#supposedly people were jangling things off camera to get all the babies to look the right direction lol
zorilleerrant · 4 months
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I just need to say: look at her hair! She's the Captain so they gave her the Space Puffs that all the captains from all of 90s kids' space movies have. The Princess Leia inspired Captain Hair. She has the textured padding on the suit that's like the kind of suits all those SF adventure movies had (altho not mylar) and she has the suave little captainly hairdo that makes her taller than everyone else!!!!
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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It’s too late to run or even hide. Eddy leads them to the only place he knows they’ll be safe.
His brother’s room.
Viewers have not seen Eddy’s brother’s room since season 3. Eddy’s brother has been an important figure throughout the series. Eddy always mentions him talking about what a glorious person he is. He passed down scams to Eddy, gave him advice, and Eddy always looks up to him. 
Still there was something off about Eddy’s Brother. It’s implied from a comment Eddy makes that he has been gone for some time. His room is boarded up and covered by wall paper. There is no mention of him ever visiting. 
Whenever we’re in Eddy’s house there is this unwelcome vibe. We’re always in Eddy’s room. Remember the episode where Nazz is babysitting Eddy and the kids end up throwing a party in his house? The kids were never welcome in the first place, but don’t you get the vibe that they shouldn’t be there. Every house has a secret. Eddy doesn’t want anybody to find out a secret which he is in denial about.
The reason I say denial is due to how young Eddy was when Bro was around. Bro was presumably kicked out by his parents. Eddy never understood why because he believed Bro to be a good person. Now that Eddy is older he starts to realize that his brother’s persona may have been fake. He wasn’t the person he idled all that time.
Bro’s true nature was staring viewers right in the face the whole time and yet we never picked up on the person he truly was.
When I heard that there was going to be an Ed, Edd n Eddy TV movie back in seventh grade I don’t think I thought much of it. I watched the whole movie and then sat at my computer staring at what I just watched.
Ed, Edd n Eddy is a real eye opener.
Background Side Note: A Picture of sail boats.
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Every single screenshot in this movie is wonderfully animated. 
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Ed rams into Edd and we get an immense close up of Edd.
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Things aren’t going your way is it today, guys?
I feel like this is a moment that says how much Ed and Edd can’t live without Eddy. He guides them through everything. 
Ed and Edd would not be better off without Eddy. If Eddy never existed Ed and Edd would be two boys trapped in their rooms with no understanding of what the world is truly about. Or themselves. Without realizing it, Eddy also made them learn about the values of friendship. 
Edd is a bookworm who love researching. He’s skeptical about different subjects such as love and friendship. His parents never encouraged him to go and explore the world because they imprisoned him in his room. We all know how Ed’s parents treat him. Ed masks a smile trying to look as if he is happy about the world. 
Eddy is the most important person to come into both Ed and Edd’s life because he saved them. And Ed and Edd saved him.
Background Side Note: A Picture of fish
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Eddy scrambles down the hallway... wait, down the hallway? I thought his room was right in the vicinity of the living room? 
Their are many continuity errors in all the character’s houses, even the cul-de-sac too. The continuity errors may go along with the turn out that it’s all just stories being told my the Ed’s as old men. They’d exaggerate the details. 
We all have a great memory of the set up of our houses, but sometimes we like to make our stories dramatic.
This was a very traumatic point in Eddy’s life. He has been running away from something his whole life. Eddy always believes running away from fears to be the best option. Mainly due to Bro’s advice, ‘The only way to get it right is to get it wrong.’
Okay, look very closely to the left of the screen.
Recognize the picture?
That’s supposedly the picture of Eddy and Bro’s silhouettes. 
This picture’s permanent home is on the staircase.
If Eddy’s parents disowned Bro why do they still have his picture? 
Many fans have theorized that Eddy’s parents are clueless about Bro’s abuse on Eddy. I don’t believe that’s true. Eddy’s parents are very strict with Eddy. They try to disconnect all communication from Bro. Notice how the addresses on letters are always smudged out? And Eddy has no idea where Bro lives. 
