#super junior siwon imagines
chicken-fifi · 5 months
All I Want | Siwon (SuJu) Imagine
Pairing: Choi Siwon x Fem!Reader
Requested by anon: Hi, I would like to request an imagine with siwon from super junior where the f reader is also an idol, 10 years younger than him, very popular among boys, and after 5 months dating siwon, he realizes that many male idols around her age want to be with her, so he gets very insecure and she comforts him after finding out why he was sad
Genre: angst to fluff
Word Count: 1,395 words
A/n: this one took me much longer to write than i planned, but i'm happy with it and i hope you all enjoy it!
Tunes: not a tune, but i was (re)watching many episodes of seasons 3 and 4 of attack on titan while writing this piece.
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You huffed as your dance sequence came to an end once again during the dress rehearsal for the music show. Letting your arms fall from their final positions, you stretched humming as your back cracked in the most satisfying way possible. For being almost 28 years old, your body sure felt worse after each and every single one of those elaborate and complex dance choreographies. Looking back on that fact, it could easily be the result of the last decade of back to back comebacks with little to no rest in between. After all, when you’re in an industry where long hiatuses can be the difference between success and failure for Kpop groups - among other factors - resting is not really an option. 
No matter how popular you may be.
“Alright Moonlight,” you heard the director call out through a megaphone. “Good work. Go get some rest. Super Junior you’re up!”
As you walked off the stage with your four group members, you passed the veteran group dressed to the nines in their suits for their upcoming comeback. With quick and practiced bows, the five of you rushed back to the dressing room you had been assigned. You lingered a bit as Siwon walked by you, sending him a soft smile, your hands brushing against one another.
“Let’s meet tonight,” you whispered, eye brightening as he smiled back and nodded.
“My place,” he whispered back. “After the final recording.”
“You guys just keep getting better every comeback,” the director commented as he dismissed the veteran boy group to rest before the final taping as well. “We can always count on you veterans to give a good show.”
The rowdy group messed around with one another as they walked off the stage. Despite each of of the men steadily approaching their mid to late thirties - save for the oldest two who were already forty - the tired feelings that echoed in their bones immediately after they finished their rehearsal had disappeared in an instant and they were back to acting and feeling like the young men they were when they first stepped foot onto the stage.
Much like back then, Siwon’s ear picked up the chatter of groups around him stepping onto the stage and waiting for their groups' turn to practice alike. Normally he would not have given the chatter and gossip much thought, but since he heard the comments being made about you as he was waiting for his own rehearsal, his ear instinctively tuned into the conversations straining to hear any mention of your name.
“She’s totally my type,” he heard some boy group member, someone he was able to identify as having debuted within the same month as you did, comment to another member of his group. “She’s so pretty and she can dance like it’s no one’s business.”
“She’s everyone’s type,” another guy said, joining in on their conversation. “She’s such a great performer it’s hard not to like her in that department, but I heard that she’s even nicer in person, not to mention she talks about wanting to be in a serious relationship that will lead to marriage. If I could wife her up I would. Settling down with her sounds like a dream.”
His brows furrowed at the words he heard. He knew better than to get jealous about it seeing as the two of you had only been officially dating - albeit in private - for the past five months. It would be wrong to assume things were more serious than they were, even more wrong to get possessive over you. After all, these boys were much closer in age to you than he was. Maybe he really should have thought about the problems and insecurities that would come with dating someone a whole decade younger than him.
Especially someone as likable and admirable as you. The It Girl. That girl.
Still, hearing you being spoken about in such a manner was sickening. Siwon clenched his fists at his sides, slowing slightly and making a move to head over in their direction before Jeongsoo grabbed his upper arm, pulling him back.
“Just ignore them,” he warned. “We don’t need this kind of scandal.”
Siwon let out a deep breath, closing his eyes and continuing his walk. His older friend was right. He had much more important things that he needed to focus on, not to mention that he was the person that got to see you in the domestic ways that those boys could only ever dream of. 
You sighed in relief as you leaned against the elevator wall as it rose up. If you thought your muscles were sore during the rehearsals, now that the final taping was over and you finally got a chance to breathe away from the spotlight that was the entertainment industry. As much as you loved being a part of it, it was the most tiring thing you had ever experienced. You were truly thankful for the man you were currently on your way to visit. He was one of the few people who gave you a sense of being a normal person.
The ding from the elevator, forced your eyes to open and you pushed yourself from the wall walking out the door and down the hall to the door of the apartment you were no stranger to. Stopping in front of the door you punched in the passcode, stepping inside as quickly as you could and kicking off your shoes and sliding your feet into a pair of slippers - a pair Siwon had bought specific for you and that matched his. Not seeing his slippers by the door, you assumed Siwon had arrived before you, and given the sound of the footsteps nearing, it seems you were right.
“You rushed home,” you chuckled, seeing your lover’s figure fill the entryway. “Did your rehearsals and taping go well?”
“About as well as they could go,” he hummed, pulling you into a hug. “How about yours?”
“We got all sorts of praises and compliments from everyone. They really liked the choreography that we have this comeback.”
Siwon frowned, pulling away and walking further into the apartment, “Really.”
You nodded as you followed after, taking note of the smell of cooked food as you did you - and also noting the somber aura that was filling the space between the two of you.
“Hey, is everything alright?” you asked.
