#also it low key sounds kinda cliche
bookishfeylin · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Time
I'm not excited for The Stolen Heir, and I'm probably the only person who isn't. I think part of it is my aversion to sequels, but... I honestly don't want to return to Elfhame. The story was done in The Queen of Nothing. The Suren storyline/cliffhanger was fine as just that--a cliffhanger. I trust Holly Black, but... idk man. I'm just not excited. The Folk of the Air had a happy ending and sequels always mean disrupting said happy ending. Jude and Cardan finally worked everything out and built themselves a family and I'm not ready to see it all ripped apart.
If Cardan and Jude aren't in the book, or if they appear as a small cameo but nothing more, then I'll probably like it.
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bibibbon · 7 months
MHA chapter 415 leaks
A lot of the problems I have with this chapter are already ones that I talked about in previous chapter posts which can be found here 👇
However I still wanna talk about things that I don't like in this chapter.
1) the memory sharing thing and how random it is. I stand by the point that this plot point came out of nowhere, is a speedy and cheap way to try and build up what little development izuku and shigarakis dynamic lacks. The memories that are being shared also seem very inconsistent like why did one memory trigger another? It makes no sense why Izuku's fight with todoroki would ultimately trigger the usj and why the fight itself would be triggered by a convo that stain and shigaraki have. In my opinion, this is also a very good way for hori to just show off how he has improved his own art and be like "oh look at how good my art is now" which kinda sucks because we don't get any story but just some cool looking manga chapters
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2) power of rejection?!?! Seems like a fancy plot armour for izuku not to lose all of his quirks to me🤷‍♀️. The power of rejection just sounds like such a cliche way to be like oh izuku won't lose his quirk to plot armour because he physically cannot lose his quirks since shigaraki is rejecting them. Like seriously what is it with Izuku not being able to keep his powers and we are just having him HAVE TO PASS DOWN HIS QUIRK FOR NO REASON?!?!?! you already passed down the quirk that caused the most distress aka kudos so won't izuku suffer even more if he passed down blackwhip which is the quirk that is keeping him both alive and is giving him the ability to move like why would izuku the and transfer that?!?! Seems stupid to me 😭 and low-key further reinforces the idea that the power of rejection is (A) there a plot point introduced to make it so that izuku doesn't lose his quirks and (B) so horikoshi can still create intense looking manga pages that he won't be able to create if izuku can't use his quirks anymore.
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3) The unnerving focus on the police officer who took Tenko home. This manga page low-key confirmed the one theory that was like the police officer is afo and that AFO gave tomura his quirk which if it is true just doesn't line up or make sense when it comes to canon. I see how this theory can help develop both the parallels further in fanon but in canon it just damages tomura's character and its like an excuse that we should pity shigaraki even more because this police guy who was supposed to help him was a villain who gave him a destructive quirk and made him go insane /cause his families deaths. This also takes away from the half baked plot point that the gene for quirks actually heavily influence behaviour but if this theory is true then shigaraki just wants destruction because he wants destruction 🤷‍♀️ nothing more and nothing less.
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4) Eri becoming relevant to the plot now? I have already said this and I will say it again Eri's quirk is too narrative breaking and too powerful. You literally cannot have the plot go on since we discovered that Eri can legit just rewind people to a time they were at their prime like she did with mirio. This brings up the question as to why she didn't do this with aizawa or all might and therefore her quirk could be used to make the series and characters have no long lasting concequences. Also how are the heroes so irresponsible thaT THEY COULD LET A CHILD SIMPLY RUN INTO A DANGEROUS AND TERRIFYING BATTLE FIELD LIKE WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ECTOPLASM DO SOMETHING YOURE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THE CHILD ARENT YOU?!?!?!!? also this is such a shame Eri could of actually been a very good character who symbolised the traumatic events that victims of hero society faced and how young children could be kidnapped and exploited for powerful quirks however instead of getting anything like that we just get Eri BECOMING A TOOL FOR THE HEROES WHICH IS SOMETHING THAT SHE WAS Traumatised TO DO DUE TO OVERHAUL MAKING HER A TOOL FOR HIM AND NOTHING ELSE?!?!? talk about double standards. This is also making the Eri will rewind shigaraki into Tenko theory much more plausible and I hate that theory for so many reasons. However, it's either this or the theory that she will have to separate Izuku and shigaraki BECAUSE FOR SOME forsaken REASON THOSE TWO ARE SOMEHOW MERGING AND BECOMING THE SAME PERSON LIKE THAT MAKES ANY SENSE
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5) where did the damage that kudos quirk was supposed to do to shigaraki go? Is it me but I seriously don't see shigaraki getting any damaged or recoil from kudos quirk like I could see some of it from the last chapter where shigaraki was somewhat struggling but that's it nothing else. Shigaraki can now fight perfectly fine and isn't getting the recoil hit if a nuke something that izuku was suffering with the majority of the fight which just seems unfair at this point like?!?! Its also another example of how hori fails at show don't tell
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Seriously I still don't like the leaks but at least we got my girl hatsume and la brava that's the only good thing I can think about when it comes to these leaks.
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lonely-vault-boy · 1 year
What dogs would the Harbingers have?
Part 1 of 2
Ok well in the Genshin universe Childe technically has this lil fella follow him around in Inazuma-
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And I had that whole thing with him and a rift hound back in ye olden days before they actually came out.
But I’m just gonna use normal dogs bc I can
Pierro- Caribert (St Bernard)
Yeah that’s it’s name. It’s not referencing anything at all, and it definitely doesn’t serve as a reminder for all that was taken from his people
Low key I think it’s bc they’re big and skilled rescue dogs (since Khaenri’ah needed to be rescued- I mean what)
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Capitano- Soldier (German Shepard)
He had never named something before. He called it soldier as if it was a standard recruit, but eventually that just became the name
A bit cliche, but I think it suits him. They’re loyal and intelligent. They’re also very capable dogs who don’t need constant attention
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Dottore- Pie (bulldog mix thing)
Was named P13 bc that was it’s testing number (he created it himself as a cloning test). Childe started calling it Pie and it just kinda stuck
Bulldogs/Pugs/etc are notoriously inbred and I feel like that’s the closest thing
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Columbina- ✨ Pom-Pom ✨ (Pomeranian)
She says she named it after a cute bunny she saw once, but that’s probably just more of her riddles
She carries him around in her arms and he sleeps on her chest
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Arlecchino- Fang (pitbull)
It sounded intimidating to potential traitors
I think pitbulls get a lotta shit that’s undeserved. That being said, I feel like she’d want a dog more prone to aggression. Sometimes the two of them go on traitor-hunting missions together
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Pulcinella- Muffin (mini schnauzer)
Childe let it slip to his siblings that there was a dog named Pie. When Pulcinella got a dog of his own, he agreed to let Childe’s siblings name it. They picked Muffin to fit the theme
Idk they’re underrated and I adore them. They’re also really sweet and can be pretty playful
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Sandrone- Schrödinger (chihuahua)
She named it after a fellow woman of science
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It looks cute it a weird way, but it’s also the most viscous and bloodthirsty creature you’ve ever met
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 1 year
I'm a very untypical capricorn rising too and people comment on my hair more than my bone structure and nobody has ever told me I come off as stern or unapproachable when they first met me 🤔 and capricorn rising celebrities like for example Susan Sarandon or Colin Farrell seem to be very approachable and friendly too, so maybe the general understanding of capricorn rising is wrong? 😅. I often feel like many things are too cliché based and simplified in astrology. Sorry if that sounded like a complaint, I was just trying to reply to your post :)
OMG YESSS see I had a similar thought too? Like what if the stereotypical definition of the rising signs is just too boxed in, same goes for scorpio risings. Like if someone is super sexy and wears black a lot its automatically assumed they’re that rising sign when it’s just sooo stereotyped to the point where you end up getting tunnel vision learning astrology. It’s so interesting that people notice your hair more than the bone structure too? I previously read about Saturn ruling hair but that’s also confusing cuz we always associate great hair with Leo risings. You’re not complaining at all please don’t be sorry its interesting listening to your perspective I love it. Totally agree with the cliche based information in astrology cuz its the information we learn from so naturally we tend to assume everything without a second thought like my jungkook post on his rising sign. But then you get a wake up call like waittt a minute lmao. In general I feel like low key astrology kinda taught us to use the one size fits all narrative and because the ascendant is the most visible part of our chart ruling the head, mannerisms & perspective in the world it’s where we apply that narrative the most
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sigma-tamale · 1 year
oh mygod the BARBIE TRAILER
I was expecting it to be better than what u would think from a barbie movie but low-key . the trailer was so weird and kinda good and I kinda want to watch it ,,,,,
christopher nolan's oppenheimer is gonna have serious competition... may the best movie about something relevant in the mid 20th century win!
