#super special chosen one fairy princess with the only power to defeat the evil villain must team up with a boy she doesn't trust
bookishfeylin · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Time
I'm not excited for The Stolen Heir, and I'm probably the only person who isn't. I think part of it is my aversion to sequels, but... I honestly don't want to return to Elfhame. The story was done in The Queen of Nothing. The Suren storyline/cliffhanger was fine as just that--a cliffhanger. I trust Holly Black, but... idk man. I'm just not excited. The Folk of the Air had a happy ending and sequels always mean disrupting said happy ending. Jude and Cardan finally worked everything out and built themselves a family and I'm not ready to see it all ripped apart.
If Cardan and Jude aren't in the book, or if they appear as a small cameo but nothing more, then I'll probably like it.
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