Siwon entertained the idea of lying or making some bullshirt excuse for a split second before tossing it out almost as quickly as it had appeared. He was too old to be moping about something so trivial rather than being open and upfront about it.
“I heard some of the members from other groups talking about you as we were leaving the stage after our rehearsal,” he began, not looking at you. “How you’re their ideal type and whatnot. I won't deny that it made me feel insecure - seeing as I’m a good decade older than you and they’re much closer to you in age - although admitting it makes me feel foolish and like a whiny, brat.”
“Siwon,” you sighed. “Did it really bother you that much?”
He stopped turning to look at you, “It did. I can’t even begin to explain how much it hurts to know that my old ass could never keep up with you like them. I’m so wasted.”
“Stop that,” you scolded. “Don’t you dare talk about yourself like that.” Siwon didn’t say a word, simply staring at you as you cupped his face, pressing your forehead to his. “I never dated you for being old or not being old. And I certainly don’t care if I’m anyone else’s ideal type or not. I’m your girlfriend, am I not?”
Siwon smiled softly, realizing your words were true and he knew that. He knew that very well, which was why he found his insecurities so shameful to even consider. You had done nothing but make him feel secure in your relationship, just as secure as he had always made you.
“So what if I’m their ideal type? You don’t have a single thing you need to worry about because they aren’t and will never be you, Siwon. You are the only one I want - all I want.”
With that, Siwon finally cracked a full smile - close lipped, but full.
“Now, let’s eat, I’m starving.”
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ignitedminds27 · 1 year
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blu-joons · 2 years
When Their Foreign Partner Gives Birth In Korea ~ Super Junior Reaction
A hand brushed through your hair as Jeongsu perched on your hospital bed just beside you. “What’s on your mind?” He quizzed, noticing you staring off into the distance as if you were in a world of your own.
You gave yourself a moment before looking at Jeongsu. “I’m just thinking about how much I wish my family were here with us right now.”
“It must be tough for you,” Jeongsu smiled.
“I just wish they’d been able to come and see us at some point during my pregnancy,” you finally admitted, “I didn’t want it to just be the two of us.”
Jeongsu moved his arm around you, “I wish they were here too.”
“Not all of your family have been able to see us either.”
“You can’t compare my situation to yours,” Jeongu assured you, “my family can get here in a heartbeat if we need them.”
“I think my mum worries sometimes that your mum is around so often, and she’s not,” you confided nervously in Jeongsu.
His heart sank as you spoke, “I’ll make sure that all of your family feel as involved as they can be, just like my family.”
“They’ll be alright, it’s just a lot.”
“We’re all overwhelmed right now.”
Your smile was wide as Heechul encouraged you to pose, holding his phone up and taking a photo of the three of you. “What do you think?” Heechul asked you as he loaded up the photo so that you could take a look.
You nodded approvingly straight away, “my family will be printing that straight away and sticking it up on the fridge at home, I promise.”
“It’s our first family photo,” Heechul noted.
“It’s adorable,” you chuckled as Heechul began to send the photo to your family. “They’re not here, but this feels as good as having them here with us.”
Heechul watched you closely, “they’ll come and visit us soon.”
“I know, we’ve not got too long to wait for them now.”
“Just think when they get here we’ve got babysitting sorted for the week,” Heechul suggested, bringing a laugh out of you.
“I can’t wait to sleep when they come over,” you agreed, taking Heechul by surprise, “we can just rest and let them take control.”
As Heechul placed his phone away he nudged against your side, “they’ll go crazy if we leave them to babysit you know.”
“They’re my parents, I’ll sweet talk them.”
“I like your style.”
You smiled appreciatively across at Jonghoon as he picked up a tissue and wiped underneath your eyes once again. “Don’t fret,” he told you, knowing that you were starting to feel guilty for getting so teary.
A faint chuckle came from you as you tried to get comfortable on your hospital bed. “I didn’t think I was going to cry, how wrong was I?”
“It’s an emotional time,” Jonghoon assured you.
“I didn’t think giving birth would get to me like this,” you confessed, shaking your head, “let alone getting all of these texts from my family missing me.”
Jonghoon nodded back to you, “I bet they’re missing you.”
“I can just picture my mum sobbing reading all these.”
“I’ll make sure to keep them updated,” Jonghoon assured you, “I can’t imagine you being on your phone for much longer.”
“Don’t remind me of what’s to come,” you joked, “it’s bad enough already without knowing they’re all not here too.”
Jonghoon’s smile turned up as he took a hold of your hand, “even if they’re not here, I’m here and I’ll support you Y/N.”
“I’m super lucky that you’re here.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
A sigh escaped from you as you heard a knock at the door of your suite, glancing across at Donghee. “Who’s here? I thought we asked to make sure that no one interrupted us,” you told him, hanging your head.
Donghee stood up from your bed, making his way across to the suite door. “I’ll have a look and see who it is, I’m sure they’re harmful.”
“Tell them to go away,” you responded.
“That’s not very nice,” a familiar voice told you as Donghee opened up the door, “we’ve travelled halfway around the world to be here for you Y/N.”
Your eyes lit up straight away, “what are you guys doing here?”
“We couldn’t let you give birth all by yourself, could we?”
“I can’t believe it,” you laughed as your mum and dad both rushed to either side of your bed, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
“Surprise,” Donghee smiled as he hovered back to give you a few moments with your family, relieved to see your wide smile.
Your eyes flickered to Donghee as he spoke, shaking your head in disbelief. “Did you really organise this, just for me?”
