#sure he eats wires but he’s just a lil quirky
frog-0n-a-l0g · 11 months
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He’s holding my hand🤭
@evansotherthoughts weep at what you cannot have
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ldyinblckmsk · 4 years
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki X F! Reader
Genre: Angst(?)
Words: 2k
'I remember the very first time I laid my eyes on you. I knew at that moment we were going to be at each other's throats. And as expected, we did. And it will be the favorite day that I've always cherished even if that means leaving another gush on my cheeks.'
"Don't you fucking tell me to move aside, stupid extra." You were taken aback by his lashing, laughing cynically as you clench your jaw when he sent you flying The pain resonates at your rear and it was a perfect moment that you've had a not so-nice impression on your very first day at the hero course in UA.
"Fuckin' asshole!" You launched a clear hit on his face when he turn his back on you, completely lowering his guard down. If Aizawa didn't interjects, the two of you will end up in a bone crushing fight.
We've spent so much time together, with me being a leech to you half of the time, annoying the hell out of you, pestering you to have a bad day. My day will never be complete without you screaming my name just to insult me when you fell to one of my pranks again.
"Where's that fucking shitty woman?! Y/n! I swear I'm gonna rip your head off when I found you!" Your classmates' heads snapped towards your direction, silently questioning you what you did to the feral blond. You feign innocence, giggling at the curses he was enchanting while going down the stairs. Kirishima only shakes his head muttering how unmanly it is.
"Oh? That's if you can find me, gremlin!" You shout loudly enough before you hide yourself at Kiri's back, seeing him nearing you as you giggled like a child.
"Fuckin- I'm gonna fucking kill you for real! Don't you fucking hide behing shitty hair. I'm going to blast your stupid head off."
"I- uh...didn't do anything?"
Lo and behold, the masterpiece you've had drawn on Bakugou's face. Different colors of permanent markers were painted like a doodle. You heard them gasps, mumbling how the hell he can wipe that off. Tenya looked at you in disappointment and it's enough for you to realize that you've gone too far.
Sparks were flying from his hands as he activated his quirk, really serious about impaling you. You held your arms up, waving a your white handkerchief as you surrender, lips quivering to hold the soft laughs in your mouth.
"L-look, it's only fair! You burned my uniform. I'm only doing it for revenge."
"That's because you fucking threw a bottle of ketchup on my notes, you lil piece of shit!"
"I didn't threw it, it was an accident! I fucking dropped it 'kay? It was your fault for leaving your things in the kitchen." Truth be told, you accidentally dropped the bottle...but you may or may not used the paper to wipe it off the floor.
The day ended up with you locked up in his room while helping him clean up his face. It was the class president's idea to do it so which was supported by your homeroon teacher who happens to passed by the chaos. You were quite thankful for Iida since the two of you were slowly warming up, having a truce, and rarely on each other's throats.
That was when you became his bestfriend aside from the red haired boy.
It was fate that decided that things are better off this way. After all, it was supposed to be like this. It was already destined from the start and you hate the universe for that.
It's dreading. It's hurting you. The pain is too much to bear for your vulnerable state. But there's nothing you can do about it but to wish happiness upon others.
The sound of the rain hitting the roof of the evangelical architecture followed by the roaring of thunder harmonizes with the beats of melancholy drumming inside your heart.
Clutching tightly around the bouquet of hydrangea and irises with your trembling hands, you let out a heavy sigh as you wait for the instruction of the organizer. The smooth fabric clinging perfectly to your body with the flower crown nestled on top of your head almost makes you feel perfect and pretty.
The organ that's trapped in your rib cage hammering violently against your chest as it silently screams its agony—only you who can hear it. You shut your eyes tightly while you're barely containing the bottled up emotions. No, you aren't going to break down now. You shouldn't ruin it. If anyone is going to pay attention to you, they might think that you're going crazy with all the mumbling of convincing yourself to stay put.
You, then, watch the organizer standing by the huge, oak door that was adorned by the hints of purple and pink hues, nervously glancing inside while making sure that everything goes according to the plan. Of course, everything should be running smoothly for this very special day. She gotta witness the wedding of the famous pro-hero in Japan. Of course, she gotta do her job right for this intimate occasion.
As you saw her raising her hand— a signal that it was your turn to walk down the aisle, you swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat, preparing yourself not to crumble to pieces. The ache on the left side slowly spreading all throughout your body as they opened the door.
Harsh lighting coming from the huge chandeliers blinding your eyes when you stepped inside the sacred room. All eyes were dead set on you. Familiar ones met your gaze—friends, families, and some pro-heroes. The wedding was kept from the public, not wanting any unwanted attention from the media, so the invitation was limited to their close circle.
The tune of very familiar melody hits your ears, A Thousand Years is smoothly playing in the background, echoing across the walls of the church. The pitter-patter of the precipitation against the roof mixing in, the gods' way of sending their sympathy to your forlorn heart.
