#support that side . but that's just vy two cents lol
watercolormogai · 2 years
"proshippers are all pedos" makes ve laugh because of how disgusting proshippers are to paraphiles . like girl theyve sent ve death threats and told ve to lock vyself up in an asylum for being a paraphile no v don't think they like us
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 126: Introduction
Previously on BnHA: We caught up with the villains for a spell and shit was wild. Twice brought in a new guy by the name of Overhaul who apparently has yakuza roots. Tomura’s group was under the impression that he wanted to join them, but Overhaul informed them he had grander intentions -- now that All for One is gone, he intends to make himself the new ruler of the underworld. In other words, he’s a challenger to Tomura’s as-yet-not-very-established throne. Tomura’s group predictably didn’t take to this very well, so Overhaul fucking blew one of them up by way of persuasion. Tomura in turn disintegrated one of Overhaul’s own men because why not, it’s been a while since we had anything really gruesome and shocking in this manga so hey! So in the end it was kind of a draw, and Overhaul left after telling Tomura to give him a call. Back at U.A., Deku and Mirio dropped by to chat with All Might, presumably to set up an internship for Deku.
Today on BnHA: Aizawa announces that the first year students will be allowed to do internships. Deku asks All Might if he can introduce him to his former sidekick, Sir Nighteye. All Might says no, partly because he thinks it’s too dangerous, but mostly because for some reason he thinks it will be awkward. But after some imploring from Deku, he gives in and asks for assistance from Nighteye’s current intern, Mirio. Mirio agrees to introduce Deku to Nighteye. A few days later the two boys travel to his office. Mirio warns Deku that although Nighteye is famous for his stoic demeanor, he actually has a hidden side that prizes humor above all else, and Deku will have to make him laugh in order to win his favor. Deku meets Nighteye and promptly contorts his face into some bizarre All Might impersonation. But Nighteye seems less than impressed.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 155 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so we’re opening with Aizawa talking about the possibility of the first year students doing internships
he says that the majority of the faculty, including the principal, were like “nah that’s crazy”
(ETA: oh so now y’all care about the safety of your students, huh)
so all the kids are like “what?!” because they were just starting to get really into the idea
also Kaminari is playing with Ojiro’s tail. just cuz it’s there and he can
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meanwhile Bakugou is like “HAHA SUCKERS” because he wouldn’t have been able to do the internships anyway lol
(ETA: Bakugou is in like three scenes in this entire arc, and one of them is a flashback. I’m just gonna enjoy this while I can. here’s his obnoxious shit-eating grin.
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but now there’s a “however” coming from Aizawa’s direction!
oh snap
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sorry Bakugou
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you’ll have your license in a few months and then you can go back to Best Jeanist’s agency (PLEASE??!) or wherever else you want to go and you’ll be all caught up in no time
I’m glad the teachers gave it such careful consideration, too. this seems to be an unusual amount of deliberation from a school which until now has mostly stuck with the philosophy of “just throw ‘em right into the deep end and see if they sink or swim”
so now over in the staff room, Deku’s asking All Might if he’ll introduce him to “Sir Nighteye” for an internship
Ectoplasm is in the background thinking about how he wants to go to karaoke. just making a note of that. this man is clearly pent up and he wants to sing some damn Journey songs goddammit
(ETA: this was mentioned in his bio back in the extras for chapter 61. “favorite thing: karaoke.” I’m so curious about this. why does he love it so much. who does he con into going with him. Hounddog and Vlad, probably)
oh shit look at this man not playing any favorites
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damn. harsh
he says he’s not doing it just to be mean, and of course not. All Might doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. so why, then
apparently there are three reasons!
reason one, he was one of the teachers that were against it. he thinks it’s too dangerous right now with the recent resurgence of villains
(Midnight’s in the background saying that internships have always been risky, though, and that the school should support the students who still want to go. fuckin’ love Midnight, man)
reason two, he says Deku should strengthen his shoot style first
now Ectoplasm and Cementoss are also chiming in with their two cents, in addition to Midnight (and Thirteen) from the previous panel omg. and All Might’s face loool
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oh my god
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I love this man so much
haha. all of these reasons actually suck though. he’s just feeling overprotective at the end of the day isn’t he. and also that last one. awk
but we all know Deku has been extremely fired up recently, and this appears to be why:
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(ETA: “honestly, if Bakugou told you to go jump off a bridge would you do it?” “pshh! no. that’s ridiculous. ...how high a bridge?”
heh. is that too similar to the roof thing to be funny. should I just shut up. whatever I love them)
my god I love their relationship so much
and since they’re in a room filled with other U.A. staffers, all Deku says is “my quirk is very similar to All Might’s” (HINT HINT. WINK WINK), and he thinks that if he works under Nighteye he’ll be favorably compared to All Might
and he’s bowing imploringly and says he needs to become stronger
special attack: Guilt Trip Smash omg
All Might looks to possibly be having a change of heart. but he says he still can’t be the one to give Deku the introduction
he can’t, but...