“Of course, anything to help you.”
“You’re the best, thank you.”
You both stared down at your son in your arms, with Hyukjae leaning against your shoulder. “He’s definitely got your mum’s nose,” he commented, being able to recognise the similarity straight away between them.
You nodded in agreement with Hyukjae as you studied your son closely, “we’ve cursed him already for having to share a nose with my mum Jae.”
“She’ll be thrilled,” Hyukjae chuckled.
“I can’t wait to show her, we’ll never hear the end of it once she sees him,” you told Hyukjae, turning to face him with a wide smile etched on your face.
He nodded back at you, “just think if she was here in person instead.”
“That’s one good thing about being so far away from them.”
“She wouldn’t let you go,” Hyukjae laughed as he looked at the empty chair beside you, “I’d be useless if she was here.”
“You know what she’s like, always worrying,” you reminded him. “Remember what she was like when I came over for the first time.”
Hyukjae chuckled as he recalled the memory, “there’s no way when she met me she thought I’d father your children.”
“Honestly, she thought you were so strange.”
“But that’s why you love me.”
Your eyes lit up as Siwon sat on the end of your bed hearing familiar voices coming through the phone. “Mum! Dad!” You cheered, leaning into Siwon to make sure that you were in frame and seen by them.
Siwon moved so that you didn’t have to, turning the phone around. “Do you guys want to meet your granddaughter?” Siwon excitedly asked them.
“Let me see, let me see,” your mum grinned.
“Here she is, nice and cosy,” you told them, tilting your arms so that your parents could both see the baby that you cradled so tightly in your hold.
Their smiles were wide as they looked on the screen, “she’s beautiful.”
“Everyone’s doing really well, and only a few tears from Y/N too.”
“Hey,” you jokingly snapped, nudging against Siwon’s arm, “I’m sure no one can blame me for getting upset with all that pain.”
“She was a superstar,” Siwon quickly reassured your parents, watching their smiles light up as they kept looking at your daughter.
As they did, Siwon pressed a kiss against the side of your head. “We can’t wait to come over and see the three of you soon.”
“The three of us, that sounds so weird.”
“You’ll get used to it Y/N.”
The dampness in his shirt broke Donghae’s heart as held onto you, running his hand along your back. “Let it all go,” he whispered closely into your ear, knowing that your emotions were all over like a rollercoaster.
After a few moments you finally pulled away from him, “I’m sorry, this is supposed to be a happy time for us, not a time for me to get upset on you.”
“Don’t you dare apologise,” Donghae told you.
“Throughout this whole pregnancy I’ve survived, but now it’s finally happening. I wish they were here,” you replied, wiping under your eyes.
Donghae kept a close eye on you, “I wish they were here as well for you.”
“You don’t need to feel bad for me, you’re missing people here too.”
“But my people are here, they don’t have to catch flights or pack suitcases to travel for hours,” Donghae reasoned in reply to you.
“They wouldn’t want me to cry,” you whispered to yourself, trying to find the motivation to stop yourself from tearing up.
Donghae moved his arm around you as you pulled away from his chest, “I’ll give them a text let them know that you’re alright.”
“You’d really do that for me, Donghae?”
“Of course I would Y/N.”
As yet another contraction subsided, Ryeowook moved closer to your side, letting go of your hand. “Everything good?” He quizzed, running his hand over the top of your head to push your hair away for you.
The pause that came from you told Ryeowook a lot. “I know that you’re here but I feel so alone right now, like someone should be on my other side too.”
“You wish your parents were here?” He asked you.
“More than anything,” you admitted, letting go of a sigh as you threw your head back. “They don’t tell you about this bit when you move abroad.”
Ryeowook offered you a weak smile, “no one thinks of the downsides.”
“I shouldn’t be thinking of this as a downside, I mean we’re having a baby.”
“It’s human to miss people during important times in your life,” Ryeowook smiled back at you, “I feel bad that my family are here.”
“Please don’t feel bad,” you asked him, resting against the palm of his hand, “I’m so grateful for all they’ve done for the two of us.”
The pad of Ryeowook’s thumb brushed against your cheek, “we’re all wishing that both of our families could be here right now.”
“Hopefully it won’t be too long to happen.”
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t.”
You smiled softly as your daughter was taken away by the midwives leaving you and Kyuhyun along at your bedside for a while. “How are you feeling?” He asked, leaning across and taking a hold of your hand.
Your shoulders shrugged as you met Kyuhyun’s eyes, “it’s been a while since I felt homesick, but I’m really feeling homesick right now, it’s not the same.”
“They’ll be awake soon, right?” Kyuhyun quizzed.
“In an hour perhaps,” you told him as you glanced at the clock. “I can’t wait to wake them up with the best news ever, they’re all going to be so excited.”
Kyuhyun nodded in agreement with you, “I bet they’ll be missing you today.”
“This is the sort of moment where they should be here, not so far away.”
“We’ll be able to tell them all about this moment soon enough,” Kyuhyun tried to reassure you, “they’ll be on the first flight over.”
“I never imagined myself settling down in a foreign country,” you confessed, taking Kyuhyun by surprise, “this feels like a dream.”
He continued to watch you as you sniffed the tears back once again, “I never imagined myself being in this position either you know.”
“Would you change anything about right now?”
“Not a single thing.”