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captain-stab-a-hoe · 2 years
I said this was gonna be in details but this is not as much detail as I thought I'd put cause my brain just fried halfway through
Ok so like let's say xie lian, wei wuxian, and shen yuan are like an idol group since I'm unoriginal and those are the type of popular celebrities that get shit like fancams and all the sexy and goofy edits and fanfictions
They have partners! Not shocking but people are a little disappointed but it does not stop their activities in the slightest their fanbases are thriving all that good shit. What is both a blessing and a cursed is that their boyfriends are carrying content on their backs but like nobody has any idea it's them you wouldn't even begin to think these men are ACTIVE (mainly in the fanfiction department obviously). Why is it a curse? The same people they write about also kinda interact with this content more than people think they do? Like yeah they like a couple posts and stuff but mainly xie lian wei wuxian and shen yuan like looking at this stuff with their partners really and like I imagine it's just...chaotic
Bingqiu (or bingyuan I guess) is particularly funny to think about cause like the way shen yuan talks about these x reader fanfics to binghe is weirdly endearing for him but also it gives him so many mixed feelings. Like binghe's fanfiction is filled with like 90% plotless cliche smut that rivals even the stallion novels of airplane bro and the other 10% is equally as cliche over the top romantic fantasies that make you throw up rainbows and shen yuan is like a fucking moth to flame with them. He's definitely sitting on the couch with binghe, his face is like scrunched up in dramatic irritating as he practically analyzes and criticizes everything cause obviously they don't sound like him at all and he thinks they should've just made an OC. And once again binghe is conflicted cause ok he's a little sad and probably second guesses how well he actually knows his boyfriend and if what he himself does is actually what shen yuan likes. But also...shen yuan turns around and does that exact same cheesy shit he writes that binghe pays extra attention to cause shen yuan focuses on those traits in the fanfiction. And it's honestly more endearing in a way than if shen yuan actually liked fanfiction I think. And also the better outcome cause can you imagine binghe getting weirdly bitter towards his own ominous persona just cause his boyfriend is complimented somebody he doesn't know he's together with already.
For wangxian I know wei wuxian is thrilled by wangji's works much to wangji's surprise slight embarrassment cause wei wuxian strikes me as the type of person who would have a grand time reading or even acting out x reader fanfics about himself. Would he find out wangji write them? Probably not wangji but honestly I think he might have a feeling somebody who knows him write these type of fics. I say this knowing he'd make little remarks like "That's totally something I'd do!" Or "Lan Zhan, we've done something like this before right?". And wangji just nods and plays along cause really what do you do when your boyfriend is reading your "I can't fix him but I can fuck him" fantasies to you and pretends you aren't clenching your fist repeatedly like you're trying to decide if you're gonna push him off or bend him over a table. Also like the elegance in which he writes these absolutely raunchy scenes would probably low-key tip wei wuxian off there's probably like a few select people he knows who'd write smut with college literature degree writing. Personally to me the funniest outcome is wei wuxian finding out cause nobody is safe anymore he's commenting on all of them when he's not home and it's absolutely foul.
Hualian is....not the more innocent? It's like I think Xie Lian views this type of content through the lens of like "Oh look at that I can't believe so many write about me haha" while also keeping his mouth shut about how they wrote cause it's not like it's causing harm right? It's not like they actually know him anyway. But like when it comes to hua cheng's x reader fics I think xie lian would find them quite pleasant to read and maybe a little overwhelming cause 78% of the fics are just full of long rambling about how great he is that come out of nowhere sometimes. But the funny thing is I can't decide if hua cheng would be jealous or not. I might not have have gotten as far into tgcf as I have with svsss or mdzs but I do know enough to make the conclusion that this man's confidence is mostly a coping mechanism ok look even though he's with xie lian he'd be real hesitant to reveal that he wrote goddamn fanfictions. I feel like the more sky he becomes is just the more nervous he is like if he caught xie lian reading one of his works he'd try asking him for his thoughts in the most casual way possible. Any praise and he's secretly giddy the whole day. One slight criticism and he's practically folded over his computer perfecting his stories. Which probably leads into the idea that he has so many fucking unpublished shit just sitting there, waiting to be found one day by accident maybe by xie lian who knows.
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xiao-come-home · 3 years
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Modern!Itto kinda hits different. Don’t get me wrong - he still brags about himself like no other, still doesn’t like wearing shirts (but does that if he has to), but. He’s probably studying at university. Maybe geography? Zhongli teacher so true, but anyway. Teachers hate him. Not in a bad way, but not in good way either. Whenever someone’s quizzing him, he accidentally says 30 things completely unrelated to the subject. Itto’s grades are basically 📈📉📈📉, depending on his mood - sometimes he feels determined enough to study the whole book, sometimes he reads 10 lines of it. Tell him he looks sexy while reading and he just might start reading..
Massive hair freak. Has so many hair products that the shelves almost break. Masks, shampoos, this man has it all. Gives excellent scalp massages and likes to make funny shapes out of your hair until he gets his face smacked with wet sponge.
Sometimes wears turtlenecks that are low-key a bit too tight. Generally, he doesn’t care - but holy hell these muscles are so defined by it that it’s just hard not to stare. Especially those mil/kers. Absolute units. Huge ti-
Lives in a dorm with his homies. It’s extremely chaotic.
He’s good at math. No, i don’t take criticism. Itto’s genuinely helpful whenever you need it, he repeats the same stuff 20 times, is patient, and doesn’t mind if you still get things wrong. Why would he? You put up with him every day. But in all seriousness, he’s the person you need to go to if you need help with math :)
Would attempt to help in any other subject too! As long as you explain it thoroughly.. very thoroughly.
Probably dyes his hair at exactly 2.57am. calls you to tell you that, wishes you goodnight, makes a kissing sound and then hungs up and continues to dye his hair.
He’s that person that’s both loved and hated by everyone because of his personality. Some girls are jealous whenever they see him shameless cuddling you in his free time because Itto has no self control, some roll their eyes when they hear him from a mile away.
Study dates. He doesn’t care if you study something unrelated to his studies. He knows it’s cliche, but he likes it.
Has driver’s license. Drives according to the rules, obviously, but with a little spice, as he says - aka a little bit too fast sometimes.
Hand on your thigh whenever he’s on red light. His thumb caresses it softly, until he yawns obnoxiously and jumps in his seat when the lights hit green.
For some reason, you find him a lot in libraries and cafes outside of uni; and he genuinely respects these places, which means he tones down with his loudness. Often orders coffee with like 3-4 spoons of sugar, tons of milk and reads - mostly for school, this time. The whole thing is weird, but seeing an unbelievably hot man (your hot man) studying at the cafe is a sight to see. Apparently, people like to stare at him too. Which is why he probably does that, because he likes when people feed his ego.
“What’s up, sugar? Am I that beautiful you can’t take your pretty eyes off me?”
listen,,, he wears coats. these coats are big. he looks way too good in that. but also, he tends to drape it over your shoulders when it’s too cold. not only you drown in them, but also smell his cologne and it makes you way too happy :(
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deartouya · 3 years
“ starry skies ” [ touya todoroki ]
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→ summary: a little star-gazing date with dabi because i haven't written enough fluffy fics for him. also, happy valentine's literally at the very end of the day!
→ pairing: dabi x gn!reader
→ word count: 754
→ warnings: gn!reader, kinda ooc dabi, mentions of marriage, just fluff, inspired by @ghostbeam 's post about dabi and his star knowledge and the fact that i've wanted to go stargazing with someone forever.
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THE CRISPNESS OF THE NIGHT SETTLES OVER YOUR SHOULDERS. You're not really sure where to are, to be honest, but you suppose that doesn't really matter- Dabi does.
He'd been the one to plan this. Barging into your apartment through the fire escape, even though he had a key, with a wicker basket dangling from his pointer finger, filled with food that looked suspiciously like it'd came from your cabinets. You also knew the blanket he had draped over his arm had been one he's knicked the last time he was there.
"Mhm, what do you need from me?"
Dabi heaves an offended sigh, head bowing and clutching at his heart, "you wound me. Can't a guy just celebrate a stupid commercial holiday in peace?"
Your eyes narrow in suspicion- arms coming to cross over your chest. He's never shown interest in the holiday in all the years you've known him- bringing home one of those cliche chocolate filled hearts, which he usually ate most of, or some drug store flowers. Your curiosity is peaked, "what did you have in mind?"
His gaze snaps back to yours, languid smirk pulling back at his lips and in a low and conspiratorial voice, whispers, "it's a secret."
Your suspicion worsens, "I don't know how I feel about that."
"It's like you don't trust me, doll," you can tell it takes effort to force the upturn of his lips into a frown.
"Your chariot awaits."
"By chariot do mean 'stolen motorcycle'?"
Dabi huffs again, "just can't catch a break with you- yes, but that sounds less impressive- now, will you give me your hand."
You relent, letting him pull you into his side- nose running the length of your neck, "better be a good fuckin' date."
It is, a good date- that is. You've driven so far outside of the city- sky clear and bright and filled with stars and his, your, blanket is soft beneath your back.
You sit with your back pressed into the trunk of a tree, limbs bare with the weight of the cold, cradling dabi's head in your lap. The food he'd brought was from your pantry, you'd recognized the little packets of pretzels from two weeks ago.
Dabi's not really paying too much attention to them, though, letting you feed him absentmindedly- wiping the crumbs off his lips. He's watching the sky, harsh blue softened with the reflection of stars. You love when he gets like this, tender, pupils plump and the slope of his shoulders low.
"Lacerta," you barely recognize what he says as a word, to busy staring, but the sound of your voice has you snapping to attention. "Lizard- I've always liked them, like the idea of renewal- gettin' to start all over."
"Yeah, doesn't have a meaning either- the constellation, I mean- just got discovered by some old polish dude who liked lizards." He smiles up at you when you snort, the same shining adoration as before.
He's quiet for a moment, staring back at the sky and you occupy yourself with combing through his hair- twirling locks of it around your index finger.
"What do you think about gettin' married?"
You nearly choke on your spit, eyes wide when they find his own, "What- what do you mean? Are you feeling okay?"
