#supernatural creatures and the dubious ethical questions they raise
mayapapaya33 · 5 months
So... Ghost Aging, this won't be a controversial conversation topic at all I'm sure lol. They're 16 in the show (yes I know they were younger in the comics we're ignoring that at present, we're also ignoring the actors irl ages, Suspension of Disbelief is a wonderful thing people, and it's unrelated to the topic at hand).
Here's my initial thoughts/ vague show based evidence. The scene with the little Victorian Ghost Girl who gives the boys Crystal's case in the first episode, she plays up the fact that she's just a little kid in order to skimp out on paying them, and Edwin basically calls bullshit. He said she's been dead for a LONG time and has had time to get used to it and gain knowledge and resources. That to me implies some level of mental growth/maturity is possible as a ghost still. Right?
Are they stuck with the brain chemistry/patterns/hormones they had when they died? They don't have actual brain chemistry anymore, do they have ghostly brain chemistry?
Edwin died in 1916 and Charles died in 1989 so by some math Edwin is 124 (16 living years + 108 dead years) and Charles is 51 (16 living years + 35 dead years). But by other metrics Edwin is only 54 with the added Ghost years because are we really counting the 70 years in Hell? Sure he learned SOME lessons but mainly just the one big one about suffering and endurance (and the layout of Hell I guess lol).
They're also isolated from humanity and frozen in time, unable to naturally grow up and participate in life, so even if they experience new things, can they "grow up" in any real sense? Certainly not in the traditional way. So are they perpetual 16 year old's who get to experience new things? Or old immortal beings? Or some messy combination thereof?
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