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elf-bot · 2 years
this is a list of some of my fave fics and some masterlists for suju, ofc if you know more writers and fics please let me know so i can add them in here !
last update: sometime in november, 2022, i lost the date
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hesitance - smut
hesitance part 2 - smut
late night snack
i’d rather be insane - smut
birthday wishes
cookie kiss
tease - smut
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i don’t mind
next time - smut
quickie - smut
bored - smut
astralsweetness’ drabble -  non explicit smut
we just need a drink - smut
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honeymoon sweetness - smut
“If you weren’t so drunk maybe I would.”
anything - smut
more than a friend
mirrors - smut
pregnancy struggles, baby struggles
good boy - smut
all you have to do is ask - smut
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yeah, ok, but i’m cooler
move night - smut
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06:00 am (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
drunken fwb (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
my prince
i miss you - smut
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cacao - suggestive
one night part 1 & part 2
tails you lose part 1 & part 2 - smut
06:00 am (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
drunken fwb (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
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a rainy evening
2+1 (leeteuk & siwon) - smut
lost & found
double check
bad habits - smut
from the ground up - smut
shownuslaugh’s siwon smut
batman suit - smut (ao3)
7 minutes in heaven - smut
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working birthday
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did you enjoy it? - smut
knowing hubby 
here, you can have mine
almost - smut
too much to bear - smut
honeymoon tension - smut
lazy evening - smut
sexual tensions - smut
move night - smut (ao3)
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chicken fifi’s masterlist
obsessedwithbbandsuju’s masterlist
blu-jon’s masterlist
2ya2yao’s masterlist
kpop imaginings’ masterlist
sujusoo’s masterlist
some writers rec here !!
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haisuri · 2 years
hyukjae: i sleep with a gun under my pillow.
donghae: i sleep with a crossbow.
kyuhyun: you guys are pathetic.
heechul: oh yeah? what do you sleep with?
kyuhyun: yesung.
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donghaes-bitch · 2 years
When I said I wanted 9 men to own my body, I meant Super Junior - not the supreme court.
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kpopimaginings · 2 years
Double Check - Siwon
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A/N: A request from @fulleaglecloduniversity​ about a pregnancy with Siwon. Here is part 1 and there will be a part 2 to follow.
You really weren't sure why you were so nervous. You and Siwon had spoken about having kids together since before you were even engaged, so you knew his reaction wouldn't be negative. Still, this was huge news. How were you meant to tell him something like this?
"Yeobo?" you asked, entering the living room where he was.
"Jagi," he replied, letting you know he was listening.
"I just wanted to ask a favour," you started. "I've got an appointment tomorrow and I was hoping you could come along."
"What sort of appointment? Is everything OK?" Siwon asked, suddenly concerned.
"Yeah, I've just been feeling really sick a lot lately and then I've done a couple of these," you explained, pulling some pregnancy tests out of your pocket, "And they seem to think I'm pregnant, so I'm going to double check. I thought you might like to be there."
Your husband sat frozen and wide eyed in front of you.
"Yeobo? You still with me?"
"You're saying you're pregnant?" he finally spoke.
"All signs are pointing to yes," you smiled.
As the news slowly sunk in, a grin erupted on Siwon's face too. He stood to approach you.
"I know it's a bit earlier than we planned but-"
You were cut off by Siwon's lips pressing tenderly against yours, his hands resting on your waist.
"Who cares about our plan?" he said, now unable to stop smiling. "For the longest time all I've wanted is a family with you, and if it's happening now then that's fine by me."
"We'll know for sure tomorrow."
You rested your hand on his as it slid round to your stomach, and the two of you stood together for a moment longer, basking in the bliss of the potential life growing inside you.
As you sat at the doctors, preparing for the scan to either confirm or deny the pregnancy, you thought back to the anxiety you had first felt about telling your husband. He was sat beside you, clutching your hand in his excitement clear on his face.
"Definitely pregnant," the doctor announced looking at the screen in front of her.
"Really?" you asked, eager to see the proof yourself.
"Really," she confirmed, turning the monitor to show you. "This little shape here, that's your baby."
"It's true," you heard Siwon mutter, before bringing your hand up to place a kiss on it. "We're actually going to be parents, Jagi, it's happening!"
"It really is," you smiled back. "It's going to be a long 9 months!" 
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multiphandomunnies · 3 months
Super Junior
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catching kangin making out with his girlfriend
bf! heechul
friends with benefits
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gem-writes-stories · 2 years
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Donghae soft ver♥️♥️
Credit me if you want to use this
Don't steal
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kmultismut · 2 years
"Can you take them off for me?"
You were lying on the couch in the living room, watching a kdrama with your boyfriend Siwon. You had your back pressed to his chest and were comfortably lying between his legs. His hands were wrapped around your figure. He slowly let his hand get underneath the blanket that was covering both of you. He let his hand brush over the hem of your shorts a few times before you took his hand and put it underneath your panties. You turned your head to the side and kissed him, making him smirk as he stared moving his fingers in a circular motion. "Can you take them off for me?" You nodded and quickly got rid of you shorts and panties. He continued making circles on your clit while placing kisses on the side of your neck here and there. You tried to focus on the drama but his fingers kept pulling your focus away. "Wanna feel full, baby." You turned your head to look at him and pouted. He smiled and took off his sweatpants together with his underwear. You lifted yourself up and eased down his c*ck. He let you stay like that while he kept playing with your clit. You were still for a couple of minutes but soon started moving your hips unconsciously. "I thought you just wanted to feel full." "Babyy, stop teasing me, you know I can't control myself when I feel you this deep.", you whined. "I know, baby. Just wanted to hear your say it." He started moving his hips entering you a bit deeper than before with each thrust. You watched his c*ck move in and out of you. Your arousal started to pool at his base. You felt your orgasm approaching so you mumbled out, "Faster!" You were surprised how he even managed to hear you as you were seconds later coming on his c*ck. Once you collected yourself, you turned around and kissed him. You positioned yourself on top of him and pushed your hips down letting him enter you again. You moved your hips back and forth making him moan and groan. He grabbed your thighs and soon spilled himself into you. You placed kisses on his chest as you got up, letting him slip out of you.
