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Sunjing x qiutong
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clownsuu · 2 years
Names Foreth Thou Consideration: SunJ and MoonJ
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Inch resting smhhh
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babyprincegladiator · 26 days
Equipos de Neutralización Estática (Ionizador), previsión del tamaño del mercado mundial, clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 19 principales empresas
Según el nuevo informe de investigación de mercado “Informe del Mercado Global del Equipos de Neutralización Estática (Ionizador) 2024-2030”, publicado por QYResearch, se prevé que el tamaño del mercado mundial del Equipos de Neutralización Estática (Ionizador) alcance 0.7 mil millones de USD en 2030, con una tasa de crecimiento anual constante del 5.6% durante el período de previsión.
Figure 1. Tamaño del mercado de Equipos de Neutralización Estática (Ionizador) global (US$ Millión), 2019-2030
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Según QYResearch, los principales fabricantes mundiales de Equipos de Neutralización Estática (Ionizador) incluyen KEYENCE, SMC, Simco-Ion, Panasonic, Sunje HI-TEK CO.,Ltd, VESSEL, Meech International, Shishido Electrostatic, KASUGA, KOGANEI, etc. En 2023, las diez principales entidades mundiales tenían una cuota de aproximadamente 54.0% en términos de ingresos.
Figure 2. Clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 19 principales entidades globales de Equipos de Neutralización Estática (Ionizador) (la clasificación se basa en los ingresos de 2023, actualizados continuamente)
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Sobre QYResearch
QYResearch se fundó en California (EE.UU.) en 2007 y es una empresa líder mundial en consultoría e investigación de mercados. Con más de 17 años de experiencia y un equipo de investigación profesional en varias ciudades del mundo, QY Research se centra en la consultoría de gestión, los servicios de bases de datos y seminarios, la consultoría de OPI, la investigación de la cadena industrial y la investigación personalizada para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proporcionar un modelo de ingresos no lineal y hacer que tengan éxito. Gozamos de reconocimiento mundial por nuestra amplia cartera de servicios, nuestra buena ciudadanía corporativa y nuestro firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Hasta ahora, hemos colaborado con más de 60.000 clientes en los cinco continentes. Trabajemos estrechamente con usted y construyamos un futuro audaz y mejor.
QYResearch es una empresa de consultoría a gran escala de renombre mundial. La industria cubre varios segmentos de mercado de la cadena de la industria de alta tecnología, que abarca la cadena de la industria de semiconductores (equipos y piezas de semiconductores, materiales semiconductores, circuitos integrados, fundición, embalaje y pruebas, dispositivos discretos, sensores, dispositivos optoelectrónicos), cadena de la industria fotovoltaica (equipos, células, módulos, soportes de materiales auxiliares, inversores, terminales de centrales eléctricas), nueva cadena de la industria del automóvil de energía (baterías y materiales, piezas de automóviles, baterías, motores, control electrónico, semiconductores de automoción, etc.. ), cadena de la industria de la comunicación (equipos de sistemas de comunicación, equipos terminales, componentes electrónicos, front-end de RF, módulos ópticos, 4G/5G/6G, banda ancha, IoT, economía digital, IA), cadena de la industria de materiales avanzados (materiales metálicos, materiales poliméricos, materiales cerámicos, nanomateriales, etc.), cadena de la industria de fabricación de maquinaria (máquinas herramienta CNC, maquinaria de construcción, maquinaria eléctrica, automatización 3C, robots industriales, láser, control industrial, drones), alimentación, bebidas y productos farmacéuticos, equipos médicos, agricultura, etc.