He sighs, finding the sky once more, shoulders twitching in what you think is supposed to be a shrug, "what do you think? 'Cause I want to marry you."
"What, did you get sucked into a "consumerists" holiday? Start messing with your head, huh?" The tease is a coverup, a very poor one with your shaky breath, for the overwhelming amount of affection which has started eating away at you.
"Nah, just been thinking about it for a while."
For a while. It takes effort to swallow your words, hands nervously picking up their previous spinning, "guess you'll have to go ring shopping, then."
Dabi stills for a moment, watching, waiting, before he pushes himself up onto his elbows. A movement that would look casual if it wasn't for the unrestrained brightness on his face, "really?"
His lips find yours before you can add anything, hands cupping your jaw and thumb pressing at your ear. You can feel the smirk on his lips, even before he pulls away, "hope you like sapphires then." You can't imagine he could bring you anything you wouldn't like, pulling you into him, body curving over you and fingers pressing into the grooves of your hips.
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‧₊˚✩ taglist + masterlist ✩˚₊‧
🏷: @izukus-gf , @tipsyangels , @dinodumbass , @uwuthatshit , @akaakeijii ,
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
can we get the bullies with a male slasher s/o?
I swear like-
I swear I already did something like this?? But maybe no??¿? XD
So anyway- Alright boo, let me see what I can do- Sorry but I decided to take liberty and… Make this one be very stupid XD
TW/Tags: killer reader :3 // mentions of death // mentions of h o r n i n e s s // I have no like- Idea how to make this work so- Let's just go with it lol // low-key based on dbd, although I never played the game I know only a bit about it- // REALLY silly :P
Horror Movies Cliches [Yandere!Bully OCS x M!Slasher!Reader - Headcanon]:
🎇 Let me set the stage for a quick sec!🎇
Let's just create a bit of context- Imagine the most over the top horror movie cliche you can think off- Some teens, hanging around a haunted place, everyone is organizing a creepy party while also trying to prank one another. The twins are part of this party because duh- They're popular? Rich? Pretty af? Everyone wants a piece of them tonight, especially you.
Although technically, not in the same way the horny bastards around here want to. While some are trying to impress them, and others try to prank them and humiliate them for at least once in their lives- You're looking for something more, well, important. You were done with being the one left behind, always ridiculed by the twins and their mob of "friends".
You wanted nothing more than sweet revenge tonight, and it didn't matter which rich asshole's blood would be spilled tonight- And even if your plan wasn't exactly foolproof, you were still going to go down and smash their skulls.
With a mask covering your face, gloves to cover your fingerprints and a baseball bat- You were ready for your first hunt tonight. What could ever stop you if not God itself?
Maybe you didn't calculate all possibilities of what could go wrong today, perhaps you should have considered that you weren't the only one bloodlusty in this party.
→ Adrien Coldwell:
Adrien is not really a- Adrien is-
What can I say about Adrien? Adrien is not the best at survival, or trying to survive, or wanting to survive-
Adrien is too lazy for this- He doesn't really put an effort in trying to hide himself, since he is sold 100% that this is just another prank. The only thing stopping you from finding him and smashing his bones is his natural luck which is conveniently protecting himself from being found.
God, this party is boring.
You would probably find Adrien by accident, just- Eating some snacks as all the other participants of the party were already dead. However- You weren't so lucky when you tried killing him right there, he ran away before you could grab him.
Now noticing how real the situation was, he was ready to find any means of communication to call for help, but it seems like all possible means of easy and quick communication has been cut off.
Adrien can either hide and pray for someone to come help him, or try to fight you off and stop you from hunting him. And of course he ain't fucking attacking you, what do you take him for?? Insane?? Dumb?? Nah bitch, he is hiding.
Up until this point, Adrien had no idea you were the one behind the mask. He thought you were a random creep that went insane and decided to take his anger out on some rich people- Which could mean he is half right and half wrong!
But honestly though, you're the last person that he imagined being capable of killing so many people in one night! He didn't even know you were invited to this party, which makes this so unfortunate to him, he could be wearing a cuter outfit if he knew you would be here!
One would assume that after showing their true identities to their victims before their death would cause their victims to become even more frightened and beg for mercy!- In your case though? Nah, that ain't happening.
Adrien is treating this situation with much seriousness as one would imagine he would- With none. Knowing that you're the one killing everyone with a bat is kinda pathetic if not hilarious to him.
After all, it's just "you". What evil can you do? Honestly, you came all the way to this place to make him "pay for his actions"?? Don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday night, honey?
To be fair- He kinda digs the "unhinged maniac" look you have going on, blood suits you so well. Hell! He bet it would suit him just as well too.
Your night was supposed to be one of pure gore and carnage, revenge against those that have harmed you- Yet here you are, being flirted with by Adrien, who is getting a little too into the "killer x victim" dynamic going on.
Ugh, you don't feel in the mood anymore… It feels so wrong when he keeps flirting about it.
In the end, you two have inverted the roles in a way. You were trying to get away from Adrien who was chasing you and making you embarrassed with as much flirting as possible.
Such an unfortunate night.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
Alexandra would think this is all an elaborate spooky prank, yet she would be lying if she said she didn't find this all…. A bit too much.
No, s-she isn't scared! Just frustrated that this party sucks! It's so immature to just- Try to humiliate her by making her scared! Is such a low move.
Alexandra wouldn't do much effort into hiding since she doesn't think there is any danger nearby. You would have found her very early on, and you can imagine how frustrating it was to see her escaping from your grasp- You have forgotten how athletic Alexandra is, of course she would have ran away faster than you could snatch her.
Now noticing how real the situation was, she was ready to find any means of communication to call for help, but it seems like all possible means of easy and quick communication has been cut off.
Alexandra can either hide and pray for someone to come help her, or try to fight you off and stop you from hunting her. And of course she'll be fighting you- Pfft, what? You think she'll chicken out?? You literally made her break her nail- You psycho!
Up until this point, Alexandra didn't know you were- Well, you! She thought you were some random ass psycho trying to ruin some teens party for some "revenge" bs. So maybe she was half right, and half wrong!
Alexandra would have never ever imagined that you were the killer! Were you even invited to the party?? Why has nobody told her? She could have chosen something more cute for you, damnit!
One would assume that after showing their true identities to their victims before their death would cause their victims to become even more frightened and beg for mercy!- In your case though? Nah, that ain't happening.
Alexandra just laughs it off and treats it like every school day- Belittling you while all's giving mix signals of affection.
She isn't afraid anymore, why would she? You're just a little wimp who thinks that getting a wooden bat and dark clothes makes you scary. Dearest, you have forgotten who is the bigger dog around here-
You wasted your whole night just to make her terrified? Honestly, you need a better hobby- Obsessing over your bully is such a loser move on your part, although she would be lying if she said she doesn't appreciate the fact you care so much about her.
Alexandra was getting a little too interested into this "roleplay" going on- Wanting to be your final girl, after all it didn't sound half as bad. Maybe she has been a little too into those slasher fanfics she has been finding around- But damn, you look almost acceptable while drenched in blood.
Her lack of care or empathy towards those who have been brutally killed, while also drooling over you, reminds you that- Honestly? Fuck this. You should have expected a Coldwell to be a morally fucked up person- Why are you surprised?
You've been trying your best to go back home, but being constantly followed by an overly affectionate Alexandra is just as bad as being humiliated by an overly sadistic Alexandra. You got no rest that day.
Such an unfortunate night.
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stillebesat · 3 years
Christmas Eve (5/5)
Sanders Sides: Janus, Patton, Roman, Virgil Pairings: Past Roceit (was toxic), Familial Moceit (Dad Janus, Son Patton) Blurb: Of all the barriers that Janus expected to have to overcome in order to get his son a pet for Christmas, encountering his Ex, Roman, working in the pet store had never once crossed his mind. Fic Type: Christmas!Eve Fic, Past Lovers to Enemies to ??? trope, Dad!Janus, Kid!Patton, Frogmin!Virgil, MythicalMin!AU, Frogmin!AU Overall Fic Warnings: Past Toxic Relationship Talk, Manipulation/Lying Talk, Human-ish Creatures kept as Pets Taglist in Reblog
To Catch Up: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 
I’m sorry. 
Janus hadn’t missed how Roman had reacted to the words. How he’d tried to brush them off like it was nothing.
It wasn’t nothing.
It had taken him a long time, with the encouragement of his therapist and Patton’s unwavering love, to grow comfortable admitting when he was at fault. To apologize. To say those two little words and actually mean them without trying to use them for his own gain. 
He hadn’t even realized he’d even said ‘I’m sorry’ until he saw his Ex jolt like he’d just gotten electrocuted. 
I’m sorry. 
Two little words.
Two little words that he’d never said to Roman while they were together, but had made him, his Prince, say constantly back for every little slight or wrong doing Janus had accused him of. 
Two little words.
Two little words that he needed to say sooner rather than later to his Ex in a far more meaningful way.
I’m sorry.  
The phrase whirled in his head relentlessly as he half listened to Roman’s spiel about the store’s guarantees and return policies for their Min while also listening to Pattey’s excited chattering to the little Frogmin nearby as the two new friends looked through the shelves of Min clothing for a ‘gift outfit’ for Virgil to wear home. 
Apparently it was part of their Christmas package this year for their Mythical Mins...and quite considerate of Roman to bring up as Janus hadn’t realized, even with all his research, that the Mins would need clothing. That they would want to wear anything. 
He would have to keep that in mind. That Virgil should be treated less like a frog and more like a person. And people liked clothes. 