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ageingfangirl · 2 years
Siwon x Reader (Super Junior)
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You and your best friend Siwon had been asked to sing a cheesy duet for a close friend's joint birthday party. You and Siwon had picked the perfect cheesy love song that had you both cringing but knew people would like. It would also spark more rumours about the two of you being in a relationship when you were simply good friends.
You and Siwon have the kind of friendship where friends, family and fans alike assume you're in a relationship because when we're around each other we act more than just friends. We cuddle, kiss and message daily, but neither of us saw the other as a potential love interest.
‘I think we should do that thing we planned at the end y/n to drive them crazy.’
Siwon walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist making you jump. He laughs as you slap his arms away.
‘Let's put on a show for them Siwon, one they'll never forget.’
You both pick up your microphones and walk on stage. The music starts playing and your friends start cheering and clapping.
Song: Something Stupid
I know I stand in line Until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me
Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you
I can see it in your eyes You still despise the same old lines You heard the night before And though it's just a line to you For me it's true And never seemed so right before
I practice every day to find some clever lines to say To make the meaning come true But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late And I'm alone with you
The time is right Your perfume fills my head The stars get red And oh the night's so blue And then I go and spoil it all By saying something stupid Like I love you I love you...
The song comes to an end and Siwon wraps an arm around your waist before dipping you like you see in all those cheesy romance films and smashes his lips down on yours. The force takes you by surprise, as does the gasping in the audience, but you quickly recover and kiss him back because the two of you knew how to put on a show.
After a minute Siwon releases you, slings an arm around your shoulder and the two of you walk off stage as nothing had just happened grinning like idiots.
Backstage you burst into laughter as does Siwon.
‘Oh my god did you see their faces y/n? Priceless.’
'Siwon, you know that's going to be all over social media in like ten minutes.’
Siwon wipes away tears of joy and casually shrugs his shoulders.
‘Let the internet continue to argue whether we'll get together or won't, it makes our lives more interesting y/n.’
You couldn't help but agree with your best friend, you'd have a pretty dull online presence if Siwon wasn't involved. Siwon is a great kisser and a gentleman, and he'd make someone very happy one day but for now, he'd make you happy.
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chicken-fifi · 1 year
New News - Siwon (SuJu) Imagine
Requested by @fulleaglecloduniversity: can you do a extended and detailed imagine about telling him your pregnancy and giving birth to his baby?
Word Count: 1147 words
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You kept playing with the box you had prepared to surprise Siwon with the news of your pregnancy. Rearranging the tests, the onesie, the sonogram prints, your hands just couldn’t sit still. It hadn’t been long since the two of you decided to start your own family, but this sudden news had come at a rather unexpected time. With the upcoming tours and concerts that the group was preparing to hold over the next few months, it wasn’t necessarily the most convenient time since he would be missing many milestones in the pregnancy, and not fully able to enjoy all the little things that would be happening early on. But it would be worth it in the end.
Sighing, you shook your head placing the white lid on the box and moving it to the coffee table before you stood up deciding to change from the outfit you’d worn to your doctor’s appointment (those sonogram pictures were from that very appointment) and into something a bit more comfortable and looser. Just as you finished changing you could hear the beeping of the keypad on the front door of your apartment signaling Siwon’s arrival. Despite you rushing back to the living as fast as you could, you weren’t able to make it to the couch before he entered the small foyer. His tall and well-built frame blocked your path causing you to run into him and lose your balance. 
His hands immediately shot out to steady you preventing you from falling backward.
“Careful,” he chuckled. “I know I’ve been gone for a long time but running at me like Toad and then bouncing off to show your frustration isn’t as menacing as you think it is.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his interpretation of the events that had just transpired. Taking his hand, you pulled him to the living room with you, he talked the entire time teasing you affectionately up until you sat him down on the couch.
“Movie night?” he tried, not thinking twice about the box right in front of him. You shook your head taking a seat beside him and reaching for the box, pushing it closer to him but leaving it on the table. “You got me a gift?”
“Not exactly,” you answered. “It’s just a little something that I think, well I hope, you’ll like.”
Siwon grabbed the box, placed it on his lap, and began to lift the lid as he looked at you, “I like everything you give me.”
A ball of nerves formed in the pit of your stomach. Yes, you had agreed and deemed it the right time to start a family, it was never the right time. And now you weren’t so sure if you should even be telling him this news amid all the chaos going on. Siwon’s sharp intake of breath got your attention. He was holding the lid eyes glued to the contents of the box before one hand reached out to carefully pick up one of the pregnancy tests, the other hand dropping the lid as he grabbed a sonogram photo.