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saltypeanutnerd · 2 months
Équipements de neutralisation statique (ioniseur), Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 19 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Équipements de neutralisation statique (ioniseur) 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Équipements de neutralisation statique (ioniseur) devrait atteindre 696 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 5,6% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Équipements de neutralisation statique (ioniseur) (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 19 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Équipements de neutralisation statique (ioniseur) (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Équipements de neutralisation statique (ioniseur) comprennent KEYENCE, SMC, Simco-Ion, Panasonic, Sunje HI-TEK CO.,Ltd, VESSEL, Meech International, Shishido Electrostatic, KASUGA, KOGANEI, etc. En 2023, les dix premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 54,0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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Day 3 - Private boat tour of Elaphiti Islands. Our boat guide was Iso. He was born and raised in Dubrovnik but spent over a decade in Brooklyn… he sounded like a true New Yorker! We had a wonderful and windy day. Our first stop was the Blue Cave — you swim into a fluorescent blue, reflective cave. We of course did not have our phones with us because you swim in, but imagine a bright blue glow due to the reflection of the sun and water on the sand. We then visited the sandy Beach Sunj of Lupond and then the town of Lupond. In Lupond, we saw a replica merchant ship that takes out tours. It was fun to see! That is where we had a beer before heading home.
Also, we learned that Dubrovnik only allows 3 cruise ships at one time. We were lucky with lower crowds but seeing this ship in person made me realize how massive they were!
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egg2222222222 · 1 year
My type
- girl
- masc or perhaps “FUTCH”
- emo
- fboy mannerisms (Please don’t cheat on me)
- silly
- nice to me
- Tbh extrovert
- likes me
- dumb (optional)
- dark hair
- Tbh big ego
- SunJing
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her kafadn bi ses onu okuma masrafli sunj okuma cok uzun... herkes bisey diyo bn nabcm
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Dubrovnik and Elaphiti islands-
Becca lured Matt into a miserable uphill run complete with stairs, thorns, snakes, non-existent trails and plenty of heat/humidity to start the day, but somehow he survived. He sort of enjoyed the views down on old town and various islands to the southwest as well as the mountains of Bosnia to the northeast. At one point we came across a memorial for a village that was destroyed in the war and it was wild to think about this same area we are relaxing in today being a war zone about 30 years ago. We eventually made it home to the kiddos and took them back to the soccer court for more exercise (as well as Matt getting roped into filming a Croatian guy trying to land the same trick on his skateboard like 20 times…but he eventually did it!). After getting extra sweaty in full sun on the court we grabbed gelato/milkshakes at dolce vita then headed back to prep for the big event of the day: our boat rental! Matt had had to promise the broker the day before that he knew how to drive a boat (otherwise there was going to be a “skipper” included in the price) so was a bit nervous he’d lose face on picking it up, but told himself he definitely knew what he was doing with regards to boat driving. The first hurdle turned out to be surviving the “private transfer” to the boat dock our broker had arranged. This turned out to be a van that was packed overfull and driven by a young Croatian man who was constantly honking, yelling at people out the window and driving the van on backroads and high rates of speed. We somehow made it to the boat docks unscathed and the rental guy gave Matt a quick rundown of the boat and its various quirks including the check engine being always on as well as what trim levels to run at for various RPMs. We then headed out smoothly with the only slight error being Matt forgot to instruct the crew to pull in the bumpers on the L side of the boat after we set sail so we were cruising with those dangling over the edge for a bit until he realized his mistake. The goal was exploring the Elaphiti islands so we headed to the first of the 3 islands and anchored alongside a bunch of other boats by “blue cave” to start. We had a good time swimming in the cove but could not tell much about the cave itself from where we parked. We then motored on to the biggest goal of the trip: Sunj beach on Lopud island. This was advertised in several places as the best beach around due to it being large and sandy so we were excited to see it. We anchored just outside the swim rope/buoys that extended out from the beach. Then Matt swam into the beach with the 4 kids and had a good time playing in the soft sand and playing in the shallow water and with the water swing for an hour or so while Becca napped on the boat. The only casualty of this awesome area is we think Matt’s prescription sunglasses were left on the beach in the shuffle to get kid lifejackets back on for the swim back to the boat (oh well!). We then maxed out the boat RPMs on a smooth cruise back to the rental dock in order to make it back exactly 4 hours after departure as agreed. Despite having the same van driver on the way back it was a lot tamer drive home (we think on the outbound leg he was trying to show off for some fellow Croatian males his same age who were in the van with us en route to renting some jet skis). We made a tasty dinner in of pizza, gnocchi and salad and enjoyed it out on our balcony at sunset, then packed a bit and got to bet slightly earlier than the night before.