“What about this one!?” Pattey asked, pulling out something that was bright blue, though at Virgil’s hiss, quickly put it back. “But blue is so pretty, Vee!” 
“A little blue?”  “NO.” 
Their chatter in the background was comforting, and yes, semi distracting, but with his and Roman’s heads nearly touching as his Ex pointed to various key lines on the multiple forms he had him filling out, it helped to keep him grounded enough from his own thoughts to nod and hum at the proper moments as Roman spoke and not look like a completely besotted idiot.
Janus couldn’t stop the smile from tugging at his lips though as he tapped his pen on the counter, watching his Ex from the corner of his eye. It almost felt like old times. Back when they’d be up until four in the morning, a single desk lamp illuminated between them as the two of them desperately tried to hammer out the final details in their latest project. Roman even emphasized the important points the same way. Triple circling the return policy with a black marker as Janus dutifully initialed and signed where his Ex indicated. 
That didn’t mean he didn’t notice when Roman skipped over the line stating that he could call the store anytime if he had any concerns about the Frogmin. It was a slight enough omission, done so smoothly by his Ex, that If he hadn’t been reading along to keep himself semi-focused on what was being said, Janus would never have known.
He bit back a sigh, ignoring the ache in his chest as he signed his name to the bottom of the page. If they’d actually been back in college, he wouldn’t have hesitated to point out that Roman had skipped a line. Teased him about being careless with binding documents and surely he didn’t mean to imply that Janus couldn’t call. 
But he’d grown enough to recognize that this was a sign that Janus shouldn’t call. Not that he couldn’t. Roman was discretely setting a boundary for him not to cross and he...well he would recognize and respect it. 
“Is that all?” He asked, placing the pen on the counter. 
Roman’s eyes flickered as he straightened. “Well...you still need to pay.” He said turning for the register to ring up the Frogmin. “But yes that’s all the forms to say that Virgil is yours now.” He gestured to the pinpad before grabbing the papers flipping through the pages to separate out the copies that the store needed to keep.
“YAY!” Patton cradled Virgil, now wearing a black and purple hoodie, close to his cheek, beaming up at Roman. “Vee can come home and eat all the Spiders!!” 
“Maybe not all of them tonight, Pattey.” Janus said, giving his son a wink as he tried to push away his own gloomy thoughts and the pressure he could feel building in his chest. 
Stupid conscience.
He recognized he needed to apologize. To try and make amends for those two turbulent years he’d put Roman through. But it hardly felt like the right moment. It was Christmas Eve for crying out loud! How much more cliche could he get?
“We wouldn’t want Virgil to get a stomach ache and be sick on Christmas now would we?” He remarked, pulling out his credit card.
When would he ever have another moment though to tell his Ex he was sorry? He lived far enough away that a casual visit was out of the question and more than likely not wanted. Not unless something happened with Virgil...and even then...it would suck to have to face Roman again under well less than ideal circumstances.
Tonight was hardly ideal. 
But their conversation had gone civilly enough that maybe...maybe this was the best moment. 
The only moment.
It was two little words.
He could say them.
He just needed to prove to Roman that he actually meant them. 
Patton paused, frowning as he turned his head to Virgil before his eyes lit up again. “One spider as a treat.” He whispered. “Then you can help me put out the cookies and milk for Santa!” 
Virgil frowned, pulling his hoodie over his head. “Santa?” He asked at the same time Roman spoke up.
“What kind of cookies are you putting out for the big guy? Sugar? Snickerdoodle?” He asked, scooting the paperwork over for Janus to take.  
“CHOCOLATE CHIP!” Patton placed Virgil on his shoulder before spreading his arms out wide. “Daddy made thiiiisss many! That way Santa has lots and I can have lots too!” 
“Oh?” Roman raised an eyebrow to Janus. You bake? He mouthed.
Janus rolled his eyes, folding up the forms and placing them in an inside pocket. “Surprise. I finally figured out how to work an oven.” 
“Without starting the dishwasher on fire?”
Janus flushed, fumbling to put his card back into his wallet as the machine beeped at him. “Yes.” 
Crofters, why did his Ex have to remember that particular incident. It had hardly been his...proudest moment. Definitely one where he should have apologized, but instead had managed to convince the landlord that faulty wiring was the cause and he and Roman wouldn’t need to pay damages. 
Virgil snickered as Pattey looked between the two of them. “But Daddy...dishwashers only use water. There’s no fire there!”
Roman smirked, handing him the receipt. “Exactly.” 
Patton turned to him, tugging on his pants. “Daddy? Dishwasher’s aren’t for food. Don’t cook in them!” 
He reached down ruffling his son’s hair. “I know, Pattey. I only did it once. Don’t plan to do it again.”  
“Good! Because soggy cookies are not yummy. Not at all--oh! Mr. Prince Roman!” Pattey whirled to Roman. “Can Virgil eat cookies?” 
Roman flashed him a smile, eyes alive with laughter that made Janus’s heart skip a beat. “Yes, though not your usual cookies. Virgil needs a higher protein diet with less sugar than you do.” He grabbed a package hanging from a peg nearby, holding it out for Pattey to see. “These are Cricket Crumbles. Kinda like your no-bake cookies, but made from crickets instead.”
Patton lit up as he spun back to his dad, eliciting a squeaky hiss from Virgil as the poor Min clung to his jacket as Pattey grabbed onto Janus’s sleeve tugging it. “Daaaaddd?” 
Yah….He had seen that coming a mile away. “Mmm?”
“CanwegethecrumblesforVirgilsohecanhavecookieswithustoowhenwegethome? Plleeeeaassseeeeee?”
Janus raised an eyebrow to his Ex. “Is it too late---”
“Oops.” Roman said, not at all sounding apologetic as he pulled his hand away from the bag he’d just scanned. “That will be $7.89” 
 “Right.” He pulled out his credit card again, chuckling at Patton’s excited squeal as Roman handed the bag over to him. 
“YAY! Look Vee! Cookieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
“...I see that.” The Frogmin said in his low tone, tilting his head at the bag, his nostrils flaring.  
His Ex laughed, moving from behind the register, gesturing them to the door. “You always bend that easily to your kid?”
Yes. Janus shrugged, ignoring how his heart had leaped at hearing Roman’s booming laugh. “It’s Christmas.” 
Roman raised an eyebrow, amber eyes bright and sparkling and just perfect as he pulled open the door. “Mmhmmm. You spoil him rotten don’t you?” He said, lowering his voice as Patton and Vee darted past them into the night. 
“Look, look Vee! See that’s our car over there, and ooo look! All the stars are out!” Pattey cried pointing upwards, thankfully stopping on the curb without Janus having to remind him not to run out into the parking lot--a shockingly empty parking lot considering how busy it had been just twenty minutes earlier.  
“Not as much as you’d think.” He wanted Pattey to be better than him. To grow up realizing he couldn’t get everything he wanted with a well placed pout or scream. 
Speaking of being better.
Stomach twisting in knots, Janus placed his hand on the door before Roman could shut it and physically and figuratively lock him out. “Roman…” He drew in a steading breath, mentally crossing his fingers that Patton wouldn’t interrupt the moment as he looked him straight in the eyes. “I know it’s not the best timing.” Horrible timing. Who apologizes on Christmas Eve except the protagonists in a stupid holiday Romance Movie? “But I don’t know if I’ll see--I’m--I just want--It’s not worth much all things considered but I--well--” He’d probably never get another opportunity to do this.
Roman’s eyes flashed as he raised an eyebrow, his fingers going white as they gripped the door.
“I’m sorry.” Janus said, forcing himself to maintain eye contact as he spoke. “I don’t expect you to accept it.” He really wanted him to though. “But...I am sorry. Truly sorry. For how I treated you, our relationship. I--I was in the wrong and I shouldn’t have--”
Roman raised his hand, a single finger pressing against his lips, shutting up Janus entirely, breath catching in his throat.  “You’re right.” He said softly, eyes glittering in the faint lights from the parking lot. “It’s rather cliche timing.” He dropped his hand, taking a step back. “And...I don’t…” He exhaled, turning his head away to look back inside the store. “I’m not sure I want to hear it just yet, Dae.”
Janus flushed, feeling his cheeks heat up despite the rest of him feeling like he’d just got dunked in freezing water. “Because it sounds fake right?” He always sucked at apologizing when it actually counted. It never sounded real to him either. 
Roman huffed a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “No, you actually sounded genuine. But Dae--” He shook his head. “You put me through a lot. A lot. In college and I--I’m--I can see things are...different. I’m just...not ready yet. To accept your apology. I’d like to think I would at some point. But right now? Here?” He made eye contact once more, amber eyes surprisingly still glowing with warm. “I can’t. It’s hard enough to believe that you’ve actually changed despite what I’ve seen tonight.”
I only ever knew Liar Dae.
Right. Janus slumped, chest aching as he nodded. “I understand.” He’d known a fifteen minute conversation and an apology couldn’t erase those two years of toxic manipulation that easily. But he’d---he’d hoped--
“Good.” Roman searched his eyes before visibly relaxing. “And I can’t believe I’m saying this...but have a Merry Christmas, alright?” 
It wasn’t the ending he wanted. But all things considered. It was a good enough note for their unexpected meeting to end on. Janus nodded. “Merry Christmas.” He said softly, watching as his Ex locked the doors and disappeared deeper inside without a looking back.  
Janus jumped, tearing his eyes from the door as his son grabbed his hand. “Mmm?” 