“Is this…when did you go? How long have you known?” he fumbled out, looking from the tests and photos to you and back.
“I wanted to make sure before I told you anything,” you explained. “I hadn’t been feeling well and the tests were a mixture of positive and negative that I wasn’t sure what to believe so I scheduled an appointment for yesterday and…well…”
Thirty different emotions registered on his face in the span of five seconds before he placed everything back in the box and put it back on the coffee table moving to hug you tightly. His hand hesitated momentarily before going to your stomach and resting his palm against it your hand going and resting on top of his.
“We’re having a baby,” he whispered softly, voice shaking in disbelief.
10 Months Later…
“If this baby doesn’t look like me after putting me through this much pain, I am going to be severely disappointed,” you huffed out as a rough contraction struck you.
So far you were nearing 72 hours of labor, while only the past six hours had been considered active labor, the second you had arrived at the hospital almost three days ago - just for a check-up - you had been admitted and not allowed to leave after some test results that had left a few doctors concerned. And you were less than thrilled when the labor process started and little to no progress was being made within the first 36 hours. Siwon, despite you telling him it was okay to leave and get some work done for the upcoming concert in Seoul, had refused to leave your side until you were out of the hospital with a healthy baby in your arms.
“Maybe a C-section is something we should seriously consider,” he suggested, concerned by the amount of pain you were in. It had been the one thing he’d casually brought up time and time again after seeing you in so much pain after the first 24 hours of being admitted. You had denied his suggestion time and time again.
“I don’t want a C-section,” you replied through gritted teeth as you reached the peak of your contraction. “I’m having his baby naturally, like how we planned.”
Siwon stayed quiet opting to run a damp washcloth across your forehead getting rid of the accumulating sweat on your brow. He noticed the way your face kept scrunching in pain throughout the entire contraction. It pained him to see you like this. He really wished you would listen to his reasoning, get the pressure off your body, and allow yourself to rest. He couldn’t stand seeing you in pain, even if meant having your baby as naturally as possible.
“I said no Siwon.”
He stayed silent again, holding your hand and letting you squeeze the life out of it until the contraction ended, a doctor walked in shortly thereafter and checked how dilated you were.
“10 centimeters,” she quipped standing up, throwing the gloves away, and moving to the door to call in the nurses that had been assigned to your delivery. “You ready to start pushing Mama.”
~~~ Timeskip because I just can’t write the birth scene ~~~
Airy wails echoed throughout the hospital room as a nurse placed your son on your chest whilst they all worked to clamp the umbilical cord and prepare for the afterbirth. The tiny, frail human twisted and turned every which way until you cradled him closer to your chest where he stilled and calmed down, comforted by the sound of your heartbeat. Siwon was leaning over above you tears in his eyes as he looked at the small human he vowed to protect for the rest of his life.
You looked up smiling in disbelief, “He’s here. He’s finally here.”
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cherrysarchives · 1 year
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•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•┈•
🔞 - sᴘɪᴄʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Feel Insecure Because You’re Younger Than Him ~ Super Junior Reaction
Your eyes looked to Jeongsu in panic as you walked into the shop to see your photos printed on one of the front pages. The article sent a shiver down your spine, with Jeongsu knowing that you’d seen it too.
“Can we go?” You immediately asked him, deciding to forget all about your trip out to shop for dinner, “I just want to go home.”
Jeongsu’s head shook, taking a tight grip of your hand. “We’re not letting a few articles get in the way of us, we’re just going to carry on and do our own thing.”
You didn’t move as Jeongsu tried to walk you along the rest of the aisle. “Everyone’s going to know that it’s us on the front page, they’re probably all staring too.”
“Let them, nothing that anyone else does matters to us.”
“But why do they do it anyway?”
His eyes glanced at you as finally you began to move, “because they want to hurt us and upset us, but we have to show them that they’re never going to do that.”
“How do you manage to be so strong with all of this?”
“Because the only thing I want is you.”
Your steps were hesitant as you walked towards the front door of the apartment, trying your best to put off going out with Heechul. It didn’t take him long to clock how slow you were, reaching out and taking your hand.
“What’s that look for?” You asked him as you glanced up to see his troubled eyes studying you closely in confusion.
His head shook as Heechul shut the front door that he had already opened. “Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind now before we get there?”
Your shoulders shrugged, knowing that he knew you too well. “I’m just worried, I don’t want to deal with people staring or listen to people saying things.”
“The people that are there tonight all support the two of us.”
“What if anyone does do something?”
Heechul’s arm moved to wrap around your frame, “we just ignore them and know that we’re happier than they are anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”
“I bet someone will say something at some point.”
“Then we just prove them wrong.”
Your heart sunk as you overheard the group of fans who were stood just behind you. You were sure that you should’ve been used to it, but you just couldn’t adapt to constantly hearing your name being mentioned.
“I might just wait inside,” you whispered across to Junghoon, wanting to get away before you let things get to you.
Junghoon had other ideas though as he grabbed your hand and pulled you back across to him. “What’s happened? Why do you want to go suddenly?”
You briefly glanced across at the group that you had heard talking, “I’m being spoken about, and I just don’t want to stand here and listen to it really.”
“They’re talking about you? About your age too?”
“You’ve got it in one, spot on Junghoon.”
His eyes glanced back to where the group were that had spoken about you, “you’re not going anywhere, you’re sticking with me where I can look after you.”
“But people are just going to talk more if I’m here too.”