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harepare · 1 year
abi bak allah carpsin deodorant kullanmak zor bir sey degil yemin ederim kullanmak icin gotunu satman gerekmiyor sabahtan beri okulda yan yana oturdugum kizdan tut otobusteki insanlara kadar kusucam artik lutfen abi ua paran yoksa ben ismarliyim bu assiri pahali bj sey de degil al sik sunj amk
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xorrnsrl · 1 year
택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
중드 택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 링크<<
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택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
Haengsajik Jang Yeongsil (蔣英實) whose father was originally from Suzhou/Hangzhou (其父本大元蘇ㆍ杭州人) of the Yuan Dynasty, and his mother was a gisaeng. Because his craftsmanship is superior to that of ordinary people, Taejong protected him, and I also cherish him.택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
Around the year of Imin·Gyemyo [2], he wanted to make a separate seat for Sangwon (尙衣院), and discussed with Heo Jo, the judge of Yijo, and Malsaeng Jo, the judge of Byeongjo, and Heojo replied, 'It is not possible to appoint a descendant of a gisaeng to the upper house. does not exist. ’, and Malsaeng said, ‘This group is more suitable for the upper house. ’, so the two discussions did not agree, so I didn’t bother to do it, but after that, I discussed with the ministers again, and Yoo Jeong-hyeon (柳廷顯) and others said, ‘I can appoint you to the upper house. ’, so I followed suit and appointed him to the Byuljwa.택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결
Yeongsil's personality is not just skillful, but his temperament is generally excellent, so he kept him near me every time I went to work and delivered orders on behalf of the eunuchs. But how can you call this ball? Now he made a self-confidence gung-ru (自擊宮漏), although he did it under my teaching, if it were not for this person, he would not have been able to make it. I have heard that there was a water clock that started automatically during the reign of Sunje in the Yuan Dynasty, but the sophistication of the 택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결construction probably did not reach that of Yeongsil. Since he was able to make an instrument that would be handed down from generation to generation, his achievements were not small, so he wanted to be given the official position of a guardian. Sejong Annals, 3rd article on September 16, 15th year of King Sejong (1433) (Jang Yeong-sil) was born to a naturalized Chinese citizen and a courtesan. In 『Donggukyeojiseungram(東國輿地勝覽)』, he is only listed as a famous god of Asan(牙山). When he was a government official in Dongnae-hyeon, his talent was recognized by King Sejong, and he was dispatched to China and had the opportunity to study astronomical instruments.택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결 Encyclopedia of Korean National Culture - Jang Yeong-sil #
The exact year of birth and death of Jang Yeong-sil is unknown. According to the records of the annals, Jang Yeong-sil's mother was a government official in Dongraebu, and Jang Yeong-sil's father was a Yuan Dynasty native of Suzhou and Hangzhou, China.
In the annals, it appears that Jang Yeong-sil was appointed to a separate seat of the upper house in 1423 [3], and after that, he held positions such as event post (行司直) and guard army (guard army) in 1434, and rose to Daehogun (大護君) in 1438. . And it was in 1442 that he was dismissed due to an accident in which a kiln was broken, which will be described later. Therefore, based on these activity records, it is estimated that Jang Yeong-sil was born between 1385 and 1390.
2.1. Shipbuilding engineer[edit] He had excellent technical skills in metal smelting, castle construction, farming tools, and weapon repair, and according to the story, when Dongnae County was in crisis due to drought, he dug a canal and was able to draw water from afar. It is said to have solved the drought in Dongnae-hyeon by deve택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결loping a balloon). It is well known that this fact was reported to King Sejong and called to Hanyang, but this is a record in Yeonryeosil Technique, and it is said that Jang Yeong-sil appeared in the Annals of King Taejong and was recognized for his skills and protected.