His little LilyPatton squeezed it tightly, looking up at him. “You should get two cookies tonight.”   
Janus chuckled, squeezing his hand back. “You think so?” He asked, glancing back to the doors one last time.
“Yes!” Pattey tugged at his arm, pulling him towards the car as Virgil crouched on his shoulder, head swiveling between the store and the car. “Dragon Witches always get cookies after working with the Prince! It’s the rules!”
“Oh? Well then, I can’t argue with that.” Janus pulled out the car keys, jangling them as he offered his son a small smile. “What do you think? Should we let Virgil drive us home to get those cookies?”
“DRIVE?!” Screeched the Min, mismatched eyes growing so wide they seemed to take up his entire face as he tried to bury himself in Pattey’s jacket. “ME?!” 
Janus laughed, purposely putting any further thoughts of Roman on the back burner until after his son and new friend went to bed. 
No use wishing for what could have been when he had his family right here in front of him. 
“No, I’ll drive.” He said unlocking the door, helping Pattey hop inside, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead before buckling in his son. “Lessons will have to wait until you’re older, Virgil.” 
Or until tomorrow morning when Patton unwrapped the remote control car Santa would be bringing him.  
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
I review the ESC 2021 songs, not that anyone cares
originally published 5/16/21 [pre-live show review, i'll be doing something similar for this year's entries as well]
Reviewing these in the order they're in on the official YouTube playlist. I'd do them alphabetically by country or something but honestly I'm lazy and want to just let the playlist go.
Also, I should note that I listened to... maybe two of the 2020 entries? I listened to the UK's and of course Iceland's. And I listened to the UK, Icelandic, and French 2021 entries before this, but for the UK and French ones it's been a while and I don't really remember how they go. We'll get to them when we get to them.
Israel: I am LOVING her high notes, and I think Eden has a really lovely head voice. The style of the song is arranged such that it seems to drag on and I'm not a huge fan of drop choruses in general (although most music is like that nowadays so I guess I'll just have to live with it!). Her stage presence in the music video is also a bit weird and I'm worried about how she'll do live.
Croatia: Not really a fan of this. I don't like Albina's voice very much and the transitions between the chorus and verses seem a little sloppy. I don't see this qualifying for the final unless they stage it REALLY well - which they might, Croatia usually has strong staging. The chorus is decently catchy though, and I appreciate the use of Croatian in the bridge.
Greece: Better than I was expecting, honestly. I know that Stefania is really young - I watched her JESC performance live! - so I'm super impressed by her vocals and presence here. This has the potential to do really well, especially with good staging. I wasn't expecting the first chorus to have those drums in it, but altogether it's a really cohesive song, more so than a lot of Eurovision entries. I want to see this in the final!
Italy: I know a lot of people like this one, but... I don't. I'm not a huge fan of rock music in general, and I think that this one will go over a lot of the public's heads the way Italian entries usually do. Don't get me wrong, there are some Italian entries I really love (2016!!!) but they're never really what I want out of Eurovision.
Azerbaijan: This one is trying very hard to be Cyprus 2019, I think. That's the vibe I get from the melody, anyway. The instrumental also felt really empty, it's a drop chorus again, and I'm not a huge fan of Efendi's voice. I really liked the guitars near the end and I wish they'd leaned on that a little more.
Georgia: Very sweet instrumental, kinda clumsy lyrics. I feel like this is one of the songs for this year that holds a special place in my heart while everyone else hates it.
Malta: Had high expectations for this, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it after listening. For the most part I like it, but the post-chorus feels really out of place relative to the rest of the song. I think I'll like this live, though. I know from Destiny's JESC performances that she has both the vocals and the stage presence to pull this off.
Bulgaria: Unimpressive. I don't like this style of vocals and the instrumental isn't good enough for me to look past it. I don't, like, hate it but definitely not for me.
Sweden: Didn't really like this until the key change, but it's alright. A little more "cliche peace song" than what Sweden usually goes for but it's polished and I'm sure it sounds great in studio (video on the playlist is I think the Melfest final performance). Tusse seems like a nice guy and I want him to do well even if I'm not as jazzed about his song.
Iceland: Big fan of Daði's low range, and this song is really light and fun, just like his other entries. The bridge also works really well - a fun way to exploit the temporary backing vocals rule. I think that if the camerawork on this one is really good it could be top ten, easy.
North Macedonia: Vasil has a strong voice, and I feel like with some good staging this could do okay. Kind of bored by this. I'm alright with ballads in general, but this is just kind of eh.
Latvia: Samanta can belt and that's great and all but I really don't like the song. She doesn't pull it off.
Poland: Weirdly, I enjoyed this! I have no idea how they're going to stage this in a way that works, but in studio I think it's really good.
United Kingdom: His entry last year was WAY better imo. Really strong vocals, and the song is pretty radio-friendly, but it's trying too hard to be radio-friendly in a very British way. I don't like this style of instrumental, where it's really percussive - like there's not percussion but the chords are very rhythmic. I have faith that this will do better than the UK has done in the past but overall I wish he'd done something more like Last Breath.
Estonia: This would need good staging to do well at the contest, but I think it's pretty good. Not a favorite for me necessarily, but Uku's voice is good in his high range and I think the song is doing some fun things lyrically. Instrumental is also good.
Switzerland: I have a feeling I'll love this one live. I know this is a fan favorite, but as of now I'm not 100% sold on the song. It has a really nice build to it and it's pretty but it doesn't have that little extra push, you know? But I would guess that Switzerland is planning something truly beautiful with the staging, so if that's what they do this song could definitely become a favorite for me as well.
Russia: BRO. This is the LAST thing I would ever have expected Russia to send but I am LOVING IT!!! It's so delightfully quirky and Manizha is really fun to watch in this live performance. I was a little jarred by the sudden singing and the "strong enough to bounce against the wall" lyric but honestly it comes together in the end.
Denmark: Look, if they'd sent this in like 2003 I'd be all for it. This is a high-quality 2000s ESC song, and it's fun to bounce around to, but I just don't like it so much, especially directly after Russia's entry. People in the comments are comparing it to 80s Eurovision as well, which I guess I don't really see - the 80s entries I heard were tacky in a different way. Not that there's anything wrong with tacky, I mean, Eurovision is one of my favorite things and I embrace it. But again, in the company of some of these other entries I just can't get behind this. Kudos to them for singing in Danish though.
Austria: Ok, I think this is my favorite so far. His voice is INCREDIBLE, I love the composition, the chord progression in the chorus is so good!!! Love some minor chords. I think this could be just as good as their 2018 entry.
Australia: In love with Montaigne's voice but ummmm these lyrics are so bad. Considering they are coming from Australia, which, you know, generally has high quality Eurovision songs. Ruins the song for me.
Spain: Pretty song with a nice build. Depending on the staging this could be really good or really bad. Moving on.
Ukraine: Musically I'm very into this. I don't mind the weird things they're doing with the tempo and I love the way this singer's voice sounds. No idea how they'll stage this in a way that will be good but this better get jury votes.
Cyprus: If the live is good this has the potential to be one of my favorite entries from Cyprus in years. Cyprus has clearly found their niche and I'm actually enjoying the studio of this more than Fuego, even.
Portugal: This reminds me a lot of Austria 2015 - which I actually liked! - in terms of genre. Coldplay with a different vocal style and a dash of "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera. There isn't as much of a build here as there was in Austria 2015 though so idk how this will fare. I like it more the longer I listen but it isn't a standout.
San Marino: This genre suits Senhit better than her 2011 entry, I'll say that. I know that the kind of music at ESC is changing now even from when I started watching back in 2016, but it's nice to see San Marino have a song that actually sounds decently composed. This is absolutely a Ralph Siegel hate blog. Also uhhh Flo Rida is here? I'm not entirely sure what's going on but I'll be honest, I can see a future where this qualifies.
Serbia: I'm disappointed because I liked Sanja Vucic's entry back in 2016 but this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like kpop's recent Latin trend goes Serbian, but with some styling choices that really just don't look good on the singers. And like, I like some kpop. This is not high quality kpop. This is like, one of the group members placed mid-tier on a Produce show and the company is entirely relying on their fame kpop.
Netherlands: His vocal timbre sounds a little weird on the recording, but I'm SURE this will sound incredible live. I also adore the composition here. This is a song I would be comfortable showing my friends who don't know anything about ESC, and no matter what happens in the finale, I want to see this song and Jeangu Macrooy hit big.
Moldova: This song also sounds like it could be a kpop song, but for a decently established soloist, you know? I'm actually kind of into this. I don't have high hopes or anything but I'd listen to it again.
Romania: Roxen has a nice voice and the instrumental is pretty but it's not a standout for me. Certainly very polished and I feel like this will do really well with the juries. If it's staged well this could place well - while I'm not a fan I think this will be finale left side.
Belgium: I HATE this prechorus. This is also pretty jury-friendly but I really do not vibe with it. Dislike the singer's voice and also some of the stuff going on in the chord progression sounds flat-out bad.
Albania: Idk it's fine??? Don't like the singing here but the song is dramatic and fun. It feels extremely Balkan Eurovision in terms of its composition.
Slovenia: I was pretty bored until about the first minute in. As with the last two songs, I'm not a huge fan of her timbre, but she sounds better on the chorus. Actually, the chorus is the best part of the song. If Slovenia wants to do well they'll use that in the recap - one of the first two, not the exceptionally clumsy transition from the bridge into the last chorus.