“Let them, let them see we’re together too.”
Your body tensed up as soon as Heechul made his joke, unnerved by the laughter that came from the other members too. You knew they were messing by calling Donghee a grandad, but it still didn’t sit right with you.
“I’m just going to get some air,” you told Donghee once the group began to separate before restarting their rehearsal.
He could tell by your voice that something was wrong, following behind you. “Y/N, what’s going on?” Donghee called out, rushing to catch up with you.
You spun around to face him, looking around to make sure that no one else was around. “Do they really think that I’m that much younger than you are?”
“Is this about what Heechul said when we sat down?”
“Are they really joking? Or do they mean it?”
Donghee reached forwards and took a hold of your hand, “I promise you that they’re only joking, the guys think you’re great, they don’t care about how old we are.”
“Maybe it’s just me being a little bit sensitive then.”
“No, I get it, just try not to worry too much.”
The slam of the door as you walked in immediately made Hyukjae jump, watching you closely he could tell that something was up. Him calling your name made you look across, noticing his worried eyes.
“It’s nothing,” you quickly tried to reassure him, “just one of the members of staff here trying to wind me up or something.”
Hyukjae’s head shook, standing up from where he was and moving across to sit next to you. “Whose winding you up? What are they saying to you?”
Your eyes glanced at Hyukjae as if the answer was obvious. “Surely you know what they’re talking about, it’s the same thing that everyone wants to talk about.”
“Tell me who, members of staff are meant to be professional.”
“They don’t need to be towards me though.”
His head carried on shaking, taking several shaky breaths. “They still need to be professional to you, just tell me their names and I’ll go and put them straight Y/N.”
“I don’t want you to get into any trouble though.”
“Nothing bad will come from it Y/N.”
You could see the confusion on Siwon’s face as soon as he walked into the living room, watching the programme that you were watching. It was a favourite of yours from your childhood, but Siwon was clueless.
“Do you not know this one?” You quizzed as you read the expression that was on his face, knowing Siwon all too well.
His head shook as he sat down beside you on the sofa, “I’ve never seen this before in my life, I think it looks like it aired when I was already in high school.”
You didn’t quite know what to say at Siwon’s sudden confession. “I hadn’t even started school when this aired, were you really that old back when this aired?”
“There is a fair few years between the two of us Y/N.”
“I never really thought about it like this.”
The tone of your voice let Siwon know exactly how you were feeling. “There’s nothing to fret about, it’s just one of those things. Why don’t you tell me about this?”
“You really want to find out about what I used to watch?”
“Of course, because it’s a part of you.”
You didn’t quite know where to look as Donghae sat you down, determined to get to the root of the problem that had left you a little distant from him recently, and him clueless as to what was going on too.
“It’s stupid,” you sighed across at him, “I’ve just been worrying about a lot of things, the age difference being just one.”
A nod of the head came from Donghae, beginning to get a clearer picture of what was going on. “You’re worried about what people will say?”
You hummed in response to him, “it’s not just that, but sometimes I think maybe one day you’ll decide that actually this isn't what you want.”
“Being with you is exactly what I want though Y/N.”
“But what about people your own age?”
A shake of the head followed from Donghae, “we’ve been through this, and our age gap isn’t even that much anyway, all that matters is we work together, right?”
“Sorry, my mind has just been working hard recently.”
“Tell it to switch off for a little while.”
The sudden slam of your laptop lid as Ryeowook walked into the bedroom had him concerned, looking across at you with furrowed brows. You nervously met his eyes, knowing that he was worrying.
“I’m alright,” you quickly told him, trying your best to force a smile to your face, only for Ryeowook to see straight through it.
Before you could grab it, he stretched forwards and picked up your laptop. “You better not have been doing what I think it is that you’ve been doing Y/N.”
Your smile dropped as Ryeowook opened your laptop up. “I just wanted to see what they were saying, although I never quite expected it to be like that.”
“The internet is full of too many judgemental people.”
“But what have I done to be judged?”
Ryeowook closed your laptop quickly, moving his arms around you instead. “You haven’t done anything, life can just be unfair sometimes with the things that happen.”
“Do you think any of them have a point about us?”
“No way, it’s all just complete nonsense.”
Something didn’t quite feel right for Kyuhyun as soon as he went to hug you, you were distant, not with him at all, barely using your hands to hold onto him until eventually he untangled his hands from around you.
“What?” You quizzed blankly as Kyuhyun looked across at you with a puzzled expression, trying to figure out what was going on.
A slight shake of the head came from him, “what’s wrong?” He simply asked, studying you closely, “and don’t say nothing either, because I can tell there’s something.”
Your eyes closed as you let go of a deep breath, “it’s just something that I heard someone say this morning, it’s really stuck with me and just left me feeling odd.”
“I bet I can have a pretty good guess at what you heard.”
“I feel like everyone is saying it Kyu.”
His arms soon moved around you again, “who cares what anyone else is saying? We should just concentrate on us, I mean we’re both happy, right?”
“Of course, but it’s hard for me to ignore it sometimes.”
“I get that, but just talk to me, please.”
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elf-bot · 2 years
super junior kink analysis - nsfw
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[requested by anon some time ago. this may be slight different on what their kinks are on my nsfw alphabets, you can check them on my masterlist. sorry for the long wait for this req, hope you like it. and a reminder this is based in my opinion and my imagination!]
