually by the other Thalmor anyways; I’m just ending it early.”, etc.. Boredom’s funny like that.
Estryon simultaneously considers everything about himself to be a major asset and considers nothing to be his major asset. Sh, no one knows the latter, not even himself, really; his over-blown ego is just a way of dealing with all that insecurity within him and he doesn’t even realize it.
Anyways, should you actually ask him such a question and demand he answer in actuality after getting past him giving you the cold shoulder... after some thinking he disguises as nonchalant, he truly does consider his skill in destruction magic, fire in particular, to be hot shit, he has a liking towards his complexion + the tidiness of his hair, is confident in his... bedding ability, and finally, he fancies his skill with the dagger.
7. Emotions
How do they respond to stressful situations? Do they have any way to cope with them? How do they deal with sadness or grief? Do they express their anger hotly (through aggression, a raised voice, and an intimidating posture) or coldly (through passive-aggressive behaviors, a calculated voice, and a suspicious posture)? Do they control their emotions or do their emotions control them? Why is that? Has anyone remarked on your character’s ability or inability to control their emotions?
The way he deals with anger and emotions as a whole depends. I tend to display him as very fiery-- when he gets angry, he won’t let you goddamn forget it-- but I’d say that’s very much only with those he knows closely. Emotions = good ONLY with those close. Encounters with Ohtehil after years of not seeing her lands him with eyes overflowing with tears despite his best efforts to stay aloof. Spats with Ondolemar leads to a raised voice and stressed behavior. In any other situation, he simply suppresses. His anger in public to say, a rowdy Stormcloak sympathizer in a tavern or a rude encounter makes him fume but in a different way than hotly. He becomes cold. He already tends to be very dominant in conversation and in presence, and his anger is no exception. He flushes slightly and you may see a tremble to his fingertips but any more words than brief, cold responses are said steadily and slowly. Sometimes he just stares. Rubbing his fingertips along his glass, a slight quirk to his lips, and an intense gaze, just staring. Sometimes it earns a shaky laugh from whoever he’s pissed off at because he’s so young and definitely looks like it. Anyone who wished could very much catch him off-guard and fling him across the room. But other times, the target gets unsettled. Best case for them is Estryon laughing about it later to himself and proceeding with his day, worst case is you landing on his hit-list.
He controls his emotions, I suppose. Barely. Although I guess there’s a difference between repressing emotions and controlling them. Repressing makes him a ticking time bomb on the verge of goddamn exploding. That’s just how he dealt with the social limitations of Altmeri society and the scrutiny of  Ciryarel (father) previously being an Ouster/Aprax (Arelnian was shunned by association)
Estryon was born a bit late to the party but the effect of the harassment and relentless rumors of their Altmeri blood (typical Altmer BS, you know) was clear on Ohtehil and Arelnian and that led to Estryon being hyper-conscious of all that “makes” an Altmer. Ohtehil joining the Thalmor and aligning herself with them didn’t help.
8. Physical Health
Are they happy with their weight? If not, would they like to gain, lose, or redistribute their weight? Do they have any disabilities? Does your character get sick often? Injured? If so, how? Are they life-threatening? Have they ever needed attention for any injuries or illnesses? If so, do they utilize potions, spells, scrolls, healers, temples, or something else?
He’s fine with his weight. At the start of Skyrim he broke his ankle. He has a fine immune system. He’s a bit reckless so minor injuries are decently common. No life-threatening so far. He usually heals himself or lets illnesses pass but occasionally, yes, he does need help. Potions, spells, temples. The like.
9. Mental Health
Does your character have any mental illnesses? Feel free to list what they would have been diagnosed with had they lived in modern times. Have they experienced a traumatic event? If so how did they respond to it? Do they have a good memory? What is their learning style? Do they sleep well at night? What do they typically dream about?
Yes, Estryon is mentally ill. The death of his parents and then a major parental/mentor figure in his life, Reldaale hurt him early on. Having to be the one to stumble upon his ex-boyfriend’s dead body wasn’t much of a help either. Again, Estryon represses his emotions.
He’s a visual learner, and a moderately sharp memory, although he has a tendency to take details about events he doesn’t like and omit them from his memory. He won’t remember a week before when he made a foolish mistake but you know damn well he’ll remember your ugly ass outfit that day.
10. Psychology
What is their MBTI type? Their Enneagram? Their temperament? Their archetype? Would your character accept these results, regard them as fiction, or work to change them?
MBTI -  Virtuoso [ISTP-t]
Enneagram - 8w7 [Type 8]
Temperament - Choleric/Melancholic
Archetype - Rebel (67%), Athlete (21%), Explorer (16%)
Estryon would regard them as fiction despite a healthy bit of curiosity to the results of these tests, provided he doesn’t take the results as a slight against his person for whichever reason.
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