Ireland: Lesley has a really standout voice and the buildup in this is great. Ireland had better get its act together re: staging because I'd love to see this qualify.
Germany: Bro wtf. Violent Thing was good, and they follow it up with THIS? The song is kind of catchy but the concept is cringe. I don't know what the broadcaster is expecting.
Finland: I'm into this. It's not the most masterful piece of music ever but it sounds nice, and if the staging this week is similar to the staging used at UMK I think this could do well.
Norway: I think I'll still be forever salty about Keiino not winning UMK, but this is alright. The vocal harmonies are really nice and I think the seriousness of the song combined with the over-the-top staging works in this instance. I really like this guy's tone quality as well. Would love to see this qualify.
Czechia: Like Cyprus, Czechia has found its niche in the past couple years, and their niche is attractive men. I can see this being staged with a fun dance routine. By the second chorus, I think I like this a lot, maybe in my top ten preshow.
France: I'll say it: I don't like this! It's more of a personal taste thing for me, I can see the juries liking this and I understand how it appeals to the ESC purists on twitter. I know exactly what this song is trying to do, I don't know if it's going to work for the contest at large, it doesn't do it for me. I guess it's fun when it speeds up but that's it.
Lithuania: Oh, I'm into this. This had SUCH a strong beginning, and while it's kind of messy and I feel like this won't age well, for now I think it works! Yes the staging is messy, but I think that's sort of the point. And the chorus is really good.
My predicted qualifiers, SF1: Belgium, Ukraine, Malta, Sweden, Lithuania, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania, Norway, Russia (in order of how certain I am of their qualifying)
My predicted qualifiers, SF2: Czechia, Iceland, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, Estonia, Finland, San Marino, Bulgaria, Moldova
My top 5: Ukraine, Greece, Austria, Malta, Netherlands
Alright. Now that I know who I'm rooting for, I'm gonna sign off. My post-show top will probably not be for a couple weeks but I will be watching at least one of the shows live. See you soon (not that anyone reads these)!
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cora-the-dramatic · 3 years
[semi-coerent ramblings]
The Candle Wax Hero: Soybean(name under revision lmao)
Name: Hirose Kaoru(First name means fragrance)
Quirk: Wax, can make wax constructs, like the wax-wax devil fruit. Is low-key about her powers, makes people think that she can make and most a shed or small house when she can totally make concrete-strong apartments out of wax. Keys, rapped fire sharp wax projecticles, wax armour, wax prison, etc. When she overuses her quirk her hair catches fire, she gets a fever, a headache, desidrated, and all around exhausted but unable to sleep.
Dream: To be an average gal pal hero, who absolutely does not know ANY weird shit at all, no sirr. (She wants to help people, but also wants to live happily, and boringly.)
-Has her own agency.
-Is not low-key, but not flashy either
-Very oblivious to people's admiration, but when she notices fells flattered and happy.
-doesn't check out other heroes or the rankings very often. Normally only watches the top 15, and *maybe* top50 heroes.
-When she is interviewed she goes on long ramblings about what she's doing to help the community, why it's important, why other heroes should do it, and how civilians can help. When confronted with any prejudice she completely derails the show, extolling about the difficulties of mutation-types, villainous quirks, weak quirks and the quirkless. The reporters that thought she was timid or just a pretty face are barreled over by her oblivious essay-reading talks, minimizing or completely eliminating the chance for gossip, publicity or drama. Because of it she becomes a meme and internet celebrity, as well as a small idol for the victimized and villainized people; also because she's completely hilarious, as well as posting her essays, articles, and funding online(only eventually noticing that they get money). Unfortunately she only goes there to use it as a public journal as well as an awareness platform.
-she absolutely does not notice when she gets to the top 200.
-She does not have a lot of official merc, but they're all practical and come for all body types and mutations, being all types of quirk-prof and coming quite cheap. It ends up being used as a cheap, durable, affordable clothing by all.
-She volunteers stuff, what most would do to public service punishment, chatting with people, discussing stuff, helping around the community. Playing with kids, volunteering in hospitals, picking up trash, cleaning trash heaps with her quirk(compresion), occasionally cleaning the streets and helping around in general, Making support beans and just helping around in general. Not being flashily like that.
-she influences others to do more too. To do more community service, to have their own honest vloggings and posts. To volunteer and help.
-she gets a minor rival(?) who tries to out-do her by doing all the community service, Kaoru instead thanks them, said she admires them and obliviously one-ups them by opening like, a school or something, idk
-Uses a mask? Maybe? Either that or she's always been recognized.
-helps out with underground stuff when she can
-Is publicly disappointed in both the commission and Endeavour.
-Publicly says she doesn't like all might, or rather, what he represents.
-loves boba tea.
-has a side job of selling candles. Bethey big and artistic, small and compact, they're all pretty.
-Secrets keep being dumped on her lap, she doesn't like this.
-She believes she's succeeding in being lowkey. She is ABSOLUTELY not.
-She does not attend the annual gala  for top 200. Everybody is surprised. She's invited by the top interviewers, and ends up rambling about how she kinda wishes she could have gone and its moments like these that she wishes she were a top 200. Everybody kinda stalls at that. And realizes that she is, in fact, not kidding. They make her look it up online and her face is meme-worthy.
-interviewer: why didn't you go to the gala
 Her: i'm not a top200, but i wish
 Interviewer: you are, in fact, a top200
-Is invited to do presentations at school
-is publicly suspicious of the commission.
-post{ uh, does anybody think Hawks is an overworked baby or is it just me??? #givethismanahug #getsomesleephawks #mycomissionsensesaretingling #newfannammeforhawks:babybird}
-post{congratulations again to endeavour for completely analihating a villain that had three broken ribs, a concussion, malnutrition and was having a flashback due to accidental misuse of quirk after being assaulted by a hero using exercise force for stealing groceries! Great job, buddy! #flamingtrash}
-post{...i'm halfway tempted to sue UA for this shit. @LordExplosionmurder if you want some lawyer contacts just hit me up. #whyisthisbabychainedup??? #unnecessary #unjust}
-private text{ Soybean: Hey! It's pro hero Soybean, I'm wondering if you're okay after the shit you went through at the festival? If i can help in any way or if you just want to chat, hit me up!}
-post{actual serious essay about why ua action was bad after info gathering. Hoping they change ways and policies, and that this never happens again.}
-post{everyone that thinks those 1-A kids need therapy say aye! #omg #therapy #lookatallthesetraumatisedbabies Comments: Soybean: AYE! *fixed*}
-post{ i never feel as gay as i do as when i see Miruku destroy villain ass #powerfull #beautiful #shelooksatmeandillDIE}
-agency growns.
Story outline{ imma be following cliche movie shit that i hate. Imma use the flashbacksies}
Chp1: •Dramatic inner monologue on a roof. Is a hero, achieved all she wanted in life, has her own agency. Hears a sound and goes to fight villain, she accesses the situation, form a climax/tension->
•flashback/past, The day she knew she would become a hero.
•(?)interceding flashes of past and present of her determination to be a hero(beat the villains ass ayyy, ends with a flash of the future(?)
Chp2: •Description of her day, painfully detailed, as boring as possible, end in cheerful note about how she loves how boring it is, and how for her its not boring at all. Description includes how her agency works, how it interacts with nearby agencies, what the status is for the neighbourhoods in general, how the crime rate is, compares it to other crime rates for other villains and hero's areas. Talk about her small number of employees and how she found them, briefly. Talk about where she sleeps, if its in an apartment, if it's in the office, where both are located and about the neighbours. Talk about the neighbours, about their clothes and their voices and how she feels about them, all in that satisfied this-is-normal-and-i-love-it kind of way. Talk about if she has a pet, about her apartment, touch briefly about something that reminds her of hero school, continue describing her apartment and the things there. Move on to what she's gonna eat, from where, what fast food and groceries, about how she thinks about food and who or if she shares her meals with. Have her have an idea for the community in general and head to bed.
•Flashback that surrounds the item that made her remember something. It needs to be something that makes her bittersweet. Like how her school was full of assholes, and that her teacher didn't like her because she was either too quiet or too loud, how she poked at too many sore spots and was bullied for it. Talk about a grand event similar to the sports festival at UA, and how a teacher -just tease, maybe don't even properly name- encouraged her to be better, and made her actually put up a fight, despite considering herself a coward at the time, and ended up getting 3rd place. Finish with her hurt, in pain but staring her bullies and the people who defeated her(maybe someone with something similar to pain quirk) down(also bullies?).
Chp3: •Describe in painful detail about her day to day school life. Her first year or second. Describe the building, if its dorm system or home-to-school system, describe what she sees on her way there, and the people she talks to. Talk about her bullies and the victims, and the people who watch, talk about the other classes and someone she admires at school, who she wishes she would talk to if she only had the courage. Talk about the teachers, how they interact, talk about her favorite teacher and how he helps her so much and how he takes care of her.
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did-i-do-this-write · 3 years
Hey self indulgent anon again!
So the genre is technically called isekai (which i think means reincarnated in japenese?) And its basically wjen a character dies and gets reincarnated in a different world, it kinda depends on the tyoe of isekai most the ones iv watched/read have harems -such as 'in anothwr world with my smartphone ' -
The shield hero is another isekai and while the mcs female friends are low key fightung over him, its nore of a secondary plot then a main plot
most the ones on wattpad are 'reincarnated into an ototomo game' (which ototmo is a harem or something) so the mc is either suducing the 'capture targets ' or running away from them lol -all the while the love interests are fighting for the mc-
I might have a polycule but not like how its usually since
1. its very cliche in the isekai world
2. Harem and polyamory -to me at least- are two different things and i kinda wanted to do something different -like again i might give the mc a lover or two but the way other writers do it isnt what i want for my own story ya know?
anyways basically the plot is the mc was reincarnated into a problematic noble family (either he was adopted for political reasons or there was an affair and he was the byproduct haven't decided yet) and either gets kicked out or straight up leaves.
