venalier · 4 years
          they say that, centuries ago, this ground had been watered with historic blood. forced to march alongside the rest of the camp ( but are they soldiers or prisoners? or sacrifices? what is their place in this strange war they’d been thrust into without context or the chance to regain their bearings? ), she’s given just enough time to mull over what might await them and take in the daunting unknown that lay as interminable and inevitable as the endless stretch of deceptively picturesque fields. since they’d woken up on this foreign ground, it’s been nothing but struggle after struggle — first the inexplicable illness that had gripped half their lot and vanished with equally little explanation, then to be rounded up and walked into the encampment as ‘ guests ’, though she knew better than that. the skirmish that had suddenly broken out, the lives that had been taken — and restored?
          now this: the solemn line of demoralized yellow marching in grim silence; she’s been in an army before, but it wasn’t anything like this. ( she’d been among comrades, at least friendly faces. ) why are they here to fight an empire none of them have a quarrel with? if, as the shared dreams imply, they had been sent here for a reason, then why isn’t anything coming together at all?
                                maybe her biggest fear in all of this,                        is that they’ll just die here, for a cause none of them agreed to,                                                  and everything— it’ll all be for nothing.
          now this: a disturbance in the ranks near the front; she grabs her naginata on instinct, anticipating an ambush. already? men shout; shouts turn to screams; the formation dismantles and soldiers start to break away; she catches one’s panicked face as he shoves her aside to escape. are they so weak-willed—
          now this: no, not weak-willed, because the sight that greets them isn’t the sea of adrestian and armor-clad red that they’d expected to be waiting for them, but something grotesque: a swelling mass that gurgles and snarls as it rapidly grows. one of their own? she spots the last tatters of gold and black before they are swallowed into a pattern of camouflage hide as would be found on the coat of a hind. it’s familiar dark curls, then, that twist and harden and elongate into ten, twelve, twenty point antlers of branching, macabre black, when she realizes the chilling truth;
                                       now this: ❝ ... claude? ❞
          it takes shape before all of their eyes: a monstrously large stag ( just like the visions! ) that would be only that if not for when it turns its face towards them to reveal a nightmarish chimera of human and cervid and rows of demonic teeth. but it’s the gleeful malice frozen in bloodshot eyes that she thinks she’ll never forget.
          teeth chattering, she wills herself to push past the shock, to pull her weapon from her back and into her hands. don’t shake. shigure and a few others she knows are nearby; they'd faced horror together before. and they’d made it out then. ❝ if the others won’t fight— ❞ palms cinch firm around polished wood, ❝ —then we’ll have to. ❞ more and more of the so-called alliance army scatters around them; is this what that prophetic voice had been leading them to? are they the only ones willing to stand their ground in the end?
          the stag rears — ❝ don’t let it escape! ❞ — and she charges;
caeldori misses! ( 4 )
          blade raised and legs crouched, ready to leap and bring a first shattering blow down on the distortion’s broad shoulders and give her allies an opening. but she never gets off the ground, doesn’t expect magic,
cervid husk attacks! ( 14 )
          for forelegs to gash at the air and a burst of wind to knock her solidly backwards, eyes squeezed shut and tumbling painfully through the grass, only years of training keeping her from losing her weapon in the process. when she slows, a sharp twinge from her torso suggests she’d bruised or torn something, maybe, in that poorly timed attempt. ugh, embarrassing. she’s supposed to be better than this. butt of the pole to the ground, she pushes to her feet, steadies herself. a monster that big would be tough to fight on foot. just her luck, to end up in a clash like this for her life without a pegasus.
next » @ceaselessblade
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
sorry ladies, theydies, and dudes, but i'd like to drop soleil! she'll be flirting in your hearts, always :,D
Soleil has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Bren
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
( @sunisoleil  )
      ❝ You’re doing a wonderful job. ❞ Cordelia whispers to her newfound companion, sweat trailing down her face despite flying above ground. Her skin and hair gets filled with a combination of dust and ash from their travels near volcanic activity, and so do the feathers of her mount. All throughout the journey she whispered promises to personally ensure cleansing her hardworking Pegasus once all of this is over.
     Their journey is coming to an end, with the supplies now with the deployed units of Garreg Mach. She’s not familiar with the circumstance Fodlan is in, however she never needed much reason to assist those in need. Starvation should never be ignored and feeding the people with the food they acquired was a wonderful first mission for her in these new lands. She shined the most in combat, or so her allies say, but acts like these... were so much more meaningful.
      ❝ Just a few more hours and we’ll be out of this heat. ❞ She reassures her mount once more with a gentle smile before turning her gaze down below towards the rest who carried the heavier supplies. I wonder how they’re doing.
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