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Food play: this one will be proposed by him 100%. He loves cooking and food, and so do you, why not? His favorite is to pour chocolate,  whipped cream or sweet syrups on your body, either your chest, your inner thighs and lick them painfully and slow.
Light spanking: likes to get your skin marked, but not too harsh. Sometimes he will get you like really marked only if you asked him to. He is very soft most of the time, but would be lying if he said he doesn’t love to see bruises and marks on your skin.
Praising: he will get hard by hearing your praises and that makes him go crazy. If you’re the one in charge, he'll let you praise him and whisper dirty things on his ear. Otherwise he will say how good you feel around him, taking him so well and other dirty stuff.
Cunnilingus: have you seen his tongue?? He practiced and learned somewhere because he knows what he is doing with it. He licks, nips and groans against your pussy, takes the phrase "devouring you like his last meal" quite literally. Can make you cum multiple times with his mouth.
Threesome: Heechul wouldn't say no to sharing, it has to be someone both are clearly comfortable with. He lets you voice your fantasies and whatever you want to happen, get a safe word and everything settled down all of you to enjoy.
Toys: the best part of this is him using toys on you to bring you to the edge and stop you from reaching your high. He will prefer using toys on you rather than him though.
Facefucking/deep-throating: he loves shoving his dick in your mouth and fucking your throat harshly. He grabs your head to keep you in place just to use your mouth for his own selfish pleasure until you gag and bet he also will release inside for you to swallow all of it.
Blindfolding: either you on him, Yesung loves blindfolds. The thought and excitement of not knowing what his partner will do next will turn him on. He will prefer blindfolding you though, he likes the way your body reacts to his touch.
Rough sex: will fuck you hard every once in a while. This includes some biting, light spanking, him slapping your cunt, your nipples, making your skin with his mouth and dirty talking to your ear. His moans and grunts? Heaven sent.
Sex tapes: he's so creative, like I know he will be so into recording both of you or making a video together so yeah. He has a lot of ideas to film and make a sex tape for you to see it. Either is funny or serious, will bring it on in your relationship.
Kamasutra/creating sex positions: will investigate crazy sex positions or tricks. Bet he will fuck you in every surface and position as possible. I bet he will even get you started in that kamasutra shit just for fun, I can really see it.
Bulging kink: he likes to see how he fills you up if it's possible, he also likes to watch how he disappears inside you, so his gaze will be connected there a lot, besides your face and your eyes.
Overstimulation: he gives his fingers great use with this one. Will edge you and deny your orgasm as many times as he can, until he is making you cum multiple times that you squirm, shake and scream.
Sharing: willing to share to any of his members if that’s what both of you want, mostly with Donghae. Will set up everything you want to do, safe words and so on so every part is okay with it.
Thigh riding: Hyuk loves when you use his thigh to get off, he loves to feel your wetness covering him and will obviously help you to get off putting his hands on your hips. He is also a tease with it.
Manhandling: Siwon uses his strenght to move you around however he wants, easily will flip you over your back, put you on your hands and knees or force you to the floor and honestly it’s just so fucking hot for him.
Degradation: when he’s full rough mood will call you some names that you allowed him to as a previous agreement. Either if you’re ok with slut-shaming or dumbification then he will go for it.
Overstimulation: just like Eunhyuk, he loves to use his fingers to make you sensitive and bring you over the edge. Sometimes will do it when he’s still inside you or with his tongue.
Semi public sex: believe it or not, Donghae really has a thing for public or semi public places. The adrenaline and the fear of getting caught at any moment get him excited and bothered, so if you’re willing to fuck in a car, a dressing room, or anywhere outside home where you can easily be seen he’ll take advantage of that perk.
Spanking: I feel this one will come with a little manhandling, he’s very strong so he can easily put you in his lap, put your pants and undies down to spank your ass and mark it for days until you’re a whining mess.
Choking: once he discovers how good his hands fit on your neck he’ll never stop. His grip is not to hard, but is not soft. He knows how to use his strenght enough for you to not actually choke, the amount of pressure he applies also depends on his and your mood.
Being dominated: outside the bedroom Ryeowook wants to be the one in charge, but in bed he will rather let you do the work. Yes, he’s a tease and a brat, so you’ll have to handle this as well and shut him up. He likes to be ordered, so this is your moment. Otherwise, Ryeowook would not comply on any other situation, only for intimate moments like sex.
Blindfolds: will rather let you use on him. If he’s in dom mood (he’s such a switch), will blindfold you. But he prefers to be the one restrained from seeing what you’re doing. It’s exciting and gets him thinking about your next move and what you’ll do to him.
Roleplay: Ryeowook has some good ideas for role-play, so be prepared for it. Both of you prepare every detail of it and you get dressed for it so everything goes according to the plan.
Rough sex: either if it’s you or him in control, from time to time he likes the roughness and harshness both of you bring. When you’re in dom mood he will do whatever you please with him and roughness might come with it.
Cum play: when he cums inside you he loves pushing it in again, either with his dick or his fingers, he just wants you take everything or else he might punish you. He might just bring his cum coated fingers to your mouth so you suck them off too.
Thigh riding: Kyuhyun’s thighs are thick so he better put some use on them. Usually uses this as a tease thing between you two, he loves to see you getting off on his clothed thigh, bonus points if you squirt/cum and your release coate his thigh.
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haisuri · 2 years
siwon: i love you.
kyuhyun: it will pass.
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