So he makes himself a home in the woods
then he starts making *new* recipes/inventions as a way to make money. and he gets some siblings/kids along the way
Sorry if ths doesn't make much sense its kinda bits and peices im slowly putting together lol
Ohhhhhh, okay, you learn something new everyday! Thank you for explaining the genre to me!
And your story sounds really interesting! I'd love to know how the reincarnation works and what the MCs plan is with the restaurant and also where all the kids and siblings came from 😅
Also, does the MC have a name yet? 🤔
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petersasteria · 4 years
That’s How You Know - Peter Parker
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 '𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰?'
Dedicated to @marvelousell. Congrats on 1k, sweetie <3
* * * *
Taking Nat's advice, you walk up to Peter after his last class. He's standing by his locker with Ned and they're obviously talking about Star Wars. Ned notices you and gives you a big smile. You kindly return it and Ned nudges Peter and tells him about your presence. Peter looks at you and gives you a warm smile that made your heart race, "Hey Y/N/N!"
"Hey Peter." you smile and look at him for a while. And I mean, for a long long while. Peter just nods and says, "Um, I don't want to sound rude, but did you need anything?"
You snap out of your trance and clear your throat, "Oh I was, um, wondering if you'd like to go out with me? Like, as in right now?"
"L-Like a...date? You want to go on a date with me?" Peter stammers. "Or- Or am I reading this wrong?"
"No, yeah. It's a date." you bite your lip nervously. "So, would you like t-that? It's totally fine if you don't want to but I'd be really happy if-"
"Yes, I'd love to go!" Peter says excitedly. Ned looks at both you and smirks, "I'll see you guys tomorrow! Goodbye and have fun!" You say your goodbyes to Ned and you wait for Peter to finish arranging his books in his locker. Then, you walk out of school and walk to a diner nearby. It had the aesthetics of being in the 50's and you've always thought of what it'd be like to take Peter there. Now that it's coming true, you loved every second of it.
One date turned into two. Two dates turned into three. After three dates, you confirmed to Nat and Wanda that you're in love with him. They were really happy for you, but you felt scared about it. You were scared that he didn't love you too.
This resulted to you kind of distancing yourself from Peter. However, your weekly dates still continued. Not only that, Peter managed to do little things as well. He leaves you notes on your locker, he gives you a sunflower on your dates, gives you his dessert, and other things. You still weren't sure if he loves you too or if he was just being nice.
Your tenth date was kind of different, because you didn't go out somewhere special. Tony just threw a party for charity and you're Peter's date. At one point in the evening, he asks you to dance with him. Mind you, the dance wasn't slow like cliche rom com movies. The music was lively and everyone was having fun on the dance floor. Including aunt May and Happy.
"Peter, I don't- I don't dance." you whisper. Peter chuckles, "Same here, but I figured we could embarrass ourselves together. Everyone isn't looking, anyway. C'mon!"
Peter takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor. He starts to do the usual go-to dances like the twist and that one dance move where you hold your nose with one hand and one arm is raised up and pretends to drown or something. It was weird to see Peter like that, but you loved it. You start to join him and soon, you forgot that there were other people on the dance floor. You got to slow dance with him too; his hands were on your waist and your hands on his shoulders. It was a great moment.
Your next outing with Peter was with Ned, Betty and Michelle. You guys did karaoke and you were surprised to see that Peter was up next after Betty.
"I dedicate this to a girl I like who's here right now. I know she loves Whitney Houston so I've been practicing this song for ages! I don't really sing but I hope she likes it." Peter says and nods to the DJ. Suddenly, the intro to 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' plays through the speakers. You chuckle and look at Peter who had his back turned to everyone and starts doing a little dance.
"Oh my god." Michelle laughs and starts filming it.
"Clock strikes upon the hour and the sun begins to fade..." Peter sings and turns around to look at you. He sings his heart out and although some parts were off-key, he did try his best and he looked like he was having fun. In fact, during his performance, everyone gets up and dances. You look around to see everyone dancing. Even Michelle (who stopped filming just to dance) and that says a lot.
You make eye contact with Peter and shrug, a big smile not leaving your face. You chuckle and finally stand up to dance with everyone. Peter gets down from the stage and begins to sing the chorus, "Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody!"
"Yeah! I wanna dance with somebody!" you sing along with a giggle.
"With somebody who loves me." Peter looks at you and winks as he continues the rest of the song. He goes back on the small stage and does a dance while singing. Michelle smirks and bumps her hips with yours.
"I saw that!" she shouts over the music. "He's so into you, I swear."
"What?!" you ask, matching her tone. You look at Peter and he's really really into the song, "I NEED A MAN WHO'LL TAKE A CHANCE ON A LOVE THAT BURNS HOT ENOUGH TO LAST!!!"
"Yeah, Peter adores you! Trust me, I know these things because I've observed you guys a lot. It's kinda obvious if you observe." Michelle whispers in your ear.
"I also doubt that you notice that whenever you guys are out on a date, he wear your favorite color to match your eyes." Michelle adds with a smile. "Trust me, the guy loves you. And I know you love him too."
The song ends and everyone claps. Peter bows and put the mic back on the mic stand before going back to your table.
"Dude, that was crazy!" Ned chuckles. Peter smiles and does finger guns, "You know it!"
"I didn't know you had it in you, Peter." Betty grins. "I'm impressed."
Peter shrugs and thanks her. You look at each other and smile. "You did great, Parker." you compliment.
"You sound like your dad." Peter laughs causing you to laugh too.
Your next date with Peter was a picnic in the park. Both of you wanted something low budget and the weather was nice for a picnic on a Saturday at Central Park.
"This is so relaxing, Pete." you smile at him and take a sip of your (favorite flavor) juice. Peter nods in agreement, "Yes, it is. I'm glad we did this."
Both of you remain silent for a while and Peter looks at you and breaks the silence, "Y/N, I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" you ask.
"I'm in love with you." Peter blurts. "I love you so much. I love you more than I love myself and-"
"I love you too, Peter." you smile at him. He looks at you and leans in to give you a short and sweet kiss on the lips. You pull away after that and both of you blush.
You now realize that everything Peter has done for you, he did it because he loves you and he wants to show you instead of just saying it. After all, actions speak louder than words.
* * * *
I love this x
It's nearly 3am lmao so yeah I'll update later when I wake up x
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marciaownsmylife · 4 years
jally hc - johnny gets a lip piercing
* okay so like pony boy and johnny were left on their own for a night at the curtis home bc darry and soda had to like go sort some shit out at the bank for job taxes or smth (that sounds like they’re gonna rob the place, they’re not)
* darry didn’t want pony staying at the house alone and also doesn’t like johnny out in the lot
* win win situation
* johnny gets there and is like ready just to go to bed
* ponyboys is like um no get up we’re doing something we’ll probably regret
* so they brainstorm and ponyboy is like i’ve always wanted my ears pierced
* cue them rooting around the kitchen and making a makeshift piercing set
* it’s not a good one
* a safety pin and some disinfectant wipes
* but then johnnys like wait, how are u gonna hide it from darry
* so then ponyboys like ok where can i pierce that darry won’t see
* his di- no
* they go with a septum piercing
* shit i forgot they’ll need jewellery
* okay
* they get some of mrs curtis’ earrings, just some studs until they can save up for proper ones
* yes i know this isn’t how any of this piercing stuff works but go with it okay
* they start with johnny trying to do it but find his hands are way too shaky so pony ends up doing it himself.
* there’s blood everywhere
* they clean it up before pony even has time to switch the safety pin for an earring
* after they’re done johnny remembers that one time dallas was going on about when he got with this broad with a lip piercing and he loved it
* so he’s like hey pony guess what
* i wanna lip piercing
* ponyboys like are u sure how are u gonna hide that from darry
* johnnys like i’m not his kid brother i don’t have to
* so they get to it
* they take one of mrs curtis’ small hoop earrings and ponyboy pierces his lip for him
* it doesn’t bleed as much as pony’s did so that’s good.
* at first they’re like this isn’t that bad
* then a half hour goes by and they’re both on the couch whining like baby’s
* so johnny leaves early the next morning before darry and soda get back and nobody but them know about the piercings yet
* later that day they pull some of their money together and skip their last few classes in school
* it’s not that much money
* but they’re able to get a proper lip ring for johnny and a septum ring for pony that he very painfully flips up so darry doesn’t notice
* they head back to the house and pony is like omg shits bout to go down when they see ur lip piercing johnny
* surprise surprise, johnny did not think of the consequences of the rest of gang
* they walk in and it’s just two-bit sitting on the floor watching tv and darry in the kitchen making dinner
* they say hi and sit down on the couch to watch tv, waiting for someone to notice
* johnnys kinda nervous ig but ponyboy is fuckin buzzing with excitement
* two-bit turns around to crack a joke and just fuckin freezes
* he’s like :D “haha look-“ :0
* johnny just stares back at him with the straightest face like honestly if only he could use that poker face in a game of actual poker
* ponyboy cant help but fuckin giggle
* two-bit looks at him like :0 did u know about this ??