It wasn’t both parents decision when it came to disowning Bro. Eddy’s Mom still regrets having to disown her son while still agreeing that it was for the best. It’s implied that Eddy’s parents still have little communication with him. For example, they had to have been driving somewhere on Christmas Eve night in Jingle Jingle Jangle.
The picture of Bro and Eddy was moved off the staircase and into the back hall is because Eddy’s mother starts to understand why they disowned him. Bro has affected Eddy’s mind even by not being around.
Eddy’s parents are not neglectful. They have made mistakes, but they’re the best parents in the cul-de-sac.
Watch as Eddy goes all Spider Man!
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Just as Eddy arrives to the front door he screeches to a halt.
Look very closely at the three pictures place on the wall.
Mom, Dad, and Eddy.
No picture of Bro?
See, there is something off about Bro’s character. Eddy’s Brother never went into full characterization and design until the movie. AKA never thought they’d make a movie or introduce Bro. 
Bro fits so well into the series continuity. Did they know he was going to be a bad person all along? Even without a movie fans knew Bro wasn’t right. There are multiple clues about him not being right in the head such as the set up of his room and the way Eddy reacts to his ‘brother’ in Ed... Pass in On.
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Someone is trying to rip the door down!
What is happening? Who is/are after the Ed’s?
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The Ed’s are paralyzed with fear not knowing if they’re going to escape this.
The expressions in this show are phenomenal! I think there could be a whole course on the art of Ed, Edd n Eddy. Artists come up with new and different faces for each show.
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Eddy takes charge and pushes his friends up the stairs as he runs for them.
See, Eddy always has to think for them. 
Due to the way Ed and Edd have been brought up they don’t think their ideas will be good enough. This is a major difference when it comes to Eddy’s parents. Eddy rarely talks about them. Both of his parents arms are seen in the same season and Eddy’s mother is heard cleaning Eddy’s room off screen in season 3. 
There is a lot to say about Eddy’s family. There's his Grandfather who Eddy was happy to see in Take This Ed and Shove it. Eddy always talked highly of Bro. Maybe Eddy’s parents weren’t around much when Bro was still living with them because they had to work a lot. I’ll talk about that age gap between Eddy and Bro later, but I think Eddy was there second chance. Knowing there was something not right about their oldest son they thought a new baby would help things. 
Ed’s parents are implied to be upstairs hearing all kinds of mayhem while they send Sarah down to punish Ed.
Edd’s parents are never there. 
Eddy’s parents are there. They’re always telling him what to do. He sees them every day. They may not be on his side, but they’re trying to steer him away from the Bro road. Eddy refuses to believe anything they say. That becomes a huge regret.
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The door is kicked in the second the Ed’s leave.
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The Ed’s are upstairs in no time to make the run of their lives.
This is a great camera angle. The artists also explored more with their camera angles over time.
This scene is so intense. The Ed’s have never been this scared before. When the kids are after them they usually determine that it’s nothing. It’ll just going to pass over. And hiding always helped for them like in the episode Hands Across Ed. They were able to hide from Kevin and Rolf with no problem.
The situation they put themselves into is not going to pass over. Their lives are on the line,
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Eddy let’s go of his friends making them do their own running. I like how Eddy puts his friends in front on him. They matter. He is the one at fault when it came to the scam. If the kids want to beat up someone it’s not going to be his friends.
Watch the layout of the background as the Ed’s are running.
There’s the pink table with a picture of someone’s silhouette on the left.
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And here’s a blue picture on the right.
Note: The Ed’s don’t go back to their trademark run styles for a few seconds. They’re pumping their arms like how people would normally run.
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There’s the pink table again!
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And there’s the blue picture again!
The Ed’s world is exaggerated,. Eddy’s hallway isn’t this big. Since they’re in such a big panic the Ed’s cannot think straight. The halls feel longer to them. It’s like in a dream where you move so slowly or are stuck in place. Danger is coming, but you can’t get away fast enough.
Listen to the Ed’s panicked noises and the music in the background. This is unlike any eene episode we have seen before.
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And just like that they have reached their destination. 
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