There is also a record of Jang Yeong-sil in the early years of King Sejong in Yeon Ryeo-sil Technique. In the 3rd year of the new construction, Namyang Busa Yun Sa-ung, Bupyeong Busa Choi Cheon-gu, and Dongrae Gwanno Jang Yeong-sil were called as Naengam to discuss and study the Seon Gi-ok type system, and there was no disagreement with the king's will. The king was very happy and said, “Even though Yeongsil is in a low position, there is no one who can follow him for his agility. You guys go to the Four Chinas and get familiar wit택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결h the shapes of all kinds of astronomical instruments and quickly imitate them.” He said again, "When you send this group into the four Chinas, send advice to Yebu to trade 《Joryeokhaksan》 and various astronomical books, and learn and bring back the diagrams of the Honcheon of Borugak and Heumgyeonggak.” And gave a lot of silver and products. In the 4th year, Saung and others returned from China and bought various books on astronomy and knew the system of embossing. In the 7th year, in the 10th month of Eulsa, the embossment was completed, and the king personally went to Naegam and looked around and said, “It is wonderful. The excellent Jang Yeong-sil has achieved a great treasure, so there is no second credit for that.” did Soon after, he was freed and let go, and he gave away the silcheomji, and also had him look after Borusa so that he would not leave Seoul, and gave massages to three people, including Gamjogwan Yoon Sa-ung. Yeon-yeonsil technology
Of course, the timing of this content does not match the contents of the annals of the Joseon Dynasty. The contents deal with Yun Sa-ung and Choi Cheon-gu as high-ranking officials[4] and record that Yun Sa-ung and others were appointed to Namwon Busa or Bupyeong Busa for their contribution to discovering the comet, but the contents are also unknown. Most of all, it is because Jang Yeong-sil, who was appointed to the Hogun in 택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결the 5th year of King Sejong's reign and had been serving in government offices before, is portrayed as if he was exonerated only at a later point in time. However, it is interesting that he went to the Ming Dynasty to learn the Chinese astronomical calendar.
In 1423, the 5th year of King Sejong's reign, King Sejong asked Heo Jo and Jo Mal-saeng for their opinions to appoint Yeong-sil Jang to the seat of the House of Representatives, who manufactures and repairs royal items. Accordingly, Sejong delayed the decision for a while and discussed with other ministers, including Yoo Jeong-hyeon, and it was decided to appoint him here as well, and Jang Yeong-sil was easily appointed to the separate s택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결eat of the upper house. Therefore, the theory that white officials strongly opposed King Sejong's decision to appoint Jang Yeong-sil contradicts the record in the Annals. In fact, the idea that the White House would have opposed it by mentioning that it was a lowly class is a very fragmented idea. As can be seen from the fact that slaves who 택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결took the lead in helping during the reign of King Seongjong were given Myeoncheon, or during the Japanese invasion of Eulmyo, Myeoncheon was put forward to serve the slaves, and Hunyeondogam, established after the outbreak of the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, even accepted slaves. There was no hesitation in givi택군기 다시 보기 1화+30화 (중드) 한글자막 완결ng the reward. The slave system itself is not corrected, but it is public, and there is no reason for the ministers to oppose the exemption of a government official with useful skills in agriculture, the foundation of the country [5]. Also, looking at the records at this time, it can be assumed that he was in his middle age in his 40s, so based on this, we presume that Jang Yeong-sil was born in the late 1380s.