* then he just bursts out laughing he’s like damnnnnnn johnny that’s real tuff
* (this is getting really long oops)
* darry hears all the noise and comes in like what’s all this about
* he’s sees the lip ring immediately and honestly he’s kinda mad bc he sees johnny as another kid brother but he knows he’s not so he can’t really be mad
* he just kinda gives a disappointed dad face like :/ and starts questioning him on where he got it and who did it
* everything johnny tells him is lies and he feels kinda bad about it but he’s not gonna snitch on ponyboy like that
* next soda and steve come in from work
* two-bit shouts it as soon as they get in the door
* soda laughs and tells him it looks good
* steve says the same but he’s kinda jealous bc he’s wanted one for the longest time
* dally is the last to know
* it’s almost 9 pm when he pokes his head in the door
* i was gonna say at first he doesn’t notice but let’s be real the first thing he does is look for johnny when he enters a room
* he sees it and freezes
* johnnys just watching the tv pretending he doesn’t know dallas his there (it takes him so much self control to hide a smug smirk)
* dallas will never admit this to anyone but he low key got a boner in that moment
* he goes straight to the kitchen to calm down
* johnnys like tf where the reaction at
* so he follows him
* and bc he’s light on his feet dally doesn’t notice until he scares the shit out of him by appearing out of nowhere
* dally won’t look at johnny and johnny is just like
* hey hey hey dally dallas look i got my lip pierced
* dallas is like
* i see that ye good for u man
* and he darts into the living room before johnny can ask what he thinks of it
* johnnys like we’ll damn
* he thinks dally hates it and gets really sad
* so he leaves to go sulk on the lot
* then dallas is like fuck what did i do why is he upset
* about an hour later of struggling to think dallas goes after him
* he finds him and is like
* what did i do i’m sorry
* but he still doesn’t look at johnny
* and johnny is like
* that, that’s what ur doing why aren’t u looking me in the face
* and dallas is like
* i cant, it’s the piercing
* and johnnys tears up and is like
* u hate it don’t u
* dallas looks at him and says the cliche
* i like it too much johnnycakes
* and johnny is like :0 oh
* then they make out and it’s dallas’ favourite thing ever
okay damn this got long and i used “was like” way too much, and honestly what even is grammar good luck to anyone who tried to read this
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nikkyshows · 5 years
Caffeine Challenge 29
DISCLAIMER: reposted HERE to the new blog.
I only used the picture and first line prompts. Featuring a dumb teenager, superpowers, and bad action. Enjoy!
The engine purring outside the window shouldn’t exist. For one, he lived in a sixth floor apartment, and — and that was it. But Kaden’s gotten kind of used to hearing things that aren’t there. It’s his power, he thinks. That or he’s crazy.
He likes to go with the power thing.
He has foresight, Sort of. He can hear the future instead of seeing it. It’s not showy or cool, but it can be surprisingly useful. Or confusing. Usually it was just confusing. But sometimes, rarely, it actually helped.
Today, it worries him. He hears a car revving, gunshots and a loud, rhythmic thudding. A heartbeat, maybe, or footsteps. This wasn’t going to be a normal Wednesday.
Despite what he heard upon waking, he still went to school. There was an exam in biology that he really didn’t want to miss. Even if he spends the whole day expecting a gunman to shoot up his class. Surprisingly, it’s not that different from his test anxiety.
It happens after school.
He has to walk through a bad part of the city — well, a worse part. New York had high crime rates. He hears angry shouting, shattered glass and he just kind of knows.
Now is the time when he should probably call the Hero hotline, or the police, to explain what was going on. He doesn’t call anyone. Instead, he creeps up under the window and peers in. He recognizes Lion, a particularly low-level supervillain. He’s growling, literally, at the people grouped around him. Thugs, most likely, goons.
Long, mangled hair swinging around his shoulders, he brandishes a big gun from something by his feet and points it at one of the goons.
Okay. Now is when he should definitely call one of the hotlines.
He still doesn’t pull out his phone. He’s heard this and he didn't hear the sound of a dropped body, so he’s good to listen in. Well, until the gunshots. But he isn’t one to shy away from a little danger. Or a lot of danger.
There’s a good chance that he’s going to be a hero when he graduates high school. Or maybe he’ll outgrow youthful recklessness. One of the two.
Carefully, he sneaks around the building, wondering why he’s dumb enough to think that this is a good idea. There’s more of them, they have guns and one of them has some pretty bad powers. There’s a fire escape zigging up the side of the building, which is basically a jackpot.
Kaden was planning to leave if there wasn’t an easy way up. Probably, at least.
The stairs are old, rusted metal that camouflages against the brick building. This is one of the old warehouses. This is dangerous. The fire escape was probably like a hundred years old, give or take a few decades. It probably hasn't been used in about half as long.
...this isn’t the worst idea he’s had.
He climbs to the first floor. Peering in the window, he sees that the first floor is empty. Shit.
He climbs up to the next floor, wincing every time the metal creaks under his feet. Maybe this idea was worse than he thought. He still goes along with it. One day he’ll learn common sense. That day is never going to be today, though.
They’re on the roof. How cliche. Kaden had thought that the rumors of Lion being well, not smart was an overestimation. He was wrong. Lion was an idiot with powers and guns.
Not unlike Kaden.
He should really call that hotline.
“What do you mean, he cancelled?” Lion’s voice rings over the wind, a low growl that does sound rather predatory. But hey, Kaden can make out what they’re saying now.
One of the lackeys steps forward, visibly terrified. Kaden hops over the edge of the building and hides behind a crate. “He said that he got a better deal with someone else.”
“Better deal?” He grips the man’s throat, large hand easily circling its circumference. Kaden crouches lower, as if Lion would suddenly realize that he’s there and put his other hand around his neck.
Though now he’s remembering that Lion has an animalistic sense of smell. And he was downwind. Suddenly, this is a lot less cool and a lot more scary.
Definitely should be punching in those numbers. Should definitely have his phone in hand. Why is he such an idiot?
A thud. “What’s that?” Kaden tunes back into the conversation, peering over the crate to see that the lackey is currently on the floor, coughing and grasping at his neck. He still isn’t reaching for his phone. Lion;s face is slightly uplifted, reminding Kaden heavily of an animal scenting the air.
Oh. Shit.
He turns and notices that the next warehouse over is only a few feet away. Going down the fire escape would be too slow and he needs to get out of here now.
So he jumps for it.
He’s a sane person, he swears. His instincts just take a hot minute before they kick in and release his adrenaline. ...and there are the gunshots he heard when he woke up.
He sticks the landing. Sort of. He crashes on the other building, rolling and groaning. It was a lot farther than it looked. And concrete was not a soft landing pad. Still hearing the gunfire and seeing chips of the concrete ledge flying over, he decides that running is more important then his likely-to-be bruises. For now.
He runs across this building and jumps onto the next one, crashing to his knees, but not rolling across the floor. He needs cover.
Heart pounding furiously in his ears, mimicking the flying pace of his racing feet, he continues to run. Honestly, he’s not sure if the gunfire has stopped or not, but he keeps going like it is.
Maybe he won’t be a hero when he graduates. This was absolutely terrifying.
He ducks behind an air vent, hand pressed to his chest, low-key wondering if he’s having a heart attack because it sure feels like it. Is it possible to break a rib just from adrenaline?
Shaking, he drags his phone out his bag and holds the home button. “Hey Siri, call the hero hotline.” His voice is totally shaking because of the exertion and not fear. Totally.
“Calling,” she said evenly, like there aren’t bullets flying and he isn’t about to die.
It’s his fault for not calling sooner. But he’s angry that she’s calm. He’s hiding behind an air vent mentally cursing out an AI. Great.
“Hero Hotline, how can I help you?”
“Help,” he gasps into the receiver, curling in on himself and trying to stay quiet, hearing loud thuds og guys also jumping across rooftops to follow him. He started a great trend. He hopes some of them fall. “Bad guys, guns, lion. Help.”
“Sorry sir,” the lady on the end apologizes, voice cheery like she’s asking for his Starbucks order. “What is your location?”
“Don’t know.” He peeks up over the vent. He’s no longer alone on his roof. “Roof, New York. Gotta go.” He shoves his phone back in his bag, slings a strap over his shoulder and starts running. He should really get into shape. And make a note on his phone to never roof jump again. It hurt.
His bag slips from his shoulder when he jumps.
He continues to run. He’ll worry about the scolding he’ll get later. And his probably broken phone. This might actually be how he dies.
Snagging the lip of the raised edge, he misses the next jump. He literally trips over the edge and misses the jump. He’d be a great hero.
Apparently, he would because eh crashes onto the fire escape of the next building. Hallelujah. He lifts the window and leaps in, slamming it behind him and waiting with bated breath.
He watches the edge of the building he fell from. Simultaneously thanking his lucky stars and waiting for his pursuers to catch up. A flash of fabric swooshes over the edge, and muffled fighting. He’s hoping that a hero showed up, or a vigilante. Either way, no one else jumps off that edge, so he figures that he’s safe. Aside from the scolding and likely future hospital visit, that is.
“Hey Kaden,” he mutters to himself, “let's not do that ever again.”
This is my first caffiene challenge!! It was fun and kinda stressful, as I had no idea where I was going with this. But it was fun. And not totally horrible, maybe, which is better then I thought it’d be. Done in only an hour + however long I had to fight with tumblr for it to cooperate and copy over correctly.
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