#superheros are so smart but damn do they have their supid moments
batcavescolony · 8 months
So I'm rereading Childrens Crusade, where everyone is finding Wanda. And this part gets me ever time. They find Wanda and she gets her memories back blah blah to make things right she wants to give mutants back their powers so they test it on this guy called Rictor
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As you can't tell by his name, his powers are earth based like controlling seismic energy right? Rictor like Rictor scale the thing we use to measure earthquakes. Ok? So Wanda tries it
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And everyone is surprised when the earth starts shaking! You got how many people in that room and none went "hey maybe we should try this somewhere else so if it works, the guy who's powers it is to make earthquakes doesn't topple the building".
They couldn't teleport to a field, or an open space? They were like "yep let's do this in a building".
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