so I assume this is where Mirio comes in
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Mirio is REALLY PSYCHED to have been summoned by All Might himself. such an honor oh goodness
did All Might not have classes with the senior students before? I’d think that would have taken some of the mystery away from it. but hey, maybe he’s just pumped to actually be able to do him a favor
meanwhile Deku is like “I don’t really understand this situation” and Mirio’s like “HAHA ME TOO”
obviously Mirio is Nighteye’s current intern Deku you boob
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so apparently he’s been his intern for the past year already
Deku’s really impressed by this
All Might’s asking Mirio if he thinks Deku is up to working under Nighteye
oh my god
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Mirio is such a good fucking bro
(ETA: the best bro on god’s green earth)
he’s asking why All Might doesn’t just ask him himself though. he says Nighteye would be thrilled to hear from him
...but All Might says he’s too ashamed to show his face? :(
“in the end... things turned out exactly as he forewarned they would”
I don’t like All Might feeling awkward or ashamed about having lost his powers damn it
should I be mad at Nighteye?? idk right now
(ETA: honestly I can’t really be mad at any of them. which is a bit exasperating for me as a reader having nowhere to direct my frustrations, but also that’s some damn good writing though)
anyway so he’s asking Mirio what he thinks of Deku
Mirio is asking Deku what kind of hero he wants to be. ah, this one’s easy!
oh snap what a great fucking answer
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ladies and gentleman, our fucking protagonist. the GOAT
and he was unconsciously clenching his fists in determination while saying it
Mirio’s like wow that’s crazy dude
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Mirio you’re definitely knocking on my top ten here. I’m not even sure who it is right now honestly. there have been a ton of great new characters recently. ugh it’s hard dammit
(ETA: if you really want to know, the top six are the same as before -- Bakugou, All Might, Izuku, Aizawa, Ochako, and Todoroki -- followed by Momo, Toga, and then yes, this bright-eyed fella. and then idk. Kaminari, Kirishima, Jirou, Best Jeanist, Iida, Mina, and Sero are all vying for that tenth spot. this series has a problem with its characters being too good.
but seriously it’s Best Jeanist)
anyway, he adds that he’d been thinking about it already since their training session earlier
All Might’s looking pensive :/
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what’s on your mind dude
he’s flashing back to his meeting with the Rat Principal that we saw a little bit of back in chapter 121. when RP was telling him he had someone in mind who would be a good successor
and naturally it was Mirio
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and now All Might’s watching him and Deku, and thinking about how Mirio would have been the successor if he’d never run into the latter
in hindsight we owe quite a lot to that sludge villain, huh. but those are the kind of little fateful coincidences I fucking love in stories like this. so many what-ifs. what if All Might hadn’t chosen that day to come to Deku’s hometown. what if Katsuki hadn’t delayed Deku’s walk home that day by blowing up his notebook. what if Deku hadn’t fucking grabbed onto All Might’s leg like a crazy person and caused him to drop his villain bottle. what if All Might hadn’t already been close to his limit at the time. what if the bottle hadn’t landed exactly where Kacchan was walking with his stupid middle school lackeys. all these little things that came together. I like it, because when you think about it all it feels like destiny
anyway. not only did I go on a nostalgic tangent there, but I also went back and reread the entire first chapter just now whoops. I’m so easily distracted
so now it’s the weekend!
and the other boys are hanging out lazily having breakfast, but meanwhile Deku’s like
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meanwhile these two are also up early, and Todoroki is trying to be friends, but Bakugou doesn’t want to be awake yet omg
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(ETA: and off they went, never to be seen again)
haha. I love them
I really really really really really love Kaminari’s bedhead
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I want to ruffle his hair and never stop. power him up. static quirk. worth it
now Mirio and Deku are arriving at Nighteye’s office
it’s really nice. Deku is intimidated
Mirio’s reminding Deku that Nighteye has very strict standards. but it appears that Deku is already aware
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but Mirio says there’s another side to him that he doesn’t show to the media
he says if Deku doesn’t want to get turned away, then he needs to make him laugh at least once. lol what
apparently Night respects humor above everything else. in spite of his stoicism, or maybe because of it
Mirio says all he can do is introduce Deku and then the rest is up to him
well it sure is a good thing Deku is such a naturally funny guy. always crackin’ wise, that Deku. we’re not fucked at all, no sir
now Deku’s asking Mirio why he’s doing this for him. it’s because he’s just a nice guy, Deku!!
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damn, he would have been a great successor. Deku is still the best of course. but wow
there’s a page of Nighteye having a weird conversation with some girl named Bubble Girl who’s only wearing about one third of a shirt
he’s chastising her for not having enough enthusiasm or vigor
damn it’s just like Mirio said huh
holy shit he’s hooked her up to some kind of weird bdsm-y tickling machine what the actual fuck
wowwwwwwwwww okay let’s skip right on past this. just. wow
(ETA: I feel like I know way more about Horikoshi’s fetishes than I ever wanted to. this is easily the single most uncomfortable panel in the entire series and I wish it never existed)
so now Deku is being stared down. and having a dramatic moment where he’s intensely thinking about how far he’s come and that he needs to show him some damn humor!!
Deku just show him your collection of t-shirts with weird shit written on them
or. you could try this I guess
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this is apparently his All Might face. this is his best shot
he says a sense of humor is the thing he lacks the most. goddamn, it’s true. EXCEPT FOR THE SHIRTS
lol this response
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and now Deku is sweating and Mirio’s thinking “it bombed!” but I actually don’t think it did omg. I think he fucking nailed it
(ETA: boy was I wrong on that one)
but this is the end of the chapter. wow
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“the quintessential Japanese to All Might’s quintessential American”
I don’t even know what to think. I’m still trying to retroactively erase the tickling machine from existence by sheer willpower alone. but it’s not working dammit
(ETA: it really was not a good introduction. he makes a much better impression in the next chapter coming up.
I also just noticed that he doesn’t have a real name listed here. is it supposed to be a secret?? why
also is this fucker really going to die. fuck Overhaul so goddamn much. this arc is going to give me trust issues from here on out. any character who’s introduced with too much of an OP quirk is on borrowed time. fml)
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