khandbahale · 7 months
VEDH Parbhani - Salam Jiddila - an inspiring life journey of #sunilkhandbahale #farmer #tech #ceo
Hats Off – The life journey of Sunil Khandbahale, the son of a common farmer to the chief executive of a technology company. सलाम जिद्दीला – सर्वसामान्य शेतकऱ्याचा मुलगा ते टेक्नॉलॉजी कंपनीचा मुख्य कार्यवाहक सुनील खांडबहाले यांचा जीवन प्रवास Original Link: https://youtu.be/028wjoWoz7U #sunilkhandbahale #farming #technology #lifejourney #successstory
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khandbahale · 8 months
Rapid fire questions for Sunil Khandbahale by Dr. Anand Nadkarni at VEDH Parbhani @khandbahale
Rapid fire questions for Sunil Khandbahale by Dr. Anand Nadkarni at VEDH Parbhani वेध परभणी येथे डॉ. आनंद नाडकर्णी यांचे सुनील खांडबहाले यांना रॅपिड फायर प्रश्न Original Link: https://youtu.be/028wjoWoz7U #sunilkhandbahale #farming #technology #lifejourney #successstory #rapidfire #questions
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khandbahale · 8 months
Traditional Booklet Dictionary was presented in digital form for the first time by @khandbahale
Unknowingly he eveloped first ever Marathi Search Engine and latter applied it for Worlds first Marathi Dictionary. Traditional Booklet Dictionary was presented in digital form for the first time by Sunil Khandbahale and that is too all by self-taught computer programming skills. नकळत त्यांनी पहिले मराठी शोध इंजिन विकसित केले आणि नंतर ते जगातील पहिल्या मराठी शब्दकोशासाठी लागू केले. सुनील…
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khandbahale · 9 months
My first encounter with computer, Sunil Khandbahale narrates how he fall in love with computer
It was my painting hobby which pose me to fall in love with computer. Sunil Khandbahale narrating his first encounter with computer and his story of entrepreneurship at VEDH Parbhani event. चित्रकलेच्या छंदामुळे मी संगणकाच्या प्रेमात पडलो. वेध परभणी कार्यक्रमात सुनील खांडबहाले संगणकाशी त्यांची पहिली भेट आणि उद्योजकतेची कथा सांगत आहेत. Original Link: https://youtu.be/028wjoWoz7U #sunilkhandbahale…
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khandbahale · 9 months
Play Learn & Grow Together at Global Discovery School Mahiravani India
Floor is canvas, sand is color, free exploration, imagination, creativity, no teachers. Kids play, learn and grow together at Global Prosperity Foundation’s Global Discovery School of Mahiravani India.
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khandbahale · 9 months
Sunil Khandbahale is narrating his first encounter with Booklet Dictionary before he made it digital
Dictionary was a luxury for me said Sunil Khandbahale while narrating his first encounter with Booklet Dictionary before he developed the digital one डिक्शनरी ही माझ्यासाठी लक्झरी होती, असे सुनील खांडबहाले यांनी डिजिटल डिक्शनरी विकसित करण्यापूर्वी बुकलेट डिक्शनरीशी झालेली त्यांची पहिली भेट सांगताना सांगितले. Original Link: https://youtu.be/028wjoWoz7U #sunilkhandbahale #farming #technology…
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khandbahale · 9 months
VEDH Latur - Connect Disconnect - Full Session Video #sunilkhandbahale #anandnadkarni @khandbahale
Sunil Khandbahale is talking about how technology bringling the world together and connecting people globally. His language endavor is part of bridging the diverse global culture by connecting the languages with the help of technology. He is being interviewed on his inspiring journy by Dr. Anand Nadkarni on the platform of VEDH at Latur city. तंत्रज्ञान जगाला कसे एकत्र आणते आणि जागतिक स्तरावर…
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khandbahale · 9 months
Positive technology interventions in peer learning at early age
Smartphones and Tablet based technology solution where students can learn at their own and through peer learning with minimal or no interference of teachers. #earlyagelearning #curiousity
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khandbahale · 10 months
Testimonial to Sunil Khandbahale by Dr. Anand Nadkarni डॉ. आनंद नाडकर्णी यांचे प्रशस्तिपत्र
Testimonial to Sunil Khandbahale by Dr. Anand Nadkarni सुनील खांडबहाले यांचे डॉ. आनंद नाडकर्णी यांचे प्रशस्तिपत्र Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #testimonial #प्रशस्तिपत्र
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khandbahale · 10 months
Watch & Listen - Sunil Khandbahale playing a music on Harmonica Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai at Latur VEDH
Watch & Listen – Sunil Khandbahale playing a music on Harmonica Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai at Latur VEDH पहा आणि ऐका – सुनील खांडबहाले लातूर वेध येथे “एक प्यार का नगमा है” वर हार्मोनिका संगीत वाजवत आहेत Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #harmonica #music #ekpyarkanagmahai
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khandbahale · 10 months
We all coexists in oneness & for that matter understanding true self is important @khandbahale
We are all coexists in oneness and for that matter understanding true self is more important #sunilkhandbahale आपण सर्व एकात्मतेने एकत्र आहोत आणि त्यासाठी स्वतःला समजून घेणे अधिक महत्त्वाचे आहे #sunilkhandbahale Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #co-existance #oneness #nonduality
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khandbahale · 10 months
Lifelong learning through lifelong studentship approach is key to success #sunilkhandbahale
VEDH Talks @ Latur – Lifelong learning through lifelong studentship approach is key to success #sunilkhandbahale आजीवन विद्यार्थीत्वाच्या पद्धतीद्वारे आयुष्यभर शिकणे ��ी यशाची गुरुकिल्ली आहे Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #lifelonglearning #studentship #successkey #keytosuccess
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khandbahale · 10 months
VEDH Talks @ Latur - Making larger social impact is the only my business model #sunilkhandbahale
VEDH Talks @ Latur – Making larger social impact is the only my business model #sunilkhandbahale मोठा सामाजिक प्रभाव पाडणे हेच माझे व्यावसायिक मॉडेल आहे Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #impact #businessmodel
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khandbahale · 11 months
Positive technology interventions in peer learning at early age
Kids are playing and self-learning on smart-phone without teacher. #curious #learning #student #technology #smartphone
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khandbahale · 11 months
Innovation approach can scale up business and make it sustainable #sunilkhandbahale
VEDH Talks @ Latur – Innovation approach can scale up business and make it sustainable #sunilkhandbahale नावीन्यपूर्ण दृष्टीकोन व्यवसाय वाढवू शकतो आणि तो शाश्वत बनवू शकतो Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #Introduction #introvisuals Episode preview
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khandbahale · 11 months
Entrepreneur is one who converts weakness into strength & threats into opportunities - @khandbahale
VED Talks @ Latur – Entrepreneur is one who converts weakness into strength and threats into opportunities – #sunilkhandbahale उद्योजक तो असतो जो कमकुवतपणाचे ताकदीत आणि धोक्याचे संधीत रूपांतर करतो – #sunilkhandbahale Full Video at: https://youtu.be/Cy2pzQ5YcRo #sunilkhandbahale #khandbahale #anandnadkarni #VEDH #Latur #opportunity #strength #Entrepreneur
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