#supergirl s3
fort rozz episode: kara needed only women to come with her because anyone with a Y chromosome wouldn't survive the space fuckery
me: damn! look at all these trans women miraculously surviving the space fuckery! they're so strong!!
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fictiongods · 1 month
Oh don’t mind me, it’s just 1 am and I am once again thinking about how throughout the show Lena is constantly Kara’s grounding tool and and let’s her show the vulnerable side of her and keeps Kara from just going “full supergirl” and reminding her that Kara Danvers is important too.
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blackmagickwolf · 14 days
*grips you gently by both shoulders* look at me, look at me in the eyes
Amphibia Supergirl AU
Anne as Kara Danvers
Marcy as Lena Luthor
Saha as Mon-El (BUT DONE RIGHT!)
the Danvers are the Plantars
do you see it? do you see my vision?
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fishfission-dc · 9 months
For school, I spend a lot of time animating and modeling and all that jazz in a computer lab. So I constantly need shows that intrigue me, but don’t intrigue me enough that I want to stop working and actively pay attention. It’s ideal if it’s a long show (so I don’t have to keep finding new ones) and the longer the episode the better.
So anyway I’m sorry to announce that I’m knees deep in the Arrowverse in the year of our lord 2023. I’m watching the seasons in “release order” but the flash and arrow always spoil each other. And the crossovers make no sense when I’m not watching them air together weekly. But it fulfills a need
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luthwhore · 5 months
how do kara and lena in supergirl feel significantly more "no homo" than clark and lex in smallville, a show that came out a decade prior? like. it feels like the moment the writers became aware that people shipped them, they needed to make it as clear as possible in the show that they're just friends guys and also they both like men :) and it just feels.... strange.
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kararias · 1 month
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If something's wrong you can Count on Me.
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blackbirdblackbird · 2 years
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kyliafanfiction · 7 months
So many missed opportunities in every CW Arrowverse show.
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
“Felicity Megan Smoak, will you marry me?”
“No. No, yes as in I mean no.”
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resurrected-nadia · 1 year
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Both, both is good.
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chairhere · 2 years
awe Winn :( MOM?!?! That had no right being funny.
Mary definitely borrowed Kara’s clothes there’s no way Mary her self just dress is that gay.
Hey isn’t that the lady from Grey’s that slept with Callie and the trees had leaves for the first time? You know the one? I swear it makes sense in my head
I really want to know what kind of plastic they trapped Kara because it needs to replace literally everything?
Kara setting healthy boundaries woo hoo!
I feel so sad for Papa bear. He deserves the world and he’s getting shit. 
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lovequinn · 1 year
on the other hand i forgot how the lena/kara/sam trio made season three SO GOOD
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lesbianlenas · 2 years
Kara's line about not knowing what it'd be like to connect to someone as her whole self is crazyyy, like obviously it could never have applied to monel bc he hated her personality but in S1 James knew both sides of her from the beginning and loved her, so like?? And then she spends a season being totally open and comfortable with Lena just to act like ALL her past connections weren't good enough 😓
i think re james it is complicated for her bc he did know she was supergirl p much the whole time & he was also bffs w clark beforehand so it probably did create a sense of “would he care abt me as much if he didn’t know i was supergirl?” in her (whereas w lena lena loved her for SO long only knowing her as kara and i think kara craved someone who loved her as kara only w/o supergirl thrown in there at all to know that they loved her for HER only before they knew) plus the show didn’t really allow kara to develop a really deep intimate connection w james before they were forced to break it off to shoehorn in mon-el. i mean he DID have a gf for almost all of s1. so in that regard i could see where kara would not have seen herself as being able to have connected as her whole self w james on a romantic level. (also i think she’s a lesbian which would have obvs prevented her from forming that kind of connection w james but that’s irrelevant here lol) that being said! u r right lol the writers did a complete disservice to her relationship w james to the bitter end. like narratively speaking at the end of the day she clearly had a connection w him that was not in any way clouded by her being supergirl like? but anyway. lmfao. to say that right to lena’s face. after everything that happened between them. i’m surprised lena didn’t deck her tbh 😭 she should’ve grabbed a wine bottle off a table & finished what she started in the s4 finale 😩
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june-rambles · 8 days
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made this chart to explain a very specific type of pov i really enjoy
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crunchycrystals · 1 month
my siblings rewatching the flash and im feeling nostalgic
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luthwhore · 7 months
finally managed to power through to supergirl s3. i know they want me to feel sad for mon-el but honestly i'm just kind of relieved not to have to suffer through the world's most boring het ship anymore and to finally get to see lena more regularly.
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