lusc1ouslucy · 7 years
Sun Poisoning
Boiiiii, just fuck me up. When I was in Hawaii, on our last day there I got a really bad sunburn which actually turned out to be sun poisoning. Which if you’ve never heard of it, it fucking sucks. So our flight home was a connecting flight through Houston, the flight there was about 6 1/2 hours, and the flight from Houston to Denver was around 2 1/2 hours. It was so miserable. I had the sun poisoning only on the back of my legs. And slightly on my hips. My legs were so swollen the I couldn’t even wear pants or bend my knees. My legs were also so hot that aloe Vera pretty much did nothing. I was so cold and hot, I was shivering so much.
Embarrasing story starts here
So we’re finally on our flight to Houston and we’re a couple of hours in and I start feeling really nauseous. I’m thinking if I could just go throw up I think I’d be okay. I get up to go to the lavatory and someone was in there so I had to wait. I started feeling really dizzy but then the lavatory finally opened up. I tried to get into the lav and I couldn’t comprehend how to even open the door. It’s like my brain stopped functioning and next I know I just hear a loud thud. I BLACKED OUT. I’ve never passed out before in my life. The flight attendant had to give me oxygen and I was shivering so bad that they got me a blanket. They were asking me all these questions and I’m like guys I’m so sorry, I’m a flight attendant myself. I’m pretty positive it’s from my sunburn (hence, why it’s sun poisoning since I passed out). After that, I finally went back to my seat and I told my friend what happened. We had a good laugh. Ive never been so embarrassed, what flight attendant passes out a plane?!??? Like what! But anyways, I didn’t have any problems after that even on the next flight which I was so grateful for because I was so worried about it.
Never in my life do I want sun poisoning again. I’m so careful with my skin because I am so fair, my skin does not tan ever. I retained so much water that I had gained ten pounds until the burn started to heal. I couldn’t wear jeans for a week. I stayed medicated, took tea baths, used aloe Vera all day long and it was still horrible. After like a week and a half my legs shed so bad but after I shed there was still a burn underneath it. It’s been about three weeks and my legs are still burned. It hasn’t gone away. I think the most surprising part is that I didn’t have any blisters. All I know is that sun poisoning freaking sucks and it takes forever to get rid of.
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