support-groups · 7 years
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100 years ago, July 28th, 1917, around 10,000 African American children, women and men walked down 5th Avenue in New York City.  The march was organized by the NAACP to “speak out” against the cruelty and racial violence that was the status quote in the United States in the years following the abolishment of Slavery.  This Civil Rights march was aimed at President Woodrow Wilson, the outcome that was wanted; to make such accepted and legalized violence unlawful.  
It is stunning to remember and honor these marchers, today we can march in the USA for numerous reasons and causes without much fear, 100 years ago, that was not the case.  
"We march because we want our children to live in a better land and enjoy fairer conditions than have fallen to our lot. We march in memory of our butchered dead, the massacre of the honest toilers who were removing the reproach of laziness and thriftlessness hurled at the entire race. They died to prove our worthiness to live. We live in spite of death shadowing sand ours. We prosper in the face of the most unwarranted and illegal oppression." 
Reverend Chas. D. Martin 
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