Different pairs of eyes lingering at your form while the anxiousness eating your insides making you wish that you'll melt into a puddle. You never really like the attention and with the tangled wires in your brain, one wrong move is all it takes for the welling up in your eyes to burst like a dam and that's the last thing you wanted to happen.
For a moment, you blamed yourself for the hasty decision you've made. You should just have stayed home or fly across the other side of the world when you received the invitation. You should have just have Mina relayed your best wish and not attend the event. You shouldn't have trusted yourself, believing at your foolishness that you'll make through it. You shouldn't have thought it lightly.
One step and it almost makes your knees buckles and swayed slightly. The five-inch heels that the pink girl insisted did a worse part. Who knew that walking through the aisle is the most difficult thing to do...especially when you're not the bride. You don't know what face you're making of. You just wish that the faux smile plastered on your face didn't make you look pathetic and broken.
Amidst the ocean of eyes, you're eyes found him like there was some kind of magnet in it drawing yours to his infinite pools of red. Just like back in your highschool days, it was always him. It never change.
There he was, standing near the altar, clad in a tailored suit that perfectly hugged his body with his unkempt blond locks and your favorite scowl that permanently painted on his face. His vermilion eyes locked with yours, sensing the softness in it that he only unravel to you which you've painfully mistaken of him sharing the same feeling with you.
'I was the one who witness your bare soul. I was there when you've had enough of the bullshits around you, comforting you when you let out your frustrations. I've witnessed how strong you've become and the weakness you're fighting back in order to chased your dreams. Pursuing your goal to be the greatest hero who'll surpass All Might.
I told that you are already the greatest hero for me which you only replied with a roll of your eyes and a smirk.'
You saw him shift his weight to the other foot, jaw clenching, and fists balling up on his sides—his actions that you were familiar with. He's nervous.
As much as you want to shout an encouragement and assure him that everything's going well, it seems that you're the one who needs it the most for you are so close to tearing up and bawl your eyes out. It's frustrating and painful and hopeless. It's torture. But as a dear friend you are, you winked at him, then you did the archer stance, arms raising steadily with the bouquet on your right hand, shooting him your famous invisible arrow. You heard your classmate's giggles as they witnessed again your legendary 'Love Arrow Attack'
You offered him your saccharine smile when you saw how he rolled his eyes at your quirkiness. With your little gesture, you know it's enough to calm down his nerves when you saw him easing his stance while the corners of his mouth tugging a bit upwards—the rare smile that didn't fail to make your heart leapt.
You know him too well. His body. His favorites. His moodiness. His scent. His body language. You know him so much that you can write an entire whole ass book dedicated for the pro-hero. You just knew him.
'You didn't know it but I fell in your trap. Hardly. Every scrunch of your eyebrow and clicking of your tongue were memorized by my brain. Every insulting nicknames that left past your lips where automatically translated into a sweet endearment. Those moments where you shouts my name, scolding me for my clumsiness, or those little skin contact we had. I still remember all of it. It's forever etched in my mind, imprinted those once in a lifetime memories.
You continued walking, finding your balance as you slowly dragging your feet towards his direction. You remember the organizer reminding you to walk slowly and enjoy the moment. You have the urge to slap her face and scream at her that there's nothing to enjoy about. That walking at an agonizingly slow strides towards the altar where he's standing inflicts a deep pain. That you feel any emotions but the positive ones while the reality struck you hard. It is their wedding. And you can't feel anything to enjoy it.
I was greedy, selfish. I wanted everything goes according to my plan. If I want something, I make sure that it always ended up in my palms. That's how full of selfish desires I have. But...you can't just really go against fate, right? Being with you taught me things about love. They say that when people's in love, all they wish is happiness for each other.
That's why I'm here. Seeing you happy is enough for me to back down.'
As your feet trampled the purple petals sprawling across the red carpet, fat tears slowly dripping to your cheeks. It's blurrinng your vision yet you still continue to close the gap between the two of you.
Four steps, you're face to face. You hide your sobs with a chuckle as you wipe the tears that's straining your makeup.
"143 637!" You shouted but it only makes the blond wrinkled his forehead, clearly confused at your cryptic message. "What the fuck you tryna sayin'?"
You shakes your head, relief flooded your body. "Nah, just trying the sweepstakes. Easy money."
"Fuckin' sappy, shitty woman." He grumbles as you hugged him. So tight that you felt him tensed up.
One last hug.
"I-I was just so happy. Thought you'll die single." You stood beside him, facing the door that's slowly opening.
'I'll still support you. I'll always be here whenever you need me. I'll always love you even if we didn't end up together. Because I'll always be your bestfriend.'
"143 637, Katsu. I love you, always and forever." You mumbled under your breath.
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