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buffalovewor · 2 years
Sunken secrets big fish games
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A white shingle beach next to pine trees, it changes shape ever-so-slightly as the tides and winds change. The wind picks up slowly in the morning, an excellent time for beginners to hit the water. Take a look, book that ticket, and enjoy that well-deserved vacation. With its pebbly beaches and fifty shades of blue in the sea, the Dalmatian Coast is one of the best places to visit in all of Europe, and staying at any of these resorts in Croatia will show you why. One of the most popular beaches in Croatia, if possibly only because of it's location in Dubrovnik, is Banje Beach. Sakarun Beach, Dugi Otok Where are the best sandy beaches in Croatia? 3. Dubrovnik (Locations in no particular order) Table of Contents Show Split - The Overall Best Place to Stay in Croatia Korencia - The Best Place to Stay for Families in Croatia Dubrovnik - The Best Place to Stay for Couples in Croatia 10 Croatia beaches for a dreamy beach vacation. The best places to stay on the island of Vis are hotel San Giorgio, Apartments Vis Talez, and Apartments Estate Under The Paintbrush. 7 nights based in Dubrovnik including day trips- advice plea 21:11. Other than the party spirit, the clear crystal-clear waters stretch out to the white-pebbled beach. One of the most famous areas for snorkeling in Croatia is the Brijuni National Park, found along the south Istrian Coast. Photo credit: iStock Want to know more about Forbes magazine ranked Punta Rata in the top 10 best beaches in the world, and the place itself is one of the most beautiful in Croatia. Pakleni Island Beach - Haven for water sports and beach activities. Written by Carri Wilbanks Updated Jun 23, 2021. Is Croatia a beautiful country? Though I usually prefer sandy beaches, I'm open to trying any beaches that are great for beautiful views and swimming. Answer 1 of 8: Hi, I'm visiting Croatia from the 7th of June until the 14th of June and I was wondering which beaches are the best to visit around Split? Most notably as the backdrop for King's Landing on the Game of Thrones due to its medieval charm, but also in large part to city's many nearby beaches. A man made construction formed in 1955 or thereabouts, Pasjaca Beach is only small, but was still named. Croatia's Most Beautiful Beaches Content Golden Horn, Brac Banje Beach, Dubrovnik Lubenice Beach, Cres Dubovica Beach, Hvar Sakarun Beach, Dugi Otok Divna Beach, Dalmatia Stiniva Cove Beach, Vis Oprna Beach, Krk Makarska Beach, Makarska Sunj Beach, Lopud The best beaches in Croatia are spread along the Dalmatian Coast and across the Adriatic. Secondly: it's the best base from which to visit both the islands and the Dalmatian interior. An aerial view of the amphitheater in Pula. This pretty harbor town is a favorite among windsurfers: the channel between the islands of Brač and Hvar provides ideal wind conditions, thanks to the maestral (strong, steady westerly wind) that typically blows between April and October. A guide to the 11 best beaches in Pula, Croatia. In the previous posts, we told you why Croatia is the perfect place for digital nomads, and also brought you the 10 best co-working places along with pointing out the 15 hidden gems in the country. Hvar Town's main beach, Bonj les Bains, lies in a sheltered bay, rimmed by a 1920s white stone colonnade with bathing cabins and private pontoons built over the sea, with baldachins and white chiffon drapes. Historic Hvar Town was originally a haven for pirates. Pula is one of Croatia's top diving destinations with caves, reefs, and sunken shipwrecks to discover. Located in central Croatia, Plitvice National Park is an area of exceptional natural beauty that has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979. Here is some of the best preserved wilderness in south-eastern Europe. It has the shape of an eight number, with the only village of Silba located in the middle, where two opposing bays almost meet. "Perfect place to go with a family, as every hour has activities to all ages (baby, mini, teenagers adults) The beaches and pools are very clean the sea has transparent clean water.". Daily rewards and islands hopping with your friends.Istria is home to many naturist / nudist beaches, but Koversada is actually one of Vrsar's oldest beaches! best beach locations for families 21:17.But watch out for the curse of the Sea Witch and her sidekicks! See more Plant, cook, be keeper of your own unique island. But watch out for the curse of the Sea Witch and her sidekicks!FEATURES Plant, cook, be keeper of your own unique island.
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girl5kind · 4 years
hey, attention! she has something to say:
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yourdailygirlkind · 3 years
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Fanci era
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eyedi · 5 years
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one shot, one kill! girlkind 임니다 💥
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f-rainbow-x · 6 years
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GIRLKIND: FANCI Dance Highlight
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04sehun · 6 years
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#굿모닝 #해피썬제이 💕 입니다
오늘도 화이팅
#걸카인드 도 화이팅
멈추지않는 시간속에 #썬제이 18호는 업그레이드 중 💪
#goodmorning This is #SunJ
#NeverForget #eighteen's day
#AsTimeGoesBy #UpgradeYourLife
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